
It is very small, but it is really helpful. It can help you keep away from viruses (病毒) . You must bring it with you very often these days. 1 is it Of course, it is a mask (口罩). To make masks fun and easy to wear, people around the world think of many interesting and special 2 .
Wear a smile
Masks cover (遮盖) our faces, 3 they can’t cover our smiles. A French company makes masks with smiles on 4 . You can still show your smile to 5 when you go out.
Eat with me
A 6 in Japan teaches people to make special masks. When eating or 7 , people can change their masks in half. Look! A napkin (餐巾纸) is on the mask. People can put a spoon into their mouth. The napkin 8 like a mask to stop viruses.
Let’s be fashionable
Fashion brands (品牌) make some beautiful masks. Look at this one. The mask is full of beautiful pictures 9 many flowers. Butterflies are flying around the flowers. Does it make you think of a beautiful garden It can make you 10 and bring you great fun.
1.A.Where B.What C.How D.Which
2.A.plans B.dreams C.sizes D.ideas
3.A.but C.and D.or
4.A.him C.them
5.A.the other B.other C.others D.another
6.A.library C.supermarket
7.A.drinking B.sleeping C.playing D.walking
8.A.finds C.shows D.enjoys
9.A.between B.with C.under D.among
10.A.happy B.bored C.boring D.sad
About two years ago, Coronavirus(新冠病毒) showed up(出现). So many great people are fighting it to protect(保护) us. One of them is Zhong Nanshan. He’s 84 years old, but he’s still fighting the virus. Thanks to them, China is getting better(情况好转). But this virus is really dangerous. We must be careful all the time. Here are some ways to protect ourselves.
Wear a face mask(口罩).
Wash your hands often.
Don’t touch your face, eyes, nose and mouth before washing your hands.
Do some exercise to keep healthy.
China is a very big and old country. Over 5, 000 years, we faced many problems. Fighting this virus is just another one of those problems. At last(最终), we will win.
11.When did the Coronavirus show up
A.About 6 months ago. B.Twelve months ago.
C.About two years ago. D.Last month.
12.What does the underlined word “touch” probably means
A.触摸 B.举起 C.击打 D.冲洗
13.What does Zhong Nanshan do according to the passage
A.A policeman. B.An artist. C.A soldier. D.A doctor.
14.How old is Zhong Nanshan
A.74. B.84. C.64. D.44.
15.How many ways to protect ourselves are mentioned(被提到) in the passage
A.Five. B.Four. C.Three. D.Two.
Taiwan was once known as “Garbage Island”. Now it is a word leader which recycles more than half of its waste in business that brings in over $2 billion a year.
In 1993, Taiwan was filled with garbage. There was almost no recycling. Two thirds of its landfills were full. Around 20% of the island’s garbage was dumped (丢弃). The rest was either buried in a landfill, or burned, leaving the island in an unpleasant and unhealthy situation.
In 1998, the government took action. Their plan affected companies that made products or brought them into Taiwan. These companies were required to take care of their own waste, or to pay the government to do it. The government used the money it collected to improve recycling in the area. Taiwan gave away as much as $6 billion a year to help recycling companies.
Ordinary people had apart, too. The government created a plan called Pay As You Throw. People were required to separate their waste into two groups-garbage, and things that are recyclable or reusable. Recycling is free, but people have to buy special blue bags to throw things away. People quickly began to recycle more.
The government also made it easy for people to deal with their waste. Yellow garbage trucks come around often. To let people know they’re coming, they play music. People can also track (追踪) the garbage trucks by using a smartphone app.
16.Recycling garbage can bring Taiwan ________ a year.
A.$1 billion B.$2 billion C.$4 billion D.$6 billion
17.In Taiwan, ________ of the garbage was buried or burned in 1993.
A.56% B.66% C.70% D.80%
18.If a company makes lots of garbage, the government will ________.
A.ask the company to leave Taiwan B.ask the company to build landfills
C.ask the company to pay for the garbage D.ask the company to sell it out
19.People can track the garbage truck by ________.
A.using blue bags B.playing music
C.using a phone app D.separating the waste
20.From the passage, we may know that ________.
A.people are smart in Taiwan B.garbage makes Taiwan rich
C.Taiwan needs more landfills D.recycling works well in Taiwan
Let’s do something in our daily life for the environment and the earth.
An English teacher has introduced a play to her class.
Characters: Benny, Jerry, Susie, Grace
Time: One Sunday afternoon.
Place: By the river near their houses.
(The four teenagers have just finished the picnic. They are tidying up.)
Benny: Wow! That was a great picnic. I’m so full that I can hardly move.
Grace: That’s no excuse for not tidying up, Benny. Come over here and help me pack(包装)up the leftover food. Jerry, please And clean up the place.
Jerry: (Speaking unhappily to himself.)How can I always get the dirty and difficult jobs It’s not fair.
(Jerry throws a bit of water on the fire. Then he picks up the ashes(灰烬)with an old newspaper and wants to throw them into the long grass.)
Susie: (Sounding surprised)What are you doing, Jerry That’s d....
Jerry: Whoop...the paper has caught fire.
Susie: And the grass…Benny, Grace, help! Help!
(Benny and Grace come over quickly. They help put out the fire completely.)
Jerry: Oh, no. Oh, no! What have I done
Grace: You know that we should do everything carefully, don’t you
Jerry: (With his head in his hands.)Yes. What have I done What have I done
21.How does Jerry feel about his jobs
A.Clean and easy. B.Dirty and difficult. C.Great and interesting. D.Helpful and careful.
22.What word do you think Susie would say in the sentence “That’s d....”
A.dirty B.difficult C.different D.dangerous
23.What are the four teenagers doing in the play
A.They are tidying up after they have had the picnic.
B.They are reading the play after their teacher has introduced it.
C.They are having a picnic together after they have put out the fire.
D.They are helping put out the fire after they have had the leftover food.
24.What caused the fire
A.The food. B.The newspaper. C.The grass. D.The river.
25.Why does Jerry put his head in his hands
A.He gets to know he made a mistake. B.He feels excited at the fire.
C.He feels angry with his friends. D.He doesn’t know what happened.
Everyone likes travelling. Travelling makes a person relaxed and get lots of knowledge, especially for teenagers. 26 You don’t need to be rich to travel, but knowing how much money you have is necessary. If you are not available, you may decide to put off your trip.
27 If you are working, check how much vacation time you have saved up. Check your calendar and decide how many days you can spend travelling.
28 Find out the right season and the right time to leave. For example, if you want to be a tourist in Hangzhou, you’d better start your trip in April or May.
29 There are many websites that you can use to search for your flights, your hotels and many other places which you can visit. You can even book (预订) everything online.
30 Think about what to take during the trip. Your ID card, your passport, your phone, your underwear, your shoes and everything you have to take. Or you will spend your money buying them again.
A.Choose when to go
B.Listen to your friend
C.Prepare enough money
D.Make detailed (详细的) preparations
E.Know how long you will be away
F.Don’t forget about your things
31 Emma feels a sharp pain inside her head and it’s difficult for her to move the head.
32 Noah feels uncomfortable because he has a body temperature of 38.3℃.
33 William complains that his movement hurts because he has physical pains which make him feel tired, weak, and sleepy.
34 Luna has a painful sense in the throat which is worse with swallowing (吞咽) or talking.
35 Jack just hates it when he is looking forward to a delicious meal after getting well from the cold and he realizes he can’t taste or smell.
A.Warm baths or showers can help let go the pains and reduce your uncomfortable feeling in the body. Also some physical pains may be improved by using heating blankets (毯子).
B.Having a mouthwash with warm salty water can help reduce a sore throat (嗓子疼) and break down the bad things the throat produces as well as honey which may help speed the recovery for sore throats.
C.If your fever is mild (less than 38.5℃), then no medical treatment is required. Simply make sure that you drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest. Taking a warm bath (around 37℃) may also help bring the body’s temperature down.
D.Cut fresh ginger (生姜) into small pieces and press them lightly. Put them in a cup of water and bring to a boil. Drink this soup 3—4 times a day to reduce your cough.
E.If you have a headache, place a cold pack on the front part of your head. Keep it on your head for 15 minutes, and then take a break for 15 minutes.
F.One of the amazing natural solutions for loss of taste and smell senses that works like magic is the apple vinegar (苹果醋). It can help to reduce the uncomfortable feeling and speed the recovery.
The Moon Festival is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the 36 (eight) month of the lunar calendar. It's a day to get together with your relatives, admire the moon, and enjoy mooncakes. Here is one way to enjoy a Chinese Moon Festival—cook for the Moon Festival.
Treat your relatives and friends with mooncakes. No Moon Festival is complete 37 mooncakes. You can buy them from a Chinese bakery or make them on your own if you have time. You will send them to relatives and friends as 38 (present), so prepare enough mooncakes!
Make mooncake biscuits for a sweet treat. Mooncake biscuits aren't as well-known as mooncakes, 39 they can still be a tasty dessert for the Moon Festival. They're cookies made from the same dough (生面团) as you use to form 40 outside of the mooncakes. You need to wait for 1-2 days 41 you can eat them.
Plan a dinner of tasty and 42 (tradition) dishes. A Moon Festival dinner 43 (offer) delicious for the whole family to enjoy. Think about how many people you 44 (invite) over and start to plan your meal. Many families also choose to eat out for the Moon Festival in order not 45 (make) a meal-it’s up to you!
46.走进艺术世界,感受艺术魅力。你校英语社团正在组织“Enjoy Art”学习交流活动。假如你是李华,请你根据以下图式,写一篇英语发言稿参加活动。
Enjoy Art
Hello, I am Li Hua. I’m happy to give you a speech on enjoying art.
That’s all for my speech. Thanks for2024级理慧高中英语学科参考答案
43.offers 44.will invite make
Enjoy Art
Hello,I am Li Hua.I'm happy to give you a speech on enjoying art.
Art is especially important in our lives.There are different forms of art in the world,such as
film,painting,dance,music and so on.
My favourite art form is painting.I can feel the beauty when I'm painting.I can also learn a
lot about different cultures around the world.I think painting is without boundaries,because it can
make us know about the styles not only in China but also in other countries.
We need art in our lives!I hope everybody can experience the value of art.
That's all for my speech.Thanks for listening!



