Lesson 14 Accidents Happen 同步练习(含答案) 冀教版英语九年级全册

Lesson 14 Accidents Happen
1 Tt took the old man three months to (恢复)
2 Lookl The ball is ( 滚 动 )quickly in James'hand
3.My brother wants to be a (记者)when he grows up because he likes talking with people.
4.The nurse cleaned the w for the soldier and he said nothing all the time. 5.Have you heard about the a near the school
6.You're expected (shake)hands when meeting people for the first time in China.
7.This is an (ice)road.Please walk as carefully as possible. 8.Many tall buildings were built in nearby (town).
9.Sand turns to glass when it is (hit)by lightning.
10.What a terrible plant!This is probably the (ugly)plant I've ever seen. 三 .词语运用
Today,I went to the hospital to see my good friend Bill.He was hit 1. a car when he was 2 his way to school last Friday.He 3. (have)a pain in his left knee and he was 4. (able)to walk.The driver 5. (send)him to the hospital at once.Bill received 6. (medicine)treatment there and now he is feeling much 7. (well).The driver was very sorry about that and he 8. (regret)driving so fast.9. is also necessary for us to keep an eye out 10.
Cars when we are walking in the street. 四 .完型填空
It was a warm Sunday afternoon in May,2021.Beside the Lech River many people were playing and picnicking,and they felt 1 and relaxed.Some people
were cooling their feet in the 2 water from the snow-covered mountains nearby. From behind the bar at the restaurant,Paul Blachut,a 3 ,had a good view of the river.
A mother and two daughters were playing on the riverbank when,suddenly,they
4 into the fast-running water.A passer-by shouted 5 ,“Help!Three
people are being carried away by the water!” 6 from his work,Paul noticed the three women flapping(摆动)their arms in the water,trying to 7 anything they could.
Paul rushed to the riverbank and jumped into the river.He didn't 8 the cold.All he could think about was 9 the women.As he got closer to them,he found the mother had the most 10 because her long dress made her so heavy.He pushed her to the bank 11 .Then he managed to save the two daughters 12
other people's help.
Later,people expressed their admiration for Paul,13 he was modest(谦虚
的)about his role.“It only took 14 two or three minutes,”he said,adding that
he was happy to have received high praise from his boss for his 15 _.Indeed,it was ajob very well done.
1.A.tired B.strange C.comfortable D.careful
2.A.calm B.cold C.salty D.hot
3.A.boss B.waiter C.tourist D.teacher
4.A.fell B.ran C.looked D.jumped
5.A.politely B.bravely C.loudly D.quickly
6.A.Looking up B.Lookup C.Looking at D.Look at
7.A.catch B.shake C.cover D.make
8.A.get over B.care about C.keep out D.think of
9.A.save B.saving C.saved D.saves
10.A.pleasure B.time C.sadness D.trouble
11.A.one B.two C.first D.second
12.A.at B.with C.about D.of
13.A.but B.or C.so D.because
14.A.I B.my C.myself D.me
15.A.advice B.visit C.advantage D.courage
一 . 1 .recover 2.rolling 3.reporter 4.wound 5.accident
二 . 6 .to shake 7.icy 8.towns 9.hit 10.ugliest
三 . 1 .by 2.on 3.had 4.unable 5.sent 6.medical 7.better
8.regretted 9.It 10.for
四.1-5 CBBAC 6-10 AABBD 11-15CBADD



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