人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.课时练习(共4课时含答案)

Self Check
return, task, instruction, keyboard, care, train, congratulate, talent, ceremony, graduate, double, thank
In June 2023, 21-year-old Lu Guowei won one gold and two silvers for China at the 16th Special Olympics World Summer Games in Germany. After hearing the news, his friends and relatives (1)________ him on his success.
Lu, with intellectual disabilities (智力障碍), used to be a student at Yanshan Special Education School in Yunnan. He (2)________ from the school five years ago. He was very (3)________ to his former (以前的) teachers. The very next day, when he (4)________ from Germany, he went to see them.
Yang Jiaguo is his former P.E. teacher. It was Yang who discovered Lu's (5)________ for running and led him onto this path (道路) in the first place. Yang is a(n) (6)________ teacher. He is very patient and often repeats the (7)________ on some simple actions many times before his students can understand them.
Although Lu is intellectually disabled, he trained really pared to normal sportsmen, he had to (8)________ the effort. However, he never made excuses. He finished the (9)________ that were given to him by his teachers. Up until now, Lu has taken part in six sports events.
Physical (10)________ might be the best way for kids like Lu to make something of themselves.
1. congratulated 2. graduated 3. thankful 4. returned 5. talent
6. caring 7. instructions 8. double 9. tasks 10. trainingSection A
Ⅰ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,注意形式变化。
survey, method, overcome, standard, our
1. This machine is slow and heavy by modern _______.
2. _______ show that few people believe robots will control our planet one day.
3. The main difference between our brains and those of monkeys is that _______ are bigger.
4. Jiang Mengnan _______ many difficulties and succeeded in studying at Tsinghua University.
5. If you don't know how to learn English well, you can communicate with your classmates to find better learning _______.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。
1. Eddie刚才连续进了两球。
Eddie scored two goals _______ _______ _______ just now.
2. 当Rick试着做饭时,他总是弄得一团糟。
Rick always _______ _______ _______ when he tries cooking.
3. 我们去超市买些食物怎么样?
_______ _______ _______ to the supermarket to buy some food
4. 毕业是一个回顾过去、展望未来的时刻。
Graduation is a time to _______ _______ _______ the past and look forward to the future.
5. 保持冷静。让我们讨论一下如何处理这个问题。
_______ _______ _______. Let's discuss how to deal with the problem.
Ⅲ. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。
A: Hey, Julia. Did you get a postcard from Mr. Lee
B: Yeah. (1)_______ It's so nice of him to write something to us before graduation.
A: He's such a great teacher. (2)_______
B: Yeah. He taught us not only facts and dates, but also how to think creatively.
A: And he is always so kind and helpful. He always encourages us to follow our dreams.
B: Yes. (3)_______
A: Of course. He's one of the best teachers I've ever had.
B: We should do something to show our thanks.
A: I agree. (4)_______
B: Maybe we can write him a letter. We can tell him how much he means to us and how he has influenced our lives.
A: (5)_______ I'm sure he would love that.
A. Good idea! B. But what can we do C. I'm moved by his words. D. Do you think you'll miss him E. What about becoming a teacher F. Can I have a look at your postcard G. He always made history interesting and fun.
Ⅰ. 1. standards 2. Surveys 3. ours 4. overcame 5. methods
Ⅱ. 1. in a row 2. makes a mess 3. Shall we go
4. look back at 5. Keep your cool
Ⅲ. 1-5 CGDBAGrammar Focus
Ⅰ. 根据语境及括号内所给动词的提示填空。
1. I ___________(be) a senior high school student next year.
2. Look! The students in the classroom ___________(read) the text carefully.
3. Mrs. Zhang ___________(teach) in this junior high school for twenty years.
4. The Smiths ___________(cancel) their camping trip yesterday because of the heavy rain.
5. If you know what time Jane ___________(arrive) tomorrow, please let me know at once.
Ⅱ. 根据语篇内容及括号内所给词语的提示填空,并注意肯、否定形式。
When we think of philanthropists (慈善家), we usually think of the very rich and famous, such as Bill Gates. However, next I (1)___________(introduce) Matel Dawson to you — a forklift driver (叉车司机) in Michigan and a common man who did uncommon things.
Dawson started (2)___________(work) at Ford Motor Company in 1940 for $1.15 an hour. By working hard, saving carefully, and investing (投资) his money wisely, he became rich. But he (3)___________(care about) owning expensive cars or taking great vacations. Instead of spending his money on himself, he enjoyed giving it away. By the time of his passing, he (4)___________(give away) more than $1 million to help students get an education.
Why did Dawson do that One reason was that he (5)___________(have) the chance to go to school. He had to drop out of school in the ninth grade to help support his poor family. He knew that education was important. Also, he learned about (6)___________(give) from his parents. He watched them work hard, save their money, and help others. His mother (7)___________(make) Dawson promise to always give something back to society.
When he became rich, he (8)___________(change) his lifestyle. He continued driving his old car and living in a one-bedroom apartment. And he didn't stop working until shortly before he died at the age of 81. When he (9)___________(ask) why he didn't retire (退休), he replied, “It keeps me going, knowing I (10)___________(help) somebody right now.”

ⅠⅠ. 1. am going to / will be 2. are reading 3. has taught / taught
4. cancel(l)ed 5. is going to / will arrive / is arriving
Ⅱ. 1. am going to / will introduce 2. to work / working
3. didn't care about 4. had given away
5. didn't have 6. giving
7. made 8. didn't change
9. was asked 10. am helpingSection B
Ⅰ. 根据语境及所给汉语提示,写出所缺单词。
1. Ladies and _______(先生), please take your seats.
2. Amy hates the idea of being _______(分开) from her sister.
3. It's freezing cold outside. It's fifteen _______(度数) below zero.
4. You are young and your whole life lies _______(在前面) of you.
5. The new _______(经理) brings a great wealth of experience to the job.
Ⅱ. 根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,注意形式变化。
believe in, along with, be thirsty for, set out, first of all
1. When ______________ on a long walk, always wear comfortable shoes.
2. I can't ______________ Ken completely, because he has ever lied to me.
3. I like teaching in this school because the students here ______________ knowledge.
4. Playing sports can be fun, but ______________ you should pay attention to sports safety.
5. The doctor warned Amy not to take the medicine ______________ tea.
Ⅰ. 1. gentlemen 2. separated 3. degrees 4. ahead 5. manager
Ⅱ. 1. setting out 2. believe in 3. are thirsty for 4. first of all 5. along with



上一篇:2025届高考英语考点剖析精创专题卷 专题十六 书面表达提纲类专练(含答案)
