新人教版选择性必修第三册 Unit5 Poems原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习综合素养分层演练】

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新人教版选择性必修第三册 Unit 5综合演练
1.So many     (蝴蝶) are dancing up and down the flowers.
2.It is necessary for English beginners to     (背诵) some English articles.
3.It is said that this kind of     (民间的) medicine takes effect in days.
4.Hearing the news, she is filled with great     (悲伤).
5.A new     (戏剧) is said to be presented next week in the People's Theatre.
6.When the queen passed away, her     (时代) was gone forever.
7.Though the girl is only an     (业余的) music lover, she can play the violin very well.
8.You shouldn't hold the same     (偏见) towards him as time is different now.
9.There are still some     (种族的) gaps in that country.
10.Their grades showed little     (变化) in their progress of the study.
11.It's such a     (复杂的) problem that I think most students can't work it out.
12.It is not right for you to     (取笑) such an old man for his disability.
13.She had no    (理解力) of what was involved.
14.They were working hard in order not to miss the    (最后期限).
15.The young boy decided to defeat the other students in the    (竞赛).
16.The police took away those suspects     (relate) to the traffic accident yesterday.
17.It's a great     (please) to work together with you in the past few weeks.
18.Just at that moment, I was able to see many birds     (fly) high up in the sky.
19.He is     an clever boy that he can always finish his homework earlier than other children.
20.Our English teacher always inspires me     (work) hard at my lessons.
21.The scientist is so famous that he is familiar     everybody in the town.
22.Has Mrs Li told you the reason     she was late for work yesterday morning
23.She did badly in the examination, which made her in a     (depress) mood these days.
24.Day     day, his crops grew up taller and taller, which made the farmer quite happy.
25.Further     (economy) reforms should be carried out next year in our city.
I think your article needs     (polish) before publication.
Believe it or not, our     (correspond) is limited to a few commercial
28.    his sorrow, all his belongings were destroyed in the earthquake.
29.People who are dieting need a     (various) of foods to assure a constant supply of nutrients their bodies need.
30.Mike managed to convince his girl friend     (go) on the trip with him.
三、伍德沃思所作的The Old Oaken Bucket诗歌的由来
Visitors still stop at the old house in Scituate, Massachusetts. But the house is not what brings them there. What they want to see is the old stone well beside it and the iron-bound water bucket that's put on its edge.
Two hundred years ago, this farmhouse was the home of Samuel Woodworth. During the long summers of his childhood, young Samuel would often pause at the well. It was a welcome break, especially on a hot afternoon. On such a day he would eagerly draw a bucketful of cold water and satisfy his thirst with a refreshing drink.
When he was fourteen, Woodworth left Scituate for New York City, where he started his own newspaper. Later he worked as an editor at other newspapers and magazines while writing novels, plays, and poetry in his spare time. His life was busy, and he rarely had time to visit the family farm.
But Woodworth never stopped thinking of his Scituate home. After work one evening, Woodworth poured himself a glass of city water. It wasn't very refreshing. Casually he remarked to his wife, Lydia, how wonderful it would be to have a long, cool drink from the oaken bucket at his father's well. Lydia had a suggestion: Why not put it to poetry
It was a suggestion Woodworth could not resist. That night he wrote "The Bucket". In it he captured the world of his childhood on a hot summer day and the simple joy of stopping for a drink at his father's well.
His poem was an instant success. It seemed to touch everyone who had ever been homesick. At the height of its popularity, The Old Oaken Bucket (as it came to be called) was translated into four languages, and the words were set to a popular tune of the time. Over the years, countless people have read or sung Woodworth's ode to his boyhood. Today it is the official song of Scituate, Massachusetts.
In his time, Samuel Woodworth was a successful writer. Now his poems and plays are all but forgotten. He would be, too—if it hadn't been for a glass of warm water, some good advice from his wife, and his love of those long-ago days on the farm.
31.What experience most likely helped Woodworth write "The Bucket"
A.Living in Scituate. B.Growing up on a farm.
C.Working in New York. D.Working for a newspaper.
32.What was Woodworth's purpose for writing the poem
A.To share an opinion.
B.To complain about the water in the city.
C.To explain the newspaper business.
D.To express an emotion.
33.Why does the author use flashback(倒叙) in the second paragraph
A.It helps readers to become a poet.
B.It helps readers to appreciate city life.
C.It helps readers to learn about the life of the poet.
D.It helps readers to understand how hard Samuel's life was.
34.Which of the following is the best title for the selection
A.The Old Oaken Bucket B.Living in New York
C.Growing up on the Farm D.Good Suggestions from Wife
There's really only one reason why poetry has gotten a reputation for being so "difficult": It demands your full attention.  35.  
Follow Your Ears.
It's okay to ask "What does it mean?" when you are reading a poem. But it's even better to ask "How does it sound?"  36.   Even if you can't understand a single thing about a poem's "subject" or "theme", you can always say something—anything—about the sound of the words.
OK, we're not saying you have to shout it from the rooftops. If you're embarrassed and want to lock yourself in the attic (阁楼) and read the poem in the quietest whisper, go ahead. But reading aloud is really an effective way to understand a poem, because reading even part of it aloud can totally change your perspective on how it works.
Read In Different Places.
Just like music, the experience of poetry changes depending on your mood and the environment. Read in as many different places as possible: at the beach, on a mountain, in the subway.  38.  
Think Like A Poet.
Here's a fun exercise. Go through the poem one line at a time, covering up the next line with your hand so you can't see it. Put yourself in the poet's shoes:  39.   If you start to think like this, you'll be able to appreciate all the different choices that go into making a poem.
A. Be Patient.
B. Read It Aloud.
C. If all else fails, treat it like a song.
D. If I had to write a line to come after this line, what would I put
E. So if you don't get it, set the poem aside and come back to it later.
F. Here is a short list of tips that will make poems reading more enjoyable.
G. Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery for a poem to really come alive.
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新人教版选择性必修第三册 Unit 5综合演练
1.So many     (蝴蝶) are dancing up and down the flowers.
【解析】【分析】句意:这么多蝴蝶在花上跳来跳去。“ 蝴蝶 ”应用 butterfly ,此处名词作主语,many后姐复数名词,故填 butterflies 。
2.It is necessary for English beginners to     (背诵) some English articles.
【解析】【分析】句意:英语初学者背诵一些英语文章是必要的。“ 背诵 ”应用 recite ,此处不定式作主语,故填 recite 。
3.It is said that this kind of     (民间的) medicine takes effect in days.
【解析】【分析】句意:据说这种民间药物在几天内就会生效。“ 民间的 ”应用 folk ,此处形容词修饰名词 medicine ,作定语,故填 folk 。
4.Hearing the news, she is filled with great     (悲伤).
【解析】【分析】句意:听到这个消息,她悲痛欲绝。“ 悲伤 ”应用 sorrow ,不可数名词,此处作介词宾语,故填 sorrow 。
5.A new     (戏剧) is said to be presented next week in the People's Theatre.
【解析】【分析】句意:据说下周人民剧院将上演一部新剧。“ 戏剧 ”应用 drama ,此处作主语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 drama 。
6.When the queen passed away, her     (时代) was gone forever.
【解析】【分析】句意:女王去世后,她的时代就一去不复返了。“ 时代 ”应用 era ,此处名词作主语,根据谓语动词was,可知应用单数形式,故填 era 。
7.Though the girl is only an     (业余的) music lover, she can play the violin very well.
【解析】【分析】句意:虽然这个女孩只是一个业余音乐爱好者,但她的小提琴拉得很好。“ 业余的 ”应用 amateur ,形容词,此处修饰名词 music lover ,作定语,故填 amateur 。
8.You shouldn't hold the same     (偏见) towards him as time is different now.
【解析】【分析】句意:你不应该对他抱有同样的偏见,因为现在时代不同了。“ 偏见 ”应用 prejudice ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 prejudice 。
9.There are still some     (种族的) gaps in that country.
【解析】【分析】句意:那个国家仍有一些种族差距。“ 种族的 ”应用 racial ,形容词,此处修饰名词 gaps,作定语,故填 racial 。
10.Their grades showed little     (变化) in their progress of the study.
【解析】【分析】句意:他们的成绩在学习过程中几乎没有变化。“变化”应用 variation ,不可数名词,此处作宾语,故填 variation 。
11.It's such a     (复杂的) problem that I think most students can't work it out.
【解析】【分析】句意:这是一个如此复杂的问题,我想大多数学生都解不出来。“ 复杂的 ”应用 complicated ,此处修饰名词 problem ,作定语,故填 complicated 。
12.It is not right for you to     (取笑) such an old man for his disability.
【解析】【分析】句意:你嘲笑这样一位老人的残疾是不对的。“ 取笑 ”应用 tease ,此处不定式作主语,故填 tease 。
13.She had no    (理解力) of what was involved.
14.They were working hard in order not to miss the    (最后期限).
15.The young boy decided to defeat the other students in the    (竞赛).
16.The police took away those suspects     (relate) to the traffic accident yesterday.
【解析】【分析】句意:警方昨天带走了那些与交通事故有关的嫌疑人。 those suspects 与 relate 在逻辑上是动宾关系,过去分词表被动,此处作定语,故填 related 。
17.It's a great     (please) to work together with you in the past few weeks.
【解析】【分析】句意:在过去的几周里和你一起工作真是太高兴了。此处名词作表语, please “使高兴”,动词,其名词是 pleasure ,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 pleasure 。
18.Just at that moment, I was able to see many birds     (fly) high up in the sky.
【解析】【分析】句意:就在那一刻,我能看到许多鸟在高空飞翔。 many birds 与 fly 在逻辑上是主谓关系,现在分词表主动,此处作宾补,故填 flying 。
19.He is     an clever boy that he can always finish his homework earlier than other children.
【解析】【分析】句意:他是一个聪明的男孩,总是能比其他孩子早完成作业。此句是固定句式 such ...that...,此处形容词作定语,故填 such 。
【点评】考查形容词,本题涉及形容词作定语,以及固定句式 such ...that...。
20.Our English teacher always inspires me     (work) hard at my lessons.
【答案】to work
【解析】【分析】句意:我们的英语老师总是激励我努力学习。inspire sb. to do,固定短语,“激励某人做......”,此处不定式作宾补,故填 to work 。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及不定式作宾补以及固定短语inspire sb. to do。
21.The scientist is so famous that he is familiar     everybody in the town.
【解析】【分析】句意:这位科学家非常有名,他与镇上的每个人都很熟悉。be familiar with,固定短语,“熟悉”,故填with。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语be familiar with。
22.Has Mrs Li told you the reason     she was late for work yesterday morning
【解析】【分析】句意:李太太告诉你她昨天早上迟到的原因了吗?根据句意“李太太昨天早上迟到的原因”可知“李太太昨天早上迟到”是定语从句修饰名词“原因”。在确定是考查定语从句之后,首先确定定语从句的汉语意思或者语法结构是否完整;如果完整,则从关系副词中选择合适的;如果不完整,则从关系代词中选择合适的一个。该句中定语从句“she was late for work yesterday morning”是完整的,所以考虑关系副词。因为先行词reason意“原因”,故答案为why。
23.She did badly in the examination, which made her in a     (depress) mood these days.
【点评】考查形容词。这类“表示心情、感情变化”的词的名词形式,常用语固定短语to one's +名词。
24.Day     day, his crops grew up taller and taller, which made the farmer quite happy.
【解析】【分析】句意:一天又一天,他的庄稼长得越来越高,这使农民很高兴。day by day,固定短语,“一天又一天”,故填by。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语day by day。
25.Further     (economy) reforms should be carried out next year in our city.
【解析】【分析】句意:明年我市应进一步进行经济改革。此处形容词作定语, economy “经济”,名词,其形容词是 economic ,“经济上的”,修饰名词 economic ,故填 economic 。
I think your article needs     (polish) before publication.
【答案】polishing/to be polished
【解析】【分析】句意:我认为你的文章在出版前需要润色一下。need doing=need to be done固定短语,“需要做.......”,故填polishing/to be polished。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及动名词/不定式作宾语以及固定短语need doing=need to be done。
Believe it or not, our     (correspond) is limited to a few commercial
【解析】【分析】句意:信不信由你,我们的通信仅限于几封商业信件。此处名词作主语, correspondence ,不可数名词,故填correspondence。
28.    his sorrow, all his belongings were destroyed in the earthquake.
【解析】【分析】句意:令他悲伤的是,他所有的财产都在地震中被毁了。to one's sorrow 固定短语,"令某人悲伤的是",位于句首,首字母大写,故填 To 。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语to one's sorrow。
29.People who are dieting need a     (various) of foods to assure a constant supply of nutrients their bodies need.
【解析】【分析】句意:节食的人需要各种各样的食物来保证身体所需的营养物质的持续供应。此处应用名词,构成固定短语 a variety of "各种各样的",故填 variety 。
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语a variety of。
30.Mike managed to convince his girl friend     (go) on the trip with him.
【答案】to go
【解析】【分析】句意:Mike设法说服了他的女朋友和他一起去旅行。固定短语convince sb. to do sth. ,说服某人做某事,也可以理解为动词不定式to go on the trip with him 作宾语补足语,补充说明宾语his girl friend 将要进行的动作。故答案为to go。
三、伍德沃思所作的The Old Oaken Bucket诗歌的由来
Visitors still stop at the old house in Scituate, Massachusetts. But the house is not what brings them there. What they want to see is the old stone well beside it and the iron-bound water bucket that's put on its edge.
Two hundred years ago, this farmhouse was the home of Samuel Woodworth. During the long summers of his childhood, young Samuel would often pause at the well. It was a welcome break, especially on a hot afternoon. On such a day he would eagerly draw a bucketful of cold water and satisfy his thirst with a refreshing drink.
When he was fourteen, Woodworth left Scituate for New York City, where he started his own newspaper. Later he worked as an editor at other newspapers and magazines while writing novels, plays, and poetry in his spare time. His life was busy, and he rarely had time to visit the family farm.
But Woodworth never stopped thinking of his Scituate home. After work one evening, Woodworth poured himself a glass of city water. It wasn't very refreshing. Casually he remarked to his wife, Lydia, how wonderful it would be to have a long, cool drink from the oaken bucket at his father's well. Lydia had a suggestion: Why not put it to poetry
It was a suggestion Woodworth could not resist. That night he wrote "The Bucket". In it he captured the world of his childhood on a hot summer day and the simple joy of stopping for a drink at his father's well.
His poem was an instant success. It seemed to touch everyone who had ever been homesick. At the height of its popularity, The Old Oaken Bucket (as it came to be called) was translated into four languages, and the words were set to a popular tune of the time. Over the years, countless people have read or sung Woodworth's ode to his boyhood. Today it is the official song of Scituate, Massachusetts.
In his time, Samuel Woodworth was a successful writer. Now his poems and plays are all but forgotten. He would be, too—if it hadn't been for a glass of warm water, some good advice from his wife, and his love of those long-ago days on the farm.
31.What experience most likely helped Woodworth write "The Bucket"
A.Living in Scituate. B.Growing up on a farm.
C.Working in New York. D.Working for a newspaper.
32.What was Woodworth's purpose for writing the poem
A.To share an opinion.
B.To complain about the water in the city.
C.To explain the newspaper business.
D.To express an emotion.
33.Why does the author use flashback(倒叙) in the second paragraph
A.It helps readers to become a poet.
B.It helps readers to appreciate city life.
C.It helps readers to learn about the life of the poet.
D.It helps readers to understand how hard Samuel's life was.
34.Which of the following is the best title for the selection
A.The Old Oaken Bucket B.Living in New York
C.Growing up on the Farm D.Good Suggestions from Wife
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了伍德沃思所作的The Old Oaken Bucket这首诗歌的由来,这首诗歌触动了所有曾经想家的人.在其受欢迎程度最高的时候,The Old Oaken Bucket后来被翻译成四种语言,并且这些单词被设置为当时流行的曲调.多年来,无数人已经读过或唱过伍德沃思的童年颂歌.今天它是马萨诸塞州Scituate的官方歌曲。
31.考查推理判断。根据第二段"Two hundred years ago, this farmhouse was the home of Samuel Woodworth. During the long summers of his childhood, young Samuel would often pause at the well. It was a welcome break, especially on a hot afternoon. On such a day he would eagerly draw a bucketful of cold water and satisfy his thirst with a refreshing drink."两百年前,这座农舍是塞缪尔·伍德沃斯的家。在童年漫长的夏天,年轻的塞缪尔经常在井边停下来。这是一个受欢迎的休息时间,尤其是在一个炎热的下午。在这样的日子里,他会急切地抽一桶冷水,喝一杯提神的饮料来解渴。本段用倒叙的手法,介绍了伍德沃思的童年生活。也正是那时的农场生活,给他带来了美好的回忆,才导致了他后来成功创作了这首诗。故选B。
32.考查推理判断。根据第三段"When he was fourteen, Woodworth left Scituate for New York City, where he started his own newspaper. Later he worked as an editor at other newspapers and magazines while writing novels, plays, and poetry in his spare time. His life was busy, and he rarely had time to visit the family farm."14岁时,Woodworth离开Scituate前往纽约市,在那里他创办了自己的报纸。后来,他在其他报纸和杂志担任编辑,同时在业余时间写小说、戏剧和诗歌。他的生活很忙碌,他很少有时间参观家庭农场;以及第四段"But Woodworth never stopped thinking of his Scituate home. After work one evening, Woodworth poured himself a glass of city water. It wasn't very refreshing. Casually he remarked to his wife, Lydia, how wonderful it would be to have a long, cool drink from the oaken bucket at his father's well. Lydia had a suggestion: Why not put it to poetry "但Woodworth从未停止过对他在Scituate的家的思念。一天晚上下班后,Woodworth给自己倒了一杯城市水。这不是很令人耳目一新。他漫不经心地对妻子莉迪亚说,能在他父亲的水井里用橡木桶喝一杯又长又凉的饮料,该有多好。莉迪亚提出了一个建议:为什么不把它写进诗歌里呢?可知,他写这首诗的目的是表达他对童年时代农场生活以及家乡的思念之情。故选D。
33.考查推理判断。根据第二段中的" During the long summers of his childhood, young Samuel would often pause at the well. It was a welcome break, especially on a hot afternoon. On such a day he would eagerly draw a bucketful of cold water and satisfy his thirst with a refreshing drink."在童年漫长的夏天,年轻的塞缪尔经常在井边停下来。这是一个受欢迎的休息时间,尤其是在一个炎热的下午。在这样的日子里,他会急切地抽一桶冷水,喝一杯提神的饮料来解渴。可知,作者这样做是为了让读者了解诗人的生活。故选C。
There's really only one reason why poetry has gotten a reputation for being so "difficult": It demands your full attention.  35.  
Follow Your Ears.
It's okay to ask "What does it mean?" when you are reading a poem. But it's even better to ask "How does it sound?"  36.   Even if you can't understand a single thing about a poem's "subject" or "theme", you can always say something—anything—about the sound of the words.
OK, we're not saying you have to shout it from the rooftops. If you're embarrassed and want to lock yourself in the attic (阁楼) and read the poem in the quietest whisper, go ahead. But reading aloud is really an effective way to understand a poem, because reading even part of it aloud can totally change your perspective on how it works.
Read In Different Places.
Just like music, the experience of poetry changes depending on your mood and the environment. Read in as many different places as possible: at the beach, on a mountain, in the subway.  38.  
Think Like A Poet.
Here's a fun exercise. Go through the poem one line at a time, covering up the next line with your hand so you can't see it. Put yourself in the poet's shoes:  39.   If you start to think like this, you'll be able to appreciate all the different choices that go into making a poem.
A. Be Patient.
B. Read It Aloud.
C. If all else fails, treat it like a song.
D. If I had to write a line to come after this line, what would I put
E. So if you don't get it, set the poem aside and come back to it later.
F. Here is a short list of tips that will make poems reading more enjoyable.
G. Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery for a poem to really come alive.
35.根据下面的小标题“Follow Your Ears.“ 跟随你的耳朵;”Read in Different Places. “在不同的地方阅读;以及”Think Like a Poet.”像诗人一样思考。所以此空是总说,引出如何朗读一首诗歌的四条建议。F. Here is a short list of tips that will make poems reading more enjoyable.“这里有一个简短的技巧列表,将使诗歌阅读更愉快”符合语境,故选F。
36.根据空后“Even if you can't understand a single thing about a poem's ‘subject' or ‘theme', you can always say something — anything — about the sound of the words.”可知,即使你对一首诗的“题目”或“主题”一窍不通,你也总能对单词的发音说出一些或任何东西。所以小题2要起到引起下文的作用,以此来说明把诗当成歌曲的益处。C. If all else fails, treat it like a song.“如果其他方法都失败了,把它当作一首歌来对待”符合语境。故选C。
37.根据空后“But reading aloud is really an effective way to understand a poem, because reading even part of it aloud can totally change your perspective on how it works”但是大声朗读确实是理解一首诗的有效方法,因为大声朗读其中的一部分可以完全改变你对它如何运作的看法。所以本段是围绕着大声朗读诗而展开的也就是小题3本段的标题的内容。B. Read It Aloud.“ 大声朗读诗歌”符合语境。故选B。
38.根据空前“Read in as many different places as possible: at the beach, on a mountain, in the subway.”在尽可能多的地方读诗:在海滩上,在山上,在地铁里。所以在这么多不同的地方读书,就是为了说明环境对读诗所产生的积极影响。G. Sometimes all it takes is a change of scenery for a poem to really come alive.“有时候,一首诗要栩栩如生,只需要变换一下环境”符合语境,故选G。
39.根据空前“Go through the poem one line at a time, covering up the next line with your hand so you can't see it. Put yourself in the poet's shoes”把这首诗一行一行地读一遍,用手把下一行盖住,这样你就看不见了。把你自己放在诗人的立场上。所以此空要表明如果把你自己放在诗人的立场上会思考什么。D. If I had to write a line to come after this line, what would I put “如果我必须写一行来接这行,我会写什么?”符合语境。故选D。




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