
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Nobody can deny the charm of Christmas. Get into the festive spirit with our top recommendations for Christmas markets across Europe.
Edinburgh Christmas Market
For celebrating Christmas, Edinburgh is a perfect choice for a festive getaway. The Christmas market stretches over the city, packed with Christmas crafts, delicious treats, and fantastic events. It’s also usually the longest-running market in Europe. There are also light shows at the castle, a special program at the zoo, and a variety of performances to choose from.
Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market
There’s a range of markets to spoil every visitor in Cologne, such as the Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market, located next to the city’s most iconic building. It’s a great opportunity to wander around the stalls (摊位) while admiring the amazing Gothic architecture of the cathedral itself, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Salzburg Christmas market
A true winter wonderland with often snow covering, Salzburg is the picture-perfect Christmas market destination. Check out the choral singing in front of the cathedral and try some of the traditional gingerbread, roasted chestnuts, and other sweet treats.
Budapest Christmas market
This Christmas market offers over 100 stalls serving Hungarian treats ranging from warming goulash to delicious Beijgll, a rolled cake with poppy secds or walnuts. There’s plenty to keep you entertained, with ice skating and Christmas concerts. Climb to the top of Fisherman’s Bastion if you want to see the city in all its festive glory.
1.Which market has the longest operation history in Europe
A.Edinburgh Christmas market. B.Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market.
C.Salzburg Christmas market. D.Budapest Christmas market.
2.What makes Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market special
A.Wonderful light shows.
B.Christmas choral singing.
C.Entertaining Christmas concerts.
D.Stunning Gothic architecture nearby.
3.What do Christmas markets in Salzburg and Budapest have in common
A.A good view of the city. B.Various entertainments.
C.Delicious foods for tasting. D.A snow-covered wonderland.
Imagine sitting there sipping coffee when suddenly you see someone about to die. What would you do On Dec. 26, Gelinne, 60, was staring out of his house in Edgewater, Maryland, at frozen Beards Creek when his daughter Aimee spotted the Piper Cherokee. “Look!” she cried. Gelinne looked up just in time to see a small aircraft a few hundred yards away, losing altitude.
As the plane disappeared behind the trees, Gelinne, a former Navy commander and current cybersecurity expert realized it was going to land in the creek (小溪). He flashed on a moment from more than 20 years earlier: Sept. 11, 2001. Gelinne was at work in the Pentago in Washington, D.C., when terrorists crashed a jet into the building. He fled the chaos but has always wondered if he could have stayed inside and helped. “To the right was the crisis, and to the left was escape. I don’t even know if I could’ve gone right, but I went left,” he recalled.
On this day, Gelinned didn’t hesitate. He ran down to the waterfront. The plane had skidded (打滑) to as top on the broad, frozen creek, far from shore. It was now sinking. The pilot was standing on the wing. Gelinne knew from his Navy training that even a few minutes in the icy water could kill the pilot. He tested the ice with his foot and decided not to risk walking on it. Then he and his son, John J., 37, pulled out two kayaks (橡皮船).
The kayaks’ paddles (桨) proved too flimsy, so the pair tried using shovels (铲) to push the boats along. It was exhausting. When Gelinne reached the plane, it had broken through the ice and sunk; only its tail was visible. The pilot was standing on a tail wing, submerged (浸没) up to his chest, surrounded by open water. Gelinne nudged (轻推) his kayak off the ice and into the water, paddling toward the pilot and thinking, “What if he panics What if I flip (翻) ”
With his son nearby, Gelinne focused on keeping the pilot calm, joking, “Just hang on to the boat as if you were hugging your wife.” The pilot grabbed the kayak’s bow. Now the three men were floating together. By now, a police officer had arrived and radioed for help. A boat from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources appeared, breaking through ice as it arrived. It picked up the pilot, Steve Couchman, 71, and sent him to be treated for minor injuries. Later the boat returned to help Gelinne, now exhausted to shore while John Jr. made his own way back.
“I’m 60 years old,” Gelinne says. “There was no way I could get him to shore.” Still, he was satisfied he’d gone the right way that day.
4.What does “the Piper Cherokee” in paragraph 1 refer to
A.The pilot. B.The kayak.
C.The rescue team. D.The sinking aircraft.
5.What did Gelinne regret about Sept. 11, 2001
A.He escaped from the scene. B.He helped handle the chaos.
C.He fought against the terrorists. D.He stayed inside to save the injured.
6.Which of the following best describes Gelinne
A.Honest and ambitious. B.Professional and dedicated.
C.Humorous and calm. D.Helpful and selfless.
7.Why Gelinne was satisfied in the last paragraph
A.He dialed 911 immediately.
B.He didn’t hesitate to escape from the ice.
C.He decided to treat Steve for minor injuries.
D.He chose to deal with the crisis bravely.
Scientists have found a way to decode (解码) a stream of words in the brain using MRI scans and artificial intelligence. The system reconstructs the main point of what a person hears or imagines, rather than trying to copy each word, a team reports.“It’s getting at the ideas behind the words, the meaning, says Alexander Huth, an author of the study.”
Previous efforts to decode language have relied on sensors placed directly on the surface of the brain. The sensors detect signals in areas involved in expressing words. But the Texas team’s approach is an attempt to “decode more freeform thought,” says Marcel Just, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University.
The new study came about as part of an effort to understand how the brain processes language. Researchers had three people spend up to 16 hours each in a functional MRI scanner which detects signs of activity across the brain. Participants wore headphones that streamed audio from the Internet. Those streams of words produced activity all over the brain, not just in areas associated with speech and language. After participants listened to hours of stories in the scanner, the MRI data was sent to a computer. It learned to match specific patterns of brain activity with certain streams of words. Then came a paraphrased version of what a participant heard.
The MRI approach is currently slower and less accurate than an experimental communication system being developed for paralyzed people, where people get a sheet of electrical sensors implanted directly on the surface of the brain. With an MRI-based system, no one has to get surgery.
But future versions of MRI scans could raise moral questions. “What if you can read out the word that somebody is just thinking in their head That’s potentially a harmful thing.” Huth says. This technology can’t really read minds uncontrollably, though. It only works when a participant is actively cooperating with scientists. Still, systems that decode language could someday support people who are unable to speak because of a brain injury or disease. They are also assisting scientists in understanding how the brain processes words and thoughts.
8.What is special about the Texas team’s study
A.Brain can be reconstructed. B.Expression can be perfected.
C.Meanings can be comprehended. D.Sensor signals can be improved.
9.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.The process of an experiment. B.Patterns of brain activity.
C.Steps of word matching. D.The way of speech decoding.
10.What can be implied about MRI scans from the last paragraph
A.They are a double-edged sword. B.They are potentially harmful to life.
C.They are helpful to treat brain disease. D.They are well worth researching.
11.Which can be a suitable title for the text
A.A Decoder That Can Read Your Mind B.MRI Scanner: Raise a moral question
C.MRI Scanner: Still a Long Way to Go D.A Decoder That Can Convey Meaning
If your partner gets down on one knee to propose, or you get a call with the job offer, your reaction might be to shout it from the rooftops. But new research suggests that keeping good news a secret before telling someone else could make people feel more energized.
“Decades of research on keeping secrets suggest it is bad for our well-being. However, this work has only examined keeping secrets that have negative effects for our lives. Is secrecy bad for our well-being or do the negative effects of keeping secrets tend to originate from keeping negative secrets ” asked lead researcher of the latest research Michael Slepian, PhD, a professor of business at Columbia University.
In the experiment, some participants were asked to reflect on the good news they kept secret, while others reflected on good news that was not secret, and then rated how energized the news made them feel and whether they intended to share the news with someone else. The researchers found that the participants who reflected on their positive secrets reported feeling more energized than the participants who thought about their good news that was not secret.
“The research gives subtle differences to our understanding of the science of secrets. Negative secrets tend to deplete us and have also been linked to anxiety and depression. Positive secrets, however, seem to have an energizing effect and make people alive. One factor could be that people often have different motivations for keeping good news to themselves. Those with positive secrets were much more likely to keep quiet for internal reasons, not because they felt any outside pressures.
“People sometimes go to great lengths to plan revealing a positive secret to make it all the more exciting. This kind of surprise can be extremely enjoyable, but surprise is the most fleeting(短暂的)of our emotions,” Slepian said. “Having extra time—days, weeks or even longer—to imagine the joy full surprise on another person's face allows us more time with this exciting moment, even if only in our own minds.”
12.What did Michael Slepian think of the previous research on secrecy
A.It's one-sided. B.It's pointless
C.It's convincing. D.It's pioneering.
13.Why were some participants more energized in the experiment
A.They were free from secrets. B.They were optimistic and cheerful.
C.They had shared good news with others D.They had unrevealed positive secrets
14.What does the underlined word “deplete” in paragraph 4 mean
A.Panic B.Exhaust. C.Confuse D.Spoil.
15.According to the last paragraph, what did Slepian suggest readers do
A.Never reveal a secret casually B.Let your imagination run wild.
C.Be creative when surprising others. D.Delay sharing a positive secret.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Living a healthy lifestyle is all about choosing to make healthy choices each day. Here are some tips on how to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health.
Set specific and actionable goals to improve your health. When you have specific goals you want to achieve, you’ll be more motivated to implement (实施) healthy changes in your life. 16 And then set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound to better guarantee your success.
17 It’s no secret that healthy eating is one of the keys to achieving a healthy lifestyle. When you follow a healthy diet, you reduce your risk for obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancers. Healthy eating can also improve your mood and make you happier.
Make a conscious effort to drink enough water throughout the day. Just like nutritious foods, water is essential to keeping your body healthy. 18 For adults, drinking around 13 cups of water a day is enough, but this amount can vary depending on your age, weight, environment, and physical activity level.
Aim for at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night. 19 It helps you maintain a healthy weight, and improve your overall mood. Most adults need at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night, and children need 8 to 13 hours depending on how old they are.
Find a type of physical activity that’s enjoyable for you. The benefits of physical activities are endless. Doing physical activities lowers your risk of things like stroke and high blood pressure, helps you lose weight, and improves your cognitive (认知的) function. . 20
A.Consult the doctor about your physical condition.
B.Choose nutritious foods and create a well-balanced diet.
C.Identify what parts of your lifestyle you want to improve.
D.Choose activities that make you feel happy and confident.
E.Water benefits your digestion and keeps you from getting thirsty.
F.What’s more, being active can improve your overall mental health.
G.A good night’s sleep is good for your health and attention during the day.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Siti walked confidently towards the stage to receive the “Nurse of the Year” award. She 21 at her parents seated in the front row and saw their eyes glowing with 22 .
Two years ago, 23 Siti chose nursing as a profession, her parents were not very 24 of her decision. Siti’s parents had always wanted her to become a doctor. However, Siti was more interested in serving and caring for patients 25 a nurse at a hospital. She 26 well with all her patients and remembered their names by heart.
Although Siti has had many 27 experiences working as a nurse, one was 28 close to her heart. One of her patients, Mrs Ng, who was 29 from a terminal illness, was bedridden. To show her concern, Siti would always greet her with a warm smile and ask how her day had been. As Mrs Ng had very few 30 , Siti would go the extra miles and sit by Mrs Ng’s bed for a while to chat with her. Like Mrs Ng, most of the patients enjoyed Siti’s 31 as she understood their needs and treated them with care and compassion. Though 32 care for her patients was difficult, Siti 33 her responsibilities to the best of her ability.
When Siti received the award, the audience 34 her name. As Siti walked down the stage, she recalled the 35 on the faces of her patients and their families. Siti was filled with contentment.
21.A.wondered B.pointed C.glanced D.rushed
22.A.impatience B.courage C.regret D.pride
23.A.when B.although C.if D.until
24.A.conscious B.supportive C.envious D.guilty
25.A.as B.with C.for D.about
26.A.adapted B.related C.traded D.prepared
27.A.rewarding B.professional C.memorable D.painful
28.A.hardly B.temporarily C.suddenly D.particularly
29.A.suffering B.recovering C.differing D.separating
30.A.patients B.visitors C.audiences D.specialists
31.A.authority B.commitment C.attempt D.company
32.A.providing B.requiring C.taking D.receiving
33.A.pushed awayB.made up C.carried out D.handed over
34.A.mentioned B.chanted C.acquired D.submitted
35.A.anxiety B.sympathy C.privilege D.gratitude
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
By the end of 2023, world leaders will meet in Dubai to discuss the 36 (world) worsening climate. Right now, summers are getting hotter, winters colder and the polar ice 37 (melt) at an alarming rate. Extreme weather events and natural disasters frequently occur. With greenhouse gases continuing to rise in the atmosphere and concentrations of carbon dioxide at their 38 (high) in at last two million years, the climate time-bomb is ticking. Strict measures must be taken 39 (address) the problem.
It reminds me 40 the science-fiction stories I read when I was growing up about governments 41 (look) for solutions when natural resources were being over-extended. A look at such stories provides some approaches to what is acknowledged to be 42 very serious and worsening world-wide problem. We are using our resources at an alarming rate and in the process, pumping tons of greenhouse gases into an atmosphere 43 simply cannot absorb all without causing major effects. There’s a general agreement that urgent action 44 (need) to stop us from literally making our world 45 (fit) to live in. The answers, at least so far, concentrate on manipulating those resources and the ways in which we use them.
第一节 (满分15分)
The Student Union
“Look at this,” I said to my friend Mandy, holding up the bright-red paper I had grabbed as we entered the library. On it was a five-day art camp at White Cliff this summer.
Mandy took the paper and glanced at it. She stopped when her eyes caught the date. “It’s during the last week of July,” she said. “That’s the same time as the Hill County Fair.”
I had a feelings she’d mention that. “Yeah, that’s true,” I said. “But we always go to the fair.”
Mandy handed the paper back to me as she stood up to look at the shelf of new books.
“Tessa, you’re the artist.” She smiled. “But my paintings are so terrible.”
“You may not think you can draw, but you can learn,” I sad in my most encouraging voice. I really didn’t want to go alone. Mandy could make friends with a whole busload of kids in 10 minutes, but my stomach twirls (旋转) like a roller coaster when I don’t know anyone around me.
Later, I called my friends Emily and Yoshiko. Yoshiko was going to the fair, and Emily would be out of town in July. I sighed and dropped my head down on the red paper.
“What’s that ” Mom picked up the paper and asked.
“A flyer for an art camp.” I explained.
“Would you like to attend it ” Mom asked.
“Probably not,” I said. “None of my friends are going.”
Mom patted my back and put the paper down. She knew I had a hard time jumping into something with no familiar faces around.
During the flowing days, I always thought about the art camp and wished I felt a little braver.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Sensing my struggle, Mom encouraged me to give it a try.
The decision to attend the art camp proved worthwhile.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Nobody can deny the charm of Christmas. Get into the festive spirit with our top recommendations for Christmas markets across Europe.
Edinburgh Christmas Market
For celebrating Christmas, Edinburgh is a perfect choice for a festive getaway. The Christmas market stretches over the city, packed with Christmas crafts, delicious treats, and fantastic events. It’s also usually the longest-running market in Europe. There are also light shows at the castle, a special program at the zoo, and a variety of performances to choose from.
Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market
There’s a range of markets to spoil every visitor in Cologne, such as the Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market, located next to the city’s most iconic building. It’s a great opportunity to wander around the stalls (摊位) while admiring the amazing Gothic architecture of the cathedral itself, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Salzburg Christmas market
A true winter wonderland with often snow covering, Salzburg is the picture-perfect Christmas market destination. Check out the choral singing in front of the cathedral and try some of the traditional gingerbread, roasted chestnuts, and other sweet treats.
Budapest Christmas market
This Christmas market offers over 100 stalls serving Hungarian treats ranging from warming goulash to delicious Beijgll, a rolled cake with poppy secds or walnuts. There’s plenty to keep you entertained, with ice skating and Christmas concerts. Climb to the top of Fisherman’s Bastion if you want to see the city in all its festive glory.
1.Which market has the longest operation history in Europe
A.Edinburgh Christmas market. B.Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market.
C.Salzburg Christmas market. D.Budapest Christmas market.
2.What makes Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market special
A.Wonderful light shows.
B.Christmas choral singing.
C.Entertaining Christmas concerts.
D.Stunning Gothic architecture nearby.
3.What do Christmas markets in Salzburg and Budapest have in common
A.A good view of the city. B.Various entertainments.
C.Delicious foods for tasting. D.A snow-covered wonderland.
【答案】1.A 2.D 3.C
1.细节理解题。根据文章“Edinburgh Christmas Market”部分中“It’s also usually the longest-running market in Europe.(它通常也是欧洲运行时间最长的市场。)”可知,爱丁堡圣诞集市是欧洲经营历史最悠久的圣诞集市。故选A项。
2.细节理解题。根据文章“Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market”部分中“It’s a great opportunity to wander around the stalls (摊位) while admiring the amazing Gothic architecture of the cathedral itself, a UNESCO World Heritage Site(这是一个很好的机会,可以在摊位周围闲逛,同时欣赏大教堂本身令人惊叹的哥特式建筑,它被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。)”可知,科隆大教堂圣诞市场的特别之处是附近有令人惊叹的哥特式建筑。故选D项。
3.推理判断题。根据文章“Cologne Cathedral Christmas Market”部分中“Check out the choral singing in front of the cathedral and try some of the traditional gingerbread, roasted chestnuts, and other sweet treats.(看看大教堂前的合唱,尝尝传统的姜饼、烤栗子和其他甜食。)”和“Budapest Christmas market”部分中“ This Christmas market offers over 100 stalls serving Hungarian treats ranging from warming goulash to delicious Beijgll, a rolled cake with poppy secds or walnuts.(这个圣诞市场有100多个摊位,供应匈牙利美食,从温热的炖牛肉到美味的Beijgll,一种用罂粟籽或核桃做成的卷饼。)”可知,这两个市场的共同之处可以品尝到美味的食物。故选C项。
Imagine sitting there sipping coffee when suddenly you see someone about to die. What would you do On Dec. 26, Gelinne, 60, was staring out of his house in Edgewater, Maryland, at frozen Beards Creek when his daughter Aimee spotted the Piper Cherokee. “Look!” she cried. Gelinne looked up just in time to see a small aircraft a few hundred yards away, losing altitude.
As the plane disappeared behind the trees, Gelinne, a former Navy commander and current cybersecurity expert realized it was going to land in the creek (小溪). He flashed on a moment from more than 20 years earlier: Sept. 11, 2001. Gelinne was at work in the Pentago in Washington, D.C., when terrorists crashed a jet into the building. He fled the chaos but has always wondered if he could have stayed inside and helped. “To the right was the crisis, and to the left was escape. I don’t even know if I could’ve gone right, but I went left,” he recalled.
On this day, Gelinned didn’t hesitate. He ran down to the waterfront. The plane had skidded (打滑) to as top on the broad, frozen creek, far from shore. It was now sinking. The pilot was standing on the wing. Gelinne knew from his Navy training that even a few minutes in the icy water could kill the pilot. He tested the ice with his foot and decided not to risk walking on it. Then he and his son, John J., 37, pulled out two kayaks (橡皮船).
The kayaks’ paddles (桨) proved too flimsy, so the pair tried using shovels (铲) to push the boats along. It was exhausting. When Gelinne reached the plane, it had broken through the ice and sunk; only its tail was visible. The pilot was standing on a tail wing, submerged (浸没) up to his chest, surrounded by open water. Gelinne nudged (轻推) his kayak off the ice and into the water, paddling toward the pilot and thinking, “What if he panics What if I flip (翻) ”
With his son nearby, Gelinne focused on keeping the pilot calm, joking, “Just hang on to the boat as if you were hugging your wife.” The pilot grabbed the kayak’s bow. Now the three men were floating together. By now, a police officer had arrived and radioed for help. A boat from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources appeared, breaking through ice as it arrived. It picked up the pilot, Steve Couchman, 71, and sent him to be treated for minor injuries. Later the boat returned to help Gelinne, now exhausted to shore while John Jr. made his own way back.
“I’m 60 years old,” Gelinne says. “There was no way I could get him to shore.” Still, he was satisfied he’d gone the right way that day.
4.What does “the Piper Cherokee” in paragraph 1 refer to
A.The pilot. B.The kayak.
C.The rescue team. D.The sinking aircraft.
5.What did Gelinne regret about Sept. 11, 2001
A.He escaped from the scene. B.He helped handle the chaos.
C.He fought against the terrorists. D.He stayed inside to save the injured.
6.Which of the following best describes Gelinne
A.Honest and ambitious. B.Professional and dedicated.
C.Humorous and calm. D.Helpful and selfless.
7.Why Gelinne was satisfied in the last paragraph
A.He dialed 911 immediately.
B.He didn’t hesitate to escape from the ice.
C.He decided to treat Steve for minor injuries.
D.He chose to deal with the crisis bravely.
【答案】4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D
4.词句猜测题。根据画线词的下文““Look!” she cried. Gelinne looked up just in time to see a small aircraft a few hundred yards away, losing altitude. (“看“!”她叫道。Gelinne抬起头,正好看到几百码外有一架小型飞机正在下降)”可推知,画线部分指的是这艘在下降的飞机。故选D项。
5.细节理解题。根据第二段中“He fled the chaos but has always wondered if he could have stayed inside and helped. “To the right was the crisis, and to the left was escape. I don’t even know if I could’ve gone right, but I went left,” he recalled. (他逃离了混乱,但一直想知道他是否可以留在里面帮忙。“向右就是危机,向左就是逃避。我甚至不知道我能不能向右走,但我还是向左走了,”他回忆说)”可知,Gelinne对2001年9月11日他逃离现场感到后悔。故选A项。
6.推理判断题。根据第三段中“He tested the ice with his foot and decided not to risk walking on it. Then he and his son, John J., 37, pulled out two kayaks (橡皮船). (他用脚试了试冰面,决定不冒险在上面走。然后,他和37岁的儿子John J拉出了两艘皮划艇)”和第五段中“With his son nearby, Gelinne focused on keeping the pilot calm, joking, “Just hang on to the boat as if you were hugging your wife.” (儿子就在旁边,Gelinne专注于让飞行员保持冷静,他开玩笑说:“就像抱着你的妻子一样抓紧船。”)”可知,面对需要救人的紧急情况,Gelinne没有贸然行动,而是先评估了在冰面上行走的危险,而且他会用开玩笑的方式让飞行员保持冷静。由此可知,他是幽默且冷静的。故选C项。
7.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Still, he was satisfied he’d gone the right way that day. (尽管如此,他还是很满意自己那天走的是正确的路)”可知,Gelinne感到满意是因为这一天他选择勇敢地处理危机。故选D项。
Scientists have found a way to decode (解码) a stream of words in the brain using MRI scans and artificial intelligence. The system reconstructs the main point of what a person hears or imagines, rather than trying to copy each word, a team reports.“It’s getting at the ideas behind the words, the meaning, says Alexander Huth, an author of the study.”
Previous efforts to decode language have relied on sensors placed directly on the surface of the brain. The sensors detect signals in areas involved in expressing words. But the Texas team’s approach is an attempt to “decode more freeform thought,” says Marcel Just, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University.
The new study came about as part of an effort to understand how the brain processes language. Researchers had three people spend up to 16 hours each in a functional MRI scanner which detects signs of activity across the brain. Participants wore headphones that streamed audio from the Internet. Those streams of words produced activity all over the brain, not just in areas associated with speech and language. After participants listened to hours of stories in the scanner, the MRI data was sent to a computer. It learned to match specific patterns of brain activity with certain streams of words. Then came a paraphrased version of what a participant heard.
The MRI approach is currently slower and less accurate than an experimental communication system being developed for paralyzed people, where people get a sheet of electrical sensors implanted directly on the surface of the brain. With an MRI-based system, no one has to get surgery.
But future versions of MRI scans could raise moral questions. “What if you can read out the word that somebody is just thinking in their head That’s potentially a harmful thing.” Huth says. This technology can’t really read minds uncontrollably, though. It only works when a participant is actively cooperating with scientists. Still, systems that decode language could someday support people who are unable to speak because of a brain injury or disease. They are also assisting scientists in understanding how the brain processes words and thoughts.
8.What is special about the Texas team’s study
A.Brain can be reconstructed. B.Expression can be perfected.
C.Meanings can be comprehended. D.Sensor signals can be improved.
9.What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A.The process of an experiment. B.Patterns of brain activity.
C.Steps of word matching. D.The way of speech decoding.
10.What can be implied about MRI scans from the last paragraph
A.They are a double-edged sword. B.They are potentially harmful to life.
C.They are helpful to treat brain disease. D.They are well worth researching.
11.Which can be a suitable title for the text
A.A Decoder That Can Read Your Mind B.MRI Scanner: Raise a moral question
C.MRI Scanner: Still a Long Way to Go D.A Decoder That Can Convey Meaning
【答案】8.C 9.A 10.D 11.A
8.细节理解题。根据第一段中““It’s getting at the ideas behind the words, the meaning, says Alexander Huth, an author of the study.” (该研究的作者之一亚历山大·胡特说:“这是在理解单词背后的意思。”)”和第二段“Previous efforts to decode language have relied on sensors placed directly on the surface of the brain. The sensors detect signals in areas involved in expressing words. But the Texas team’s approach is an attempt to “decode more freeform thought,” says Marcel Just, a professor of psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. (以前解码语言的努力依赖于直接放置在大脑表面的传感器。传感器检测与表达单词有关的区域的信号。但卡耐基梅隆大学的心理学教授马塞尔·贾斯特说,德克萨斯团队的方法是试图“解码更多自由形式的思想”)”可知,德克萨斯研究小组的研究的特别之处是:单词背后的意思可以被理解。故选C。
9.主旨大意题。根据第三段“The new study came about as part of an effort to understand how the brain processes language. Researchers had three people spend up to 16 hours each in a functional MRI scanner which detects signs of activity across the brain. Participants wore headphones that streamed audio from the Internet. Those streams of words produced activity all over the brain, not just in areas associated with speech and language. After participants listened to hours of stories in the scanner, the MRI data was sent to a computer. It learned to match specific patterns of brain activity with certain streams of words. Then came a paraphrased version of what a participant heard. (这项新研究是为了了解大脑如何处理语言。研究人员让三个人每人花16个小时在功能性核磁共振扫描仪上,以检测大脑活动的迹象。参与者戴着耳机,播放来自互联网的音频。这些单词流在整个大脑中产生活动,而不仅仅是与语音和语言相关的区域。参与者在扫描仪中听了几个小时的故事后,核磁共振成像数据被发送到电脑上。它学会了将特定的大脑活动模式与特定的词汇流相匹配。然后是参与者听到的内容的释义版本)”可知,第三段的描写实验的过程。故选A。
10.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Still, systems that decode language could someday support people who are unable to speak because of a brain injury or disease. They are also assisting scientists in understanding how the brain processes words and thoughts. (尽管如此,解码语言的系统有一天可能会帮助那些因脑损伤或疾病而无法说话的人。它们还帮助科学家了解大脑是如何处理文字和思想的)”可知,核磁共振扫描非常值得研究。故选D。
11.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段中“Scientists have found a way to decode (解码) a stream of words in the brain using MRI scans and artificial intelligence. (科学家们已经找到了一种方法,通过核磁共振扫描和人工智能来解码大脑中的单词流)”可知,文章主要说明了科学家通过核磁共振扫描和人工智能来解码大脑中的单词流,这项新研究是为了了解大脑如何处理语言。可知,A选项“A Decoder That Can Read Your Mind (一个能读懂你的心的解码器)”最符合题意。故选A。
If your partner gets down on one knee to propose, or you get a call with the job offer, your reaction might be to shout it from the rooftops. But new research suggests that keeping good news a secret before telling someone else could make people feel more energized.
“Decades of research on keeping secrets suggest it is bad for our well-being. However, this work has only examined keeping secrets that have negative effects for our lives. Is secrecy bad for our well-being or do the negative effects of keeping secrets tend to originate from keeping negative secrets ” asked lead researcher of the latest research Michael Slepian, PhD, a professor of business at Columbia University.
In the experiment, some participants were asked to reflect on the good news they kept secret, while others reflected on good news that was not secret, and then rated how energized the news made them feel and whether they intended to share the news with someone else. The researchers found that the participants who reflected on their positive secrets reported feeling more energized than the participants who thought about their good news that was not secret.
“The research gives subtle differences to our understanding of the science of secrets. Negative secrets tend to deplete us and have also been linked to anxiety and depression. Positive secrets, however, seem to have an energizing effect and make people alive. One factor could be that people often have different motivations for keeping good news to themselves. Those with positive secrets were much more likely to keep quiet for internal reasons, not because they felt any outside pressures.
“People sometimes go to great lengths to plan revealing a positive secret to make it all the more exciting. This kind of surprise can be extremely enjoyable, but surprise is the most fleeting(短暂的)of our emotions,” Slepian said. “Having extra time—days, weeks or even longer—to imagine the joy full surprise on another person's face allows us more time with this exciting moment, even if only in our own minds.”
12.What did Michael Slepian think of the previous research on secrecy
A.It's one-sided. B.It's pointless
C.It's convincing. D.It's pioneering.
13.Why were some participants more energized in the experiment
A.They were free from secrets. B.They were optimistic and cheerful.
C.They had shared good news with others D.They had unrevealed positive secrets
14.What does the underlined word “deplete” in paragraph 4 mean
A.Panic B.Exhaust. C.Confuse D.Spoil.
15.According to the last paragraph, what did Slepian suggest readers do
A.Never reveal a secret casually B.Let your imagination run wild.
C.Be creative when surprising others. D.Delay sharing a positive secret.
【答案】12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D
【导语】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了哥伦比亚大学的教授Michael Slepian关于保密的研究,他发现在告诉别人之前把好消息保密可以使人们感到更有活力。
12.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Decades of research on secrecy suggest it is bad for our well-being. However, this work has only examined keeping secrets that have negative effects for our lives. Is secrecy inherently bad for our well-being or do the negative effects of secrecy tend to originate from keeping negative secrets ”(几十年来对保密的研究表明,保密对我们的健康有害。然而,这项工作只研究了保守对我们的生活有负面影响的秘密。保密是天生对我们的幸福有害,还是保密的负面影响往往源于保守负面秘密?)可知,Michael Slepian认为以前的研究只关注了保守负面秘密的影响,很片面,忽视了保守积极秘密的影响,故选A。
13.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The researchers found that the participants who reflected on their positive secrets reported feeling more energized than the participants who thought about their good news that was not secret.”(研究人员发现,回想自己的积极秘密的参与者比回想那些没有秘密的好消息的参与者感觉更有活力。)可知,一些参与者因为他们有未公开的积极秘密而感到更有活力,故选D。
14.词句猜测题。根据文章第四段“Negative secrets tend to deplete us and have also been linked to anxiety and depression.”(消极的秘密往往会deplete,也与焦虑和抑郁症有关。)可推知,负面的秘密有不利影响,往往会耗尽我们。故deplete在此处意为“耗尽”,故选B。
15.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“People sometimes go to great lengths to plan revealing a positive secret to make it all the more exciting. This kind of surprise can be intensely enjoyable, but surprise is the most fleeting of our emotions”(人们有时会不遗余力地计划透露一个积极的秘密,让它变得更加令人兴奋。这种惊喜可能非常令人愉快,但惊喜是我们情绪中最短暂的。)和“Having extra time days, weeks or even longer-to imagine the joyful surprise on another person’s face allows us more time with this exciting moment, even if only in our own minds.”(有额外的时间——几天,几周甚至更长的时间——想象别人脸上的喜悦惊喜,让我们有更多的时间享受这个激动人心的时刻,即使只是在我们自己的脑海中。)可推知,告诉别人之前把好消息保密可以使人们感到更兴奋,因此推断Slepian建议读者延迟分享积极的秘密,故选D。
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Living a healthy lifestyle is all about choosing to make healthy choices each day. Here are some tips on how to improve your physical, mental, and emotional health.
Set specific and actionable goals to improve your health. When you have specific goals you want to achieve, you’ll be more motivated to implement (实施) healthy changes in your life. 16 And then set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound to better guarantee your success.
17 It’s no secret that healthy eating is one of the keys to achieving a healthy lifestyle. When you follow a healthy diet, you reduce your risk for obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancers. Healthy eating can also improve your mood and make you happier.
Make a conscious effort to drink enough water throughout the day. Just like nutritious foods, water is essential to keeping your body healthy. 18 For adults, drinking around 13 cups of water a day is enough, but this amount can vary depending on your age, weight, environment, and physical activity level.
Aim for at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night. 19 It helps you maintain a healthy weight, and improve your overall mood. Most adults need at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night, and children need 8 to 13 hours depending on how old they are.
Find a type of physical activity that’s enjoyable for you. The benefits of physical activities are endless. Doing physical activities lowers your risk of things like stroke and high blood pressure, helps you lose weight, and improves your cognitive (认知的) function. . 20
A.Consult the doctor about your physical condition.
B.Choose nutritious foods and create a well-balanced diet.
C.Identify what parts of your lifestyle you want to improve.
D.Choose activities that make you feel happy and confident.
E.Water benefits your digestion and keeps you from getting thirsty.
F.What’s more, being active can improve your overall mental health.
G.A good night’s sleep is good for your health and attention during the day.
【答案】16.C 17.B 18.E 19.G 20.F
16.前文“When you have specific goals you want to achieve, you’ll be more motivated to implement healthy changes in your life.(当你有明确的目标要实现时,你会更有动力在你的生活中实施健康的改变)”表示设立目标的重要性,后文“And then set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound to better guarantee your success.(然后设定具体的、可衡量的、可实现的、相关的、有时限的目标,以更好地保证你的成功)”可知,根据then可知,空处应表示先设立目标,C选项“确定你的生活方式中你想改善的部分”为具体的目标。故选C。
17.空处为本段小标题,根据后文“It’s no secret that healthy eating is one of the keys to achieving a healthy lifestyle.(众所周知,健康的饮食是实现健康生活方式的关键之一)”表示本段讲述的是选择健康的饮食,B选项“选择有营养的食物,创造一个均衡的饮食”概括本段主题。故选B。
18.前文“Just like nutritious foods, water is essential to keeping your body healthy.(就像营养食物一样,水对保持身体健康是必不可少的)”讲到水对于身体健康的重要性,E选项“水有助于消化,还能防止饥渴”具体说明水在哪些方面对于身体是重要的。故选E。
19.前文“Aim for at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night.(保证每晚至少7小时的高质量睡眠)”表示本段描述充足高质量睡眠的重要性,后文“It helps you maintain a healthy weight, and improve your overall mood.(它能帮助你保持健康的体重,改善你的整体情绪)”中It指代好的睡眠,G选项“晚上睡个好觉对你白天的健康和注意力都有好处”说明高质量睡眠的重要性,符合语境。故选G。
20.前文“Doing physical activities lowers your risk of things like stroke and high blood pressure, helps you lose weight, and improves your cognitive function.(体育活动可以降低中风和高血压的风险,帮助减肥,改善认知功能)”表示体育活动在身体健康上的好处,F选项“更重要的是,积极活动可以改善你的整体心理健康”为进一步补充说明体育活动对于心理健康的好处,语境一致。故选F。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Siti walked confidently towards the stage to receive the “Nurse of the Year” award. She 21 at her parents seated in the front row and saw their eyes glowing with 22 .
Two years ago, 23 Siti chose nursing as a profession, her parents were not very 24 of her decision. Siti’s parents had always wanted her to become a doctor. However, Siti was more interested in serving and caring for patients 25 a nurse at a hospital. She 26 well with all her patients and remembered their names by heart.
Although Siti has had many 27 experiences working as a nurse, one was 28 close to her heart. One of her patients, Mrs Ng, who was 29 from a terminal illness, was bedridden. To show her concern, Siti would always greet her with a warm smile and ask how her day had been. As Mrs Ng had very few 30 , Siti would go the extra miles and sit by Mrs Ng’s bed for a while to chat with her. Like Mrs Ng, most of the patients enjoyed Siti’s 31 as she understood their needs and treated them with care and compassion. Though 32 care for her patients was difficult, Siti 33 her responsibilities to the best of her ability.
When Siti received the award, the audience 34 her name. As Siti walked down the stage, she recalled the 35 on the faces of her patients and their families. Siti was filled with contentment.
21.A.wondered B.pointed C.glanced D.rushed
22.A.impatience B.courage C.regret D.pride
23.A.when B.although C.if D.until
24.A.conscious B.supportive C.envious D.guilty
25.A.as B.with C.for D.about
26.A.adapted B.related C.traded D.prepared
27.A.rewarding B.professional C.memorable D.painful
28.A.hardly B.temporarily C.suddenly D.particularly
29.A.suffering B.recovering C.differing D.separating
30.A.patients B.visitors C.audiences D.specialists
31.A.authority B.commitment C.attempt D.company
32.A.providing B.requiring C.taking D.receiving
33.A.pushed awayB.made up C.carried out D.handed over
34.A.mentioned B.chanted C.acquired D.submitted
35.A.anxiety B.sympathy C.privilege D.gratitude
21.C 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.B 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.D
21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她瞥了一眼坐在前排的父母,看到他们的眼睛里充满了骄傲。A. wondered想知道;B. pointed指向;C. glanced扫视,瞥一眼;D. rushed冲。根据空前“walked confidently towards the stage”以及空后“at her parents seated in the front row and saw their eyes”可知,Siti走向舞台,她瞥了一眼坐在前排的父母,看到他们的眼睛……。故选C项。
22.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她瞥了一眼坐在前排的父母,看到他们的眼睛里充满了骄傲。A. impatience不耐烦;B. courage勇气;C. regret后悔;D. pride自豪。根据空前“glowing with (容光焕发)”以及上文Siti获得了“年度护士”奖,可知她父母的眼睛里闪烁着自豪的光芒。故选D项。
23.考查连词词义辨析。句意:两年前,当Siti选择护理作为职业时,她的父母并不十分支持她的决定。A. when当;B. although尽管;C. if如果;D. until直到。根据空后内容可以判断此处应该用when引导时间状语从句。句意为:两年前,当Siti选择护士作为职业时,她的父母并不十分支持她的决定。故选A项。
24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两年前,当Siti选择护理作为职业时,她的父母并不十分支持她的决定。A. conscious神志清醒的;B. supportive支持的;C. envious嫉妒的;D. guilty内疚的。根据后文“Siti’s parents had always wanted her to become a doctor. ”可知父母之前一直希望她当医生,因此可推断她的父母并不十分支持她当护士的决定。故选B项。
25.考查介词辨析。句意:然而,Siti更感兴趣的是作为医院的护士服务和照顾病人。A. as作为;B. with用;C. for为了;D. about关于。serving and caring for patients (服务和照顾病人)是作为一个护士的职责。故选A项。
26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她和所有的病人关系都很好,记住了他们的名字。A. adapted调整,适应;B. related联系,交往;C. traded交易;D. prepared准备。根据空后“and remembered their names by heart”可知她把他们的名字都记住了以及后文她全身心陪伴病人,由此可推断她和所有的病人关系都很好。relate well with sb与某人相处融洽,符合语境。故选B项。
27.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管Siti作为一名护士有过许多难忘的经历,但其中一次特别贴近她的内心。A. rewarding值得的,有意义的;B. professional专业的;C. memorable值得铭记的;D. painful痛苦的。根据空后“one was 8 close to her heart”可知,有一次经历她特别难忘,由此推断,此处她有很多值得铭记的经历。故选C项。
28.考查副词词义辨析。句意:尽管Siti作为一名护士有过许多难忘的经历,但其中一次特别贴近她的内心。A. hardly几乎不;B. temporarily暂时地;C. suddenly突然地;D. particularly尤其,特别。此空考查副词修饰close,根据语境应该是一个特别接近我内心(即特别难忘)的经历,particularly close(特别接近)符合语境。故选D项。
29.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她的一位病人,吴太太,身患绝症,卧床不起。A. suffering受苦,受折磨;B. recovering康复;C. differing不同于;D. separating分离。根据语境以及空后的“a terminal illness”可知该女士因绝症而受折磨。故选A项。
30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于吴太太的访客很少,Siti会多走几步,在吴太太的床边坐一会儿与她聊天。A. patients病人;B. visitors拜访者,参观者;C. audiences观众;D. specialists专家。根据后文“Siti would go the extra miles and sit by Mrs Ng’s bed for a while to chat with her.”可推断,因为来探视Ng太太的人,即拜访者很少,所以Siti会不遗余力坐在Ng太太身边陪她聊天。故选B项。
31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:和吴太太一样,大多数患者都很享受Siti的陪伴,因为她理解他们的需求,并以关怀和同情的态度对待他们。A. authority权威人士,当局;B. commitment奉献,承诺;C. attempt尝试;D. company公司,陪伴,同伴。根据空前“Like Mrs Ng, most of the patients enjoyed”以及语境可推断大部分的病人享受Siti的陪伴。故选D项。
32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管为病人提供护理很困难,但Siti还是尽了最大努力履行职责。A. providing提供;B. requiring要求;C. taking拿走;D. receiving收到。根据语境可知,为病人提供护理很难,provide sth. for sb为某人提供某物。此题的最大干扰项是C项 taking,很容易误认为:照顾病人很难。照顾是take care of而不是take care for。故选A项。
33.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:尽管为病人提供护理很困难,但Siti还是尽了最大努力履行职责。A. pushed away推开;B. made up编造,组成;C. carried out执行,实施;D. handed over移交。根据语境,Siti作为护士,她尽了最大的努力履行了自己的职责。carry out one’s responsibility 履行职责。故选C项。
34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当西蒂领奖时,观众们高呼她的名字。A. mentioned 提及;B. chanted反复喊,唱圣歌;C. acquired获得;D. submitted提交。根据语境和整篇文章可推断,Siti得奖时,观众一直高呼她的名字。故选B项。
35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当Siti走下舞台时,她回忆起患者及其家人脸上的感激之情。A. anxiety焦虑;B. sympathy同情;C. privilege特权;D. gratitude感激。根据前文语境和后文“Siti was filled with contentment”可知,Siti非常满足,说明她是想到了病人和病人家属脸上洋溢的感激之情。其它的与语境不符。故选D项。
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
By the end of 2023, world leaders will meet in Dubai to discuss the 36 (world) worsening climate. Right now, summers are getting hotter, winters colder and the polar ice 37 (melt) at an alarming rate. Extreme weather events and natural disasters frequently occur. With greenhouse gases continuing to rise in the atmosphere and concentrations of carbon dioxide at their 38 (high) in at last two million years, the climate time-bomb is ticking. Strict measures must be taken 39 (address) the problem.
It reminds me 40 the science-fiction stories I read when I was growing up about governments 41 (look) for solutions when natural resources were being over-extended. A look at such stories provides some approaches to what is acknowledged to be 42 very serious and worsening world-wide problem. We are using our resources at an alarming rate and in the process, pumping tons of greenhouse gases into an atmosphere 43 simply cannot absorb all without causing major effects. There’s a general agreement that urgent action 44 (need) to stop us from literally making our world 45 (fit) to live in. The answers, at least so far, concentrate on manipulating those resources and the ways in which we use them.
36.world’s 37.is melting 38.highest 39.to address 40.of 41.looking 42.a 43.that/which 44.is needed 45.unfit
37.考查动词时态。句意:现在,夏天越来越热,冬天越来越冷,极地的冰正在以惊人的速度融化。根据“Right now”可知,此处表示现阶段正在进行的动作,使用现在进行时,主语the polar ice为不可数名词,be动词用is。故填is melting。
38.考查最高级。句意:随着大气中温室气体的持续增加,二氧化碳的浓度达到了近200万年来的最高水平,气候定时炸弹正在滴答作响。句子中提到“at their ... in at least two million years”,这表明是在比较过去两百万年中的最高浓度,所以需要用形容词的最高级形式“highest”。故填highest。
39.考查非谓语动词。句意:必须采取严格的措施来解决这个问题。空处作目的状语,需用动词不定式。故填to address。
40.考查介词。句意:这让我想起了我小时候读过的科幻小说,讲的是政府在自然资源过度使用时寻找解决方案的故事。remind sb of sth为固定搭配,意为“提醒某人某事”。故填of。
41.考查非谓语动词。句意同上。空处需填非谓语动词作后置定语,governments和look for为逻辑主谓关系,需用现在分词形式。故填looking。
43.考查定语从句。句意:我们正在以惊人的速度使用我们的资源,在这个过程中,将大量的温室气体排放到大气中,大气无法在不造成重大影响的情况下完全吸收所有温室气体。空处引导限制性定语从句,先行词an atmosphere,指物,在定语从句中作主语,需用关系代词that/which引导。故填that/which。
44.考查动词时态语态。句意:人们普遍认为,需要采取紧急行动,阻止我们把我们的世界变得不适合居住。陈述客观事实,使用一般现在时,主语action和need为被动关系,需用被动语态,主语为单数名词,be动词用is。故填is needed。
第一节 (满分15分)
The Student Union
This week, our Student Union is organizing a Fire Safety Knowledge Contest. The purpose of this event is to enhance everyone’s awareness of fire safety and to improve our ability to respond to fire incidents effectively.
The contest will cover a variety of activities including a fire safety lecture, a fire evacuation drill, and demonstrations on the use of fire-fighting equipment.
We cordially invite all teachers and students to participate actively in this event to learn more about fire safety and contribute to creating a safer campus environment.
The Student Union
活动:event→ activity
多样的:a variety of→various
诚恳地:cordially → sincerely
原句:This week, our Student Union is organizing a Fire Safety Knowledge Contest.
拓展句:This week, our Student Union is organizing a Fire Safety Knowledge Contest, which is greatly meaningful.
【点睛】【高分句型1】The purpose of this event is to enhance everyone’s awareness of fire safety and to improve our ability to respond to fire incidents effectively.(运用了不定式结构作表语)
【高分句型2】We cordially invite all teachers and students to participate actively in this event to learn more about fire safety and contribute to creating a safer campus environment.(运用了动名词作宾语)
“Look at this,” I said to my friend Mandy, holding up the bright-red paper I had grabbed as we entered the library. On it was a five-day art camp at White Cliff this summer.
Mandy took the paper and glanced at it. She stopped when her eyes caught the date. “It’s during the last week of July,” she said. “That’s the same time as the Hill County Fair.”
I had a feelings she’d mention that. “Yeah, that’s true,” I said. “But we always go to the fair.”
Mandy handed the paper back to me as she stood up to look at the shelf of new books.
“Tessa, you’re the artist.” She smiled. “But my paintings are so terrible.”
“You may not think you can draw, but you can learn,” I sad in my most encouraging voice. I really didn’t want to go alone. Mandy could make friends with a whole busload of kids in 10 minutes, but my stomach twirls (旋转) like a roller coaster when I don’t know anyone around me.
Later, I called my friends Emily and Yoshiko. Yoshiko was going to the fair, and Emily would be out of town in July. I sighed and dropped my head down on the red paper.
“What’s that ” Mom picked up the paper and asked.
“A flyer for an art camp.” I explained.
“Would you like to attend it ” Mom asked.
“Probably not,” I said. “None of my friends are going.”
Mom patted my back and put the paper down. She knew I had a hard time jumping into something with no familiar faces around.
During the flowing days, I always thought about the art camp and wished I felt a little braver.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Sensing my struggle, Mom encouraged me to give it a try.
The decision to attend the art camp proved worthwhile.
【答案】One possible version:
Sensing my struggle, Mom encouraged me to give it a try. Looking into her earnest eyes, I knew I had to think twice before making the final decision. That night, I tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. What if I gave up the gold chance What if I failed to get along well with the new fellows Finally, the burning desire to attend the camp beat the fear of facing the unknown. Taking a deep breath, I filled in the application for the camp.
The decision to attend the art camp proved worthwhile. There were so many amazing activities that time just flied before I knew it. Not only did it open a new window of painting for me but also I overcame the shyness I’d always felt before when I met strangers. I became confident and easygoing, willing to express myself and make friends with other kids. I knew that if I wanted to grow better, I had to reach out beyond my comfort zone.
【详解】1. 段落续写:
2. 续写线索:母亲鼓励尝试——内心活动——决定参加——决定证明是值得的——丰富的活动——收获与成长
3. 词汇激活
①放弃:give up/quit/abandon
④遇到:meet/come across
【点睛】[高分句型1] There were so many amazing activities that time just flied before I knew it. (so…that…引导结果状语从句、before引导时间状语从句)
[高分句型2] Not only did it open a new window of painting for me but also I overcame the shyness I’d always felt before when I met strangers. (not only置于句首引起部分倒装、关系代词引导限制性定语从句修饰shyness并被省略、when引导时间状语从句)



