
2024-2025学年上学期高一开学检检测 英语试卷
1. What does the man usually eat every day
A.Eggs. B.Fruit. C.Vegetables.
2. What does the woman want the man to do
A.Clean his bedroom. B.Apologize to his sister. C.Talk to his grandmother.
3. How are the speakers probably having the conversation
A. Through a face-to-face talk.
B. Through online messages.
C. On the phone.
4. What is the weather like
A.Snowy. B.Sunny. C.Rainy.
5.What will the woman probably do next
A.Wait for the next bus. B.Get a bus timetable. C.Walk to the library
6. When does the man prefer to read
A.At night. B. In the morning. C. In the afternoon.
7.What kind of book is the woman reading now
A.Science fiction. B.An adventure story. C.A historical novel.
8.What's the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Co-workers. B.Parent and child. C.Teacher and student.
9. What does the woman think is an advantage of using a computer
A.Students can find information quickly.
B.Students can concentrate on tasks easily.
C.Students can learn their textbooks better.
10. How many times has the man taken a student's phone away
A.Once. B.Three times. C.Five times.
11.How does the story make the woman feel
A.Angry. B.Surprised. C.Excited.
12.What does the woman probably do
A.She's a short story writer. B.She's a digital artist. C.She's a painter.
13.What does the man think should happen now
A.The judges should apologize.
B.The prize should be taken back.
C.A competition for AI art should be held.
14.Where are the speakers probably
A.At scho0l. B.In a hospital. C.At home.
15.How does the man usually get home
A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By car.
16.What did the man do yesterday
A.He helped a stranger.
B.He did homework until midnight.
C.He had his heart checked in the hospital.
17.How old was Mané when he began playing football in Europe
A.15. B.17. C.19.
18.In which European country did Mané first play
A.The U.K. B.France. C.Austria.
19.What is Mané's real dream
A.Being rich and famous. B.Helping his hometown. C.Building more post offices.
20.What dd Mané open in 2022
A.A gas station. B.A hospital. C.A school.
Here are four favorite books for young readers.
Miss Rumphius
Miss Rumphius dreams of living by the sea, traveling the world and making it a more beautiful place- and she does it in her own ways,living alone with her cat and sowing lupine(羽扇豆)seeds along the coast of Maine despite the local kids who call her “That Crazy Old Lady".Barbara Cooney based Miss Rumphius on a real person-Maine resident Hilda Hamlin, who was known as the "Lupine Lady" for her habit of sowing seeds. (For ages 5 to 8)
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf. Then it became a hungry caterpillar who went into the hearts of kids everywhere. Eric Carle's charming story and beautiful pictures make The Very Hungry Caterpillar a classic for kids. (For ages 2 to 5)
The Napping House
It's a soft gray rainy day and everyone is asleep in the Napping House-but unfortunately, they are all trying to pile into the same bed,with unfortunate but funny results. This book by Audrey Wood (author)and Don Wood (illustrator) will put any kid to sleep-in the best possible way. (For ages 4 to 7)
Good Dog,Carl
Little Madeleine has a pretty great babysitter: a big friendly dog.named Car. Together, they go to the store and to the zoo, to parties and daycare classes. In this book,Alexandra Day lets readers form their own ideas about what's happening on each page. (For ages 1 to 4)
21.What might Miss Rumphius like
A.Going to big parties.
B.Sowing lupine seeds.
C.Gray and rainy days.
D.The light of the moon.
22.Who wrote the best book for putting kids to bed
A.Eric Carle.
B.Alexandra Day.
C.Barbara Cooney.
D. Audrey Wood.
23. Which book is best for 1-year-old kids
A. Miss Rumphius.
B.The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
C.The Napping House.
D. Good Dog, Carl.
For the past 8 years, K-9 partner Roni has been by the side of Officer Joel Nitchman of the Deer Park, Texas police department.They've been through a lot together and the police thinks of the dog as a member of his own family. Recently, the team had just returned to the station when a tornado suddenly formed nearby.
The wind picked up fast. Remembering Roni was still inside his cage in the patrol car(巡逻车),Joel didn't think twice about rushing outside into the storm to get his partner. “The thought of ruins,or the car turning over ... I couldn't do that to him," said Joel. “I couldn't have him out there during that." He felt debris(碎片)hitting his face as he headed into the wind and he knew the situation was worsening with every passing second.
Conditions worsened even further when Joel made it around tothe other side of the car. The wind and rain were so strong that he couldn't get the door open. When he finally opened it, Roni refused to move.“I could barely open his door," Joel said. “When I did, he's a smart dog,he saw what was going on outside and he refused to come out at first.” With·a lot of efforts, Roni finally followed his partner out of the car, and Joel was able to lead him into the station.
"Never have I been through anything like this before," Joel said of the frightening event. Now that the danger has passed, he feels even closer to his K-9 partner and he'd do it all over again, if he had.“I love that dog," he explained. “He's a part of our family. We can't leave a loved one like that. There's no way I was going to leave him like that."
24.Which of the following can be used to describe Roni
A.Strong and brave. B.Funny and kind.
C.Tall and lovable. D.Loyal and clever.
25.Why did Joel rush out despite the coming disaster
A. Roni was still on duty outside.
B. He attempted to get the car inside.
C. He went to rescue Roni in the car.
D. Roni had escaped from the patrol car.
26. What difficulty did Joel meet during the event
A.Lack of official help.
B. Roni's fearof the danger.
C.The poor quality of the door.
D.The unsafe situation of the station.
27.How does the experience influence Roni and Joel
A.They are more connected to each other.
B.They are now living closer to each other.
C.They have more loved ones in their lives.
D.They are more independent of each other.
A greenhouse on the top of a Montreal warehouse(仓库)growing eggplants and tomatoes to meet the demand for locally sourced foods has set a record as the largest in the world. It's not a common choice of location to plant organic vegetables in the heart of Canada's second-largest city, but Lufa Farms set up the facility that spans 15,000 square meters, or about the size of three football fields.
It is the fourth rooftop greenhouse the company has erected in the city. The first was built in 2011 at a cost of more than $1.5 million.
Since then, competitors picked up and ran with the novel idea,including US Gotham Greens, which constructed eight greenhouses on roofs in New York, CChicago and Denver, and French Urban Nature,which is planning one in Paris. Since 2017,a local Montreal supermarket has also offered a wide range of vegetables grown on its roof, which was “greened” to cut greenhouse gas emissions linked to climate change.
Lebanese-born Mohamed Hage and his wife Lauren Rathmell,an American from neighboring Vermont, founded Lufa Farms in 2009 with the ambition of “reinventing the food system”.
At Lufa Farms, about 100 varieties of vegetables and herbs are grown per year. Enough vegetables are
harvested each week to feed 20,000 families. The company' s “online market" also sells goods produced by local partner farms. Catherine Bonin, a customer of Lufa Farms, says she loves the freshness of the produce but complains that some items are always out of stock(缺货).Profitable since 2016,the private company now employs 500 people. It is currently working on the
electrification of its delivery trucks 'and is in the process of exporting its model to different cities around the world.
28.What can we know about the greenhouses on roofs in the world
A. Montreal has most greenhouses on roofs in the world.
B.New York built the first greenhouse on the roof in the world.
C. You can see many greenhouses on roofs in Europe and America now.
D.The largest greenhouse on the roof now is in Canada's second-largest city.
29.What does the underlined word “erected” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.Set up.
B.Given up.
C.Picked up.
D.Followed up.
30.How can we describe the vegetables from Lufa Farms
A.Tasty but harmful.
B.Cheap and worthless.
C. Various and popular.
D.Organic but expensive.
31. What is Lufa Farms' attitude towards its future
There is an old homeless woman who sometimes sits near where I am living,begging for money. Unfortunately, the “inner city places” are often taken over by younger men and women.
Whenever I see her, I make sure to give her something, and if I am out of money, I will at least talk to her for a few seconds. When younger people are around, I often make sure to drop a few coins into her cup while passing her a note without anybody seeing it in the hope that they will leave her alone.
Today she surprsed me. I passed her again, gave her some money and asked her how she was. She surprised me by saying that she wanted to thank me. Not for the money; well, for that too, but for always taking the time to talk to her.
She mentioned how hard it was for her to have so little money that she had to beg. She often felt ashamed, and she had prepared for several days to talk to me, and to thank me for treating her like a human being.
People walked by, sometimes dropped some money, buIt rarely made eye contact or talked to her,making her feel even more transparent(透明的),ashamed, almost non-human. She said she was looking forward to me walking by because she knew I would look at her and treat her as a person.On hearing all this, I had tears in my eyes and I stilldo when thinking of this.
I still don't know why she's on the street; maybe one day she will open up, but I will not ask her right away. I will be even more on the lookout for her, making sure to talk to her as often as possible!
32.What do we know about the old woman from the first paragraph
A. She lives in the inner city.
B. She is homeless but hopeful.
C.She is a relative of the author.
D. She can't always find a good place to beg.
33.Why does the woman thank the author
A. The author treats her like a human being.
B.The author only gives her money.
C. The author gives her a place to live.
D.The author respects her privacy.
34. Which word can best describe the author
A.Strong-minded. B.Wealthy.
C.Kind-hearted. D.Intelligent.
35. What's the text mainly about
A. An old woman's poor life in the inner city.
B. A conversation with a homeless woman.
C.The importance of learning from others.
D.The way to chat with homeless people.
Relationship conflicts can cause emotional pain and stress. Knowing how to apologize can repair damage in a relationship. Effective apologies are simple if you know what to say. __36______
Understand reasons to apologize.
When you've made a mistake or hurt another person,there are many good reasons why you should apologize. By apologizing, you are able to:
Acknowledge that you were wrong;
Discuss what is allowed and not allowed in your relationship;
Express your regrets and thoughts;
Take responsibility.
Taking responsibility means acknowledging mistakes you made hurt the other person. It's one of the most important parts of most apologies.Saying “ 38 I'm sorry" shows that you know it was what you said that hurt the other person and you take responsibility for it.
Express regrets.
When you seek to understand how to apologize effectively, it's also important to understand the value of expressing regrets. Taking responsibility is important, but it's also helpful for theother person to know that you feel bad about hurting them. They already feel bad.39 40
Although apologizing can be a way to repair the relationship and be forgiven. Sometimes this doesn't happen. Sometimes the other person just isn't ready or able to forgive you and move on. Or they may forgive you but still be guarded. Realize that you can't control their response and if you've done everything you can, let it go for now.
A.Let go of results.
B.Know when to apologize.
C.Learn fromyour mistakes.
D. When I said the hurtful thing, I wasn't thinking.
E. Let me help you learn how to apologize effectively.
F.And they'd like to know you feel bad about them feeling bad.
G. People are often unwilling or unable to apologize face to face.
The day after Christmas, there was a teacher named Brittany Loubier-Vervisch from Tampa,Florida. She was 41 her lost luggage when she had an idea.Why not do more than simply search for her 42 luggage
"I got there. I' ve never 43 anything like this,"Brittany said."There are 44 mountains of luggage between the carousels(行李传送带).”
While her husband was at the Southwest Airlines' customer service counter,Brittany continued her 45 .However, it was she that also 46 to help others who had been separated from their luggage,too.
"I was circling through the baggage claim(行李领取处)as things were coming off the line and being 47 up.If there was a tag(标签)on it with a number,I sent a 48 ,”Brittany said.
In fact,Brittany was so 49 that people thought she worked at the airport!"I walked through the bags, and I sent messages like 'Oh, here's your bags. Is this your name '" Brittany 50 .“And they said 'Yes'and asked 'Do you 51 here '”
As she made her 52 through what she would describe as an "Armageddon of luggage", she said she had sent between 70 and 80 texts to people letting them know where to 53 their bags. Taira Meadow,
one traveler who received a text from Brittany,really appreciated Brittany's 54."I sent a big 'thank you' to you 55 ,texting me that my suitcase was in fact in Tampa," Taira wrote on a social media platform.
41.A.hunting for B.wondering about C.dreaming of D.giving up
42.A.favorite B.own C.vauable D.beautiful
43.A.changed B.bought C.seen D.heard
44.A.actually B.simply C.finely D.gradually
45.A.career B.desire C.travel D.search
46.A.decided B.promised C.hesitated D.paused
47.A.broken B.tied C.piled D.picked
48.A.request B.text C.note D.luggage
49.A.careful B.worried C.optimistic D.helpful
50.A.remarked B.explained C.complained D.predicted
51.A.arise B.exist C.work D.finish
52.A.way B.life C.mind D.fortune
53.A.lose B.sell C.find D.admit
54.A.attention B.kindness C.happiness D.celebration
55.A.stranger B.friend C.tourist D.companion
Munao Zongge is the biggest festival of the year of Jingpo people.Munao Zongge means dancing together in the Jinpo language and 56 (celebrate) around the Lantern Festival, lasting for three to seven days. It was listed as 57 national intangible(非物质)cultural heritage in 2006.
In ancient times, it was said that only the children of the Sun could dance in the 58 (tradition) Munao Carnival.According to the legend,the king of the Sun once 59 (invite) all of the Earth's creatures to the festival in the Sun Palace. All the birds flew to join the festival, and on their way home they came 60 a forest, where they found all kinds of beautiful fruit on the trees.
To share the fresh fruit among each other, the birds held the First Birds' Munao Carnival. Two _________61_(human) joined the festival and they were absorbed in 62 (happy). According to the legend,that was how the Munao Carnival started.
It is said that after these two learned the Munao Zongge dance,they became 63 (health) and luckier. To this day, whenever the Jingpo people are 64(remove) bad spirits or pray for a better harvest,they perform the Munao Zongge dance.
Munao Zongge used to be celebrated only by Jingpo people 65 recent years have brought different people from all over the world to join in on this grand festival and dance together.
The writer I like most
When I was about four years old, I started washing my face on my own. However, I always ignored the area behind my ears on purpose though my mom would often remind me.
One summer, in July of that year, my mom drove me to my grandparents' house for our summer holiday visit. When we arrived, I was told that Grandma had gone on a trip with her friends and wouldn't be back for another two weeks. Feeling a bit down, I went to the yard to play while may mom and grandpa caught up on some things. Although I couldn't hear their conversation clearly, I had a strong feeling that they were talking about me based on their gestures and expressions. Later, my mom returned home and she would come back to pick me up two months later.
After dinner that night, Grandpa asked me to take a bath before going to bed. Since I loved taking baths, I happily agreed. As the bathtub (浴缸)was filled with water,Grandpa reminded me,“Just make sure you clean the area behind your ears really well. You wouldn't want potatoes to start growing there,would you ”
"Potatoes ” I stopped in my tracks and turned back to look at him.“Yes, potatoes. If you don't clean the dirt behind your ears, potatoes might actally sprout(发芽)and grow there," he explained,causing my eyes to widen in surprise. "But I don't have any potatoes behind my ears,Grandpa," I said as I ran my fingers along the back of my ears. He took a quick glance and replied, “Oh, I see a couple of sprouts: starting right
there!" He urged me to get into the bathtub immnediately and scrub(擦洗)them away thoroughly.
I nodded, still in disbelief. This was the first time I hadever heard such a thing. Why hadn't my parents warned me about this before I wondered but couldn't find an answer. Nonetheless, I felt shocked by Grandpa's warning.
Paragraph 1:
I hurried to jump into the bathtub, carefully scrubbing behind my ears.____________________________
Paragraph 2:
"What are you looking at behind your ears ” Grandma asked me curiously. ______________________
2024-2025学年上学期高一开学检检测 英语答案
1-5.CBCBA 6-10.BCAAC 11-15.ACBAB 16-20.ACBBA
21-23 BDD
24-27 DCBA
28-31 DACB
32-35 DACB
41-45 ABCAD
46-50 ACBDB
51-55 CACAB
56. is celebrated 57.a 58.traditional 59.invited 60.across 61.humans 62.happiness 63.healthier 64.to remove 65.but
第一节 运用文写作(15分)
The writer I like most
We have read a lot of books whose authors are excellent. They may be some common people or some well-known ones. As for me, I like Chen Zhongshi best.Having seen the TV play Bai Lu Yuan adapted from Chen's novel with interest, I'm more interested in his novels. His novels are mnainly about country life in western China and present special customs and different characters. in the countryside, which are closely connected with China's history.
After reading his novels, I'm determined to be a responsible person for our great country.
One possible version:
I hurried to jump into the bathtub,carefully scrubbing behind my ears. I spent a considerable amount of time ensuring every bit of dirt was gone. When I finally finished bathing, I grabbed a handheld mirror and carefully checked each ear for any signs of potato sprouts. Grandpa noticed my actions and checked my ears with a smile, saying, “Ah, the potato sprouts are all gone." I felt relieved.From that day forward, I developed a habit of cleaning the area behind my ears and even using mirrors to check. Eventually, Grandma returned home. That evening, as I examined my ears once again, she noticed.
“What are you looking at behind your ears ” Grandma asked me curiously.“I'm checking for potato sprouts," I replied. She stared at me, puzzled. After I explained, she laughed and said, “Oh, your grandpa was just teasing you.” “What ” I exclaimed. It was then that I realized I had been completely fooled and then burst into laughter with Grandma.Despite the childish trick, I continued to clean the area behind my ears regularly because it had already become a habit. Grandpa continued with his other ear stories for years to come.I was deeply touched by his sense of humor and wisdom.




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