2024年人教版八年级上册 Unit 3 I'm more outgoing than my sister. 暑假预习检测题(含答案)

1.As our children get bigger, our house seems to get ________.
A. the smaller B. smaller C. smallest
2.He still went to work, ________ he didn t feel well yesterday.
A. because B. though C. so
3.A true friend ________ for your hand and touches your heart.
A. reach B. reaches C. reaching D. to reach
4.It s not easy for him ________ friends.
A. make B. makes C. making D. to make
5.Mary likes sharing good things ________ friends.
A. to B. for C. at D. with
6.—He is so funny! —Yes, what he says often makes me ________.
A. laugh B. laughs C. laughing D. to laugh
7.Betty and Lily are ________. They like making friends with others.
A. both quiet B. both outgoing C. all quiet D. all outgoing
8.Look! The kite in the sky is flying ________ because of the wind.
A. high and high B. higher and higher
C. more and more high D. more and more highly
9.It s ________ colder today than it was yesterday.
A. little B. more C. a little D. much more
10.Tina is ________ her sister. She often helps her sister wash clothes.
A. lazier than B. as lazy as C. not lazy as D. not so lazy as
Lucy and Lily are twin sisters. They look the same, but they are quite different in many ways. They are (11) tall and good-looking. Lucy has longer hair than Lily. Lily is (12) , so she has more friends. She always speaks (13) so you can hear her voice from far away. Lucy is shy. She always talks softly. Lily asked her sister (14) part in an art show last month. Lucy decided to sing a song. When it was Lucy s showtime, she was very nervous. She didn t sing (15) at first. Then Lily went to Lucy and sang together with her. They sang so well that (16) cheered for(为……打气)them. At last, they won the 3rd prize. Though they weren t the best at the show, Lucy still felt very happy. She (17) that everything was possible(可能的)if you could take the first step and work (18) at it. From then on, Lucy changed(改变)a lot. She always talked with others and helped them with their schoolwork. The twin sisters become (19) than before. All the teachers and students like them. They also get (20) grades, too. How proud their parents are!
11.A. both B. neither C. either
12.A. outgoing B. more outgoing C. the most outgoing
13.A. more loudly B. most loudly C. loudly
14.A. take B. takes C. to take
15.A. well B. better C. best
16.A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody
17.A. understand B. understood C. understands
18.A. hard B. harder C. hardest
19.A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular
20.A. good and good B. best and best C. better and better
Nick was a proud(自负的)boy. He thought that he was the best in everything he did. Whenever he lost, he would always find excuses.
One Friday, Randy and Jack, Nick s classmates, came to the playground to play badminton. Jack was much better at badminton than Randy. After about half an hour, Randy said to Jack, “Oh, I need to take a rest(休息). I have to say that you are really good at this game.” Nick heard this. He laughed out loud and said, “Randy, that s because you are really bad at the sport. You always lose. I am the best of the three of us.” Then, he asked Jack if he would like to play with him. Jack said, “OK.” Then, the two began to play.
As a tall boy, Nick showed great skill(技巧)at playing badminton. It was not easy for Jack to win, but still, he won the game. To Jack s surprise, Nick said, “I can win if I have a racket(球拍)as good as yours.” However, Jack didn t think so. He said, “Let s swap rackets to play again.”
Unluckily for Nick, he still lost the game even with Jack s racket. This time round, Nick had no excuses. He lowered his head and planned(打算)to leave. However, Jack went over to him, saying, “Do not be sad! You are a skilled player, too.” Hearing this, Nick learned that he should not be too proud because there would always be somebody better than him.
21.Which sentence in paragraph 2 shows that Nick was proud
A. Jack was much better at badminton than Randy.
B. I am the best of the three of us.
C. Then, he asked Jack if he would like to play with him.
D. I have to say that you are really good at this game.
22.What was Nick s excuse for losing the game
A. His racket was not good. B. He wasn t as tall as Jack.
C. The badminton was not good. D. He was too tired to play well.
23.What does the underlined word “ swap” in paragraph 3 mean in Chinese
A. 交换 B. 修理 C. 升级 D. 申请
24.Which may show the three boys skill at playing badminton
A. Jack s < Randy s < Nick s B. Randy s < Jack s < Nick s
C. Nick s < Jack s < Randy s D. Randy s < Nick s < Jack s
25.What can we learn from the story
A. It s never too old to learn.
B. Interest is the best teacher.
C. A good friend is like a mirror.
D. There is always someone better than you.
Some people say that “Birds of a feather flock together(物以类聚)”. But others believe that “opposites attract(异性相吸)”.
The similarity idea suggests that we are attracted to people like ourselves, because we share the same thoughts, the same interests and the same talents. The opposite idea suggests that people are attracted to others who are really different. Sometimes we are attracted to other people because they have qualities that we don t have. For example, a quiet person, who is unhappy about being shy, may be attracted to an outgoing person because the quiet person hopes to be more like the outgoing person.
A friendship has a greater chance to last long when friends have similar attitudes(态度). It makes no difference if they have different likes and dislikes about food, movies or music. Indeed, it would be very boring if everyone had the same ideas. But it is much harder for a friendship to move on when there are differences in ideas about serious subjects such as cultural(文化的)differences.
We feel much safer when being with people who like what we like. These people are really telling us that we are right to like that thing. After a test, we would like to be with people who have the same answers as ours. Next time you do a test, see how afterwards you like talking to other people who give the same answers as yours!
26.Why are we attracted to people like ourselves
A. Because we have many things in common(相同).
B. Because we always have our own thoughts.
C. Because the saying “opposites attract” is not right.
D. Because we both like to share our interests with others.
27.The underlined word “ suggests” means ________.
A. shows B. dislikes C. makes D. decides
28.Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3
A. Friends should have the same ideas, or they will be very bored.
B. If friends have different likes, their friendship will go to an end.
C. If friends have similar attitudes, they must have a long-lasting friendship.
D. A friendship may not move on if friends think differently about serious subjects.
29.The writer supports(支持)his idea in Paragraph 4 by ________.
A. giving numbers B. giving examples
C. using some sayings D. telling stories
30.Which of the following can be the best title
A. How a Friendship Lasts Long
B. Different Ideas about Friendship
C. Friends: Similar or Different
D. What Kind of Friends Do You Want
Fiona was a popular girl at school. She was clever and fun. From an early age, she tried to be kind and friendly to everyone. She invited(邀请)all the classmates to her birthday party. She gave gifts to everybody. She was very busy because she had so many friends to spend time with every day. She felt very lucky to have them around. But everything changed on National Friendship Day. That day, at school, everyone had to make three gifts for their three best friends. Fiona enjoyed choosing(挑选)three from all her friends. However, after giving three gifts, Fiona didn t get one! Even Lily, a girl who played with her every day, didn t give her a gift. When she got home that night, Fiona told her mother about this. Her mother touched her head tenderly(温柔地)and said, “You can t buy friends with a smile or a few good words. For most of your classmates, you re only a playmate. If you really want true friends, you should really care about your friends.” That night, in bed, Fiona thought about her mother s words. Then she thought that her mother always helped her and stayed with her at any time. Until that moment(直到那一刻), Fiona knew the meaning of a true friend.
(1) Who did Fiona invite to her birthday party _____________________________________________________________________
(2) Why was Fiona very busy _____________________________________________________________________
(3) How many gifts did Fiona give on National Friendship Day _____________________________________________________________________
(4) What should people do if they want true friends _____________________________________________________________________
(5) What did Fiona know after talking with her mother _____________________________________________________________________
however they as both of care talent play fact than should problem
Brothers Alan and Eric were so different from each other. That s why lots (1) their friends didn t think they were in the same family.
Alan, the older brother, was tall and liked sports. He enjoyed (2) baseball, soccer and basketball. Eric, the younger brother, didn t like them. He was quieter (3) his brother. He liked spending his time on the computer, making short videos and writing something.
The brothers taste in music was different, too. Alan was (4) in loud music. He listened to bands like The Beatles. Eric didn t (5) much about those bands. He enjoyed listening to quiet music.
The boys were so different that it was not easy for (6) to make the same decision. However, the brothers did the same thing this time. They wanted a pet dog. In (7) , Mom didn t want to get one at first. But when she saw (8) of them truly liked it, she agreed(同意).
“We can get a pet (9) long as you two take care of it,” she said.
“No (10) , Mom,” Alan and Eric said together.
“ Good, we all agree,” Mom said. “Let s go to the pet store now.”
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
33.I am Paul. Last Sunday, I had a good time with my family and learned a lot. We had a competition in our home to see who did (1) (well) than others. My parents were the judges(裁判). All of us wanted to win.
My elder sister Lucy said, “I m never picky (挑剔的)about food and I m (2) (tall) than Tom and Paul. That s why I can get the things in higher places (3) (easily).”
My younger brother Tom said loudly, “I m a quick learner. I am (4) (smart) than my sister and brother. I think the (5) (much) I learn, the cleverer I will be.”
I said quietly, “I am more outgoing (6) the other two. I can tell many jokes made by myself and bring much fun to all of you.”
Everyone had different ideas. My mother and my father laughed happily and said, “You may be not as good at some things (7) others. However, if you learn from others, you can be as (8) (excellent) as each other. What is important is not to find who is the winner(获胜者), but to know what you can learn from others.”
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8)
34.I like talking with others. My mother says I m an o girl.
35.I am practicing my favorite song(歌曲). There will be a singing c this Friday afternoon.
36.There are two beautiful pictures. W do you like better
37.Don t speak so l , because the baby is sleeping now.
38.She walked q into the classroom because all the other students were studying.
39.He is more (努力的)than the other students in our class.
40.Can you give me some (信息)about the hospital
41.For Mandy, books are as (必需的) as bread to life.
42.友谊是和煦轻柔的春风,让人感到温暖贴心。请你以“Friendship in My Heart”为题,写一篇英语短文向英文校刊Friendship专栏投稿,内容包括:
Friendship in My Heart
Friendship is like sunshine in my life. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fiona/She invited all her classmates to her birthday party./All her classmates.
Because Fiona/she had so many friends to spend time with every day.
Fiona/She gave three/3 gifts (on National Friendship Day)./Three/3.
People/They should really care about their friends.
Fiona/She knew the meaning of a true friend./The meaning of a true friend.
32.【答案】【小题1】of 【小题2】playing 【小题3】than 【小题4】talented
【小题5】care 【小题6】them 【小题7】fact【小题8】both【小题9】as
33.【答案】【小题1】better【小题2】taller【小题3】more easily
【小题4】smarter【小题5】more 【小题6】than 【小题7】as
42.【答案】One possible version:
Friendship in My Heart
Friendship is like sunshine in my life. Friends always help us when we are in need.
My best friend is my classmate Jack. He is tall and thin and he looks quite clever. Jack is an interesting and warm-hearted boy. He is always ready to help others. He studies very hard. When I have difficulties in learning, he always helps me. I was bad at English last year. He came to my house and helped me with it every day. With his help, I finally got good grades.
I think a true friend is someone who can help you when you are in trouble. I like Jack so much and hope our friendship will last forever.



