2023-2024冀教版(三起) 英语六年级下册期末测试卷(含答案)

英语 ·六年级下册
时间:90分钟 满分:100分.
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分
( )1. A. basketball B. minute C. football D. volleyball
( )2. A. policeman B. mother C. uncle D. aunt
( )3. A. happy B. sad C. hand D. angry
( )4. A. some B. any C. many D. often
( )5. A. strong B. lake C. sea D. river
二、按要求写单词。(15 分)
1. for(同音词) 2. health(形容词)
3. run(现在分词) 4. walk(现在分词)
5. before(反义词) 6. minute(复数)
7. play(现在分词) 8. body(复数)
9. buy(过去式) 10. watch(第三人称单数)
( )1. nine cookies A.去购物
( )2. ice cream B.下周
( )3. open the door C.九块饼干
( )4. go shopping D.冰淇淋
( )5. get up E.开门
( )6. next week F.起床
( )1. She wants everyone to see .
A. she B. her C. he
( )2.— What will you do
— We to swim.
A. learned B. will learn C. are learning
( )3.— What did Kim do last week
— She her aunt.
A. visited B. visits C. visit
( )4.— Excuse me. Do you have pencils
— Yes,I'll show you.
A. some B. many C. any
( )5. Do you want strong and healthy
A. is B. to be C. be
( )6.— do you eat fish
— Twice a week.
A. How many B. How often C. How much
( )7. Jenny some ping-pong balls yesterday.
A. buy B. buys C. bought
( )8. Jenny always her teeth after dinner.
A. brush B. to brush C. brushes
( )9. He played basketball with a ping-pong ball.
A. a B. the C./
( )10.— Do you have a pen a pencil
—A pencil.
A. or B. but C. and
五、读一读,选出与图片相符的一项。(10 分)
( )1. A. Lily washes her face before breakfast.
B. Lily washes her hands after dinner.
( )2. A. Mike often walks to school.
B. Riding a bike is exercise.
( )3. A. Mary has a sandwich and some juice for lunch.
B. Mary likes to eat vegetables and rice.
( )4. A. I often help my mother clean the rooms.
B.I help my parents at home. I always dry the
dishes after dinner.
( )5.
A. Mike watches TV once a day. He reads books twice a day.
B. Mike reads books once a day. He plays ping-pong twice a day.
( )1.当你决定买下一样东西时,你应该说:
A. I' ll take it. B. I' ll have them.
( )2.当你想知道一个季节有多少个月时,你应该说:
A. How many months there are in a season
B. How many months are there in a season
( )3.当你想借对方的自行车时,你应该说:
A. May I borrow your bike B. Can I have you bike
( )4.当你想对售货员说你想买一个书包时,你应该说:
A. Show me a bag, please. B. Give me a bag, please.
( )5.当你想告诉对方稍等一会儿时,你应该说:
A. Wait a month, please. B. Wait a minute, please.
John: Hello, Lily. This is John. I'm in New York now.
Lily: Hi, John.
John: It's warm and sunny.
John:I'm going to visit a museum. It's about toys. There' re many kinds of
Lily: That's great!
John: It's not far from my hotel. I will go there on foot.
John: Yes,I am.
Lily: Yes,I do.
John: Great! I will buy a toy Mickey Mouse for you.
Lily: Thank you! Have a good time!
John: Bye!
八、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。(15 分)
Lily: Hi, Betty. Did you watch the football game between Class 1 and Class 3 yesterday
Betty: Sure. Class 3 won with the score four to one.
Lily: Oh, what a pity(遗憾)! Who scored the goal(得分) for Class 1
Betty: Paul. He played quite well yesterday, but he was unlucky. He shot(射门) the ball on the crossbar(球门横梁) three times.
Lily: How about Class 3
Betty: They played really well.And their best player is very handsome. Many girls cheered(欢呼,喝彩) for him when he made a goal.
Lily: Are there any cool guys in Class 3 I haven't heard about the boy.
Betty: He's a newcomer(新来者).
Lily:I see.
( )1. There was a football game between Class 1 and Class 3 yesterday.
( )2. Class 1 lost.
( )3. Class 3 won with the score four to two.
( )4. Paul scored the goal for Class 3.
( )5. The newcomer is very handsome.
根据图片以“ Lily’s Saturday Plan”为题写一写她的周六计划,不少于5句话。
二、1. four 2. healthy 3. running 4. walking
5. after 6. minutes 7. playing 8. bodies
9. bought 10. watches
四、1--5 BBACB 6--10 BCCCA
Lily's Saturday Plan
Tomorrow is Saturday. Lily has many things to do. She is going to clean the room in the morning. Then she is going to play basketball. In the afternoon, sheis going to wash her clothes and buy a gift for Lisa. Because she is going toLisa's good-bye party in the evening.



上一篇:Unit 6 Meet my family! Part C 同步练习题(含听力材料+听力MP3+含答案)

下一篇:2.2 向心力与向心加速度(含解析)(同步练习)-高中物理粤教版(2019)必修第二册