人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级英语上册 期末综合测试卷(含答案含听力原文无听力音频)

班级 学号 得分 学
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)
( )1. Does Jim play basketball on weekends
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. We don't know.
( )2. What does the boy think of Maria
A. She is careful. B. She is interesting. C. She is careless.
( )3. How will they go to the West Lake
A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.
( )4. What was the boy doing at nine last night
A. He was listening to the radio. B. He was sleeping.
C. He was doing some washing.
( )5. Why can't the boy go to the party
A. Because he has to go to the doctor.
B. Because he has to help his parents.
C. Because he has to prepare for an exam.
( )6. Who is Mike
A. Betty's son. B. Nick's son. C. Betty's father.
( )7. How long will the show last
A. About two hours. B. More than three hours.
C. Less than three hours.
( )8. How much should be paid if Betty and her son go to the show
A. Fifty yuan. B. Sixty yuan.
C. One hundred and ten yuan.
听下面一段对话,回答第9至第 11三个小题。
( )9. What time might it be now
A.11:30 am. B.2:00 pm. C.7:00 am.
( )10. What food is there at Jenny’s home
A. Only beef. B. Beef and salad. C. Bread and salad.
( )11. What can we know from the conversation
A. Jenny is happy with her lunch.
B. Jenny’s father made delicious food for her.
C. Jenny will tell her mother about it.
听下面一段独白,回答第12至第 15 四个小题。
( )12. What does the speaker tell us
A. How to eat lettuce and peas.
B. How to cook vegetables for kids.
C. How to feed the goldfish on vegetables.
( )13. What do we need when we wash the lettuce
Warm water. B. Cool water. C. Hot water.
( )14. What does the speaker do with peas
A. Do not cook the peas.
B. Cook them till they are soft.
C. Put them inside the tank with a clip.
( )15. Which is the RIGHT way to feed the goldfish
A. Feed it lots of food and more than once every day.
B. Feed it once every day and as much food as possible.
C. Feed it food that it can eat in three minutes every time.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped. He didn't understand why these huge animals being held by only a small rope tied to their front legs and couldn't get away. No chains, no cages. It was easy for the elephants, at any time, to get away from the rope. But for some reasons, they did not.
He saw a trainer(训练师) nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and didn't try to get away.“ Well,” the trainer said,“ when they were very young and much smaller, we used the rope of the same size to tie them and at that age, it was enough to hold them. As they grew up, they still believed they couldn't get away from it. They believed the rope could still hold them, so they never tried to break free.”
The man was surprised. These animals could get away at any time. However, because they believed they couldn't, they were stuck right where they were.
Like the elephants, how many of us spend our life with a thought that we cannot do something, simply because we failed(失败) in it once before
Failure is part of learning. We should never give up. We fail not because we should fail, but because there are lessons which we need to learn in our life.
( )16. The elephants didn’t break free after growing up because .
A. they were not able to do that
B. they liked living in that way
C. they didn't know where to go
D. they didn't think they were able to do that
( )17. Which of the following is TRUE
A. The elephants were very smart.
B. The man was surprised at the reason.
C. The elephants were waiting for a right time.
D. The elephants liked the trainer very much.
( )18. What can we learn from the passage
A. What the elephants did was right.
B. We should not have the same thought as the elephants.
C. The man should not tie the elephants like that.
D. The elephants were too lazy to get away.
How to keep warm in cold winter Here are some useful tips.
★Wear the right clothes
Some thin layers(层) on top of each other hold warm air. Woolen(羊毛的) or cotton clothes keep you warm. Your body cools as you sleep— keep warm in bed on really cold nights by wearing woolen socks and a hat.
Outdoors—a coat on top of some thin layers works better than one thick jacket. You lose a lot of heat through your head— wear a hat or a scarf! Woolen insoles(鞋垫) in your shoes will help keep your feet warm.
★Have hot food and drinks
Make sure that you have at least one hot meal each day. Hot drinks will help you keep warm too. A hot drink at bedtime is a good idea. If you have the habit of taking a bottle of hot water to bed with you, you can drink hot water easily if you feel cold during the night. Home- made soup is easy to cook— if you have a stove, you' ll always have something hot to eat when you don't want to cook.
★Keep moving to keep warm
When you feel cold, sitting quietly just makes you feel even colder. If you spend a lot of time watching TV or playing computer games, you'd better move around, do some housework or do some sports. Try not to use the cold, dark winter months as an excuse for turning into a couch potato!
( )19. What activities can't you do to keep warm
A. Moving around in your house. B. Doing some housework.
C. Doing some sports. D. Spending a lot of time watching TV.
( )20. The underlined word“ stove” means“ ” in Chinese.
A.火 B.厨房 C.火炉 D.锅
( )21. This passage mainly tells us .
A. what we should wear in the cold weather
B. how to keep ourselves warm in the cold weather
C. what we need to do in everyday life to keep warm
D. how to keep ourselves healthy in the cold weather
Ramen noodles(拉面) are yellow noodles that came from China. They became a popular street food in Japan in the early 1900s. Then, after World War Ⅱ, ramen became even more popular in Japan. At that time, Japan did not have much food at all. Ramen was cheap and good, so more people began eating it.
In the 1950s, Momofuku Ando started Nissin food company in Japan. He had an idea. He wanted to make dried ramen noodles. People could pour hot water over these noodles, wait a few minutes, and then eat them. It could be cup ramen! It was not easy, but finally Ando came up with a way to make cup ramen. Japanese people loved it! Soon other companies were copying Ando's idea. Not long after that, cup ramen spread to other countries.
Today, people all around the world enjoy ramen. In fact, people eat about 40 billion bowls, cups or packs of ramen every year!
But the story of ramen does not end there. Ramen is now moving from streets and bowls to good restaurants. People add all kinds of meats, vegetables, and gravy to ramen, and people are choosing noodle bars over sushi bars for a nice dinner out these days.
So whether you want traditional, quick or fancy ramen, you can find it. Just look on the street, in a store, or in a restaurant near you.
( )22. This passage is about .
A. the history of ramen B. the way to cook ramen
C. a man who ate a lot of ramen D. kinds of ramen
( )23. Which of the following kinds of ramen is NOT mentioned
A. Instant ramen. B. Street ramen.
C. Restaurant- style ramen. D. Sushi ramen.
( )24. Who was Momofuku Ando
A. A businessman. B. A chef.
C. A restaurant owner. D. A soldier in World WarⅡ.
( )25. Which of these sentences is TRUE
A. Ando thought people would not like cup ramen.
B. Cup ramen was first made by accident.
C. Other Japanese companies copied Nissin's new food.
D. The Nissin company was started in 1950.
( )26. Which of the following places where you can find ram en is NOT mentioned
A. On the street. B. In a store.
C. In a restaurant. D. In a school.
Have you ever tried to write with both hands This may sound impossible. However, all the students can write with both hands in Veena Vandini School in India!
This famous school is in a small village in India. There are 300 students in this school and all of them can write with both their left and right hands. Some are even able to write in different languages at the same time. In this school, each lesson lasts45 minutes. Students usually spend 15 minutes on handwriting(书写) practice in each lesson. By doing this, the school makes sure all the students have the skill.
Mr. Sharma used to be a soldier(士兵). In 1999, he set up this school and became the headmaster of this school.“I read a story about the first Indian President(总统) named Rajendra Prasad before,” Mr. Sharma said.“ The president was famous for writing with both of his hands. Later, when I set up the school in my village, I started to practice more and tried training(训练) my students like that.”
The school begins training the students when they are in Grade One. And by the time they reach Grade Three, they will feel comfortable to write with both of their hands. Just because of the students’ special skills, the school becomes famous and every year there are some foreign visitors coming here and learning more about writing with both hands.
( )27. What can all the students in this school do
A. Write stories. B. Write with their feet.
C. Write with both hands. D. Write in different languages.
( )28. What does Mr. Sharma do
A. He is a soldier.
B. He is an Indian student.
C. He is the President of India.
D. He is an Indian school's headmaster.
( )29. Why did Mr. Sharma train his students to have the skill
A. Because he wanted to make them famous.
B. Because he wanted to make them rich.
C. Because it was a tradition in India.
D. Because Rajendra Prasad's story touched him.
( )30. What can we get from the passage
A. Veena Vandini School is famous for its long history.
B. Mr. Sharma should be able to write with both hands.
C. Many students in the world hope to learn to write with both hands.
D. Students in this school only practice handwriting in Grade One.
Do you feel nervous when you are talking to others If you think you' re too shy and want to be more outgoing, try the following tips. I think you can make it.
There's no need to hide(隐瞒) it. When they get to know you' re a shy kid, they' ll understand you better. This also helps you feel easier when talking with others.
When you smile, people think you' re friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings, too. And most people will stay away from an angry- looking face.
If you find it hard to start talking, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person
Think more about ways to enjoy the party or the game. Don't spend time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not.
Each time after you say“ hi” or smile at someone, say“I did it! ” to yourself or it could be something bigger, like buying yourself an ice- cream.
Keep trying and one day you' ll not be shy when talking to others.
A. Take one small step at a time
B. Tell people you' re shy
C. Say something nice about others
D. Join some interesting clubs
E. Try to smile more
F. Turn your attention(注意力) elsewhere
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分25分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
When talking about the life of the old people, many people's first thought might be“ Square Dance”, because we can see many old people 36 in the square in the morning or in the afternoon. However, in Fuzhou learning English is an 80- year- old grandpa's everyday 37 .
Grandpa Lin is studying two 38 courses in a university. At one head of his bed, there are 39 many English books. He even thinks that listening to an MP3 player with English talks is the best 40 for his insomnia(失眠症). When people visit him, he always 41 to talk with them in English. His 42 of learning English dates back(追溯到) to over ten years ago.
One day in 2002, Grandpa Lin went to Tianjin to see his daughter. On the train, he met a young American couple(夫妻). With the body language and some 43 words, he talked with the couple for a long time. Finally, the two 44 also gave e- mail addresses to each other.
Soon after he 45 home, Grandpa Lin received a special letter from the American couple. The couple 46 the letter both in English and Chinese. They 47 him to keep learning English well. From then on, Grandpa Lin made a 48 to hold on to his dream.
Grandpa Lin often tries to talk with his friends in English on WeChat. Although he is old, he never 49 . We hope more old people can be like Grandpa Lin. Never too old to 50 .
( )36. A. walking B. running C. jumping D. dancing
( )37. A. time B. work C. meal D. example
( )38. A. French B. Russian C. English D. Japanese
( )39. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. hardly
( )40. A. teacher B. medicine C. book D. experience
( )41. A. needs B. forgets C. refuses D. expects
( )42. A. step B. opening C. question D. story
( )43. A. long B. meaningless C. easy D. difficult
( )44. A. sides B. people C. families D. couples
( )45. A. left B. called C. lost D. returned
( )46. A. read B. wrote C. found D. served
( )47. A. allowed B. ordered C. advised D. disliked
( )48. A. resolution B. meaning C. relationship D. holiday
( )49. A. turns down B. takes up C. gives up D. falls down
( )50. A. travel B. learn C. invite D. celebrate
Angel Thomas,51. eleven- year- old schoolgirl, always liked to play shop games when she 52. ( be) younger. She hopes to be a shopkeeper one day.
Now she is playing the game for real—— after opening her own shop at the 53. of eleven. She becomes her own boss and goes to work in her spare time.
Angel has now become Britain's 54. ( young) shopkeeper. She 55. ( run) a shop that sells clothes for pets. Her shop is popular with the young and the old. The schoolgirl is able to balance(平衡) running the store with her schoolwork. She even teaches 56. ( she) how to make clothes, so she can create her own collection of pet clothes.
“I' ve always wanted to be 57. ( success) and run my own business,” Angel said.“I love being my own boss and I really enjoy 58. to work.” Indeed, she did what she wanted. She is a wonderful girl.
Now the primary school pupil is looking to reach her next goal— making enough money to pay 59. her study to become a vet, because she loves the animals. She wants to do more for the animals. She wants to depend on herself to make her dream come 60. .
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分25分)
第一节 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
61. I wish everybody good luck at the b of the year.
62. A true friend r for your hand and touches your heart.
63. Do you think robots will take the p of humans in the future
64. We should brush our teeth at least t a day, in the morning and in the evening.
65.— Did you watch The Voice of China last night
— No, who sang b , Zhang Bichen, Chen Bing or Di Sihan
66. Mike finished his high school and went to the c to go on his study.
67. The number after thirty- nine is f .
68. Kate does her homework c , so she hardly makes mistakes.
69. I believe that all of you can work out this problem by y .
70. In a , leaves turn yellow.
第二节 书面表达(共1题,满分15分)
你的朋友 Amy在交友问题上遇到了烦恼,她很担心,但不知道该怎么办。她的同班同学给了她一些建议来帮助她。请你根据下列表格所提供的信息,写一篇英语短文。
Names Suggestions Reasons
Judy share her problems feel better
Mike run away from it worries are normal
You tell her parents have a lot of experience
Students these days often have a lot of worries. My friend Amy had trouble in making friends, and worried for days.
1. W: How do you spend your weekends, Jim
M: Going hiking with my friends or playing computer games at home.
W: Do you like playing basketball
快对快对快对,M: No, I don't like对快难快对 ll.
2. W: Did Maria miss the match again
M: Yes, she was too careless to win this time. What a shame!
3. W: Hi, Jia Wei, tomorrow is Sunday. What about going to visit the West Lake with me
M: Sounds great! Let's go there by bike.
W: OK, I' ll meet you at the school gate at eight.
4. M: Why didn't you call me last night
W: I called, but nobody answered.
M: Oh, when did you call me, then
W: At nine.
M: At nine Oh, I was listening to the radio.
5. W: Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon
M: Sorry, I can't. I have to prepare for an exam.
M: Hello, Betty. What are you doing here
W: Hello, Nick! This is my son, Mike. We' re going shopping. I like to buy some clothes for him.
M: Well, I know that there's a show for children this afternoon.
W: Oh Where is it
M: It's near the library on Meiyuan Road.
W: Oh What time is the show
M: It starts at two and finishes at five thirty.
W: How much is a ticket for children
M: Well, it's fifty yuan each. But sixty yuun for each adult.
W:OK! Thanks.
M: You' re welcome.
W: Dad, where is Mom I am hungry.
M: She is in your grandfather's home. Let's cook lunch for ourselves.
W: Can you help me find some beef
M: But there is no beef at home. There is only some bread and some salad.
W: That's too bad. You mean we only eat some bread with salad for lunch
M:I am sorry, Jenny. Ask your mom to cook a better one when she comes back.
W: Sure.
听下面一段独白,回答第12 至第 15 四个小题。
Do you know how to feed vegetables to your goldfish Its favorites are lettuce and peas. Lettuce is easy for the goldfish to chew on and digest. Wash lettuce in warm water and just clip it inside the tank with a lettuce clip. Do not cook lettuce. As for the peas, cook them till they are soft, and then put them in the fridge. At feeding time, peel off the skin and mash a pea between your fingers and drop it in the water. Make sure the peas are soft, or the goldfish can't digest them. Don't feed them too many at a time. Feed it food that it can eat in three minutes every time.
It is better to have small meals than a big one every day.
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. A10. C 11. C 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. C
16. D 17. B 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. B 22. A 23. D24. A 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. D 29. D 30. B 31. B32. E 33. C 34. F 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. C 39. A40. B 41. D 42. D 43. C 44. A 45. D 46. B 47. C49. C 50. B 51. an 52. was 53. age
54. youngest 55. runs 56. herself 57. successful
58. going 59. for 60. true 61. beginning 62. reaches
63. place 64. twice 65. best 66. college 67. forty
68. carefully 69. yourselves 70. autumn
One possible version:
Students these days often have a lot of worries. My friend Amy had trouble in making friends, and worried for days. My classmates care about her and give her some specific suggestions.
Judy thinks the first step to solve this problem is to share it, then Amy will feel better. Mike thinks differently. He says that Amy can just run away from it because worries are normal among the young students. As for me, I think Amy can tell her parents about her worries. Parents have a lot of experience and they can help her solve the problem.



