外研版英语九年级上册Module 5 Museums练习(无答案)

Module 5 Museums
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听力部分 (20分)
( )1. How did they go to the Science Museum last Monday
A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By bike.
( )2. What did the girl like best in the museum
A. An old clock. B. An old bowl. C. An old telephone.
( )3. What's the lady doing
A. Helping the man. B. Asking the way. C. Making a telephone call.
( )4. Where are they now
A. In the lake. B. On the rope. C. Near the lake.
( )5. Where will the speakers probably go tomorrow
A. To a park. B. To a cinema. C. To a museum.
听下面一段对话,回答 6—7小题。
( )6. Why does the girl want to go to the museum
A. There are many ancient coins on show.
B. There are many model rockets on show.
C. There are many famous paintings on show.
( )7. What is the boy going to do
A. Do his homework. B. Go to see a doctor. C. Look after his sister.
( )8. When was the museum open to the public
A. Last Wednesday. B. Last Thursday. C. Last Friday.
( )9. Which movie did Mona watch
A. Sky Dog. B. Paper Airplane. C. Golden Monkey.
( )10. What can the robots in the museum do
A. Play football. B. Do housework. C. Talk with people.
笔试部分 (100分)
Last Wednesday, Mr. Chen took his class to the Space Museum. There 11 many things about space there. First, the children saw a film about space travel. They saw 12 the space shuttle(航天飞机) 13 in space and later landed on earth 14 . It was very 15 and the children felt they were travelling in space 16 !
After the film, Mr. Chen took 17 to see some models of rockets 18 the space shuttle. The models looked very 19 , but they were much 20 . Then the children saw some moon rocks(岩石). Two 21 landed on the moon in 1969. They put an American flag there. Then they 22 some rocks back to the 23 .
24 the children left, they also watched a video show about people 25 and working in a space lab. The people could stay in the space lab for months.
( )11. A. is B. be C. was D. were
( )12. A. how B. what C. when D. which
( )13. A. took in B. took to C. took off D. took away
( )14. A. too B. already C. again D. also
( )15. A. excited B. exciting C. bored D. boring
( )16. A. itself B. ourselves C. oneself D. themselves
( )17. A. their B. them C. they D. theirs
( )18. A. or B. but C. and D. then
( )19. A. real B. bad C. crazy D. funny
( )20. A. small B. smaller C. big D. bigger
( )21. A. Americans B. Englishmen C. Australians D. China
( )22. A. stole B. borrowed C. asked D. took
( )23. A. moon B. star C. earth D. sun
( )24. A. After B. Before C. As soon as D. Until
( )25. A. live B. lives C. lived D. living
( )26. Where will you have classes if you like playing basketball
A. At Cliff College. B. At Golden Finger Club.
C. At Whitehawk School D. At Haved School.
( )27. The underlined word“ Fee” in the ad is about“ ”.
A. the money B. the teacher C. the address D. the school
( )28. How much will they pay if Daming and his deskmate take part in“ Speak Good English”
$15. B. $30. C. $45. D. $60.
Welcome to the Art Museum!
You' ve just stepped into one of the world's greatest collections of art, covering centuries of human creativity from around the world. With thousands of works on show, you may wonder how to start your visit, but we are here to help. On the back of this Visitor Guide, you' ll find directions to some must- see works in our collection— the“ don’t miss” list for the Art Museum. It’s a great choice to start if you are new to the museum.
The following pages include a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections. But because we have several buildings, the overlook(鸟瞰图) below might be helpful. Enjoy your visit and feel free to ask for help and directions at any point during your stay.
( )29. What can we see in the“ don’t miss” list for the Art Museum
A. Some free paintings.
B. Some must- see works.
C. Some new collections.
D. Some museum buildings.
( )30. How many parts does the overlook of the museum include
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.
( )31. Which part of the museum shows Chinese art
A. The“ Bridge”. B. Rice Building.
C. The Modern Wing. D. Mckinlock Court.
( )32. Where can we see the special artworks
A. On all floors of Rice Building.
B. On the second floor of Rice Building.
C. On the first floor of Michigan Avenue Building.
D. On the lower floor of Michigan Avenue Building.
Welcome to the Museum of Failure. Maybe you haven't heard about some of the things there. That's because they are all a“ failure”. On 7th June 2017, the Museum of Failure opened in a town in Sweden. There are more than 60 failed products from all over the world on show at the museum.
Dr. Samuel West set up the museum. It provides visitors with a learning experience about the important role of failure. Rather than laughing at bad designs, West hopes that his museum can help us learn from our mistakes.“ When we try out a new skill or learn something, it's okay to fail,” he says.
The museum also encourages companies to become better at learning from failure. One of the failed products on show is Apple Newton. It offers an example of how companies can turn failure into success. Created in 1993, Apple Newton failed to satisfy customers. Steve Jobs stopped producing it in 1998. Twelve years later, the company produced the successful iPad.
“ By stopping it, good engineers could work on new products,” Jobs later said.“ And finally we got it right when we moved on to iPhones and the iPad.”
Getting all the products wasn't easy for Dr. Samuel West. Many of them were bought on eBay and all of them were different from one another. West said,“ All successful innovations(创新) are alike, but all failed innovations fail in their own interesting and amazing way.”
So what's West's greatest failure
“I'm really good at producing ideas and fun, interesting projects,” he said.“ But they all failed because I don't find a way to make money from them.”
Now West became successful by setting up a museum that can travel around the world. He and his museum will then visit Los Angeles, New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and so on. Many companies have booked large group visits.
( )33. We can know from the passage that the Museum of Failure .
A. failed to open at last B. was set up by a Frenchman
C. first opened in Sweden D. made over 60 failed products
( )34. What is the main idea of the second paragraph
A. The man who set up the museum.
B. The purpose why the museum was set up.
C. The activities that are held in the museum.
D. The rules which should be followed in the museum.
( )35. Dr. West gave the example of“ Apple Newton” in order to tell .
A. failure is always a bad thing
B. failure is dangerous to people
C. it’s possible to turn failure into success
D. anyone has to experience success and failure
( )36. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Many companies will set up such museums.
B. It was difficult for West to set up the Museum of Failure.
C. The Museum of Failure is very popular all over the world.
D. West became successful because of many museums all over the world.
Beijing’s Forbidden City is a place full of wonders. From its thousands of rooms to its many different beautiful things, there's no wonder it's one of China's most popular places for tourists. Since it was built during the Ming Dynasty, it's said that the Forbidden City has survived more than 200 earthquakes.
Recently, a television programme by UK broadcaster Channel 4 has studied the skills of the ancient building's designers. A group of Chinese engineers were shown building a model of one of the Forbidden City’s palaces, at one fifth of the size. To show how strong ancient Chinese architecture really is, the model was put to a test. In the test, they simulated(模拟) an earthquake of 9.5 on the Richter scale. Instead of falling apart, the model was just moved gently during the test.
According to experts, the answer to the Forbidden City's strength, as well as other ancient Chinese structures, lies in dougong—a centuries- old building method invented in China. This is the name for special brackets(构件) on buildings. Despite being held together without any nails or glue, the brackets are perfect at keeping structures together when the weather gets terrible.
“ Dougong design is an important earthquake- resistant(抗震的) feature of classical Chinese structures because the shape will be changed under pressure, much like the shock absorbers(减震器) of a car,” according to the Chinese National Geography.“ Ancient Chinese people created structures that were both strong and good- looking by using dougong, showing their advanced understanding of mathematics, architecture, materials, and structural science.”
The Forbidden City draws visitors because of its rich history and culture, but perhaps it should add one more thing to its list of attractions: earthquake shelter.
( )37. This passage is mainly about .
A. a very popular place for tourists to visit
B. the skills of the ancient building's designers
C. a special building method in ancient Chinese buildings
D. the designs of Chinese architecture during the Ming Dynasty
( )38. The aim of the test in the UK program was to .
A. save people from a real earthquake
B. explain the size of the Forbidden City
C. introduce an ancient Chinese building method
D. show the strength of the palaces in Forbidden City
( )39. According to the passage,“ dougong” is .
A. a paint that gives Chinese buildings an attractive look
B. a tool used by ancient people to measure earthquakes
C. special building parts that keep a traditional Chinese building together
D. a kind of building design in the center of a traditional Chinese house
( )40. This passage most probably comes from the part in a magazine.
A. education B. history C. travel D. science
41. Scientists are trying to save to protect the environment.
42. They deeper and deeper in the hole but they still found nothing in it.
43. I don’t think it’s a good idea to do on animals.
44. Please pick up the on the floor.
45. Tom's father Tom for not telling the truth.
My parents gave me a very special present for my fourteenth birthday— they took me to the Science and Technology Museum. I got up early, went 46. (往楼下) and had a light breakfast with my parents. Then we drove to the museum.
In most museums, there is no talking or touching. There are also other signs, such as“ No 47. (进入权)” and“ Don't cross that rope” in the hall. If we do something that is 48. (违反) the rules, we will be in trouble. However, I found the Science and Technology Museum quite different when I49. (比较) it with other museums. We can talk about what we see, and we can even do some experiments or 50. (操作) the machines ourselves.
We spent a 51. (整个的) day in the Science and Technology Museum. My mother was amazed to learn how the maglev train(磁悬浮列车) could move so fast without 52. (轮子). My father was interested in how X- rays let us see inside our body, while I learnt how to dig 53. (煤). There we also learnt something about 54. (通信), maths and chemistry.
The Science and Technology Museum is quite an interesting place and the55. (展览) is really good. No wonder it's always full of visitors.
For visitors, the museum is one of the 56. ( popular) places to visit, maybe because most museums are free 57. ( enter). However, several studies have shown that most people spend less than 30 seconds looking at one work of art while they 58. ( visit) a museum. And in that short period of time, they have one more important thing to do— take selfies (自拍)!59. they will feel like they get nothing interesting.
Today, over 170 museums around the world are trying to change the situation by celebrating Slow Art Day in April. They encourage people 60. all ages to visit museums and appreciate(欣赏) art more 61. ( deep). Their visitors are asked to spend at least 5—10 minutes looking at just one work of art. Some of the museum s also offer their visitors 62. chance to talk about the artworks. This way, visitors can get a better understanding of the artist's ideas and learn about 63. the artist went through to create the work.
Phil Terry 64. ( start) Slow Art Day. He said,“ By slowing down, it helps you to see art in a new way. It will blow your mind!”
So, don't hurry if you are in a museum full of great 65. ( work) of art. Just take your time and pay more attention to them.
66. Don't touch. 67. No entry.
68. No photos. 69. No swimming.
70. No crossing.
Name China National Tea Museum
Time when it opened 1991( the first kind in China)
Opening time From Tuesday to Sunday
Ticket Free
Area About 45,000 m
Details Groups of buildings: Building 1: 5 halls( culture and history of tea) Building 2: different kinds of tea for tourists to taste Building 3: fantastic tea art performances



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