新人教版选择性必修第二册 Unit 1Science and Scientists原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习综合素养分层演练】

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新人教版选择性必修第二册 Unit 1综合演练
1.He convinced us that he suffered   (数量多的)injuries in the accident.
2.It is unexpected that the police searched the    (犯罪嫌疑人) but found no bombs on him.
3.Of the two    (矛盾的) aspects, one must be principal and the other secondary.
4.Exercising is essential to everybody because it makes you more awake and ready to    (处理)whatever is ahead of you for the day.
5.I am firmly convinced that these    (证据) can prove that this man is closely connected with crime.
6.His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity would in turn   (感染) other students.
7.It is assumed that the country will face   (严重的)economic problems due to the natural disasters.
8.Some people say beauty itself is     (抽象的). Do you agree
9.The coach and his team were interviewed because of their     (杰出的) performance/.
10.There was a vast distance between psychological clues and     (具体的) proof.
11.The factory used 65 percent of the     (原始的) materials, the rest of which were saved for other purpose.
12.    (病菌) are easily passed from person to person.
13.I     (怀疑) he was lying by the boy's abnormal behaviour.
14.Qian changed his major because of a     (改变)in personal interest.
15.Snow suspected that the water pump was to     (责备).
16.It is believed that lung cancer is closely linked     smoking.
17.This book focuses on     (theory) learning, while I need a practical guide.
18.Now that the plan has been made, let's get down to     (carry) it out.
These are just some     (proof) that we could do for the program.
20.Officials say that few citizens     (infect) with the virus owing to effective prevention now.
These events     (severe) affect our environment as well as human health.
Carbon emissions from human activities are partly to blame    our warming
23.Two    (suspect) are now being interrogated in connection with the killing.
24.We surely need a central     (defend).
25.The characters in the book are     (vivid) presented.
26.Fires broke     everywhere, the entire city went up in flames.
27.He stopped,     (shift) his cane to his left hand.
28.Klan called his     (assist), Hasher, to take over his duties while he went out.
29.We are determined     (defend) our motherland at all costs.
30.The question is why he     (cry) yesterday.
scientist 31. several monkeys in order to study animal
psychology. He took a glass bottle, 32. its cork (瓶塞)
and put two peanuts inside it. The peanuts dropped to the bottom and were
easily seen from the outside. He then passed the bottle to a monkey, who shook
it 33. for a long while and was able to get the
peanuts when they 34. fell out. The scientist then put some peanuts
into the bottle again 35. he had done before and showed the monkey that
it only needed to turn the bottle upside down for the peanuts to drop out. 36. the monkey always ignored his 37. .
Each time it just shook the bottle frantically, with great 38. but without necessarily achieving 39. result.
e question is why the
monkey was unable to understand 40. the scientist instructs. 41. because all its attentions was focused on the
peanuts. Instead, it must take its eyes off the peanuts and quickly 42. its
attention to the 43. movement of the scientist and the way the
bottle was turned upside down. To achieve this, it had to calm down and not be 44. by the impulse (诱惑)
of its appetite. Yet the monkey was not able to understand this. It is the
instance like this that reveals the monkey's some psychology is just like 45. of human beings.
31.A.kept B.rose C.fed D.caught
32.A.moving B.removed C.discovered D.covered
33.A.happily B.anxiously C.hurriedly D.instantly
34.A.suddenly B.accidentally C.occasionally D.quickly
35.A.as B.that C.what D.until
36.A.But B.When C.Therefore D.Thus
37.A.directions B.explanations C.performances D.instructions
38.A.effort B.strength C.power D.force
39.A.expecting B.interesting C.satisfying D.desired
40.A.what B.how C.why D.which
41.A.Probably B.Likely C.Simply D.Nearly
42.A.put B.send C.pay D.shift
43.A.gesture B.mouth C.hand D.eye
44.A.taken away B.taken off C.taken over D.taken on
45.A.that B.the C.those D.this
Could your body replace mobile-device batteries Researchers have developed a way to create the power equivalent (相当于)of two double-A batteries, using nothing more than motion of the human body.
 46.   The energy is captured and used by nano generators(纳米发电机), according to a team of scientists from Georgia Institute of Technology. This research, presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society, demonstrated how a small, flexible chip containing millions of tiny wires—500 times thinner than a human hair—could use the human heart to create electrical energy.  47.  
Any kind of bodily movement could theoretically be used to generate power, and nano wires can also generate electricity in response to wind, rolling tires, or other kinds of motion.  48.   But these most recent findings do signal a breakthrough. Researchers are convinced the technology has a future. "A few volts may not seem like much.  49.  " said the project's lead scientist, Zhong Lin Wang. "Additional nano wires and more nano generators, put together, could produce enough energy for powering larger electronics.  50.  "
A. The technology is not new.
B. Then we can use it to charge an iPod or a cell phone.
C. Anything from walking to a standing heartbeat could produce energy.
D. So it is necessary to save energy in case we run out of it at the sky point.
E.There is still a long way to apply this kind of technology in our daily life.
F.The researchers used a nano generator to power an LED light and LCD display.
G.But it has grown by leaps and bounds over previous versions of the nano generator
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新人教版选择性必修第二册 Unit 1综合演练
1.He convinced us that he suffered   (数量多的)injuries in the accident.
【解析】【分析】句意:他使我们相信他在事故中多处受伤。“ 数量多的 ”应用 multiple ,此处形容词修饰名词 injuries ,作定语,故填 multiple 。
2.It is unexpected that the police searched the    (犯罪嫌疑人) but found no bombs on him.
【解析】【分析】句意:出乎意料的是,警方搜查了嫌疑犯,但没有在他身上发现炸弹。“ 犯罪嫌疑人 ”应用 suspect ,此处名词作宾语,根据空后的him,可知应用单数名词,故填 suspect 。
3.Of the two    (矛盾的) aspects, one must be principal and the other secondary.
【解析】【分析】句意:在这两个矛盾的方面中,一个必须是主要的,另一个必须次要。“ 矛盾的 ”应用 contradictory ,此处形容词修饰名词 aspects ,作定语,故填 contradictory 。
4.Exercising is essential to everybody because it makes you more awake and ready to    (处理)whatever is ahead of you for the day.
【解析】【分析】句意:锻炼对每个人来说都是必不可少的,因为它能让你更清醒,并准备好应付一天中的任何事情。“ 处理 ”应用 handle ,此处不定式作目的状语,故填 handle 。
5.I am firmly convinced that these    (证据) can prove that this man is closely connected with crime.
【解析】【分析】句意:我坚信,这些证据可以证明这个人与犯罪密切相关。“ 证据 ”应用 proof ,此处名词作主语,these后接复数名词,故填 proofs 。
6.His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity would in turn   (感染) other students.
【解析】【分析】句意:他的出现意味着我班上有一位出乎意料的助教,他的创造力反过来会感染其他学生。“感染 ”应用 infect ,此处是谓语动词,would后接动词原形,故填 infect 。
7.It is assumed that the country will face   (严重的)economic problems due to the natural disasters.
【解析】【分析】句意:据推测,由于自然灾害,该国将面临严重的经济问题。“ 严重的 ”应用 severe ,此处修饰名词 economic problems ,作定语,故填 severe 。
8.Some people say beauty itself is     (抽象的). Do you agree
【解析】【分析】句意:有人说美本身是抽象的。你同意吗?“ 抽象的 ”应用 abstract ,此处形容词作表语,故填 abstract 。
9.The coach and his team were interviewed because of their     (杰出的) performance/.
【解析】【分析】句意:由于教练和他的团队表现出色,他们接受了采访。“ 杰出的 ”应用 outstanding ,此处修饰名词 performance ,作定语,故填outstanding。
10.There was a vast distance between psychological clues and     (具体的) proof.
【解析】【分析】句意:心理线索和具体证据之间有很大的距离。“ 具体的 ”应用 concrete ,形容词,修饰 proof 作定语,故填 concrete 。
11.The factory used 65 percent of the     (原始的) materials, the rest of which were saved for other purpose.
【解析】【分析】句意:这家工厂使用了65%的原材料,其余的都留作他用。“ 原始的 ”应用 raw ,此处形容词作定语,修饰名词 materials ,故填 raw 。
12.    (病菌) are easily passed from person to person.
【解析】【分析】句意:细菌很容易在人与人之间传播。“ 病菌 ”应用 germ ,此处名词作主语,结合谓语动词are,可知应用复数名词,故填 Germs 。
13.I     (怀疑) he was lying by the boy's abnormal behaviour.
【解析】【分析】句意:我怀疑他是在撒谎,因为这个男孩的反常行为。“ 怀疑 ”应用 suspect ,此处是谓语动词,结合语境应用一般现在时,故填 suspect 。
14.Qian changed his major because of a     (改变)in personal interest.
【解析】【分析】句意:由于个人兴趣的转变, 钱改变了专业。“ 改变 ”应用 shift ,此处名词作介词宾语,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 shift 。
15.Snow suspected that the water pump was to     (责备).
【解析】【分析】句意:斯诺怀疑水泵是罪魁祸首。“ 责备 ”应用 blame ,动词,be to blame 固定短语,“该受到责备”,故填 blame 。
【点评】考查非谓语动词。以及固定短语be to blame。
16.It is believed that lung cancer is closely linked     smoking.
【解析】【分析】句意:人们认为肺癌与吸烟密切相关。be linked to,固定短语,“与……相关”。故填to。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语be linked to。
17.This book focuses on     (theory) learning, while I need a practical guide.
【解析】【分析】句意:这本书侧重理论学习,而我需要一本实用手册。由空后的 learning 可知,空处应用形容词作定语, theory “理论”,名词,其形容词是 theoretical “理论的,基于理论的”,故填 theoretical 。
18.Now that the plan has been made, let's get down to     (carry) it out.
【解析】【分析】句意:既然计划已经制定,我们就着手实施吧。get down to doing sth.,固定短语,"开始做某事",此处动名词作宾语,故填carrying。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,本题涉及动名词作宾语,以及固定短语get down to doing sth.。
These are just some     (proof) that we could do for the program.
20.Officials say that few citizens     (infect) with the virus owing to effective prevention now.
【答案】are infected
【解析】【分析】句意:官员说,由于有效的预防,现在很少有居民感染那种病毒。分析句子结构可知, 设空处作宾语从句的谓语, citizens与infect之间为被动关系, 由say和now判断应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语是few citizens, 故填are infected。
These events     (severe) affect our environment as well as human health.
【解析】【分析】句意:这些事件严重影响了我们的环境和人类健康。设空处修饰动词affect应该用副词形式, 故填severely。
Carbon emissions from human activities are partly to blame    our warming
【解析】【分析】句意:人类活动产生的碳排放是造成地球变暖的部分原因。be to blame for 固定短语,“应为……负责任,应因……受责备”, 故填for。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语be to blame for。
23.Two    (suspect) are now being interrogated in connection with the killing.
【解析】【分析】句意:目前正在审问两名与谋杀案有关的嫌疑人。此处名词作主语,根据空前的two,可知应用可数名词复数,故填 suspects 。
24.We surely need a central     (defend).
【解析】【分析】句意:我们当然需要一名中后卫。此处名词作宾语, defend “保卫”,动词,其名词是 defender ,“守卫者,保卫者”,不定冠词后接单数名词,故填 defender 。
25.The characters in the book are     (vivid) presented.
【解析】【分析】句意:书中的人物形象生动。此处副词作状语, vivid “生动的,鲜活的”,形容词,其副词是 vividly ,修饰谓语动词 are presented ,作状语,故填 vividly 。
26.Fires broke     everywhere, the entire city went up in flames.
【解析】【分析】句意:到处都起火了,整个城市都燃烧起来。break out,固定短语,“爆发”,故填out。
【点评】考查副词,以及固定短语break out。
27.He stopped,     (shift) his cane to his left hand.
【解析】【分析】句意:他停下来,把手杖移到左手上。he 和 shift 在逻辑上是主谓关系,现在分词表主动,此处作伴随状语,故填 shifting 。
28.Klan called his     (assist), Hasher, to take over his duties while he went out.
【解析】【分析】句意:Klan打电话给他的助手Hasher,让他在外出时接替他的工作。此处名词作宾语, assist “帮助”,动词,其名词是 assistant “助手”,结合 Hasher ,可知应用单数名词,故填 assistant 。
29.We are determined     (defend) our motherland at all costs.
【答案】to defend
【解析】【分析】句意:我们决心不惜一切代价保卫祖国。be determined to do,固定短语,“决心做......”,故填 to defend 。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,以及固定短语be determined to do。
30.The question is why he     (cry) yesterday.
【解析】【分析】句意:问题是他昨天为什么哭了。此处是表语从句的谓语动词,根据时间状语 yesterday,可知应用一般过去时,故填 cried 。
scientist 31. several monkeys in order to study animal
psychology. He took a glass bottle, 32. its cork (瓶塞)
and put two peanuts inside it. The peanuts dropped to the bottom and were
easily seen from the outside. He then passed the bottle to a monkey, who shook
it 33. for a long while and was able to get the
peanuts when they 34. fell out. The scientist then put some peanuts
into the bottle again 35. he had done before and showed the monkey that
it only needed to turn the bottle upside down for the peanuts to drop out. 36. the monkey always ignored his 37. .
Each time it just shook the bottle frantically, with great 38. but without necessarily achieving 39. result.
e question is why the
monkey was unable to understand 40. the scientist instructs. 41. because all its attentions was focused on the
peanuts. Instead, it must take its eyes off the peanuts and quickly 42. its
attention to the 43. movement of the scientist and the way the
bottle was turned upside down. To achieve this, it had to calm down and not be 44. by the impulse (诱惑)
of its appetite. Yet the monkey was not able to understand this. It is the
instance like this that reveals the monkey's some psychology is just like 45. of human beings.
31.A.kept B.rose C.fed D.caught
32.A.moving B.removed C.discovered D.covered
33.A.happily B.anxiously C.hurriedly D.instantly
34.A.suddenly B.accidentally C.occasionally D.quickly
35.A.as B.that C.what D.until
36.A.But B.When C.Therefore D.Thus
37.A.directions B.explanations C.performances D.instructions
38.A.effort B.strength C.power D.force
39.A.expecting B.interesting C.satisfying D.desired
40.A.what B.how C.why D.which
41.A.Probably B.Likely C.Simply D.Nearly
42.A.put B.send C.pay D.shift
43.A.gesture B.mouth C.hand D.eye
44.A.taken away B.taken off C.taken over D.taken on
45.A.that B.the C.those D.this
31.句意:为了研究动物心理学,一位科学家养了几只猴子。A. kept“喂养”;B. rose“上升”;C. fed“喂食”;D. caught“抓住”。根据空后“in order to study animal psychology”可知,此处表示一位科学家养了几只猴子来研究动物心理学。故选A。
32.句意:他拿来一个玻璃瓶,去掉瓶塞,并且放了两粒花生米在里面。A. moving“移动”;B. removed“去除”;C. discovered“发现”;D. covered“覆盖”。根据空后 “put two peanuts inside it”可知,此处表示去除瓶塞。故选B。
33.句意:然后他把瓶子递给一只猴子,猴子焦急地摇了很久,当花生不小心掉出来时,它才把花生拿了出来。A. happily“快乐地”;B. anxiously“焦急地”;C. hurriedly“匆忙地”;D. instantl“立刻”。根据下文“Each time it just shook the bottle frantically”可知,此处表示猴子很焦急地摇晃。故选B。
34.句意:然后他把瓶子递给一只猴子,猴子焦急地摇了很久,当花生不小心掉出来时,它才把花生拿了出来。A. suddenly“突然”;B. accidentally“偶然”;C. occasionally“偶尔”;D. quickly“快速”。根据下文可知,此处表示花生是在猴子焦急地摇晃瓶子中偶然掉了出来。故选B。
35.句意:然后,科学家像之前做的那样又把一些花生放进瓶子里,并告诉猴子,只要把瓶子倒过来,花生就会掉出来。A. as“像”;B. that“那个”;C. what“什么”;D. until“直到”。根据空后“he had done before”可知,此处指科学家像他之前做的一样把花生放进瓶子里。故选A。
36.句意:但是猴子总是无视他的指示。A. But“但是”;B. When“当……的时候”;C. Therefore“因此”;D. Thus“因此”。根据下文“Each time it just shook the bottle frantically, with great 8 but without necessarily achieving the 9 result.”可知,猴子并没有听从科学家的指导。故选A。
37.句意:但是猴子总是无视他的指示。A. directions“方向”;B. explanations“解释”;C. performances“表现”;D. instructions“指示”。根据上文描述以及下文 “Now the question is why the monkey was unable to understand 10 the scientist instructed.”可知,此处表示不听科学家的指示,故选D。
38.句意:每次它只是疯狂地摇晃瓶子,费了很大的劲,却不一定达到预期的效果。A. effort“努力”;B. strength“力量”;C. power“权力”;D. force“力量”。根据上文“Each time it just shook the bottle frantically”可知,猴子费了很大努力。故选A。
39.句意:每次它只是疯狂地摇晃瓶子,费了很大的劲,却不一定达到预期的效果。A. expected“预料”;B. interesting“有趣的”;C. satisfying“满意的”;D. desired“渴望的”。根据上文可知,此处表示猴子不听从科学家的指示,不一定得到想要的结果。故选D。
40.句意:现在的问题是为什么猴子不能理解科学家的指示。A. what“什么”;B. how“如何”;C. why“为什么”;D. which“哪一个”。分析句子结构可知,此处是宾语从句;从句缺少宾语,应用what引导。故选A。
41.句意:只是因为它的注意力都集中在花生上。A. Probably“可能地”;B. Likely“可能地”;C. Simply“仅仅”;D. Nearly“将近,差不多”。根据上下文意,可知此处表示“只是,仅仅是”。故选C。
42.句意:相反,它必须把它的眼睛从花生上移开,迅速地把注意力转移到科学家的手的动作和瓶子被倒置的方式上。A. put“放置”;B. send“发送”;C. pay“支付”;D. shift“转换”。根据空前“it must take its eyes off the peanuts”可知,此处表示迅速将注意力转移到科学家的动作和瓶子倒过来的方式上。故选D。
43.句意:相反,它必须把它的眼睛从花生上移开,迅速地把注意力转移到科学家的手的动作和瓶子被倒置的方式上。A. gesture“手势”;B. mouth“嘴”;C. hand“手”;D. eye“眼”。根据上文“The scientist then put some peanuts into the bottle again 5 he had done before and showed the monkey that it only needed to turn the bottle upside down for the peanuts to drop out.”可知,此处表示手部动作。故选C。
44.句意:为了实现这一目标,它必须冷静下来,不被欲望的冲动所控制。A. taken away“带走”;B. taken off“起飞”;C. taken over“接管”;D. taken on“从事”。根据下文“by the impulse (诱惑) of its appetite”可知,它必须冷静下来,不要被食欲控制。故选C。
45.句意:正是这样的一个例子,揭示了猴子的某些和人类一样的心理。A. that“那个”;B. the“那”;C. those“那些”;D. this“这”。此处用that指代上文名词psychology。故选A。
Could your body replace mobile-device batteries Researchers have developed a way to create the power equivalent (相当于)of two double-A batteries, using nothing more than motion of the human body.
 46.   The energy is captured and used by nano generators(纳米发电机), according to a team of scientists from Georgia Institute of Technology. This research, presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society, demonstrated how a small, flexible chip containing millions of tiny wires—500 times thinner than a human hair—could use the human heart to create electrical energy.  47.  
Any kind of bodily movement could theoretically be used to generate power, and nano wires can also generate electricity in response to wind, rolling tires, or other kinds of motion.  48.   But these most recent findings do signal a breakthrough. Researchers are convinced the technology has a future. "A few volts may not seem like much.  49.  " said the project's lead scientist, Zhong Lin Wang. "Additional nano wires and more nano generators, put together, could produce enough energy for powering larger electronics.  50.  "
A. The technology is not new.
B. Then we can use it to charge an iPod or a cell phone.
C. Anything from walking to a standing heartbeat could produce energy.
D. So it is necessary to save energy in case we run out of it at the sky point.
E.There is still a long way to apply this kind of technology in our daily life.
F.The researchers used a nano generator to power an LED light and LCD display.
G.But it has grown by leaps and bounds over previous versions of the nano generator
【点评】考查七选五,本文是一篇科研类阅读, 要求在理解细节信息的基础上,着重考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。
46.根据空后“The energy is captured and used by nano generators(纳米发电机)”这种能量可以被纳米发电机捕获和利用。 C. Anything from walking to a standing heartbeat could produce energy. “任何动作,从步行到站立的心跳,都能产生能量。”下文中的the energy是指上文提到的“步行或心跳所产生的能量。故选C。
47.根据空前“This research, presented at a meeting of the American Chemical Society, demonstrated how a small, flexible chip containing millions of tiny wires—500 times thinner than a human hair—could use the human heart to create electrical energy.”这项研究在美国化学学会的一次会议上提出,演示了一个包含数百万根比人类头发细500倍的细导线的小型柔性芯片如何利用人类心脏产生电能。F.The researchers used a nano generator to power an LED light and LCD display.“研究人员使用纳米发电机给LED灯和液晶显示器供电。”是对上文如何获取能量做出了解释。故选F。
48.根据空前“Any kind of bodily movement could theoretically be used to generate power, and nano wires can also generate electricity in response to wind, rolling tires, or other kinds of motion.”从理论上讲,任何一种身体运动都可以用来发电,纳米线也可以根据风力、滚动轮胎或其他运动来发电。任何运动都能产生能量,可能利用风能,滚动轮胎等去产生动能, A. The technology is not new. “这种技术不是新的”,承接下文“ But these most recent findings do signal a breakthrough. ”虽然不是新技术,但是现在对这种技术已经有所突破。故选A。
49.根据空后“Additional nano wires and more nano generators, put together, could produce enough energy for powering larger electronics.”增加的纳米线和更多的纳米发电机被放在一起,可以产生足够的能量给更大的电子设备供电。 G.But it has grown by leaps and bounds over previous versions of the nano generator “但它的发展与之前版本的纳米发电机相比有了很大的飞跃”,下文就是解释到底是哪方面的飞跃。故选G。
50.根据空前“Additional nano wires and more nano generators, put together, could produce enough energy for powering larger electronics.”增加的纳米线和更多的纳米发电机被放在一起,可以产生足够的能量给更大的电子设备供电。因为有了足够的电了, B. Then we can use it to charge an iPod or a cell phone. “然后我们就可以给iPod或手机充电了。”符合语境,故选B。




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