Unit 4 My home Part A(1) Let’s talk ﹠Let’s play 同步练习(含答案)

Unit 4 My home
Part A(1) Let’s talk ﹠Let’s play
( ) cute study kitchen
( ) cat pen dog
( ) head desk hand
( ) she your my
( ) in where under
( ) 1._______ she in the living room
A. Are B. Is C. Do
( ) 2.Look! she’s _______ the kitchen.
A. in B. on C. under
( ) 3.I have a cat. She’s _______ cute.
A./ B. is C. a
( ) 4. -Is _______ in your desk
-No, it isn’t.
A. she B. it C. he
( ) 5. _______my pen
A. Where’s B. Where C. where
( )1. The is in the _______.
bathroom B. kitchen C. study
( ) 2.Look!The is in the_____
living room B. kitchen C. bathroom
( ) 3.The is in the_______
A. kitchen B. bathroom C. classroom
1. a, cat, cute, I, have (.)
2. study, the, Is, she, in ( )
3. she, Where, is ( )
4. desk, it, Is, in, your ( )
5. is, in, It, hand, your (.)
( )1.Where is your sister A. Yes, it is.
( )2. Where is my pen B. Sarah.
( )3. Is your eraser in your hand C. It’s under your bed.
( )4. What colour is your desk D. She is in the kitchen.
( )5.What’s her name E.Yes, I do.
( )6.Do you like the cat F. He is John.
( )7.Who’s he G. It’s orange.
一、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B
二、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A
三、1. A 2. A 3. A
四、1. I have a cute cat.
2. Is she in the study
3. Where is she
4. Is it in your desk
5. It is in your hand.
五、1. D 2. C 3. A 4. G 5. B 6. E 7. F



