2023-2024冀教版(三起) 英语六年级下册期末测试卷(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)

英语 ·六年级下册
时间:90分钟 满分:100分.
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分
( )1. A. bought B. taught C. thought
( )2. A. football B. basketball C. ping-pong
( )3. A. players B. play C. plays
( )4. A. watch B. catch C. teach
( )5. A. hand B. head C. heavy
( )6. A. house B. month C. mouth
( )7. A. game B. team C. gym
( )8. A. flower B. food C. floor
( )9. A. gift B. photo C. time
( )10. A. week B. sick C. work
( )1. What does the boy want to buy
A. Runners. B. Shorts. C. A T-shirt.
( )2. What did Xiao Peng do yesterday afternoon
A. He swam in the river.
B. He played on the ground.
C. He played in the gym.
( )3. How often does Jack walk to school
A. Twice a week. B. One a week. C. Three times a week.
( )4. What season is it
A. Summer. B. Spring. C. Winter.
( )5. When will Xiao Hua get up this Sunday
A. At 9:00. B. At 10:00. C. At 8:00.
1. In winter, it's and snowy.
2. In , the weather is warm.
3. I will do homework.
4. I clean my room.
5. I do exercise day.
6. I clean my bedroom for thirty minutes.
7. is exercise.
8. Danny brushes his teeth after dinner.
9. We some hot dogs and juice.
10. I'm going to buy those .
( )1. A. beach B. shop C. sea D. like
( )2. A. green B. warm C. cool D. hot
( )3. A. taught B. light C. thought D. went
( )4. A. team B. T-shirts C. shorts D. runners
( )5. A. snowy B. spring C. winter D. autumn
1. What can you see in the different ( season)
2. Trees have green ( leaf).
3. I ( listen) to the radio tomorrow.
4. Jenny ( swim) in the lake last summer.
5. There are many ( flower) on the grass.
6. It's cold and ( snow).
7. Sometimes I fly ( kite).
8. Summer is ( come).
9. It's rainy. We ( will) go to the zoo today.
10. Last winter,I ( go) to Harbin.
( )1.— Hello! Who is that speaking — is Mrs Green.
A. This B. He C. She
( )2. Everyone very tired.
A. are B. be C. is
( )3. they fun in Shanghai last week
A. Did; have B. did; have C. Do; have
( )4. You hit the ping- pong ball this paddle.
A. in B. with C. and
( )5. I will on the beach.
A. playing B. play C. to play
( )6. It is a car.
A. Canada B. China C. Chinese
( )7.— How do you eat donuts
— Usually twice a day.
A. many B. often C. much
( )8. Tonight I am going to more sports on TV.
A. see B. watch C. look at
( )9. This afternoon Jenny invited Danny swimming.
A. to go B. going C. to going
( )10. Last Sunday, Lily to a lake and in it.
A. go; swim B. going; swim C. went; swam
1. Do you help your family A. My parents.
2. Who will you go to the farm with B. Yes,I water the flowers.
3. What did you do last summer C. I wash the dishes.
4. What do you do after dinner D. Five times a week.
5. How often do you eat fruit E. I learned to play ping-pong.
A: Hello! 1.
B: Hi, Lingling! This is Sam speaking.2.
A: Sure! 3.
B: Tomorrow, It is a surprise for Amy!
A: Okay.4.
B: At 3:30. Don't be late! We want to surprise Amy!
A: Okay,I will come before 3:30. Then I will be early!
B: Great! See you tomorrow!
Danny goes to school from Monday to Friday. He wakes up at 6:00 in the morning. He likes to run in the morning. Then he washes his hands and face. At 7:00, he has breakfast. He likes to eat soup for breakfast. After breakfast, he brushes his teeth and combs his hair. He goes to school on foot because his home is near the school.
( )1. Danny goes to school five times a week.
( )2. He wakes up at 6:00 in the morning.
( )3. He doesn't like to eat soup for breakfast.
( )4. Danny goes to school on foot.
( )5. After breakfast, he never brushes his teeth.
十、书面表达。 (10分)
你的生日是什么时候 去年你和谁一起过的生日 你们玩得开心吗 快来和大家一起分享吧。60个单词左右。
一、1. bought 2. basketball 3. plays 4. watch 5. head
6. mouth 7. game 8. flower 9. photo 10. week
二、1.— What does the boy want to buy
— He wants to buy some runners.
2.— What did Xiao Peng do yesterday afternoon
— He played in the gym.
3.— How often does Jack walk to school
— Three times a week.
4.— What season is it
— It's summer.
5.— When will Xiao Hua get up this Sunday
— Xiao Hua will get up at 8:00 this Sunday.
三、1. In winter, it's cold and snowy.
2. In spring, the weather is warm.
3. I will do my homework.
4. I will clean my room.
5. I do exercise every day.
6. I clean my bedroom for about thirty minutes.
7. Running is exercise.
8. Danny always brushes his teeth after dinner.
9. We bought some hot dogs and juice.
10. I'm going to buy those runners.
一、1-5 ABCAB 6--10 CAABA
三、1. cold 2. spring 3. my 4. will 5. every6. about 7. Running
8. always 9. bought10. runners
五、1. seasons 2. leaves 3. will listen 4. swam5.flowers 6.snowy 7.kites
8.coming 9.won't 10. went
六、1-5 ACABB 6--10 CBBAC
Hello! My name is Bob. I had a birthday party in my house last
September 15th. I invited many friends to come to my home. My mother
bought a birthday cake for me. Before we ate it, we sang a birthday
song. Then we had a big dinner. We took many pictures to remember the
day. We were very happy that day.



