Unit 2 More Than Fun单词词组句型默写(+)- 新外研2024版七上

rock music 摇滚乐
as [ z , z] prep 像.如同
electric [ lektr k] adj .用电的;电动的
guitar [ɡ tɑ (r)] n 吉他
band [b nd] n.乐队.乐团
online [ n la n] adv.在网上
fun [f n] n. 乐趣
moment [ m m nt] n .某一时刻
sound [sa nd] n.声音
different [ d fr nt] adj 不同的.
suddenly [ s d nli] adv.突然,
hit [h t] v.使(某人)突然意识到
check [t ek] v.检查,核查
rush [r ] v.冲,奔
festival [ fest vl] n.节,节庆
practice [ pr kt s] n.练习
stage [ste d ] n.舞台
nod [n d] v.点头
everybody [ evrib di] pron.每个人feeling [ fi l ] n.感觉
understand [ nd st nd] v.懂得,
directly [d rektli] adv.直接地
describe [d skra b] v.描述,形容,action [ k n] n.行为,行动
group [ɡru p] n.组,团体,群体
member [ memb (r)] n.成员、会员
skate [ske t] v滑冰,溜冰
volleyball [ v lib l] n.排球(运动)
photography [f t ɡr fi] n 摄影
form [f m] n.形式
correct [k rekt] adj.正确的,无误的
tradition [tr d n] n.传统
interest [ ntr st] n.兴趣
lover [ l v (r)] n.爱好者
prize [pra z] n. 奖品.奖金,奖赏
competition [ k mp t n] n.竞争
programme [ pr ɡr m] n.节目
paper-cutting 剪纸
only [ nli] adv.只有.仅仅
few [fju ] deter.一些.几个
same [se m] adj.相同的,同一个的
social [ s l] adj.社会的,
media [ mi di ] n.新闻媒体,传媒
social media 社交媒体
chance [t ɑ ns] n.机会,可能性
partner [ pɑ tn (r)] n.搭档,伙伴
note [n t] n.笔记,记录
example [ ɡ zɑ mpl] n.例子,例证
knowledge [ n l d ] n .知识;学问
nature [ ne t (r)] n.大自然,自然界
report [r p t] n. 新闻报道
awake [ we k] adj.醒着的
midnight [ m dna t] n.午夜
appear [ p (r)] v.突然出现,呈现
heart [hɑ t] n.心(脏)
almost [ lm st] adv.几乎、差不多
tap [t p] v.轻拍,轻叩,轻敲
shake [ e k] v.摇动
bit [b t] adv.有点儿,稍微
lonely [ l nli] adj.孤单的
magic [ m d k] adj.有魔力的,神奇的
joy [d ] n.欢欣,愉快,喜悦
adventure [ d vent (r)] n.历险,奇远
notebook [ n tb k] n.笔记本
shelf [ elf] n.隔板,架子
leave [li v] v.离开
page [pe d ] n.页,面
nervously ['n :v sl ] adv.神经紧张地;焦虑不安地
writing [ ra t ] n.文字
ending [ end ] n.结局、结尾
love→ lover (n. )
2. sudden → suddenly (adv. )
3. practice → practise (v. )
4. direct → directly (adv. )
5. feel → feeling (n. )
6. everybody → everyone (同义词)
7. compete →competition (n. )
8. tradition → traditional (adj. )
9. interest →interesting (adj. ,形容物) → interested (adj. ,形容人)
10.care→careful (adj. )→carefully (adv. )
11. shelf → shelves (复数)
12. nervous → nervously (adv. )
1.rock music 摇滚乐
2. plant flowers 种花
3. ride a bike 骑自行车
4. play the violin拉小提琴
5. so much 如此多的(+不可数名词)
6. at this moment在此时
7. cut in插入
8. a kind of 一种
9. decide to do sth. 决定做某事
10. take part in 参加
11. on the stage在舞台上
12. fire up 启动(设备);发动(机器)
13.have great fun 玩得很开心
14. social media 社交媒体
15. have (much) interest in
16. first prize 一等奖
17. know about 了解
18. not…until… 不到……不……;直到……才……
19. from then on 从那时起
20.a few一些
21.hundreds of 成百上千的,
22. fly into 飞进
23. try to do sth. 尽力做某事
24. hold up举起
25. take off 起飞
26. be awake 醒着
27. at midnight 在午夜
28. a bit 有点儿
29. look around 环顾四周
1. Rock music is coming out of my computer.
2. Right at this moment, the sound of Grandpa's erhu cuts in.
3. Why don't we put our music together
4. There is an art festival every autumn in my school.
5. I decide to take part in it with Grandpa this year.
6. For a long time, young people didn't have much interest in traditional arts.
7. Li Bo won first prize in a Beijing opera competition.
8. I didn't know much about Beijing opera until there was a TV programme about Beijing opera for children.
9. There were only a few young paper cutters before. Now, there are hundreds of us with the same hobby!
10. Oliver's heart almost stopped. He walked over and tapped on the door.
11. Emma shook her head and stopped writing.
12. She felt a bit lonely.
13. She wanted to make friends and share the joy of writing.
14. How about starting a writing group?
rock music 摇滚乐 stage [ste d ] n.舞台
as [ z , z] prep 像.如同 nod [n d] v.点头
electric [ lektr k] adj .用电的;电动的 everybody [ evrib di] pron.每个人
guitar [ɡ tɑ (r)] n 吉他 feeling [ fi l ] n.感觉
band [b nd] n.乐队.乐团 understand [ nd st nd] v.懂得,
online [ n la n] adv.在网上 理解,明白
fun [f n] n. 乐趣 directly [d rektli] adv.直接地
moment [ m m nt] n .某一时刻 describe [d skra b] v.描述,形容,
sound [sa nd] n.声音 action [ k n] n.行为,行动
different [ d fr nt] adj 不同的. group [ɡru p] n.组,团体,群体
不一样的 member [ memb (r)] n.成员、会员
suddenly [ s d nli] adv.突然, skate [ske t] v 滑冰,溜冰
突如其来地 volleyball [ v lib l] n.排球(运动)
hit [h t] v.使(某人)突然意识到 photography [f t ɡr fi] n 摄影
check [t ek] v.检查,核查 form [f m] n.形式
rush [r ] v.冲,奔 correct [k rekt] adj.正确的,无误的
festival [ fest vl] n.节,节庆 tradition [tr d n] n.传统
practice [ pr kt s] n.练习 interest [ ntr st] n.兴趣
lover [ l v (r)] n.爱好者 midnight [ m dna t] n.午夜
prize [pra z] n. 奖品.奖金,奖赏 appear [ p (r)] v.突然出现,呈现
competition [ k mp t n] n.竞争 heart [hɑ t] n.心(脏)
programme [ pr ɡr m] n.节目 almost [ lm st] adv.几乎、差不多
paper-cutting 剪纸 tap [t p] v.轻拍,轻叩,轻敲
only [ nli] adv.只有.仅仅 shake [ e k] v.摇动
few [fju ] deter.一些.几个 bit [b t] adv.有点儿,稍微
same [se m] adj.相同的,同一个的 lonely [ l nli] adj.孤单的
social [ s l] adj.社会的, magic [ m d k] adj.有魔力的,神奇的
有关社会的 joy [d ] n.欢欣,愉快,喜悦
media [ mi di ] n.新闻媒体,传媒 adventure [ d vent (r)] n.历险,奇远
social media 社交媒体 notebook [ n tb k] n.笔记本
chance [t ɑ ns] n.机会,可能性 shelf [ elf] n.隔板,架子
partner [ pɑ tn (r)] n.搭档,伙伴 leave [li v] v.离开
note [n t] n.笔记,记录 page [pe d ] n.页,面
example [ ɡ zɑ mpl] n.例子,例证 nervously ['n :v sl ] adv.神经紧张地;
knowledge [ n l d ] n .知识;学问 焦虑不安地
nature [ ne t (r)] n.大自然,自然界 writing [ ra t ] n.文字
report [r p t] n. 新闻报道 ending [ end ] n.结局、结尾
awake [ we k] adj.醒着的 (故事、电影、活动等的)
1. love→ lover (n. )
2. sudden → suddenly (adv. )
3. practice → practise (v. )
4. direct → directly (adv. )
5. feel → feeling (n. )
6. everybody → everyone (同义词)
7. compete →competition (n. )
8. tradition → traditional (adj. )
9. interest →interesting (adj. ,形容物) → interested (adj. ,形容人)
10.care→careful (adj. )→carefully (adv. )
11. shelf → shelves (复数)
12. nervous → nervously (adv. )
1.rock music 摇滚乐 对……有(很大)兴趣
2. plant flowers 种花 16. first prize 一等奖
3. ride a bike 骑自行车 17. know about 了解
4. play the violin拉小提琴 18. not…until… 不到……不……;
5. so much 如此多的(+不可数名词) 直到……才……
6. at this moment在此时 19. from then on 从那时起
7. cut in插入 20.a few一些
8. a kind of 一种 21.hundreds of 成百上千的,
9. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 数以百计的
10. take part in 参加 22. fly into 飞进
11. on the stage在舞台上 23. try to do sth. 尽力做某事
12. fire up 启动(设备);发动(机器) 24. hold up举起
13.have great fun 玩得很开心 25. take off 起飞
14. social media 社交媒体 26. be awake 醒着
15. have (much) interest in 27. at midnight 在午夜
28. a bit 有点儿 29. look around 环顾四周
1. Rock music is coming out of my computer.
2. Right at this moment, the sound of Grandpa's erhu cuts in.
3.Why don't we put our music together
4. There is an art festival every autumn in my school.
5. I decide to take part in it with Grandpa this year.
6. For a long time, young people didn't have much interest in traditional arts.
7. Li Bo won first prize in a Beijing opera competition.
8. I didn't know much about Beijing opera until there was a TV programme
about Beijing opera for children.
9. There were only a few young paper-cutters before. Now, there are hundreds of
us with the same hobby!
10. Oliver's heart almost stopped. He walked over and tapped on the door.
11. Emma shook her head and stopped writing.
12. She felt a bit lonely.
13. She wanted to make friends and share the joy of writing.
14. How about starting a writing group?
______________ prep.像,如同
______________v 冲,弃
______________ n.节,节庆
______________ n.乐器
______________ n.摄影
______________adv 只有,仅仅
______________ n.机会,可能性
______________ n.搭档,伙伴
______________ n.例子,例证
______________ n.知识;学问;认识
______________ n.新闻报道
______________ n.午夜
______________ v.(尤指突然)出现,呈现
______________adv 几乎,差不多
______________ v.摇动
______________ n.历险,奇遇
______________ n.笔记本
______________ n.隔板,架子
______________ v.离开
______________ adv.神经紧张地;
______________ n.页,面
______________ n.文字
______________ n.结局,结尾
love→ ____________ (n. )
2. sudden → ____________ (adv. )
3. practice → ____________ (v. )
4. direct → ____________ (adv. )
5. feel → ____________(n. )
6. everybody → ____________(同义词)
7. compete → ____________ (n. )
8. tradition → ____________ (adj. )
9. interest → ____________ (adj. ,形容物) → ____________ (adj. ,形容人)
10.care→________ (adj. )→________(adv. )
11. shelf → ____________ (复数)
12. nervous → ____________ (adv. )
________________________ 摇滚乐
2. ________________________ 种花
3. ________________________骑自行车
4. ________________________拉小提琴
5. ________________________如此多的(+不可数名词)
6. ________________________在此时
7. ________________________插入
8. ________________________ 一种
9. ________________________决定做某事
10. ________________________ 参加
11. ________________________在舞台上
12. ________________________ 启动(设备);发动(机器)
13. ________________________ 玩得很开心
14. ________________________ 社交媒体,社会化媒体
15. ________________________ 对……有(很大)兴趣
16. ________________________ 一等奖
17. ________________________ 了解
18. _________________________ 不到……不……;直到……才……
19. ________________________ 从那时起
20. ________________________一些
21. ________________________ 成百上千的,数以百计的
22. ________________________ 飞进
23. ________________________ 尽力做某事
24. ________________________ 举起
25. ________________________ 起飞
26. ________________________ 醒着
27. ________________________ 在午夜
28. ________________________ 有点儿
29. ________________________ 环顾四周
1. Rock music is________ ________ ________ my computer.
2. Right ________ ________ ________, the sound of Grandpa's erhu ________ ________.
3. ________ ________ ________ put our music together
4. There is an ________ ________ every autumn in my school.
5. I decide to ________ ________ ________ it with Grandpa this year.
6. For a long time, young people didn't ________ much ________ ________ traditional arts.
7. Li Bo ________ ________ ________ in a Beijing opera competition.
8. I ________ know much about Beijing opera ________ there was a TV programme about Beijing opera for children.
9. There were only ________ ________ young paper cutters before. Now, there are ________________ us with the same hobby!
10. Oliver's heart almost stopped. He ________ ________ and ________ ________ the door.
11. Emma shook her head and ________ ________.
12. She felt ________ ________ ________.
13. She wanted to make friends and share the ________ ________ ________.
14. How about ________ ________ ________ ________?
_____________摇滚乐 ______________ n.乐器
______________ prep.像,如同 ______________pron.每个人,人
______________adj.用电的;电动的 ______________v.懂得,理解明白
______________n.吉他 ______________n.感觉
______________n.乐队,乐团 ______________adv.直接地
______________adv.在网上 ______________v.描述,形容,描写
______________n.乐趣 ______________n.行为,行动
______________n.某一时刻 ______________n.组,团体,群体
______________n.声音 ______________n.成员,会员
______________adj.不同的,不一样的 ______________v.滑冰,留冰
______________adv.突然,突如其来地 ______________n.排球(运动)
______________v.使(某人)突然意识到 ______________ n.摄影
______________v.检查,核查 ______________adj.正确的,无误的
______________v 冲,弃 ______________n.形式
______________ n.节,节庆 ______________n.传统
______________n.练习 ______________n.兴趣
______________n.舞台 ______________n.爱好者
______________v.点头 ______________n.奖品,奖金,奖赏
______________n.竞争 ______________ v.(尤指突然)出现,呈现
______________n.(电视或广播的)节目 ______________n.心(脏)
______________剪纸 ______________adv 几乎,差不多
______________adv 只有,仅仅 ______________v.轻拍,轻叩,轻敲
______________deter.一些,几个 ______________ v.摇动
______________adj.相同的,同一个的 ______________adv.有点儿,稍微
______________adj.社会的,有关社会的 ______________adj.孤单的,孤寂的
______________n.新闻媒体,传媒 ______________adj.有魔力的,神奇的
______________社交媒体,社会化媒体 ______________n.欢欣,愉快,喜悦
______________ n.机会,可能性 ______________ n.历险,奇遇
______________ n.搭档,伙伴 ______________ n.笔记本
______________n.笔记,记录 ______________ n.隔板,架子
______________ n.例子,例证 ______________ v.离开
______________ n.知识;学问;认识 ______________ adv.神经紧张地;
______________adj.野生的 焦虑不安地
______________n.大自然,自然界 ______________ n.页,面
______________ n.新闻报道 ______________ n.文字
______________adj.醒着的 ______________ n.结局,结尾
______________ n.午夜
1. love→ ____________ (n. )
2. sudden → ____________ (adv. )
3. practice → ____________ (v. )
4. direct → ____________ (adv. )
5. feel → ____________(n. )
6. everybody → ____________(同义词)
7. compete → ____________ (n. )
8. tradition → ____________ (adj. )
9. interest → ____________ (adj. ,形容物) → ____________ (adj. ,形容人)
10.care→________ (adj. )→________(adv. )
11. shelf → ____________ (复数)
12. nervous → ____________ (adv. )
1. ________________________ 摇滚乐
2. ________________________ 种花
3. ________________________骑自行车
4. ________________________拉小提琴
5. ________________________如此多的(+不可数名词)
6. ________________________在此时
7. ________________________插入
8. ________________________ 一种
9. ________________________决定做某事
10. ________________________ 参加
11. ________________________在舞台上
12. ________________________ 启动(设备);发动(机器)
13. ________________________ 玩得很开心
14. ________________________ 社交媒体,社会化媒体
15. ________________________ 对……有(很大)兴趣
16. ________________________ 一等奖
17. ________________________ 了解
18. _________________________ 不到……不……;直到……才……
19. ________________________ 从那时起
20. ________________________一些
21. ________________________ 成百上千的,数以百计的
22. ________________________ 飞进
23. ________________________ 尽力做某事
24. ________________________ 举起
25. ________________________ 起飞
26. ________________________ 醒着
27. ________________________ 在午夜
28. ________________________ 有点儿
29. ________________________ 环顾四周
1. Rock music is________ ________ ________ my computer.
2. Right ________ ________ ________, the sound of Grandpa's erhu ________
3. ________ ________ ________ put our music together
4. There is an ________ ________ every autumn in my school.
5. I decide to ________ ________ ________ it with Grandpa this year.
6. For a long time, young people didn't ________ much ________ ________
traditional arts.
7. Li Bo ________ ________ ________ in a Beijing opera competition.
8. I ________ know much about Beijing opera ________ there was a TV programme
about Beijing opera for children.
9. There were only ________ ________ young paper cutters before. Now, there are
________________ us with the same hobby!
10. Oliver's heart almost stopped. He ________ ________ and ________ ________
the door.
11. Emma shook her head and ________ ________.
12. She felt ________ ________ ________.
13. She wanted to make friends and share the ________ ________ ________.
14. How about ________ ________ ________ ________?




下一篇:第三章 相互作用(3课时)——2024-2025高中物理鲁科版(2019)必修第一册同步课时作业