人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around单元检测卷(A、B卷)(含解析)

(5)Unit 2 Travelling Around—高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册单元检测卷(A卷)
1.Tu Youyou was the first Chinese female scientist__________ (award) a Noble Prize for her work.
2.Everybody were__________ (curiosity) about the people who lived upstairs.
3.My two brothers and I were coming back from the islands __________ we often risked going and got more fish than others.
4.My teacher often makes comments __________ my performance so as to help me understand my learning progress.
5.He is always worrying about failure, __________ (lose) many chances to show his abilities.
6.In spite of__________ (economy), political and cultural differences, the two countries have decided to cooperate in dealing with global issues.
7.We each have something necessary and valuable__________ (offer), though we may not know what it is.
8.What we're worried about is __________ he will get rid of the difficult situation on his own.
9.Not only had the countries found a path__________ the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also leant that they could work together to build a better tomorrow.
10.Time permitting, you can spend several days exploring the wetland park and enjoying the plants and animals unique__________ the place.
The term "pseudo-working" is used to describe how many of us study. The pseudo-worker looks and feels like someone who is working hard—he or she spends a long time in the library and is not afraid to push on late into the night—but because of a lack of focus and concentration, he or she doesn't actually accomplish much.
This phenomenon can be seen on most college campuses. For example, at Dartmouth there was a section of the main library that was open twenty-four hours a day, and the students I used to see there late at night crowded in groups, drinking coffee. They were definitely pseudo-working. The roommate who flips through her chemistry notes on the couch while watching TV is pseudo-working.
By placing themselves in distracting environments and insisting on working long hours, these students are damaging their brain's ability to think clearly and efficiently accomplish the task at hand. In the end they get half the results with twice the effort.
The bigger problem here is that most students don't even realize that they're pseudo-working. To them pseudo-working is work—it's how they've always done it, and it's how all of their friends do it. It never crosses their mind that there might be a better way. Straight-A students, on the other hand, know all about pseudo-working. They fear it. It not only wastes time, but also is mentally tiring.
In fact, the most important skill in becoming a straight-A student is the ability to get work done quickly and with a minimum of wasted effort. Some cognitive science research concludes that about fifty minutes is the optimal learning period to maximize the material amount integrated per time unit. So how do these students achieve this goal To understand their secret to success, consider the following simple formula (公式) :work accomplished=time spent × intensity of focus.
Pseudo-working features a very low intensity of focus. Therefore, to accomplish something by pseudo-working, you need to spend a lot of time. The straight-A approach on the other hand, increases intensity in order to use less time.
11. Which of the following phenomena is NOT pseudo-working
A. Alex takes an online class while having snacks at a study lounge.
B. Lucy spends a long time in the library on her essay while listening to music.
C. Emily and Sara read their favorite books as they talk about entertainment news.
D. Nick is busy taking notes while attending a training course in an academic hall.
12. What's the major problem of most students compared with straight-A students
A. They are unaware of the fact that they are pseudo-working.
B. They have never thought about how to improve their study efficiency.
C. They are doing something to harm their brain's ability to think clearly.
D. They are willing to spend much time studying in a distracting environment.
13. What does the underlined word "optimal" mean in Paragraph 5
A. Least. B. Best. C. Delicate. D. Accurate.
14. What does the author want to stress by mentioning the formula
A. The length of time spent on study counts.
B. Getting work done quickly means everything.
C. Concentration plays a key role in study.
D. The effective study approach is very important.
With gas prices rising and airport security lines snaking longer than ever, why not book your next domestic vacation on a train Compared to other alternatives, it's comfortable and relaxing. Here is some advice on how to make a trip by rail as pleasant as possible.
Plan ahead.
Most long-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accommodations, sell out very quickly. 15.________But no matter when you travel, it's a good idea to make your reservations at least 90days in advance.
Use a travel agent.
Consider turning your travel plan over to a travel agent and letting him double-check all the details, make suggestions, and then handle the actual reservations. A good one can sometimes find you discounted tickets. 16. ________Then you won't have to walk through several cars on a moving train three times a day for your meals.
Bring a blanket.
When you're riding on trains, you won't be provided with a blanket for free, even if your trip is an overnight one. 17. ________In the summer in particular, the air conditioning can make them quite cold.
Arrive early.
Most trains operate just once a day and some run only three times a week, so missing yours can be a disaster. 18. ________Note: The times listed on the schedules are departure times, not arrival times.
Have fun.
19. ________Read a book, knit, do a crossword puzzle, or simply watch the world unfold outside the window. To calculate your speed as you do, divide 3,600 (the number of seconds in an hour)by the number of seconds it takes you to travel one mile (the distance between two mileposts). If it takes the train 53 seconds to travel one mile, you're going about 67.92 mph.
A. Train trips aren't for impatient types.
B. You'll have views from both sides of the train.
C. The temperature on rail cars is often hard to control.
D. That's particularly true during busy summer months.
E. You might have to wait longer than 24 hours to catch the next one.
F. Chances are the cost will be a lot less than the cost of one bedroom.
G. He may also book you in a sleeping car that's right next to the diner.
Last month I took my son Tom to see his grandparents in the countryside. When we arrived, my father and mother were so 20 to see us.
At the lunch table, Tom told me proudly, "Dad, I saw a hen flying." "It's 21 . How can a hen fly " I said without thinking. "Dad, in the yard, our dog ran after a hen. Finally the hen was forced to a 22 When she found there was no other way out, the 23 hen, suddenly flew up to the roof and escaped successfully. Dad, why can a hen fly " I thought for a while and said, "Maybe because of love. The hen loves her own 24 . Itis the love that sets off her inner power and she flies." Tom nodded. He seemed to have 25 .
Last weekend we visited Tom's grandparents again. I heard Tom 26 from the yard, "Dad! The dog is running after the chickens!" I ran out of the house 27 . The hen ran to a group of 28 followed by the dog. The hen stopped and turned around suddenly and 29 the dog angrily, with her two wings 30 her children.
I ran fast and 31 between the dog and the hen, shouting at the dog to drive it away. " Dad, why didn't the hen fly away when she knew she couldn't 32 the dog " asked Tom. I thought for a while and said, "Maybe because of love. The love for her 33 is more than that for her own life. " Tom thought for a long time and nodded.
In fact, in our life, we will do the same as the hen did. Whenever in 34 ,a mother's first thought is always to protect her children.
20. A. amazed B. proud C. happy D. annoyed
21. A. impossible B. interesting C. normal D. unique
22. A. room B. corner C. path D. wall
23. A. hungry B. angry C. delighted D. frightened
24. A. babies B. strength C. life D. wings
25. A. admitted B. decided C. understood D. failed
26. A. talking B. laughing C. quarreling D. shouting
27. A. quickly B. easily C. excitedly D. quietly
28. A. ducks B. dogs C. kids D. chickens
29. A. hit B. faced C. challenged D. passed
30. A. contacting B. warning C. protecting D. preventing
31. A. lay B. worked C. sat D. stood
32. A. defeat B. remember C. believe D. change
33. A. brothers B. parents C. children D. friends
34. A. difficulty B. danger C. doubt D. power
1.答案:to be awarded
解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:屠呦呦是第一位因其工作获得诺贝尔奖的中国女科学家。当名词前面有序数词修饰时,后面常接动词不定式作定语。根据语境可知,屠呦呦是第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的中国女科学家,所以需要动词不定式的被动形式。故填to be awarded。
解析:考查形容词。句意:每个人都对住在楼上的人感到好奇。根据句意及英文提示可知,此处使用形容词curious“好奇的”,作表语。be curious about“对……好奇”。故填curious。
解析:考查定语从句。句意:我的两个兄弟和我从岛上回来,我们经常冒险去那里,比别人弄到更多的鱼。空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词the islands,且关系词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导定语从句,故填where。
解析:考查介词。句意:我的老师经常评论我的表现,以帮我了解我的学习进展。make a comment/comments on/upon/about...为固定搭配,意为"对……作出评论"。
解析:考查词形转换。句意:尽管这两个国家在经济、政治和文化上存在差异,但两国已决定在处理全球性问题上进行合作。分析句子结构可知,空处与political和 cultural 并列作定语修饰differences,故应用所给词的形容词形式,且空处意为"经济上的",因此填 economic。
7.答案:to offer
解析:考查固定用法。句意:我们每个人都能提供有必要的和有价值的东西,尽管可能我们自己都不知道它是什么。have sth. to do 意为"有……要做",故填 to offer。
8.答案: how
解析:考查连词。句意:我们担心的是他将如何独自摆脱困境。分析句子结构可知,空处引导表语从句,且在从句中作方式状语,故填 how。
解析:考查介词。句意:这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且明白了它们可以合作创造美好的未来。path后接介词 to表示"通向……的路"。
解析:考查介词。句意:如果时间允许,你可以花几天时间探索这个湿地公园,欣赏这里独特的动植物。unique to "某人/某地独具(特有)的"为固定搭配,故填to。
解析:推断根据文章前两段内容可知,伪学习的特点是看起来努力,但是缺乏集中力,实际上并没有完成多少工作。前 三个选项中的人物都没有完全集中精力,是伪学习的表现,D 选项则不是,故D选项正确。
解析:理解具体信息根据文章第四段中的"The bigger problem here is that most students don't even realize that they're pseudo-working"可知,主要问题就是大多数学生甚至没有意识 到他们在伪学习。故A选项正确。
解析:理解词汇明题意:本题问"第五段画线词‘optimal’的 意思是什么?"→寻线索:根据文章第五段内容可知,成为优等 生最重要的技能是拥有用最少的努力快速完成工作的能力,一 些认知科学研究得出结论:约50分钟是最佳的最大化每单位 时间内总材料数量的学习时长→定答案:A项"最少的",B项 "最好的",C项"微妙的",D项"精确的"。故B选项正确。
解析: 推断 根据文章第五段内容尤其是"To understand their secret to success...intensity of focus"可知,约50分钟是最佳学习时长,根据公式可知,在时长相同的情况下,完成的工作量要 想变大,那么专注的强度就必须变大,所以作者提到这个公式 是想强调在学习中专注力非常重要。故C选项正确。
解析:15. 空前的句子提供的信息是"大多数长途火车票,尤其是卧铺票,很快就会卖完",D项"夏天旺季的时候尤其如此"符合语境。解题时,可以着重关注选项中的代词That 和后一句中的连词 But,以帮助厘清段落中的逻辑。
16. 空前的句子主要陈述代理人能给旅行者带来的好处:可以帮忙订到打折票。选项G则陈述了另外一个好处:可以帮忙订到离就餐车厢近的卧铺车厢。而空后的句子是对选项G的进一步补充:这样的话你就不需要在移动的火车上每天三次穿过车厢去就餐。解题时,可以着重关注选项中的副词also和空后一句中的副词Then,以帮助厘清段落中的逻辑。
17. 从空后句子中的"in particular"可以看出,这句话是对空处的进一步解释。选项C"车厢中的温度经常很难控制"和空后的句子"尤其是夏天,空调会使车厢变得很冷"在逻辑上吻合。
18. 空前的句子提供的信息是"很多火车一天只有一个班次,甚至有的火车一周只有三个班次,所以错过一班车简直是一种灾难",选项E"如果要坐下一班次的车,你可能得等超过24小时"是对空前句子的进一步解释。
19. 空后的句子罗列了一些在火车上可以做的事情,比如读书、编织、做填字游戏、看窗外的风景,甚至计算火车的速度,这些都是需要耐心的活动,所以空处应该起到引出这些活动的作用。A项"火车旅行不适合没耐心的人"可以很好地实现这一功能。
21.答案: A
解析:结合常识及空后的"How can a hen fly "可知,作者不相信母鸡会飞。故选A项。
解析:根据空前的forced 以及下文中的"When she found there was no other way out, the_______ hen suddenly flew up to the roof and escaped successfully"可知,此处表示母鸡被逼到了墙角。故选B项。
解析:根据上文中的"our dog ran after a hen. Finally the hen was forced to a_______"和常识可知,此处表示受惊的母鸡发现没有其他出路,它突然飞上屋顶,成功地逃脱了。故选D项。frightened"受惊的,害怕的"。
解析:根据语境可知,此处表示母鸡因为珍爱自己的生命(life)所以飞了起来。下文中的"The love for her_______ is more than that for her own life"也是提示。故选C。
解析:根据空前的"Tom nodded"可知,此处表示他似乎已经理解了。故选C项。
解析:根据空后的"Dad! The dog is running after the chickens!"可知,作者听到儿子在院子里大声喊叫。
27.答案: A
解析:根据上文中的"The dog is running after the chickens!"可知,此处指母鸡跑向被狗追着的小鸡们。
解析:根据常识及空后的" between the dog and the hen, shouting at the dog to drive it away"可知,作者应该是站在狗和母鸡之间把狗呵斥走。故选D项。
32.答案: A
解析:根据"why didn't the hen fly away"和之前母鸡飞上屋顶逃脱可知,母鸡是打不过狗的。故选A项。
解析:根据上文中的"with her two wings_______ her children"可知,这次母鸡没有飞走是因为它爱孩子胜过爱自己的生命。故选C项。
解析:通读全文可知,本文讲述了母鸡在遇到危险时不顾一切保护自己的孩子的故事,人也是一样的,无论何时遇到危险,母亲的第一个念头总是保护自己的孩子。(6)Unit 2 Travelling Around—高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册单元检测卷(B卷)
1.The waves carried me to an area ______was near the fishermen.
2.In this work, Monet's aim was______ (convey) the light and the movement in the scene.
3.It made me nervous______ (examine) at the entrance.
4.The talks will focus on__________ (economy) development of the region.
5.The team has spent a long time __________ (design) the household robot, which will have a wide market.
6.The flower __________ (arrange) in the gallery is not just a form of decorating flowers; it’s an art.
7.As one of the birthplaces of Chinese __________ (civilize), Xi’an is a city with a long history and plenty of cultural relics.
8.Before I got home, my parents __________ (pack) all the luggage, ready for the trip.
9.Jane saw her sister off at the railway station, waving until the train was out __________ sight.
10.It rained heavily, __________ (cause) terrible flooding in the area.
Rollins College's graduate Elizabeth Bonker gave a powerful speech at the school's graduation ceremony using text-to-speech technology." You have a voice. Use it," she advised graduates. It seemed funny that a non-speaking autistic(患孤独症的) person encouraged you to use your voice. However, her moving speech touched not only her fellow classmates but also the worldwide audience with a powerful message of hope.
Throughout her academic career, Elizabeth has studied hard to reach her goals at school and in life. She wrote a book, I Am in Here, which highlights the abilities of people like her with non-speaking autism. She also founded a non-profit organization called Communication 4 ALL.
Elizabeth has a form of autism that resulted in her losing the ability to speak when she was 15months old. After she lost her speech, her family helped her learn to communicate by typing. She has become a supporter of assistive communication and typing instructions for those with non-speaking autism. "I have typed this speech with one finger with a communication partner holding a keyboard," shared Elizabeth.
Elizabeth majored in social service with the purpose of helping about 33 million people in the world who have non-speaking autism. She strongly believes that service to others gives meaning to each individual and to those they serve.
Throughout her life, Elizabeth has sought a platform where others would hear and accept her. She ignored negative comments and the low expectations others had for her life. Instead, she walked down her own path and set out to realize her dreams using intellect, talent and determination. She encouraged her fellow classmates to use their education and the power of their own minds to help make their dream a reality.
11. What effect did Elizabeth's speech have on the audience
A. It brought them hope.
B. It inspired them to use technology.
C. It helped them learn more about autism.
D. It encouraged them to make speeches.
12. What did Elizabeth's family do after she was unable to speak
A. They tried their best to teach her how to speak
B. They started a non-profit organization for her.
C. They helped her find another way to communicate.
D. They created the text-to-speech technology to help her.
13. Why did Elizabeth choose social service as her major
A. To develop her potential and strengths.
B. To get better employment opportunities.
C. To make her childhood dream come true.
D. To help more people like her in the world.
14. Which words can be used to describe Elizabeth
A. Positive and creative.
B. Strong-minded and helpful.
C. Energetic and humorous.
D. Kind-hearted and imaginative.
How to Make Sure You Enjoy Your Trip
A trip is a planned journey that one arranges in advance and whose main purpose is to search for adventure and to create a memorable moment. Here are the steps on how to make sure your trip is enjoyable.
●Plan it well. Trips should be ideally planned to go well. 15. _____ A checklist is helpful, making sure you've got all your needs.
●Pack necessities. Bring what you need. Trips are short journeys and belong to the sub-level of traveling. Pack only the things you need. 16. _____
●Be safe. To be cautious is smart. No matter what you are up to, surfing, cliff diving, snowboarding or scuba diving, you are always recommended to be safe. 17. _____ Don't be stubborn18and put yourself in harm's way when there are precautions.
●18. _____ You may see delays(延误), different cultures, lifestyles, foods, and even a shortage of cash sometimes—these are all what travel is about—experiencing things from a new perspective(视角). Once you expect to experience new things, you'll be a happy traveler and free from stress.
●Save the memory. 19. _____ This is not one of those regular days so you ought to save the moment. It will make your trip more enjoyable after all that craziness; you get something to review the good times.
A. Travel with an open mind.
B. Get prepared for everything new.
C. This is all we expect from a trip.
D. Seize the moment by taking pictures.
E. It is important to wear protective equipment when necessary.
F. It is easy to get tired if you have too many things in your pack.
G. Take time, a day or a week ahead to make a plan for your trip.
1. 写信目的;
2. 你的计划;
3. 期待回复。
1. 词数应为80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
解析:考查定语从句。句意:海浪把我带到了靠近渔民的地方。分析句子结构可知,本空引导限制性定语从句,先行词是an area,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which/that引导。故填which/that。
2.答案:to convey
解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:在这部作品中,莫奈的目的是传达场景中的光线和运动。根据句意及系动词was可知,此处应用动词不定式作表语。故填to convey。
3.答案:to be examined
解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:在入口处接受检查使我很紧张。句首it是形式主语,空处应用动词不定式形式作真正的主语,且结合语意,me和examine之间是被动关系,所以用不定式的被动形式。故填to be examined。
解析:spend time/money (in) doing sth.意为"花费时间(金钱)做某事",其中in可以省略。故填designing。
解析:根据句子结构可知空中缺少的是主语,arrangement 名词,布置,排列,在句中作主语故结合句意和提示填arrangement。
8.答案:had packed
解析:该动作发生在got home之前,表示过去的过去,因此使用过去完成时had done的形式。故答案为: had packed。
解析:out of sight为固定搭配,意为“看不见”。故填of。
解析:考查细节理解。根据文章第一段中的"However, her moving speech touched not only her fellow classmates but also the worldwide audience with a powerful message of hope"可知,她动人的演讲不仅打动了她的同学,也以充满希望的力量打动了全世界的观众,即她的演讲带给了观众希望。故选A项。
解析:考查细节理解。根据文章第三段中的"After she lost her speech her family helped her learn to communicate by typing"可知,在她失去说话能力后,她的家人帮助她学习通过打字来交流,即帮她找到了另一种沟通方式。故选C项。
解析:考查细节理解。根据文章倒数第二段中的" Elizabeth majored in social service with the purpose of helping about 33 million people in the world who have non-speaking autism"可知,Elizabeth主修社会服务专业是想帮助世界上更多像她一样的孤独症患者。故选D项。
解析:考查推理判断。根据第三段中的"Elizabeth has a form of autism"和文章最后一段中的"Instead, she walked down her own path and set out to realize her dreams using intellect, talent and determination"可知,Elizabeth是一个失去语言能力的孤独症患者,但她用智慧、才华和决心来实现她的梦想,故可推知她的意志力是非常坚定的;再根据第二段中的"She also founded a non-profit organization called Communication 4 ALL",第四段中的"Elizabeth majored in social service with the purpose of helping about 33 million people in the world who have non-speaking autism"以及最后一段中的"She encouraged her fellow classmates to use their education and the power of their own minds to help make their dream a reality"可推知她是一个乐于助人的人。故选B项。
解析:15. 细节句。该段首句“Plan it well. (好好做计划。)”是该段的主题句。选项G意为“提前一天或一周花一些时间为你的旅行做一个计划”。G项中的“make a plan”和该段主题句中的“Plan”呼应。故选G。
16. 细节句。设空处前一句提到“只打包你需要的东西”;选项F意为“如果你的背包里有太多东西,你会很容易累”。选项F承接空前一句的内容,故选F。
17. 细节句。该段首句“Be safe.(注意安全。)”是该段的主题句;选项E意为“必要时穿戴防护装备很重要”,符合该段的主题。故选E。
18. 主旨句。分析文章结构可知,第二、三、四、六段的首句都是每一段的主题句,且都是祈使句。该空位于第五段的段首,应该是该段的主题句,且是祈使句。选项A意为“带着开放的心态去旅行”。下文提到旅行中可能会遇到各种问题,作者建议用新的视角去体验,这样你就会成为一个快乐的、没有压力的旅行者。该段的主题与选项A相符。故选A。
19. 细节句。该段首句“Save the memory.(保存记忆。)”是该段的主题句。选项D意为“通过拍照抓住片刻时光”。选项D是对主题句的补充说明,同时“Seize the moment”与空后一句中的“save the moment”呼应。故选D。
Dear Frank,
Recently, I have seen your post saying you are planning to travel in Beijing next month and that you hope to have a Chinese student as your guide. I'd be glad to be your guide and I think I can do a good job.
First, I will show you around several great places of interest in Beijing, such as the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and the Great Wall. Besides, I will tell you the long history of Beijing to help you learn more about Chinese culture. Last, we can enjoy delicious local food together. I'm sure you will have a perfect holiday here.
Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua




下一篇:外研版(2019)选择性必修 第一册 Unit 1 Laugh out loud!单元检测卷(A、B卷)(含解析)