Module 5 Unit 2 It descibes the changes in Chinese society练习(无答案)外研版八年级上册

Don't forget ________ the letter to your best friend. A. to send B. send C. sending D. sent
2.—Please stay with me this weekend. —I’m sorry,but my father and I planned ________ Beijing a long time ago.
A.visit B.visiting visit D.visited
3.I will give a T-shirt ________ my brother as a birthday present. B.for C. to D. from
4.On my way home, I stopped ________ some food to buy C. buying D. bought
5.John was made ________ the car for a week as a punishment(惩罚). wash B.washing C. wash D. to be washing
6. The teacher asked us ______ too much noise. A.don't make B.not make C. not making D. not to make
7. The first thing I want to do is________. A.visit him visit him C. visiting him D. visited him
8. I'm afraid they would not allow him _______here. smoke B.smoking C. smokes D. smoke
9. Li Yang advised me ________ too much. It’s bad for my health.
A. not to drink drink C. not drinking D. drinking
10. Tom’s parents decided_____ him to study abroad. A.send send C. sending D. sent
11. Mary _______ to help me with my English yesterday. A. advised B. kept C. suggested D. offered
12. There is ________ in today’s newspaper. I don’t like to read it.
A. nothing new B. anything new C. new something D. new nothing
13. Remember ___ all the lights before you sleep. A. to turn on B. turning on C. to turn off D. turning off
14. It’s a good idea ______ the poor children in the countryside. A. helps B. helping C. to help D. helped
15. It took me one hour ______ the book. A. find B. to find C. finding D. finds
16. The little girl met a new word when reading. She stopped ______ in the dictionary.
A. to look up it B. to look it up C. looking it up D. looking up it
17. He practises ______ volleyball after school every day. A. play B. to play C. playing D. plays
18. Lao She’s Teahouse ________ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years.
A. causes B. describes C. suggests D. prepares
19. The moonlight goes ______ the window and makes the room bright. A. across B. through C. over D. in
20. Lao She is a great writer. He is ________ famous for his play Teahouse.
A. actually B, especially C. nearly D. usually
21.When the president got to South Africa,the people there gave him a warm_________.
A.visit B.welcome C.conversation D.voice
22.They are ________in the opera company. A.actors B.singers C.players D.listeners
23.Shall we go to Lao She Teahouse ______ the Beijing Opera enjoy B.enjoy C.enjoyed D.enjoys
24.They ___________a job to Jim. He liked it a lot. A.offered B.showed C.asked D.allowed
25.I am so interested in space.I hope ______the moon some day. A. walk B.walked C.walking walk
26.下列单词画线部分发音与其他三项不同的是A.act C.magic D.actress
27.With the development of the __________, people will live a better life.
A.society C.information D.population
28.The novel _______ the life of the common people in the city. A.reads B.writes C.talks D.describes
29. ____ you like the Beijing Opera,you can enjoy it at Lao She Teahouse. A. When B. But C. If D. Because
5.For most students, it is ________ to forget new words when they learn vocabulary.
A.enjoyable B.special C.quick D.common
1.I hope I can get higher marks next time.=I hope ________ ________ higher marks next time.
2.He makes a plan to do some sightseeing next week. =He________ ________ do some sightseeing next week.
3.You must bring me your homework tomorrow.=You must ______ your homework ______ me tomorrow.
4.Please cook me something to eat. I'm hungry.=Please________something________ me to eat. I'm hungry.
5.She taught some new songs to us yesterday.=She________ _______some new songs yesterday.
6.Tom has to study for five years in college so that he can be a doctor.(变为简单句)
Tom has to study for five years in college_________ _______a doctor.
7.Can you pass me that pencil =Can you_________ that pencil________ me
8.“I’ll take you to the park tonight” Lingling said to me.= Lingling _______ ______ ______me to the park tonight.
9. We spent two weeks preparing for the report.=It________ us two weeks_______prepare for the report.
10.Mum cooks me delicious food every day.=Mum cooks delicious food________me every day.
1.My friend Jenny offered_____________me with my maths.(help)
2.I hope ___________ more about the world.(understand)
3.Goldilocks decided_______________some flowers in the forest. (pick)
4.It is polite________ hands when you meet the visitor for the first time. (shake)
5.—Would you like__________ me around the city(take) —Of course.
6.As an_______, he is especially famous for his films. (act)
7.He promised___________ my advice as usual. In fact, he never kept his promise. (take)
8.Daming enjoys___________to music. (listen)
9.The TV play shows different people’s__________to us. (life)
10.My father advised me_________ to bed too late at night.(not go)
11.Picasso was a symbol of Western art in the____________ century. (twenty)
12.Teahouse shows the lives of common people in the __________ century. (twenty)
13.Our teacher asked us ______________late for school. (not be)
14.The novel describes the_________ of common people. (life)
15. It is impossible for me _____________ in a noisy environment.(sleep)
16.My grandfather decided _________ a present for me. (buy)
17.She made a kite ___________her daughter happy.(make)
18.Now, please watch the play in three short _______________.(act).
19. In fact, I'm not able __________what happens in the story. (describe)
20.Who is the greatest singer in the ______________century (twenty)
21.After ____________the college, he moved to Shenzhen. (leave)
22.Mo Yan is a great writer and he is famous for his __________.(novel)
23.Can you tell me something about the film ________(name) Leap
11. 老舍茶馆热烈欢迎来自世界各地的人们。
15. 他是20世纪最伟大的歌手之一。
16. 每次我去哪里,我的朋友都热烈欢迎我。
17. 这部小说描写了普通人的生活。
magic give writer good activity
Lao She Teahouse opened in 1988. Its name is after the famous Chinese 12. _________, Lao She. At Lao She Teahouse, visitors sit in an old Beijing setting(场景), and they can drink the 13. ___________ tea in China. They watch all kinds of traditional Chinese performance(表演) art and enjoy delicious traditional Beijing snacks.
Lao She Teahouse 14._________ a warm welcome to people all over the world. The Teahouse can hold(容纳)up to 250 guests at a time. At Lao She Teahouse, there are 15. ________for fans from 2:30 to 5:00 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. There are also opera and folk music performances from 2:30 to 5:00 on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week. People can enjoy performances of the Beijing Opera,folk arts, acrobatics (杂技)and 16. _______ shows from 7:40 to 9:20 every evening.
Take an underground and get off at Qianmen, you'll get there.
1.Lao She's play,Teahouse describes the ___________in Chinese society overfifty years. (change)
2.This is the ______way to travel from Dalian to Beijing.(common)
3.We want to live in a peaceful ____________.(social)
4.Jane Austen is one of my favourite _______________.(write)
5.The old woman is teaching her granddaughter _______________and read in the living room.(write)
6.I had my _________ birthday just a few days ago. (nine)
7.He tries ___________ a new language by himself. (learn)
8.You don't need __________any food or drinks here. We will provide all the basic things you need. (bring)
9.They plan.___________a film tomorrow.(see)
10.I want ________my holiday with my parents in Beijing.(spend)
11.We decided _________at home because it was raining.(stay)
1.画线字母“i”发音为/i/是______ A.describe B.society C.magic D.advice
2.The play___________the lives of common people in China in the old days.
A.shows B.writes C.acts D.plays
3.The boss told the waiters to keep smiling at the _________ in the restaurant.
A.actors B.trainers C.customers D. actresses
4.After she ____________what the boy was like, we found him out easily in the photo.
A.wrote B.told C.described
5. After finishing school, he _________his home town.
A.returned B. returned to C . returned back D. returned back to
6.I often help him ________ the classroom. A.clean B.cleaned cleaning D.cleans
7. A:I hear Jay will give a concert in Hangzhou next month. B:Really My brother will be very pleased __he comes.
A.if B.before C.because D.till
8.—Wow, I heard you bought the newest watch! Could you show it ____me, Nancy —Certainly! Here you are. C.for D.with
9.When we got to the restaurant, the waiters gave us a warm ____. A.ride B.hand C.welcome D. conversation
10.The teacher told the boys _____in the street. It's dangerous. A.not play B. not to play play
11.John asked David how ______Christmas. A.celebrating celebrate celebrated D.celebrated
12.My grandma just ____her childhood to me and I think it was interesting. A.drew B.sent C. wrote D.described
13. We asked them to leave, but they decided ___ for two more days. staying B.staying stay D.stayed
14.—I feel tired and sleepy.—Why not stop______ relax B.relaxing C.resting work
watch especially as tourist country
Teahouse is a play written by Lao She, a writer known 1._____________"the People's Artist". Lao She Teahouse was set up in 1988. Today it has become a cultural centre which includes Chinese opera, food, tea, and Beijing culture.
Every day, on the third floor you may 2.__________shows of traditional folk arts,such as the Beijing Opera,folk shows,acrobatics and magic. In the east of the third floor is the Big-bowl Tea Restaurant, which offers traditional Beijing food,3. _______ snacks.
Since its opening, Lao She Teahouse has received a great many 4. _________ from home and abroad. It has become a special window to Chinese culture and a tie of friendships between China and other 5._____________ in the world.



上一篇:Unit 1 Making friends 单项选择专项训练(含答案)

下一篇:Unit 1 My day Part B 知识清单+练习(含答案)