人教版(2024)英语七年级上册 Unit 6 A Day in the Life Section B 1a-1d 练习题(含答案)

Unit 6 Section B 1a-1d
情境1 演讲比赛开始前,Sarah在网上发帖求助“如何做好演讲”,以下是部分回复。根据句意及汉语提示填写单词
1. Just spend a good______(部分)of the a day practicing.
2. Pay attention to the time.10 to 15 minutes is______(已经)enough.
3. You shouldn't only talk about your ______(每日的)routine.
4.You can also______((听) to others.
5. When speaking, you can stop for a_____(一段时间)before saying the next sentence.
情境2 通过努力练习,Sarah在演讲比赛上成功向大家分享了自己充实的一天。
housework play everyday outside
6. Sarah talks about her_____ life.
7. Sarah goes_______to run at 7:30 a.m.
8. Sarah likes to________ ping-pong with her friends after school.
9. After dinner, Sarah often helps with the________.
情境3 与此同时,Timo的演讲得到了老师的赞赏,让我们一起走近Timo的日常生活。
I'm Timo Halla. I 10 _____with my parents in Helsinki, Finland. I'm happy every day. Now, it's December. Every Tuesday, I usually get up at 7:40. 1 often listen to the news11 _____music. My mum always cooks for me. After 12_____ , I walk to school. And it only takes me 10 13.________.
My school begins at 9:00.There are 18 14______ in my class. Each lesson is 45 minutes. Between lessons we have a 15______, and we can do other things with our friends. We have three16_____ in the morning-one Finnish lesson and two home economics lessons. The afternoon lessons begin at 12:30 and 17_____ at2:15. Then I go to my ice hockey club.
I usually get home around 4:00. It is already18 ____outside. All the lights are on. I often have dinner at6: 00. Then, I read with my parents for an hour. After that, I 19 ______my school things for the next day. At 9:30, it's time for me to go to bed.
10. A. swim B. begin C. talk D. live
11. A. or B. so C. but D. next
12. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. class
13. A. years B. days C. hours D.minutes
14. A. parents B. students C. cousins D. brothers
15.A. drama B. problem C. break D. story
16. A. numbers B. lessons C.flags D. ideas
17. A. finish B. call C. come D. start
18. A. hot B. dark C. sunny D. windy
19.A.paint B. count C.prepare D. remember
1. part 2. already 3. daily 4. listen 5. while
6. everyday
7. outside
8. play
9. housework
10.D11.A12. A 13.D 14.B15.C16.B 17.A 18.B19.C



上一篇:Unit 3 Transportation 单元测试 (无答案无听力原文无音频)
