
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读理解
Cao Xueqin wrote The Story of the Stone. He lived in the Qing Dynasty. The book is the greatest works of Chinese novels. It describes the fall of a noble family and the love stories of some young people. Wang Fulin turned it into IV series in 1986. Price:¥129.5
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms was written by Luo Guanzhong. It tells the story of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Quan have become famous names among Chinese people. It was made into TV series in 1994 and also translated into English. Price:¥92.5
The Water Margin tells the history of the Northern Song Dynasty. The book was written by Shi Nai'an. For different reasons, a group of people went to Mount Liang, fighting against the authority. American writer Pear Buck translated it into English. Zhang Shaolin made it a TV seriesin1998. Price:¥90
Wu Cheng'en probably completed Journey to the West in 1570. The book introduces the amazing experience of Xuanzang and his three disciples in the Tang Dynasty. On the way to the west, they helped each other to win every battle. Director Yang Jie made it TV series in 1986. Price:¥99
1.If you are interested in history of the Northern Song Dynasty, which book will you read
A.The Story of the Stone
B.The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
C.The Water Margin
D.Journey to the West
2.If you want to buy The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West, how much will youpay
A.¥222. B.¥191.5. C.¥182.5. D.¥189.
3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Yang Jie is the director of Journey to the West.
B.The Water Margin was turned into TV series in 1994.
C.The Story of the Stone tells the story of a special stone.
D.Pear Buck translated The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读理解
Just like humans, dogs can get overweight. You might think your fat friend is so cute, but in fact, you're really harming your dog by allowing it to be overweight. If your dog is overweight, it will have difficulty living a healthy and long life because it may suffer from illness like heart disease.
Your dog became overweight because you fed them with too much food. Unlike humans, dogs will eat until they feel too full. When dogs don't always know where their next meal is coming from, their natural instinct(本能)is to eat everything that they can find in case they cannot find food again later. In this way, they are unlike cats because cats will control their intake of food and stop eating when they're no longer hungry. Besides, if you are not walking or exercising your dog, there is a good chance that they'll put on more weight than necessary.
What can you do for your overweight dog First, be sure that your dog gets exercise every day. For example, play games in the yard, or take your dog for runs or long walks. These activities add up to lots of fat burning, and they're good for you, too. Second, stop giving your dog treats. We often don't think much of treating our dogs, but that can really be the most important cause of the problem. If you must give your dog treats, do try healthier foods like carrots.
Finally, be sure to measure (测量) your dog's meals exactly by using a measuring cup. You'll need to know exactly what your dog is eating every day to make sure that the portions(份量) are becoming smaller and smaller.
4.What problem do overweight dogs face
A.Cleverness. B.Health. C.Instinct. D.Appearance.
5.How are dogs different from cats according to the text
A.They grow more quickly.
B.They get hungry more easily.
C.They will eat too much food.
D.They are less clever than cats.
6.What does the underlined part "the problem" in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Being inactive. B.Growing too fat.
C.Eating unhealthily. D.Treating dogs badly.
7.What's the purpose of the text
A.To help dogs lose weight.
B.To tell us how to raise a dog.
C.To show fat dogs are common.
D.To encourage us to keep dogs as pets.
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读理解
Podareva, 28, was born in the hometown of Russia's famous poet Sergei Yesenin. She has loved poetry (诗歌) since her childhood. Growing up, she wrote many poems in both Russian and English. After she came to China to study Chinese in 2013, the world of Chinese poetry opened up before her.
Podareva has had colorful experiences in China in the past ten years. She has won prizes in many Chinese poetry writing competitions and published her own Chinese poetry collections. Her most unforgettable memory is that one of her Chinese poems written in 2020 was turned into a song. And even better: She sang it herself.
"Some people may praise China in a direct way, but I prefer to express my feelings about the country and describe the friendship between China and Russia through different styles of poems," Podareva says.
Podareva has always wanted to be a cultural ambassador(使者) between the two countries. In 2020, she began to make videos and shared them online. Besides sharing Chinese poems she had written, Podareva also produced videos about cultural differences between China and Russia. Sometimes she made humorous videos to explain the misunderstandings that Chinese people have towards Russians.
Besides writing poetry, Podareva has also been painting. She doesn't think the two art forms are different from each other. "Wang Wei was a famous Chinese poet, and he was also a painter," she says. In December 2022, Podareva held an exhibition in Shanghai with 66 of her paintings on show.
"All art is a way for the creators to express their spirit," Podareva says. "I hope to create a website in Russia and introduce China through my poetry and paintings to Russians so that the friendship between the two countries will be much deeper."
8.According to the passage, how many languages in all has Podareva used to write poems
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
9.What is the second paragraph mainly about
A.Podareva's experiences in China.
B.Podareva's most famous poem.
C.Podareva's love for China.
D.Podareva's way of winning prizes.
10.How does Podareva try to be a cultural ambassador between China and Russia
A.By spreading cultural differences between China and Russia.
B.By finding some funny misunderstandings towards Russians.
C.By making and sharing videos about poems and culture online.
D.By learning to write Chinese poems from famous Chinese poets.
11.Why does Podareva want to create a website in Russia
A.To exhibit some of her 66 paintings on the website.
B.To introduce some ways of creating poems in Chinese.
C.To help deepen the friendship between China and Russia.
D.To explain why poetry and painting are the same art form.
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读理解
What would happen if you tried to blow a soap bubble(泡泡) in below-freezing weather Would it freeze and fall to the ground Would you have to hit it with a stone to break it These questions came into my mind one cold winter day. It was too cold to play in the snow, but it was a perfect time to experiment with blowing frozen bubbles.
To blow frozen bubbles, I had to wait until the air outside was very cold. For this activity, that meant 10degrees below 0℃ or colder. I didn't have the bubble things that come in a bottle, so I used dish-washing soap. Adding a drop of glycerin made the soap work even better. I chose a place out of the wind and blew bubbles the same way I always do. I watched to see what would happen. Here's what I learned.
If the temperature is low enough, the skin of the bubble frosts(结霜)over, becoming cloudy instead of clear. And what about those rainbow swirls(漩涡状物体)that you see in soap bubbles The rainbow colors stay even(均匀的)when the bubbles frost, but they don't spin anymore. The bubbles still float in the air. They don't fall to the ground any faster than they would on a warm summer day.
When these frozen bubbles break, they don't turn into tiny drops of soap as summer bubbles do. They turn into shiny rainbow pieces and fly slowly to the ground. 'Sometimes a frozen bubble will roll across the snow without breaking. If it breaks, it may leave a strong bubble skin on the ground. Leave the bubble alone and it may stay there for a long time.
Sometimes I could catch a bubble and hold it until the heat.of my hand made it pop. I learned one another thing about blowing frozen bubbles. It's so much fun. I want to try it again next year!
12.How does the writer begin the passage
A.By comparing two types of bubbles.
B.By describing the freezing cold weather.
C.By asking some questions about the subject.
D.By presenting the tools needed to do the experiment.
13.What is this passage mainly about
A.Making soap that can work even better.
B.Making bubbles that will stay longer.
C.Inventing a new kind of soap that makes clearer bubbles.
D.Finding out what happens to bubbles in freezing temperatures.
14.According to the passage, what will happen if you blow frozen soap bubbles
A.Cold enough, the skin of the bubbles will stay clear.
B.When the bubbles frost, the rainbow colors will spin later.
C.A frozen bubble may roll across the snow without breaking.
D.When these frozen bubbles break, they turn into tiny drops of soap
15.What is the best title for the passage
A.A science club B.Broken bubbles
C.A happy child D.Frozen bubbles
(2024九下·杭州月考) 下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合意思的标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。
The Republic of Ireland (Eire) has a population of about three and a half million people. The official language is Irish but people usually speak English. The countryside is beautiful and Irish people are very friendly. Come and know more!
Have a great time in Dublin! There are wonderful shops, restaurants, music and night life. Walk around the busy streets, visit the museums or relax in one of the parks. Go to Trinity College Library. In the library,you can see the amazing Book ofKells from the 8th century.
Some of the best writers in the English language are from Ireland, for example, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde and James Joyce. See their portraits and letters in Dublin's Writers' Museum.
Go to Blarney Castle(城堡) and see the famous Blaney Stone. People say this stone has got magic powers and you become a wonderful speaker when you kiss it!
Explore Ireland: drive, walk or cycle around the beautiful coast and the green countryside. Stop in wonderful old towns and villages and visit historic castles and churches.
Horse riding, fishing, cycling and walking are popular activities. There are fantastic beaches, too. Try surfing or just have a swim!
A. Around Ireland
B. Legends(传说)
C. Great writers
D. Dublin-a great capital
E. Fantastic people
F. Fun activities
(2024九下·杭州月考) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。
Avery and I are good friends, but once something unpleasant happened when we both tried for roles in Alice in Wonderland.
Avery really 21. to be Alice and I was sure she could get the role. However, it 22. that I was picked to be Alice and Avery only got the part of the March Hare. "Do you want to practise together with me " I asked. "Sorry, I'm busy this week," said Avery 23. looking at me. "And I will be always busy."
That night at dinner, my parents noticed I was not that 24. about getting the lead role. They wondered what happened. "Well, Avery was not picked to be Alice, but I was. She was unhappy. Maybe she will throw away our 25. ."
My father said, "Don't worry about it. I think this is a 26. for you to be an extra-good friend." "Dad's right," said my mother. "Sometimes 27. our friends do well, we may have feelings of envy and don't know how to act. Try giving 28. a little time, space and understanding, and she will change her mind soon."
Over the next week, I tried my best to give Avery some 29. . Then one day, on the way to our practice, I 30. her. "I just want to say, you're such a great actor when acting as the March Hare." I smiled. She seemed happy and 31. how she understood the role. When I asked her to help me with my role, she agreed and smiled, too. She 32. said sorry to me for acting that way at first. Later, we became 33. to each other.
I've learned that people often have a 34. time dealing with envy and disappointment(失望). If you have similar 35. , you could try taking my parents' advice. Give your friend a little time space and understanding. This might be the perfect time to be an extra-good friend.
21.A.promised B.hoped C.forgot D.chose
22.A.turned out B.found out C.carried out D.tried out
23.A.till B.from C.like D.without
24.A.excited B.careful C.nervous D.worried
25.A.energy B.treasure C.friendship D.courage
26.A.game B.chance C.story D.dream
27.A.before B.whether C.unless D.when
28.A.them B.him C.her D.it
29.A.advice B.space C.fun D.trouble
30.A.met B.left C.answered D.thanked
31.A.faced B.missed C.explained D.supported
32.A.even B.never C.almost D.seldom
33.A.stricter B.quieter C.luckier D.closer
34.A.smart B.great C.careless D.difficult
35.A.activities B.mistakes C.experiences D.interests
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
The Queen Mary
Take a walk along the beach near Long Beach  36.  you will see a huge ship. Its name is the Queen Mary and today it  37.  (use)as a hotel and a museum.
John Brown & Company  38.  (build)the Queen Mary in 1934 and it went on  39.  (it)first voyage in 1936. It sailed across the Atlantic Ocean  40.  the U.K. and the U.S.A. from 1936 to 1967. It used to carry over two thousand  41.  (passenger) and they used to enjoy the ship's swimming pool,restaurants and library.
Today, the Queen Mary doesn't sail anymore but it is  42.  (popular)with tourists than it was. There is a  43.  (real) interesting museum, where you can learn  44.  history of the ship. You can also enjoy a nice meal at one of the six restaurants. Also, there are over 300 rooms  45.  (stay)in. The rooms are decorated (装饰) in the style of the 1930s but they have modern TVs and air conditioning.
(2024九下·杭州月考) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。
because say happy one for
Music helps us exercise -but why does it have this effect Experts say there are two main reasons. The  46.   is simple: music takes our attention away. When we listen to a song we like, our brains focus on the music. For example, after we exercise  47.  20 minutes, our body might be tired. But we may not feel this immediately  48.   we are listening to music. So we can exercise a little longer.
Music also makes us want to move. When we hear dance music, for example, we naturally start to move to the beat. A positive song also puts us in a good mood, so we feel much 49.  . This gives us energy and helps us exercise longer. Music with a quick and continuing beat is good for exercising. "But the music shouldn't be too fast,"  50.   Dr. Costas, a famous sports expert. In general, songs in the range of 120-140 beats per minute(BPM)are the best.
51.(2024九下·杭州月考) Keeping English   (日记) is a good way to improve your written English.
52.(2024九下·杭州月考) You can never i   what our life will be like without some modem inventions.
53.(2024九下·杭州月考)It is going to rain. You'd
better take an,     (雨伞) with you.
54.(2024九下·杭州月考) Peter, you should learn to relax and not put so much pressure on y   .
55.(2024九下·杭州月考) Town Cinema is the most popular because you can sit the most c   (舒服) on the big seats.
56.(2024九下·杭州月考) One of the graduates will be c   to give a speech on the graduation party in June.
57.(2024九下·杭州月考) Although the twins are s   to each other in some ways, they have different hobbies.
58.(2024九下·杭州月考) Please leave me a   . I don't want to talk with anyone right now.
59.(2024九下·杭州月考) Elas sent six i   cards to her best friends to attend her birthday party.
60.(2024九下·杭州月考) As young adults, we should choose wisely and be responsible for our own   (决定)and actions.
61.(2024九下·杭州月考) 青春期对于每个人来说都是最能彰显生命本色的特殊时期。为了引导同学们正确地认识自我,某校"阳光心理驿站"的老师们以"我发现自己真的很好"为主题,对1,127名学生进行了问卷调查,下图是部分项目的统计结果。
假如你是该校的学生,请结合以上图表信息,以 "I Find Myself Really Good"为主题,写一篇短文。内容包括:1.简要说明图表全部内容;2.从图表中任选一项,结合自己的经历,谈谈它对你的生活产生了什么积极的影响。
Our school did a survey among 1,127 students on the topic of "I Find Myself Really Good". Here are the results.
1.细节理解题。根据"The Water Margin tells the history of the Northern Song Dynasty."可知,如果对北宋历史感兴趣可以读《水浒传》。故选C。
2.数字计算题。根据"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms was written by Luo Guanzhong.…Price: 92. 5,the West,Price:¥99,可知如果你想买《三国演义》和《西游记》,你的支付191.5。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据"Director (导演) Yang Jie made it a TV series in 1986."可知,选项A"杨洁是《西游记》的导演。"表述正确。故选A。
4.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句"If your dog is overweight, it will have difficulty living a healthy and long life because it may suffer from illness like heart disease."可知若狗超重,它可能会患有疾病,很难健康、长寿,即肥胖的狗会面临健康问题。故选B。
5.细节理解题。根据第二段中"When dogs don't always know where their next meal is coming from, their natural instinct (本能) is to eat everything that they can find…In this way, they are unlike cats because cats will control their intake of food and stop eating when they're no longer hungry."可知狗由于本能会一次性吃光所有食物,而猫则会控制食量,吃饱就停,两者区别在于狗吃得太多。故选C。
6.词义猜测题。结合第三段,尤其是第一句"What can you do for your overweight dog "可知本段主要介绍了如何帮助狗减重,所以这里"the problem"指的是狗长得太胖。故选B。
8.推断题。根据Growing up, she wrote many poems in both Russian and English,可知Podareva一共使用过3种语言来写诗歌,故选B。
9.段落大意题。根据"Podareva has had colorful experiences in China in the past ten years"可知,本段讲述了她在中国的经历,故选A。
10.细节理解题。根据第四段的内容"In 2020, she began to make videos and shared them online… Sometimes she made humorous videos to explain the misunderstandings that Chinese people have towards Russians."可知,在网上制作和分享关于诗歌和文化的视频,故选C。
11.细节理解题。根据"I hope to create a website in Russia and introduce China—through my poetry and paintings-to Russians, so that the friendship between the two countries will be much deeper."可知,希望在俄罗斯建立一个网站是为了深化中俄友谊,故选C。
12.细节理解题。根据"What would happen if you tried to blow a soap (肥皂) bubble in below-freezing weather..."可知作者通过几个问题引出文章的话题。故选C。
14.细节理解题。根据"Sometimes a frozen bubble will roll across the snow without breaking"可知冰冻的气泡会在雪地上滚动而不破裂。故选C。
A. 爱尔兰周边
B. 传说
C. 伟大的作家
D. 都柏林——伟大的首都
E. 奇妙的人们
F. 有趣的活动
16.根据Have a great time in Dublin! There are wonderful shops, restaurants, music and night life,可知本段介绍了都柏林的购物、餐饮、音乐和夜生活,以及参观博物馆和公园等休闲活动,可知是都柏林——伟大的首都,故填D。
17.根据Some of the best writers in the English language are from Ireland, for example, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde and James Joyce可知提到了爱尔兰在英语文学中的杰出作家,如乔纳森·斯威夫特、奥斯卡·王尔德和詹姆斯·乔伊斯,并建议参观都柏林的作家博物馆,可知是伟大的作家,故填C。
18.根据Go to Blarney Castle(城堡) and see the famous Blaney Stone. People say this stone has got magic powers and you become a wonderful speaker when you kiss it,可知本段描述了参观布拉尼城堡和亲吻布拉尼石的传统,以及关于这块石头有魔力的传说,可知是传说,故填B。
19.根据Explore Ireland: drive, walk or cycle around the beautiful coast and the green countryside. Stop in wonderful old towns and villages and visit historic castles and churches,可知本段鼓励游客驾车、步行或骑行探索爱尔兰美丽的海岸和绿色的乡村,并参观历史城堡和教堂。这明显是关于在爱尔兰各地进行的探索和旅行,可知是爱尔兰周边,故填A。
20.根据Horse riding, fishing, cycling and walking are popular activities. There are fantastic beaches, too. Try surfing or just have a swim,可知本段描述了爱尔兰流行的户外活动,如骑马、钓鱼、骑自行车和徒步,以及美丽的海滩和冲浪或游泳的机会。这明显是关于在爱尔兰可以进行的各种有趣的活动,可知是有趣的活动,故填F。
21.句意:艾弗里真的很想扮演爱丽丝,我确信她能得到这个角色。promised承诺;hoped希望;forgot忘记;chose选择。根据"Avery really...to be Alice and I was sure she could get the role"可知艾弗里希望可以扮演爱丽丝,故选B。
22.句意:然而,结果是我被选为爱丽丝,而艾弗里只得到了三月兔的角色。turned out结果是;found out弄清;gave out分发;tried out试验。根据"I was picked to be Alice and Avery only got the part of the March Hare"可知结果是作者扮演爱丽丝,故选A。
23.句意:"对不起,我这周很忙。"艾弗里说,没有看我一眼。till直到;from从;like像;without没有。根据"Sorry, I'm busy this week"结合艾弗里没有扮演爱丽丝可知,她应该很不开心,所以没有看作者,故选D。
24.句意:那天晚上吃饭的时候,我父母注意到我对得到主角并没有那么兴奋。excited激动的;careful细心的;nervous紧张的;worried担忧的。根据"about getting the lead role"可知正常来说得到主角的扮演应该很激动,故选A。
25.句意:也许她会抛弃我们的友谊。choice选择;treasure宝藏;friendship友谊;courage勇气。根据"Well, Avery was not picked to be Alice, but I was. She was unhappy."可知作者认为艾弗里没有得到自己想要的角色,而作者得到了,所以作者怕对方会抛弃她们的友谊,故选C。
26.句意:我认为这是你成为一个特别好的朋友的机会。game游戏;chance机会;story故事;dream梦想。根据"I think this is a...for you to be an extra-good friend"结合下文可知此处是作者的爸爸在开导作者,认为这是一个让作者成为一个特别好的朋友的机会。故选B。
27.句意:有时候,当我们的朋友做得很好时,我们可能会嫉妒,不知道该怎么做。before在……之前;whether是否;unless除非;when当……时候。根据"our friends do well, we may have feelings of envy and don't know how to act"可知前后句是时间关系,表示"当我们的朋友做得很好时,我们可能会嫉妒,不知道该怎么做",应用when引导时间状语从句,故选D。
29.句意:接下来的一周,我尽力给艾弗里一些空间。advice建议;space空间;fun乐趣;trouble麻烦。根据"Give your friend a little time, space and understanding"可知是指空间,故选B。
30.句意:后来有一天,在去练习的路上,我遇到了她。met遇见;left离开;answered回答;thanked感谢。根据"on the way to our practice, I...her"可知作者在路上遇见了她,故选A。
31.句意:她看起来很开心,并解释了她是如何理解这个角色的。faced面对;missed错过;explained解释;supported支持。根据"She seemed happy and...how she understood the role."可知艾弗里解释自己是如何理解角色的,故选C。
32.句意:她甚至为一开始的行为向我道歉。even甚至;never从不;almost几乎;seldom很少。根据"She...said sorry to me for acting that way at first. "可知当作者请她帮助作者时,她也同意了,甚至她为一开始的行为向作者道歉。故选A。
34.句意:我了解到人们通常很难处理嫉妒和失望。smart聪明的;great很好的;careless粗心的;difficult困难的。根据"dealing with envy and disappointment."可知处理嫉妒和失望是很困难的,故选D。
35.句意:如果你有类似的经历,你可以试着听从我父母的建议。activities活动;mistakes错误;experiences经历;interests兴趣。根据"If you have similar...you could try taking my parents' advice."可知是指和作者类似的经历,故选C。
【答案】36.whenwhen;37.is usedis used;38.builtbuilt;39.itsits;40.betweenbetween;41.passengerspassengers;42.more popular;43.reallyreally;44.aboutabout;45.to stay
36.句意:当你沿着长滩附近的海滩散步,你会看到一艘巨大的游轮。根据Take a walk along the beach near Long Beach,you will see,可知是同时复数,故用when引导时间状语从句,当时候,故填when。
37.句意:它的名字是"玛丽皇后号",现在它被用作酒店和博物馆。use,动词,使用,和主要是被动关系,today是一般现在时标志,故用一般现在时被动语态be done的形式,主语是it,故助动词用is,故填is used。
38.句意:约翰·布朗公司于1934年建造了"玛丽皇后号",并在1936年进行了它的首次航行。build是动词,建筑,根据in 1934,可知是一般过去时,built是过去式,故填built。
40.句意:它于 1936 年至 1967 年间航行于英国和美国之间的大西洋上。the U.K. and the U.S.A.,可知在英国和美国之间航行,因此这里需要一个表示"在两者之间"的介词是between,故填between。
41.句意:它曾经搭载过两千多名乘客,他们曾享受过船上的游泳池、餐厅和图书馆。passenger,名词单数,基数词two thousand,修饰名词复数,故填passengers。
42.句意:如今,"玛丽皇后号"不再航行,但它比过去更受游客欢迎。popular,形容词,受欢迎的,than是比较级标志,more popular是比较级,故填more popular。
44.句意:这里有一个非常有趣的博物馆,在那里你可以了解这艘船的历史。根据learn,可知是learn about,了解关于......的内容,about是介词,故填about。
45.句意:此外,还有300多间客房可以入住。stay是动词,这里需要用到不定式to stay作后置定语,修饰rooms,故填to stay。
【解析】【分析】文章大意:音乐帮助我们锻炼——但它为什么会有这种效果呢 本文给出了我们原因:一是音乐分散了我们的注意力;二是音乐也让我们想要运动。
because 因为,say 说,happy开心的, one 一,for表示持续
46.句意:第一个原因很简单:音乐分散了我们的注意力。根据上文Experts say there are two main reasons. 专家称主要有两个原因。结合... is simple: music takes our attention away.及备选词汇,可知此处说的是第一个原因;one是基数词,表示数目,这里表示的是顺序,应用其序数词,故答案为first。
47.句意:例如,在我们锻炼了20分钟后,我们的身体可能会很累。根据For example, After we exercise...20 minutes, our body might be tired.结合备选词汇,可知是锻炼了20分钟后,我们的身体可能会很累。for后接一段时间,故答案为for。
48.句意:但我们可能不会立刻感觉到,因为我们在听音乐。根据But we may not feel this immediately ...we are listening to music.可知前后句之间是因果关系,结合备选词汇,可知because符合题意,故答案为because。
49.句意:一首积极的歌也能让我们心情好,所以我们感觉更快乐。根据A positive song also puts us in a good mood, so we feel much...结合备选词汇,可知是积极的歌也能让我们心情好,所以我们感觉更快乐。happy高兴的、快乐的,形容词,由语境可知,这里暗含比较级,所以应用其比较级形式happier,much修饰形容词的比较级,故答案为happier。
50.句意:"但是音乐不能太快,"著名的体育专家科斯塔斯博士说。根据"But the music shouldn't be too fast,...Dr. Costas, a famous sports expert. 结合备选词汇,可知这是著名的体育专家科斯塔斯博士说的话,所以这里应用say来填空,联系上下文语境可知,这里的时态用一般现在时和一般过去时均可,主语为第三人称单数,所以动词也要用第三人称单数形式says,say的过去式为said;故答案为says/said。
【知识点】动词原形;can, could表示可能性
【解析】【分析】句意:你永远无法想象没有了一些现代的发明,我们的生活会是什么样子。此处缺少谓语动词。情态动词can后面用动词原形。根据what our life will be like without some modem inventions,可知是无法想象,imagine,动词,故填imagine。
【解析】【分析】句意:天快下雨了。你最好随身带一把伞。根据前句“ It is going to rain. ”以及所给汉语,可知,天快下雨了,所以你应随身携带一把伞。umbrella意为:雨伞,是可数名词,空格前有不定冠词an,故此处应用单数名词。故答案为umbrella。
【解析】【分析】句意:彼得,你应该学会放松,不要把这么多的压力放在自己身上。介词on后面缺少宾语。根据you should learn to relax,可知是不要把压力放在自己身上。故用反身代词,主语是you,所以反身代词是yourself,你自己,故填yourself。
【解析】【分析】句意:城镇电影院 (Town Cinema) 最受欢迎,因为你可以坐在大座位上,感觉最舒服。舒服,副词修饰动词sit,comfortably,副词,根据the most可知是最高级形式,故填comfortably。
【解析】【分析】句意:六月毕业晚会上,将有一位毕业生被选中发表演讲。根据will be,可知是一般将来时被动语态,故用过去分词,根据give a speech on the graduation party in June,可知是被选中发表演讲,chose,动词,过去分词是chosen,故填chosen。
【解析】【分析】句意:这对双胞胎虽然在某些方面很相似,但是他们的爱好却不同。根据twins,可知是两人相似,be similar to,固定搭配,故填similar。
【点评】考查形容词,注意be similar to的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:请让我一个人待着。我现在不想和任何人说话。根据I don't want to talk with anyone right now,可知是请让我一个人待着,leave sb along,让某人一个人待在,故填along。
【点评】考查形容词,注意leave sb along的用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:埃拉斯给她最好的朋友寄了六张邀请卡,邀请他们参加她的生日聚会。根据attend her birthday party,可知是六张邀请卡,invitation名词做定语,用名词单数,故填invitation。
【解析】【分析】句意:作为年轻人,我们应该明智地选择并对自己的决定和行为负责。决定,decision,可数名词,根据and actions,可知是名词复数,故填decisions。
【解析】【分析】本文是社会调查;介绍我积极的态度产生了什么积极的影响,时态综合使用"一般现在时"和"一般过去时";要求以"I Find Myself Really Good"为主题,结合提示内容进行写作,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。写作步骤:第一步,表明写作意图,介绍调查结果;第二步,结合自己的经历,谈谈它对你的生活产生了什么积极的影响。
【点评】 文章应围绕积极的态度展开,确保所有内容均围绕这一中心进行阐述。各部分内容之间过渡自然,逻辑连贯。 使用准确的词汇和语法结构来表达,避免使用过于复杂或生僻的词汇,确保文章易于理解。同时,注意时态和语态的正确使用。 建议使用亮点词汇:As for至于,play a role in扮演角色,made an effort to尽力去做某事,all the time一直,高分句型:I regarded it as a challenge, which was also a good chance to improve my English.(which引导的定语从句),In fact, it is my positive attitude that brings out the best in me all the time.(强调句)。
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读理解
Cao Xueqin wrote The Story of the Stone. He lived in the Qing Dynasty. The book is the greatest works of Chinese novels. It describes the fall of a noble family and the love stories of some young people. Wang Fulin turned it into IV series in 1986. Price:¥129.5
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms was written by Luo Guanzhong. It tells the story of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Quan have become famous names among Chinese people. It was made into TV series in 1994 and also translated into English. Price:¥92.5
The Water Margin tells the history of the Northern Song Dynasty. The book was written by Shi Nai'an. For different reasons, a group of people went to Mount Liang, fighting against the authority. American writer Pear Buck translated it into English. Zhang Shaolin made it a TV seriesin1998. Price:¥90
Wu Cheng'en probably completed Journey to the West in 1570. The book introduces the amazing experience of Xuanzang and his three disciples in the Tang Dynasty. On the way to the west, they helped each other to win every battle. Director Yang Jie made it TV series in 1986. Price:¥99
1.If you are interested in history of the Northern Song Dynasty, which book will you read
A.The Story of the Stone
B.The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
C.The Water Margin
D.Journey to the West
2.If you want to buy The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Journey to the West, how much will youpay
A.¥222. B.¥191.5. C.¥182.5. D.¥189.
3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Yang Jie is the director of Journey to the West.
B.The Water Margin was turned into TV series in 1994.
C.The Story of the Stone tells the story of a special stone.
D.Pear Buck translated The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
1.细节理解题。根据"The Water Margin tells the history of the Northern Song Dynasty."可知,如果对北宋历史感兴趣可以读《水浒传》。故选C。
2.数字计算题。根据"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms was written by Luo Guanzhong.…Price: 92. 5,the West,Price:¥99,可知如果你想买《三国演义》和《西游记》,你的支付191.5。故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据"Director (导演) Yang Jie made it a TV series in 1986."可知,选项A"杨洁是《西游记》的导演。"表述正确。故选A。
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读理解
Just like humans, dogs can get overweight. You might think your fat friend is so cute, but in fact, you're really harming your dog by allowing it to be overweight. If your dog is overweight, it will have difficulty living a healthy and long life because it may suffer from illness like heart disease.
Your dog became overweight because you fed them with too much food. Unlike humans, dogs will eat until they feel too full. When dogs don't always know where their next meal is coming from, their natural instinct(本能)is to eat everything that they can find in case they cannot find food again later. In this way, they are unlike cats because cats will control their intake of food and stop eating when they're no longer hungry. Besides, if you are not walking or exercising your dog, there is a good chance that they'll put on more weight than necessary.
What can you do for your overweight dog First, be sure that your dog gets exercise every day. For example, play games in the yard, or take your dog for runs or long walks. These activities add up to lots of fat burning, and they're good for you, too. Second, stop giving your dog treats. We often don't think much of treating our dogs, but that can really be the most important cause of the problem. If you must give your dog treats, do try healthier foods like carrots.
Finally, be sure to measure (测量) your dog's meals exactly by using a measuring cup. You'll need to know exactly what your dog is eating every day to make sure that the portions(份量) are becoming smaller and smaller.
4.What problem do overweight dogs face
A.Cleverness. B.Health. C.Instinct. D.Appearance.
5.How are dogs different from cats according to the text
A.They grow more quickly.
B.They get hungry more easily.
C.They will eat too much food.
D.They are less clever than cats.
6.What does the underlined part "the problem" in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Being inactive. B.Growing too fat.
C.Eating unhealthily. D.Treating dogs badly.
7.What's the purpose of the text
A.To help dogs lose weight.
B.To tell us how to raise a dog.
C.To show fat dogs are common.
D.To encourage us to keep dogs as pets.
4.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句"If your dog is overweight, it will have difficulty living a healthy and long life because it may suffer from illness like heart disease."可知若狗超重,它可能会患有疾病,很难健康、长寿,即肥胖的狗会面临健康问题。故选B。
5.细节理解题。根据第二段中"When dogs don't always know where their next meal is coming from, their natural instinct (本能) is to eat everything that they can find…In this way, they are unlike cats because cats will control their intake of food and stop eating when they're no longer hungry."可知狗由于本能会一次性吃光所有食物,而猫则会控制食量,吃饱就停,两者区别在于狗吃得太多。故选C。
6.词义猜测题。结合第三段,尤其是第一句"What can you do for your overweight dog "可知本段主要介绍了如何帮助狗减重,所以这里"the problem"指的是狗长得太胖。故选B。
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读理解
Podareva, 28, was born in the hometown of Russia's famous poet Sergei Yesenin. She has loved poetry (诗歌) since her childhood. Growing up, she wrote many poems in both Russian and English. After she came to China to study Chinese in 2013, the world of Chinese poetry opened up before her.
Podareva has had colorful experiences in China in the past ten years. She has won prizes in many Chinese poetry writing competitions and published her own Chinese poetry collections. Her most unforgettable memory is that one of her Chinese poems written in 2020 was turned into a song. And even better: She sang it herself.
"Some people may praise China in a direct way, but I prefer to express my feelings about the country and describe the friendship between China and Russia through different styles of poems," Podareva says.
Podareva has always wanted to be a cultural ambassador(使者) between the two countries. In 2020, she began to make videos and shared them online. Besides sharing Chinese poems she had written, Podareva also produced videos about cultural differences between China and Russia. Sometimes she made humorous videos to explain the misunderstandings that Chinese people have towards Russians.
Besides writing poetry, Podareva has also been painting. She doesn't think the two art forms are different from each other. "Wang Wei was a famous Chinese poet, and he was also a painter," she says. In December 2022, Podareva held an exhibition in Shanghai with 66 of her paintings on show.
"All art is a way for the creators to express their spirit," Podareva says. "I hope to create a website in Russia and introduce China through my poetry and paintings to Russians so that the friendship between the two countries will be much deeper."
8.According to the passage, how many languages in all has Podareva used to write poems
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
9.What is the second paragraph mainly about
A.Podareva's experiences in China.
B.Podareva's most famous poem.
C.Podareva's love for China.
D.Podareva's way of winning prizes.
10.How does Podareva try to be a cultural ambassador between China and Russia
A.By spreading cultural differences between China and Russia.
B.By finding some funny misunderstandings towards Russians.
C.By making and sharing videos about poems and culture online.
D.By learning to write Chinese poems from famous Chinese poets.
11.Why does Podareva want to create a website in Russia
A.To exhibit some of her 66 paintings on the website.
B.To introduce some ways of creating poems in Chinese.
C.To help deepen the friendship between China and Russia.
D.To explain why poetry and painting are the same art form.
8.推断题。根据Growing up, she wrote many poems in both Russian and English,可知Podareva一共使用过3种语言来写诗歌,故选B。
9.段落大意题。根据"Podareva has had colorful experiences in China in the past ten years"可知,本段讲述了她在中国的经历,故选A。
10.细节理解题。根据第四段的内容"In 2020, she began to make videos and shared them online… Sometimes she made humorous videos to explain the misunderstandings that Chinese people have towards Russians."可知,在网上制作和分享关于诗歌和文化的视频,故选C。
11.细节理解题。根据"I hope to create a website in Russia and introduce China—through my poetry and paintings-to Russians, so that the friendship between the two countries will be much deeper."可知,希望在俄罗斯建立一个网站是为了深化中俄友谊,故选C。
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读理解
What would happen if you tried to blow a soap bubble(泡泡) in below-freezing weather Would it freeze and fall to the ground Would you have to hit it with a stone to break it These questions came into my mind one cold winter day. It was too cold to play in the snow, but it was a perfect time to experiment with blowing frozen bubbles.
To blow frozen bubbles, I had to wait until the air outside was very cold. For this activity, that meant 10degrees below 0℃ or colder. I didn't have the bubble things that come in a bottle, so I used dish-washing soap. Adding a drop of glycerin made the soap work even better. I chose a place out of the wind and blew bubbles the same way I always do. I watched to see what would happen. Here's what I learned.
If the temperature is low enough, the skin of the bubble frosts(结霜)over, becoming cloudy instead of clear. And what about those rainbow swirls(漩涡状物体)that you see in soap bubbles The rainbow colors stay even(均匀的)when the bubbles frost, but they don't spin anymore. The bubbles still float in the air. They don't fall to the ground any faster than they would on a warm summer day.
When these frozen bubbles break, they don't turn into tiny drops of soap as summer bubbles do. They turn into shiny rainbow pieces and fly slowly to the ground. 'Sometimes a frozen bubble will roll across the snow without breaking. If it breaks, it may leave a strong bubble skin on the ground. Leave the bubble alone and it may stay there for a long time.
Sometimes I could catch a bubble and hold it until the heat.of my hand made it pop. I learned one another thing about blowing frozen bubbles. It's so much fun. I want to try it again next year!
12.How does the writer begin the passage
A.By comparing two types of bubbles.
B.By describing the freezing cold weather.
C.By asking some questions about the subject.
D.By presenting the tools needed to do the experiment.
13.What is this passage mainly about
A.Making soap that can work even better.
B.Making bubbles that will stay longer.
C.Inventing a new kind of soap that makes clearer bubbles.
D.Finding out what happens to bubbles in freezing temperatures.
14.According to the passage, what will happen if you blow frozen soap bubbles
A.Cold enough, the skin of the bubbles will stay clear.
B.When the bubbles frost, the rainbow colors will spin later.
C.A frozen bubble may roll across the snow without breaking.
D.When these frozen bubbles break, they turn into tiny drops of soap
15.What is the best title for the passage
A.A science club B.Broken bubbles
C.A happy child D.Frozen bubbles
12.细节理解题。根据"What would happen if you tried to blow a soap (肥皂) bubble in below-freezing weather..."可知作者通过几个问题引出文章的话题。故选C。
14.细节理解题。根据"Sometimes a frozen bubble will roll across the snow without breaking"可知冰冻的气泡会在雪地上滚动而不破裂。故选C。
(2024九下·杭州月考) 下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合意思的标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。
The Republic of Ireland (Eire) has a population of about three and a half million people. The official language is Irish but people usually speak English. The countryside is beautiful and Irish people are very friendly. Come and know more!
Have a great time in Dublin! There are wonderful shops, restaurants, music and night life. Walk around the busy streets, visit the museums or relax in one of the parks. Go to Trinity College Library. In the library,you can see the amazing Book ofKells from the 8th century.
Some of the best writers in the English language are from Ireland, for example, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde and James Joyce. See their portraits and letters in Dublin's Writers' Museum.
Go to Blarney Castle(城堡) and see the famous Blaney Stone. People say this stone has got magic powers and you become a wonderful speaker when you kiss it!
Explore Ireland: drive, walk or cycle around the beautiful coast and the green countryside. Stop in wonderful old towns and villages and visit historic castles and churches.
Horse riding, fishing, cycling and walking are popular activities. There are fantastic beaches, too. Try surfing or just have a swim!
A. Around Ireland
B. Legends(传说)
C. Great writers
D. Dublin-a great capital
E. Fantastic people
F. Fun activities
A. 爱尔兰周边
B. 传说
C. 伟大的作家
D. 都柏林——伟大的首都
E. 奇妙的人们
F. 有趣的活动
16.根据Have a great time in Dublin! There are wonderful shops, restaurants, music and night life,可知本段介绍了都柏林的购物、餐饮、音乐和夜生活,以及参观博物馆和公园等休闲活动,可知是都柏林——伟大的首都,故填D。
17.根据Some of the best writers in the English language are from Ireland, for example, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde and James Joyce可知提到了爱尔兰在英语文学中的杰出作家,如乔纳森·斯威夫特、奥斯卡·王尔德和詹姆斯·乔伊斯,并建议参观都柏林的作家博物馆,可知是伟大的作家,故填C。
18.根据Go to Blarney Castle(城堡) and see the famous Blaney Stone. People say this stone has got magic powers and you become a wonderful speaker when you kiss it,可知本段描述了参观布拉尼城堡和亲吻布拉尼石的传统,以及关于这块石头有魔力的传说,可知是传说,故填B。
19.根据Explore Ireland: drive, walk or cycle around the beautiful coast and the green countryside. Stop in wonderful old towns and villages and visit historic castles and churches,可知本段鼓励游客驾车、步行或骑行探索爱尔兰美丽的海岸和绿色的乡村,并参观历史城堡和教堂。这明显是关于在爱尔兰各地进行的探索和旅行,可知是爱尔兰周边,故填A。
20.根据Horse riding, fishing, cycling and walking are popular activities. There are fantastic beaches, too. Try surfing or just have a swim,可知本段描述了爱尔兰流行的户外活动,如骑马、钓鱼、骑自行车和徒步,以及美丽的海滩和冲浪或游泳的机会。这明显是关于在爱尔兰可以进行的各种有趣的活动,可知是有趣的活动,故填F。
(2024九下·杭州月考) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。
Avery and I are good friends, but once something unpleasant happened when we both tried for roles in Alice in Wonderland.
Avery really 21. to be Alice and I was sure she could get the role. However, it 22. that I was picked to be Alice and Avery only got the part of the March Hare. "Do you want to practise together with me " I asked. "Sorry, I'm busy this week," said Avery 23. looking at me. "And I will be always busy."
That night at dinner, my parents noticed I was not that 24. about getting the lead role. They wondered what happened. "Well, Avery was not picked to be Alice, but I was. She was unhappy. Maybe she will throw away our 25. ."
My father said, "Don't worry about it. I think this is a 26. for you to be an extra-good friend." "Dad's right," said my mother. "Sometimes 27. our friends do well, we may have feelings of envy and don't know how to act. Try giving 28. a little time, space and understanding, and she will change her mind soon."
Over the next week, I tried my best to give Avery some 29. . Then one day, on the way to our practice, I 30. her. "I just want to say, you're such a great actor when acting as the March Hare." I smiled. She seemed happy and 31. how she understood the role. When I asked her to help me with my role, she agreed and smiled, too. She 32. said sorry to me for acting that way at first. Later, we became 33. to each other.
I've learned that people often have a 34. time dealing with envy and disappointment(失望). If you have similar 35. , you could try taking my parents' advice. Give your friend a little time space and understanding. This might be the perfect time to be an extra-good friend.
21.A.promised B.hoped C.forgot D.chose
22.A.turned out B.found out C.carried out D.tried out
23.A.till B.from C.like D.without
24.A.excited B.careful C.nervous D.worried
25.A.energy B.treasure C.friendship D.courage
26.A.game B.chance C.story D.dream
27.A.before B.whether C.unless D.when
28.A.them B.him C.her D.it
29.A.advice B.space C.fun D.trouble
30.A.met B.left C.answered D.thanked
31.A.faced B.missed C.explained D.supported
32.A.even B.never C.almost D.seldom
33.A.stricter B.quieter C.luckier D.closer
34.A.smart B.great C.careless D.difficult
35.A.activities B.mistakes C.experiences D.interests
21.句意:艾弗里真的很想扮演爱丽丝,我确信她能得到这个角色。promised承诺;hoped希望;forgot忘记;chose选择。根据"Avery really...to be Alice and I was sure she could get the role"可知艾弗里希望可以扮演爱丽丝,故选B。
22.句意:然而,结果是我被选为爱丽丝,而艾弗里只得到了三月兔的角色。turned out结果是;found out弄清;gave out分发;tried out试验。根据"I was picked to be Alice and Avery only got the part of the March Hare"可知结果是作者扮演爱丽丝,故选A。
23.句意:"对不起,我这周很忙。"艾弗里说,没有看我一眼。till直到;from从;like像;without没有。根据"Sorry, I'm busy this week"结合艾弗里没有扮演爱丽丝可知,她应该很不开心,所以没有看作者,故选D。
24.句意:那天晚上吃饭的时候,我父母注意到我对得到主角并没有那么兴奋。excited激动的;careful细心的;nervous紧张的;worried担忧的。根据"about getting the lead role"可知正常来说得到主角的扮演应该很激动,故选A。
25.句意:也许她会抛弃我们的友谊。choice选择;treasure宝藏;friendship友谊;courage勇气。根据"Well, Avery was not picked to be Alice, but I was. She was unhappy."可知作者认为艾弗里没有得到自己想要的角色,而作者得到了,所以作者怕对方会抛弃她们的友谊,故选C。
26.句意:我认为这是你成为一个特别好的朋友的机会。game游戏;chance机会;story故事;dream梦想。根据"I think this is a...for you to be an extra-good friend"结合下文可知此处是作者的爸爸在开导作者,认为这是一个让作者成为一个特别好的朋友的机会。故选B。
27.句意:有时候,当我们的朋友做得很好时,我们可能会嫉妒,不知道该怎么做。before在……之前;whether是否;unless除非;when当……时候。根据"our friends do well, we may have feelings of envy and don't know how to act"可知前后句是时间关系,表示"当我们的朋友做得很好时,我们可能会嫉妒,不知道该怎么做",应用when引导时间状语从句,故选D。
29.句意:接下来的一周,我尽力给艾弗里一些空间。advice建议;space空间;fun乐趣;trouble麻烦。根据"Give your friend a little time, space and understanding"可知是指空间,故选B。
30.句意:后来有一天,在去练习的路上,我遇到了她。met遇见;left离开;answered回答;thanked感谢。根据"on the way to our practice, I...her"可知作者在路上遇见了她,故选A。
31.句意:她看起来很开心,并解释了她是如何理解这个角色的。faced面对;missed错过;explained解释;supported支持。根据"She seemed happy and...how she understood the role."可知艾弗里解释自己是如何理解角色的,故选C。
32.句意:她甚至为一开始的行为向我道歉。even甚至;never从不;almost几乎;seldom很少。根据"She...said sorry to me for acting that way at first. "可知当作者请她帮助作者时,她也同意了,甚至她为一开始的行为向作者道歉。故选A。
34.句意:我了解到人们通常很难处理嫉妒和失望。smart聪明的;great很好的;careless粗心的;difficult困难的。根据"dealing with envy and disappointment."可知处理嫉妒和失望是很困难的,故选D。
35.句意:如果你有类似的经历,你可以试着听从我父母的建议。activities活动;mistakes错误;experiences经历;interests兴趣。根据"If you have similar...you could try taking my parents' advice."可知是指和作者类似的经历,故选C。
(2024九下·杭州月考) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
The Queen Mary
Take a walk along the beach near Long Beach  36.  you will see a huge ship. Its name is the Queen Mary and today it  37.  (use)as a hotel and a museum.
John Brown & Company  38.  (build)the Queen Mary in 1934 and it went on  39.  (it)first voyage in 1936. It sailed across the Atlantic Ocean  40.  the U.K. and the U.S.A. from 1936 to 1967. It used to carry over two thousand  41.  (passenger) and they used to enjoy the ship's swimming pool,restaurants and library.
Today, the Queen Mary doesn't sail anymore but it is  42.  (popular)with tourists than it was. There is a  43.  (real) interesting museum, where you can learn  44.  history of the ship. You can also enjoy a nice meal at one of the six restaurants. Also, there are over 300 rooms  45.  (stay)in. The rooms are decorated (装饰) in the style of the 1930s but they have modern TVs and air conditioning.
【答案】36.whenwhen;37.is usedis used;38.builtbuilt;39.itsits;40.betweenbetween;41.passengerspassengers;42.more popular;43.reallyreally;44.aboutabout;45.to stay
36.句意:当你沿着长滩附近的海滩散步,你会看到一艘巨大的游轮。根据Take a walk along the beach near Long Beach,you will see,可知是同时复数,故用when引导时间状语从句,当时候,故填when。
37.句意:它的名字是"玛丽皇后号",现在它被用作酒店和博物馆。use,动词,使用,和主要是被动关系,today是一般现在时标志,故用一般现在时被动语态be done的形式,主语是it,故助动词用is,故填is used。
38.句意:约翰·布朗公司于1934年建造了"玛丽皇后号",并在1936年进行了它的首次航行。build是动词,建筑,根据in 1934,可知是一般过去时,built是过去式,故填built。
40.句意:它于 1936 年至 1967 年间航行于英国和美国之间的大西洋上。the U.K. and the U.S.A.,可知在英国和美国之间航行,因此这里需要一个表示"在两者之间"的介词是between,故填between。
41.句意:它曾经搭载过两千多名乘客,他们曾享受过船上的游泳池、餐厅和图书馆。passenger,名词单数,基数词two thousand,修饰名词复数,故填passengers。
42.句意:如今,"玛丽皇后号"不再航行,但它比过去更受游客欢迎。popular,形容词,受欢迎的,than是比较级标志,more popular是比较级,故填more popular。
44.句意:这里有一个非常有趣的博物馆,在那里你可以了解这艘船的历史。根据learn,可知是learn about,了解关于......的内容,about是介词,故填about。
45.句意:此外,还有300多间客房可以入住。stay是动词,这里需要用到不定式to stay作后置定语,修饰rooms,故填to stay。
(2024九下·杭州月考) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。
because say happy one for
Music helps us exercise -but why does it have this effect Experts say there are two main reasons. The  46.   is simple: music takes our attention away. When we listen to a song we like, our brains focus on the music. For example, after we exercise  47.  20 minutes, our body might be tired. But we may not feel this immediately  48.   we are listening to music. So we can exercise a little longer.
Music also makes us want to move. When we hear dance music, for example, we naturally start to move to the beat. A positive song also puts us in a good mood, so we feel much 49.  . This gives us energy and helps us exercise longer. Music with a quick and continuing beat is good for exercising. "But the music shouldn't be too fast,"  50.   Dr. Costas, a famous sports expert. In general, songs in the range of 120-140 beats per minute(BPM)are the best.
【解析】【分析】文章大意:音乐帮助我们锻炼——但它为什么会有这种效果呢 本文给出了我们原因:一是音乐分散了我们的注意力;二是音乐也让我们想要运动。
because 因为,say 说,happy开心的, one 一,for表示持续
46.句意:第一个原因很简单:音乐分散了我们的注意力。根据上文Experts say there are two main reasons. 专家称主要有两个原因。结合... is simple: music takes our attention away.及备选词汇,可知此处说的是第一个原因;one是基数词,表示数目,这里表示的是顺序,应用其序数词,故答案为first。
47.句意:例如,在我们锻炼了20分钟后,我们的身体可能会很累。根据For example, After we exercise...20 minutes, our body might be tired.结合备选词汇,可知是锻炼了20分钟后,我们的身体可能会很累。for后接一段时间,故答案为for。
48.句意:但我们可能不会立刻感觉到,因为我们在听音乐。根据But we may not feel this immediately ...we are listening to music.可知前后句之间是因果关系,结合备选词汇,可知because符合题意,故答案为because。
49.句意:一首积极的歌也能让我们心情好,所以我们感觉更快乐。根据A positive song also puts us in a good mood, so we feel much...结合备选词汇,可知是积极的歌也能让我们心情好,所以我们感觉更快乐。happy高兴的、快乐的,形容词,由语境可知,这里暗含比较级,所以应用其比较级形式happier,much修饰形容词的比较级,故答案为happier。
50.句意:"但是音乐不能太快,"著名的体育专家科斯塔斯博士说。根据"But the music shouldn't be too fast,...Dr. Costas, a famous sports expert. 结合备选词汇,可知这是著名的体育专家科斯塔斯博士说的话,所以这里应用say来填空,联系上下文语境可知,这里的时态用一般现在时和一般过去时均可,主语为第三人称单数,所以动词也要用第三人称单数形式says,say的过去式为said;故答案为says/said。
51.(2024九下·杭州月考) Keeping English   (日记) is a good way to improve your written English.
52.(2024九下·杭州月考) You can never i   what our life will be like without some modem inventions.
【知识点】动词原形;can, could表示可能性
【解析】【分析】句意:你永远无法想象没有了一些现代的发明,我们的生活会是什么样子。此处缺少谓语动词。情态动词can后面用动词原形。根据what our life will be like without some modem inventions,可知是无法想象,imagine,动词,故填imagine。
53.(2024九下·杭州月考)It is going to rain. You'd
better take an,     (雨伞) with you.
【解析】【分析】句意:天快下雨了。你最好随身带一把伞。根据前句“ It is going to rain. ”以及所给汉语,可知,天快下雨了,所以你应随身携带一把伞。umbrella意为:雨伞,是可数名词,空格前有不定冠词an,故此处应用单数名词。故答案为umbrella。
54.(2024九下·杭州月考) Peter, you should learn to relax and not put so much pressure on y   .
【解析】【分析】句意:彼得,你应该学会放松,不要把这么多的压力放在自己身上。介词on后面缺少宾语。根据you should learn to relax,可知是不要把压力放在自己身上。故用反身代词,主语是you,所以反身代词是yourself,你自己,故填yourself。
55.(2024九下·杭州月考) Town Cinema is the most popular because you can sit the most c   (舒服) on the big seats.
【解析】【分析】句意:城镇电影院 (Town Cinema) 最受欢迎,因为你可以坐在大座位上,感觉最舒服。舒服,副词修饰动词sit,comfortably,副词,根据the most可知是最高级形式,故填comfortably。
56.(2024九下·杭州月考) One of the graduates will be c   to give a speech on the graduation party in June.
【解析】【分析】句意:六月毕业晚会上,将有一位毕业生被选中发表演讲。根据will be,可知是一般将来时被动语态,故用过去分词,根据give a speech on the graduation party in June,可知是被选中发表演讲,chose,动词,过去分词是chosen,故填chosen。
57.(2024九下·杭州月考) Although the twins are s   to each other in some ways, they have different hobbies.
【解析】【分析】句意:这对双胞胎虽然在某些方面很相似,但是他们的爱好却不同。根据twins,可知是两人相似,be similar to,固定搭配,故填similar。
【点评】考查形容词,注意be similar to的用法。
58.(2024九下·杭州月考) Please leave me a   . I don't want to talk with anyone right now.
【解析】【分析】句意:请让我一个人待着。我现在不想和任何人说话。根据I don't want to talk with anyone right now,可知是请让我一个人待着,leave sb along,让某人一个人待在,故填along。
【点评】考查形容词,注意leave sb along的用法。
59.(2024九下·杭州月考) Elas sent six i   cards to her best friends to attend her birthday party.
【解析】【分析】句意:埃拉斯给她最好的朋友寄了六张邀请卡,邀请他们参加她的生日聚会。根据attend her birthday party,可知是六张邀请卡,invitation名词做定语,用名词单数,故填invitation。
60.(2024九下·杭州月考) As young adults, we should choose wisely and be responsible for our own   (决定)and actions.
【解析】【分析】句意:作为年轻人,我们应该明智地选择并对自己的决定和行为负责。决定,decision,可数名词,根据and actions,可知是名词复数,故填decisions。
61.(2024九下·杭州月考) 青春期对于每个人来说都是最能彰显生命本色的特殊时期。为了引导同学们正确地认识自我,某校"阳光心理驿站"的老师们以"我发现自己真的很好"为主题,对1,127名学生进行了问卷调查,下图是部分项目的统计结果。
假如你是该校的学生,请结合以上图表信息,以 "I Find Myself Really Good"为主题,写一篇短文。内容包括:1.简要说明图表全部内容;2.从图表中任选一项,结合自己的经历,谈谈它对你的生活产生了什么积极的影响。
Our school did a survey among 1,127 students on the topic of "I Find Myself Really Good". Here are the results.
【解析】【分析】本文是社会调查;介绍我积极的态度产生了什么积极的影响,时态综合使用"一般现在时"和"一般过去时";要求以"I Find Myself Really Good"为主题,结合提示内容进行写作,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。写作步骤:第一步,表明写作意图,介绍调查结果;第二步,结合自己的经历,谈谈它对你的生活产生了什么积极的影响。
【点评】 文章应围绕积极的态度展开,确保所有内容均围绕这一中心进行阐述。各部分内容之间过渡自然,逻辑连贯。 使用准确的词汇和语法结构来表达,避免使用过于复杂或生僻的词汇,确保文章易于理解。同时,注意时态和语态的正确使用。 建议使用亮点词汇:As for至于,play a role in扮演角色,made an effort to尽力去做某事,all the time一直,高分句型:I regarded it as a challenge, which was also a good chance to improve my English.(which引导的定语从句),In fact, it is my positive attitude that brings out the best in me all the time.(强调句)。




下一篇:6.1蚂蚁做操同步练习 (含答案)北师大版数学三年级上册