
()6.Where is the woman going
A.The park.
B.The bank.
C.The Center Street.
)7.What does the man want
A.A small bowl of noodles and orange juice.
B.A small bowl of noodles and apple juice.
C.A large bowl of noodles and orange juice.
()8.How do they get to grandparents'home
A.By train.
B.By car.
C.By plane.
()9.How much is the ticket today
()10.What's tony doing now
A.He's going for a walk.
B.He's reading a book.
C.He's writing a letter.
)11.Tom didn't go to the party because his mother was ill.
()12.Mike was late leaving because his cat walked over his clean shirt.
(13.Mike took the train as soon as he arrived at the station.
()14.Mike was so tired that he fell asleep and missed the last train.
)15.When Mike finally arrived at Scott's house,the party was over.
16.Why did Michael get up early on March 5th
Because he was too
to fall asleep.
17.Where did Michael go that day
He went to the
home and visited them.
18.How did Michael arrive there
He arrived there
19.What activities did Michael and his classmates do there
They cleaned the windows,swept the floor,read newspapers and
magic tricks.
20.How often will they go there
They plan to go there】
a month.
A whale of a story
Background knowledge
In air,sound travels more than 300 meters every second (about 750 miles per hour).In water,
it travels five times faster,at about 1,500 meters every second.Whales use their vocal cords
to make sounds.They also have a very good sense
of hearing.The sounds that they make travel for
Speed of sound
(meters per second)
thousands of kilometers through the oceans and
Cold air
can be heard by other whales far away.
Warm air
Science activity
Fresh water
The figures in the table on the right show how many
Ocean water
meters sound travels every second in different
Granite rock
()21.How fast does sound travel in the air
A.About 750 miles per hour.
B.More than 300 meters every hour.
C.About 1,500 meters every second
)22.In which material does sound travel the fastest
1-5 BAECD 6-10 BCACC 11-15 BABBA
16.excited 17.old people's
18.on foot
19.performed 20.twice
21-24 ACCB 25-28 CABA 29-32 BCBA 33-36 CABA 37-40 CEBA
41-45 CFDBE 46-50 FADCE
51.with 52.to keep 53.sleepy
54.is making
56.until 57.seat 58.were provided 59.really
60.could eat
61.Walking is a popular pastime because it has well-known physical and mental health benefits.
62.Walking was connected with criminal activity.
63.Henry David Thoreau preferred to walk more slowly than Charles Dickens,who had a fast speed.
64.Pedestrians were advised to avoid hanging around while talking and getting in the way of people behind
65.Developing a habit of going for a walk to keep health.Going for a walk is good for most of us.
66.What did you do
67.How often do you exercise
68.When are you going to have it
69.You just need to prepare some water and food..(答案合理即可)
Keep Safety in Mind
Safety is very important in our daily life.We must pay more attention to it.How can we keep safe Here are
some suggestions.
It's said that you are what you eat,so food safety must come first.I usually say no to junk food because it's
bad for my health.Second,the traffic is busier than before and it increases the risk of traffic.To avoid traffic
accidents,I always obey the traffic rules.Third,personal information is important and should be paid great
attention to.I never tell my personal information to strangers online.Last but not least I use fire and electricity
carefully both at home and at school.Carelessness may cause accidents.
I'm sure if we follow the rules above,we can protect ourselves well.All of us must keep safety in mind.
1. W: What do you think of the dragon boat race, Mike
M: It's really exciting!
2. W: What's the most useful invention
M: I think it's the mobile phone.
3. W: What kind of music do you like
M: I like music that I can dance to.
4. W: Could you please tell me where I can buy some stamps
M: Sure. There is a post office over there.
5. M: Where is Mr. Brown, Gina I can't find him.
W: He has gone to London. He will be back in 2 days.
6. W: Excuse me. could you please tell me if there is a bank here
M: Yes. Just go along Center Street and turn left.There is a bank across from the park.
W: Thank you.
Question: Where is the woman going
7. W: Can I help you
M: Yes. I'd like a small bowl of noodles, oh... no, a large bowl of noodles. I'm so hungry.
W: OK. What about some drinks We have orange juice and apple juice.
M: Orange juice, please.
W: OK. Wait a moment.
Question: What does the man want
8. W: Can I do my homework tomorrow instead, mom
W: Sorry, you can't. We have to be on the train all to get to your grandparents' home.
M: OK. I'll finish it tonight.
Question: How do they get to grandparents' home
9. M: Hey Jenny! I’m going to the basketball e with me.
W: How much is the ticket
M: It’s 100 dollars. But it’s only 70 dollars today. Because there are so many left.
W: It’s so lucky. I have 80 dollars.
Question: How much is the ticket today
10.W: It's a lovely day. Tony. Why not go for a walk
M: Can you wait a few minutes I'm writing a letter.
W: Don't take too long. I'll read a book to wait for you.
Question: What's tony doing now
Hi,I’m Mike.Yesterday was my friend Scott's birthday. He invited me to his birthday party. Another friend, Tom, had offered to take me to the party by car. Well. I was getting dressed when Tom rang me and said he was ill, so I decided to go by train. Unluckily, while I was talking on the phone, the cat walked over my clean shirt, so I had to spend a few minutes finding another one and I was late leaving.
As I was walking to the station, it started snowing and I got very cold. I just missed a train and I had to wait at the station for half an hour.When the train finally arrived, I was frozen. I was so cold and tired that during the journey I fell asleep and I missed my station.
Well, I got off at the next stop and decided to walk back to Scott's house. I walked for half an hour and then I realized I was lost. Luckily I found a pay phone and telephoned for a taxi. When I finally arrived at Scott's house it was nearly midnight and people were going home. What a terrible evening!
W: Hi, Michael!
M: Hi, Betty!
W: How did you spend March 5th volunteer
M: That day I got up early because I was too excited to fall asleep.
W: Where did you go
M: We went to the old people’s home and visited the old people.
W: The old people’s home How did you arrive there
M: We walked there. It wasn't far, you know.
W: Er...Who did you go with Your classmates
M: Yes.
W: What activities did you do then
M: We helped the old clean the windows and sweep the floor. Some read newspapers and some performed magic tricks. The old were thankful for our kindness. They told us some meaningful and interesting stories.
W: How did you like the activities
M: Though tired, we felt happy.
W: That sounds wonderful. When are you going there again
M: About March 25th.We plan to go there twice a month.
W: Great! I hope I can join you next time.
M: Welcome.



