

(1)It's January now.
(2)It's summer in Australia now.
(3)Kevin can go swimming now.
(4)Kevin's favorite season is summer.
(5)Kevin lives near the beach.
(6)Kevin wants to visit Xiaoming.
(1)What day is it today?
A.It's Wednesday.
B.It's Monday.
C.It's Friday.
(2)What are they doing now?

A.They're singing.
B.They're shopping.
C.They're making a shopping list.
(3)What do they need?
A.New clothes.B.School things.C.Food and drinks.
(4)How much is the juice?
C.It's 45 yuans.
(5)How much are the yellow balloons?
A.20 yuan.
B.13 dollars.
C.30 yuan.
(6)Can they buy some chernes?
A.Yes,they can.
B.No,they can't.
C.We don't know.
(7)Are the apples expensive?
A.Yes,they are.
B.No,they aren't.
C.They are cheap.
(8)Where can they get all the things?
A.At the mall.
B.At the supermarket.
C.At the store.

Steps What to do?
First he apples,(2) ,strawberries and peaches.
Second Peel the apples,strawberries,peaches and pears.
Third Cut the(3) into(4) pieces.
Finally Cover fruits with salad dressing and mix them (5) .
6.Match the festivals to the months.(配对节日和对应的月份)
(1)the Nurses' Day A.June
(2)Christmas B.January or February
(3)Teachers' Day C.May
(4)Children's Day D.December
(5)the Chinese New Year E.September
7.Match the places to the weather.(配对地点和对应的天气特征)
(1)Huangshan A.very cold all year round(全年)
(2)Kenya B.very dry
(3)the Poles C.very cloudy
(4)Guangdong D.usually hot and rainy
(5)Tulufan E.often wet
8.What do you have in your schoolbag?
Example(例句):I have a picture in my schoolbag.
9.(1分)It's sunny and hot today.I want to ______.(  )
A.go ice-skating B.go swimming C.swimming
10.(1分)I'm hungry(饥饿的).I want some______.(  )
A.juice B.bread C.tea
11.(1分)-I want to buy a ball and two maps.How much are they?
-______(  )
Toy car Ball Doll Guitar Map
40 50 80 200 20
A.Sixty yuan. B.Ninety dollars. C.Ninety yuan.
12.(1分)-Do you have ______ rice ?
-No,I don't have ______ rice.(  )
A.any,any B.some,any C.any,some
13.(1分)It's winter now in China.It's ______ now in Australia.(  )
A.winter B.fall C.summer
14.(1分)This coat is two hundred ______.It's too expensive.(  )
A.yuans B.dollar C.dollars
15.(1分)It's time ________dinner.(  )
A.for C.on
16.(1分)The Spring Festival is in ______.We can get red packets.(  )
A.April B.January or February C.summer holiday
17.(1分)-______Tony need any tofu ?
-No,he ______ some meat.(  )
A.Does,needs B.Is,needs C.Does,need
18.(1分)My father goes to Hong Kong after July.He goes in ______.(  )
A.March B.June C.August
My favorite season,my dinner,my birthday chart and the store near my home
(1)《 》 is a poem(诗歌),it's Amy's(Amy's,Amy's friend's)favorite season.
(2)《 》 are steps《步骤》.I think (Amy,Amy's classmate) wrote(写)it.
(3)《Stationery Sale》(文具销售) is a poster(海报).I think (the shop keeper,Amy's father)wrote it.
(4)《 》 is a chart(图表).I know (Ann's,Amy's)birthday is on February 17th.
(5)What's your favorite season?

(6)When's your birthday?

(7)If you want to cook vegetable soup,what do you need?

(8)How much is your pencil case?

(9)Do you cook dinner for your family?

(10)When spring arrives,the comes.
(11)We need minutes to cook fish and tofu soup.
(12)If you buy one notebook,you can get one at the Happy Store.
(13) birthday is on February 12th.
Join the Singing Club We meet on Saturdays from 3:30 5:30 Dong hu Park .Welcome to sing and dance here .Our show is on June 1st.Just come and have fun.
Join the Stamp Collecting Club We meet every Thursday afternoon from 3:20 4:30 p. m at the school hall .We have many stamps .
We can share together .If you want to learn more,join us. Just come and have fun.

(1)The Singing Club meets on Saturday .
A. morning
B. afternoon
C. evening
(2)The Stamp Collecting Club meets on .
A. Saturday
B. Tuesday
C .Thursday
(3)The children in the Singing Club will have a show .
A.on Children's Day
B.on July 1st
C.on June 11th
(4)Children learn to collect stamps at .
A.Donghu Park
B.the school hall
C.the art room
(5)If(如果) you don't have time on Saturday,you can join the .
A.Stamp Collecting Club
B.Singing Club
C.Art Club
Hello,I am Flora.My favorite season is spring.Spring brings new life,new hope and energy.I can do a lot of interesting things with my friends in spring.Here are our spring plans.
I hope we can have fun this spring!
Me fly a kite
Lucy visit a pond and look for frogs
Tony go for a picnic
Jerry plant some trees
Linda go hiking and take photos
Kate dance in the rain
(1)Tony wants to go for a .
(2)Jerry wants to plant some .
(3)Linda wants to go and take photos.
(4)Lucy wants to visit a pond and look for .
(5)Kate likes days because she wants to dance in the rain.
In many English homes,people eat four meals a day:breakfast,lunch,tea and diner.People have breakfast from seven to nine in the morning.They often have cereal,bread,eggs and sausages.They also drink tea or coffee at breakfast.They have lunch at about one o'clock.Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon.They have dinner at about half past seven in the evening.First,they have soup,and then they have meat or fish with vegetables.After that,they eat some other things,like apples,oranges or bananas.But some of English people have their dinner in the middle of the day.Their meals are breakfast,dinner,tea and supper.
All these meals are very necessary.
A.Meals in England
B.Afternoon tea
I usually for dinner at home.
(1)I have a pencil box in my schoolbag.
(2)I have a ruler in my schoolbag.
(3)I have an eraser in my schoolbag.
(4)I have a notebook in my schoolbag.
(2)How to make Fish and Tofu Soup;Amy
(3)the shop keeper
(4)Birthday Chart;Ann's
(5)My favorite season is spring.
(6)My birthday is on June 2th.
(7)I need some tomatoes,onions and carrots.
(8)My pencil case is 5 yuan.
(9)Yes,I do.




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