山东省潍坊市2023-2024高二下学期期末考试 英语 (word版含解析无听力音频含听力原文)

1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上。
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why does the woman cycle to school
A. It can help save money.
B. It’s a good form of exercise.
C. It’s environmentally friendly.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How does the woman respond to the man’s request
A. She agrees to it.
B. She objects to it.
C. She’ll reconsider it.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the relationship between Alex and Sarah
A. Brother and sister.
B. Husband and wife.
C. Employer and employee.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What do the speakers mainly talk about
A. A machine. B. A town C. A shop.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. At home.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Why was the boy late
A. The alarm clock didn’t ring.
B. It took him more time to arrive.
C. His mother fell ill unexpectedly.
7. When was the boy supposed to hand in his homework initially
A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.
8. What is the occupation of the celebrity Linda admires
A. Actor. B. Singer. C. Writer.
9. What does the man think about celebrities
A. Creative. B. Influential. C. Proud.
10. What is the man going to do next
A. Deliver a contract. B. Send a message. C. Visit a client.
11. Why is Mom disappointed
A. Dominic performs badly at school.
B. Dominic intends not to become a doctor.
C. Dominic fails to be admitted to a high school.
12 What does Dominic desire to do
A. Make instruments. B. Play on stage. C. Create songs.
13. What is the woman’s attitude towards Dominic’s decision
A. Disapproving. B. Supportive. C. Unconcerned.
14. When did the woman start calling the man
A. Yesterday afternoon. B. Last night. C. This morning.
15. Where is the woman now
A. In the school. B. In the hotel. C. In the hospital.
16. How does the man sound
A. Scared. B. Helpless. C. Guilty.
17. Where does Lecomte usually take foreigners to
A. Unknown sites. B. Camping spots C. Popular attractions.
18. What does Lecomte enjoy doing with his friends
A. Riding a motorcycle
B. Helping the locals pick tea
C. Singing and playing the ukulele
19. Which photo astonished the young Chinese netizen
A. A little girl making a snowman.
B. A man reading a book by the river
C Children running around with lanterns.
20. What do Lecomte’s childhood and his current life have in common
A. Living in a house with redwalls.
B. Taking photos of ancient villages.
C. Enjoying the stars while camping.
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Andretta Pool, located next to Dietz Stadium in uptown Kingston, offers lap swimming, swim lessons, and other water activities throughout the summer months. Andretta Pool is free for City of Kingston residents.
10am-Noon Lap Swim POOL CLOSED POOL CLOSED 8 am-10 am Lap Swim 8 am-10 am Lap Swim 8 am-10 am Lap Swim 10 am-Noon Lap Swim
12 pm-5:45 pm Open Swim POOL CLOSED POOL CLOSED 10 am-Noon Youth Swim Lessons 10 am-Noon Youth Swim Lessons 10 am-Noon Youth Swim Lessons 12 pm-6:45 pm Open Swim
POOL CLOSED POOL CLOSED 12:30 pm- 5:45 pm Open Swim 12:30 pm- 5:45 pm Open Swim 12:30 pm- 6:45 pm Open Swim
● All participants must register &obtain a pool user card.
● The pool user card must be brought with you each &everyday of pool use.
● Every swimmer must wear a proper bathing suit—no other clothing is permitted to be worn in the pool for swimming.
● All youth,13 years old and younger, must be accompanied by an adult (18 yrs old or older) at all times.
● All youth under the age of 4 years old must wear a swim diaper (尿布).
● Everyone must shower before entering the pool.
Click here to register for swim lessons or call 845-481-7330.
21. What is the bonus for a Kingston native
A. Discounted swimming lessons B. No charge for the pool entry.
C. A swimsuit with a trademark. D. A privilege without time limit
22. Which day allows the longest time for Open Swim
A. Sunday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday. D. Saturday.
23. Which aspect might be unconsidered if you swim in the Andretta Pool
A. Age. B. Membership. C. Dressing. D. Gender.
You may have heard the name “Michelin” because it’s related to Michelin tires. The tire producers Andre and Edouard Michelin created something called a “Michelin Guide” in 1900. It was originally meant as a guide specifically for France, outlining all of the travel destinations and why you should visit them, and thus encouraging people to buy cars, which meant more tire sales.
This guide included gas stations, repair shops, and notable restaurants. The Michelin Guide began to cover all sorts of European and North African countries, but then, the First World War hit and production stopped. After the war, though, the Michelin brothers adapted the guide and began charging for it. This adapted guide included hotel listings. It removed advertising and then began to actually categorize and rate restaurants.
By the year 1936, they had finalized their three-star standards that they would award to restaurants. One Michelin star was classified as “a very good restaurant in its category”. Two Michelin stars meant “excellent cooking, worth a detour (迂回)”. And lastly, three Michelin stars meant “exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey”.
Now, there are Michelin Guides for 23 countries. Michelin hires undercover reviewers called “inspectors” that travel to restaurants secretly and decide their category. These inspectors are not even allowed to disclose to their parents their actual line of work, since parents will likely feel honored and show it off. So the number of inspectors that actually exist is unpublicized.
To get a three-star rating isn’t always a good thing, though. A few restaurants have asked Michelin to take back their star rating. For example, Petersham Nurseries Cafe in London got a star in 2011, but people visiting expected a formal dining experience and unrealistic expectations of what the restaurant really was. Some restaurants in Japan also turned it down because they wouldn’t be able to keep up their quality of food with such a fierce jump in popularity.
Everything must be perfect. Not good not excellent — perfect. These are the absolute bare basics of the Michelin star system: some history and some highlights.
24. What is the original purpose of making Michelin Guide
A. To promote the company’s tire sales
B. To popularize some fascinating hotels.
C. To develop tourism industry in France.
D. To regularize the reference on restaurants.
25. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The principles of Michelin charge.
B. The introduction of Michelin Guide.
C. The criteria of Michelin star ranking.
D. The distribution of Michelin restaurants.
26. Which of the following best describes an inspector
A. Romantic. B. Mysterious. C. Respectable. D. Promising.
27. Why do some restaurants give up their Michelin star rating
A. They are fed up with the crowded customers.
B. The Michelin star rating ruins their reputations.
C. There are some drawbacks in the Michelin star system.
D. They can’t live up to the expectations of the customers.
The majority of plastic that pollutes our planet’s oceans doesn’t float on the surface, but rather underneath the waves. This makes tracking and monitoring the problematic rubbish using technology like satellites challenging for researchers. But a new system of supercomputer-powered search program could help enable satellites for the task. With additional research and fine tuning, it has become a valuable tool in tackling the global issue.
As detailed in a study published on June 14 in Nature Communications, a project trained a machine-learning program on 300, 000 imagery of the Mediterranean Sea gathered over six years by the European Space Agency’s Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite. The team then used this database to identify what are known as windrows — floating filaments (丝状物) composed of garbage and plastic formed by ocean currents and wind.
Windrows, frequently short-lived structures, can extend for miles before spreading into the ocean. While windrows only account for an extremely small portion of overall ocean litter, researchers theorized the rubbish could serve as proxies for pollution hotspots. Between July 2015 and September 2021, the team detected and monitored a total of 14, 374 windrows — an exponential (指数的) increase in documented litter structures. Many of the windrows positioned by satellite images were then subsequently checked by ships in the region. In total, the pollution is estimated to have covered 94. 5 square kilometers, an area equal to roughly 7, 500 soccer fields.
Further analyses allowed the team to infer a number of influences, such as nearby population distribution, geography, and rainfall, on where and when ocean litter piles up. A region that frequently experiences heavy rain more often carries garbage out into the water, where coastal desert areas may contribute far less. These hotspots are also primarily located within 15 km of a coast and frequently return to shore within the following weeks or months.
“Ocean litter mirrors the failures of our civilization to manage waste,” the team writes in their study. “Satellite-based observations are one of the best hopes for large-scale monitoring.”
28. What challenge do researchers face concerning ocean pollution
A. The hidden plastic. B. The unstable currents.
C. The fund shortage. D. The inadequate satellites.
29. What is the focus of paragraph 2
A. The property of windrows. B. The process of confirming windrows
C. The way of constructing a database. D. The study of a machine-learning program.
30. What does the underlined word “proxies” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Signs B. Components. C. Defenders. D. Solutions.
31. Why does the writer mention coastal desert areas
A. To emphasize their impact. B. To advocate ocean protection.
C. To prove the team’s inference. D. To introduce another influence.
When discussions are getting heated, divisions on opinions potentially lead to some awkward moments. This causes many of us to struggle with how to convince people to change their minds and how to argue our side effectively. Unfortunately, we’ve already become quite divided.
One study showed that when people receive information against their beliefs, their brains aren’t as active as when they receive information that confirms their beliefs. Humans have a well- documented bias (偏见) called the “confirmation bias”, which is a tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing views and to avoid information that disconfirms them.
Throwing data at people isn’t at all effective in changing minds and especially hearts. Instead, people just find it super annoying. Luckily, research has provided some guidance about best practices, and, not surprisingly, they all suggest what our parents have been telling us for decades: You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. In fact, it turns out that instead of citing why you are right and someone else is wrong in a heated conversation, one of the most effective strategies you can use for changing someone’s mind is to find areas where you agree.
Another thing we can do is to be open to other perspectives (观点) . We can start by acknowledging our own confirmation bias and making a conscious effort to override it. We can also try to take other people’s perspectives. And better yet — ask them for it. Ask them why they feel the way they do and what would change their mind. Be open to admitting that you could be wrong and make it easy for others to admit their own mistakes.
Finally make new friends — friends that are different from you. Make your bias a disconfirmation bias;in other words, when you have an opinion on something, don’t just read information that confirms it. Instead, make an effort to find information that could potentially prove you wrong. If you were right all along, this exercise will only make your arguments stronger. If you were wrong, your mind will have been opened up to new ideas. Either way, this kind of open-mindedness will give you a brand-new perspective on life, and you might even make some unlikely new friends in the process.
32. Which can illustrate “confirmation bias”
A. We tend to welcome different ideas.
B. We accept messages from the others.
C. We argue against points of disagreement.
D. We prefer information in line with our views
33. What does the underlined word “honey”in paragraph 3 refer to
A. Following advice. B. Sharing common ground.
C. Admitting mistakes. D. Blocking different ideas.
34. How can we benefit from our bias according to the last paragraph
A. By letting go of our own opinion.
B. By making arguments more reliable.
C. By opening up minds to new friends.
D. By securing information opposite to ours.
35. What is the best title of the text
A. How to negotiate with others
B. Why it’s so hard to change hearts and minds
C. How to shift minds in polarized communication
D. Why open-mindedness is effective in conversations
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。
Your box room holds endless potential, just waiting for you to unlock it. Tailor these tips to your specific needs and preferences to create a functional and organised living space.
Ask yourself, “What do I want this room to be ” ___36___ Whether it’s transforming your box room into a functional space, a comfortable bedroom, a productive office, a kids’ playroom, or even a combined office and laundry room, make sure to revisit your “why” throughout the process.
A room with multiple roles demands furniture that can be flexible. Option for space-saving furniture: wall beds, sofa beds that can be used from seating to short sleeping, wall desks that appear when you need them, and slimline pieces that do double duty. ___37___ They allow your room to transform as you do.
Try floor-to-ceiling solutions. Go big or go home, right Let’s make use of all that room height. Get furniture that reaches from the floor to the ceiling — creating a stylish and practical design. ___38___
What about the seasonal and occasional pieces you only use once in a blue moon Think seasonal decorations , archived documents, or holiday clothes. ___39___ For those you don’t quite have space for in your room, but don’t want to get rid of, consider an off-site storage solution like Attic Self Storage in London.
___40___ Install hooks and shelves in your box room to keep your frequently used stuff within arm’s reach. If you’re a renter, you can also get some convenient hooks that require no installation.
A. Before you start any makeover, consider your needs.
B. When it comes to space-saving strategy, less is often more.
C. No corner goes to waste, and your room becomes a picture of efficiency.
D. Explore regular beds with built-in or separate under-bed drawers to match your style.
E. These adaptable items will not only serve different purposes but save you floor space.
F. Walls and doors are for more than just decoration — they’re potential storage goldmines.
G. They often get thrown away due to lack of storage space or are put away in a place we usually forget.
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。
It’s known that our screens are like prisons. But can we ___41___ ourselves As a committed writer, I’ve decided to try the pre-internet life with a one-week digital detox (脱瘾) — no computers or cellphones. But before it, I need a little ___42___. First, I need to explain the concept to my friends and family so they’re not ___43___ why I’ve suddenly fallen off the map. Then I find my landline phone ___44___ years ago and plug it in. At last, I’ll put my iPhone in the drawer and shut it. Once it’s ___45___, there will be no turning back. Very soon, I realise that I underestimated my screen ___46___. I feel nervous.
The next morning the alarm clock goes off and I ___47___ reach toward the bedside table. No phone. No checking messages. I have no choice but to look out the window: It’s a beautiful day.
At work, I’m not thinking about the ___48___ piling up in the phone. Afterwards, I realise I’ve ___49___ much of the day offline. And all my vitals are ___50___ Back at home, I manage to produce more than ten lines on paper before my ___51___ weakens slightly,and the digital device tempts (诱惑) me. We all know how it goes. You ___52___ your phone for a very specific reason such as calling your mom,then get caught in a social media post. When you put your phone down, you wonder why you ___53___ the phone in the first place.
At night, I fall ___54___ on the bed, my book on my chest, with a little less blue light in my body and without a ___55___ at my emails, just in case. In case of what exactly
41. A. free B. behave C. forgive D. enjoy
42. A. attention B. comfort C. concentration D. preparation
43. A. feeling B. declaring C. wondering D. forecasting
44. A. donated B. abandoned C. sold D. broken
45. A. absorbed B. locked C. improved D. updated
46. A. load B. stress C. examination D. dependency
47. A. desperately B. habitually C. curiously D. suddenly
48. A. emails B. books C. applications D. codes
49. A. brightened B. wasted C. survived D. celebrated
50. A. safe B. stable C. uncontrollable D. unpredictable
51. A. pain B. tension C. curiosity D. inspiration
52. A. purchase B. answer C. grab D. charge
53. A. picked up B. handed over C. took away D. sent back
54. A. ill B. down C. asleep D. apart
55. A. glance B. stop C. smile D. reflection
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
The drama, Crocodile, produced by Magnificent Culture Co., Ltd, was released in Suzhou, East China’s Jiangsu province, on May 3, 2024, followed by a national tour until September.
Crocodile is an original drama script (脚本) ___56___(pen) by the Nobel laureate Mo Yan. Celebrated for his remarkably ___57___(imagine) and humanistic fiction, Mo won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012.
Mo Yan spent over a decade devotedly ___58___(create) the story of Crocodile. ___59___(it) plot centers around the main character, Shan Wudan, and a crocodile he received as a gift for his birthday. Through an infinitely (无限地) growing crocodile, the story digs into the ___60___(complex) of human nature and explores the theme of “desire”.
During the launch event, Mo Yan expressed his lifelong connection ___61___ drama since childhood. “I’ve been a loyal drama fan since childhood. I’ve watched many dramas and opera works, and even played some small roles, ___62___ left a deep memory of the stage,” said Mo. “Therefore, I feel like I should write several plays to repay ___63___ theater has brought to me.”
Wang Keran, the director of Crocodile, said: “Crocodile is a ___64___(true) rare script that I ____65____(come) across in the past more than 20 years in the theater industry.” He noted that there is a special “hero” in the play — light. “Each character is pursuing the light in their hearts,” he says.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. 你校将举办英语演讲比赛,请你以“Failure and Growth”为题写一篇演讲稿。内容包 括:
1. 你生活中的一次失败经历;
2. 对你的成长带来的影响。
1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Good morning, everyone.
Thank you.
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Eleven-year-old Jack was selling balloons in a park one day over a long holiday weekend when he stepped upon a wallet. After picking it up, he searched the wallet to identify the owner and found some $100 notes, some loose change and a key card inside. He didn’t hesitate to do the right thing: according to the sign on the key card, he found where the owner lived.
Seventeen-year-old Chase had lost his wallet earlier that day while out fishing with his friends. He had searched and searched, but in vain. Eventually, Chase returned home and found his wallet sent back in the gate house of the community. But the one who sent the wallet had left without leaving his name or address When the family were talking about the story later that day, they decided that they wanted to do something to pay back the finder’s kindness. But what could they do They didn’t know who the finder was, not to mention his address. Could they find him
It was when they were at a loss that a good idea occurred to Chase’s mother, Michelle: they could check the monitor recording of the gate house. Luckily, they got a picture of the boy. She quickly made a Facebook post using the photo, describing the boy’s honest act and expressing how the family were hoping to meet him to convey their thanks in person.
In no time at all, some people in the community recognised Jack and informed Michelle. When Michelle and her family got contact with Jack, they were surprised to learn just what Jack’s family had been going through.
Jack’s father had recently recovered from a disease but was still suffering from the aftereffects. He had difficulty breathing and wasn’t allowed to return to his job at a meat packing plant. So that was the reason why the boy had to sell balloons to help support the family.
1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Chase and his mother decided to help.
The response online was great.
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答 案转涂到答题卡上。
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Why does the woman cycle to school
A. It can help save money.
B. It’s a good form of exercise.
C. It’s environmentally friendly.
【原文】M: Linda, I’ve been biking to school lately. It helps me get exercise and save money on transportation.
W: Great. I bike to school for a different reason. Riding a bike does not consume energy resources and has no impact on the environment.
2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
How does the woman respond to the man’s request
A. She agrees to it.
B. She objects to it.
C. She’ll reconsider it.
【原文】W: I have assessed your request for a refund, but considering the circumstances, I don’t find it reasonable.
M: I disagree. The product doesn’t work properly. I’m not satisfied.
W: I’m afraid I have to reject your claim based on our policy.
3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What is the relationship between Alex and Sarah
A. Brother and sister.
B. Husband and wife.
C. Employer and employee.
【原文】M: Hey, Sarah, I have heard the exciting news from your sister. Congratulations on your wedding. May you two live together till old and grey.
W: Thanks Mark. It was a magical day. Alex and I were very excited. Anyway, we have returned to work.
4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
What do the speakers mainly talk about
A. A machine. B. A town C. A shop.
【原文】W: Have you checked out that new appliance store in town
M: Yeah, it sells a wide range of domestic appliances, washing machines, dishwashers and so on.
W: Great, I’d like to go there and get a new dishwasher.
5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. At home.
【原文】W: Antony, you are not in the office. You should put down your report and enjoy the meal. I spent three hours preparing it.
M: Sorry I’ve been too busy with work lately.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Why was the boy late
A. The alarm clock didn’t ring.
B. It took him more time to arrive.
C. His mother fell ill unexpectedly.
7. When was the boy supposed to hand in his homework initially
A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.
【答案】6. B 7. A
【原文】W: Colin, you’re late again. Any reason Your alarm clock didn’t go off again
M: No today I didn’t take the bus. My mother drove me instead. I thought I could arrive earlier. Unexpectedly, we had to take a longer route due to road repairs along the way.
W: OK, did you bring your math homework to day I’ve already given you an extra day.
M: Oh, I forgot it again. I’ll definitely bring it tomorrow.
W: Are you kidding Tomorrow is Saturday.
8. What is the occupation of the celebrity Linda admires
A. Actor. B. Singer. C. Writer.
9. What does the man think about celebrities
A. Creative. B. Influential. C. Proud.
10. What is the man going to do next
A. Deliver a contract. B. Send a message. C. Visit a client.
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. B
【原文】M: Linda, are you a fan of anyone
W: Yes, I used to follow many singers and movie actors, but now my only idol is a Nobel prize winning author.
M: I see. Have you ever thought about the whole concept of being a fan of a celebrity
W: Absolutely. It’s a common phenomenon. People invest much time and emotion in following their favorite celebrities. What’s your take on it
M: Well, we live in an era when celebrities are not just entertainers. They’re also influencers and sometimes even advocates for social issues. Fans aren’t just enjoying the work of these celebrities; they’re connecting with the values and ideas these celebrities represent.
W: That’s an interesting perspective. I only stick to one principle when following celebrities. We should appreciate their talents and the positive impact they have without putting them in an unattainable position.
M: I entirely agree with you. Oh, wait a moment. I’ve got a client email about a contract. Let me reply first, please.
W: It’s okay
11. Why is Mom disappointed
A. Dominic performs badly at school.
B. Dominic intends not to become a doctor.
C. Dominic fails to be admitted to a high school.
12. What does Dominic desire to do
A. Make instruments. B. Play on stage. C. Create songs.
13. What is the woman’s attitude towards Dominic’s decision
A. Disapproving. B. Supportive. C. Unconcerned.
【答案】11. B 12. C 13. A
【原文】W: What’s wrong with Mom and Dad Mom looks very disappointed and Dad looks tired.
M: Dominic just called and said he would like to go to art school instead of senior high school.
W: Why He studied very hard. He even stayed up late studying because he wanted to become a doctor in the future.
M: No, he didn’t want to do that. It’s our parents who have always wanted him to be a doctor. Do you remember the times he played the organ and the guitar
W: Yeah, he always played very well. He could compose a song very quickly with those instruments.
M: That’s his actual passion. He doesn’t like performing on stage. He only hopes that the songs he creates can be loved by people.
W: But I don’t think he should make such a decision. Doesn’t he need to consider our parents’ feelings
M: But everyone has the right to pursue their dreams.
14. When did the woman start calling the man
A. Yesterday afternoon. B. Last night. C. This morning.
15. Where is the woman now
A. In the school. B. In the hotel. C. In the hospital.
16. How does the man sound
A. Scared. B. Helpless. C. Guilty.
【答案】14. B 15. C 16. C
【原文】M: Hi, Aurora. I have many missed calls from you on my phone.
W: I sent you a message yesterday afternoon but you didn’t reply. I called you many times in the evening but I still couldn’t reach you.
M: I went to bed early at the hotel yesterday and I forgot to charge my phone. It ran out of battery. Anyway, why did you call me
W: Our daughter had a high temperature. She’s in the hospital and I’m with her now.
M: Oh, I’ll buy the earliest flight ticket and fly back immediately.
W: You don’t have to. She has recovered from the fever. We are going home soon. I was just too scared last night.
M: I’m sorry I missed your calls. I happen to be leaving as well because the meeting here has ended ahead of schedule. I will check if there are tickets available for this morning.
17. Where does Lecomte usually take foreigners to
A. Unknown sites. B. Camping spots C. Popular attractions.
18. What does Lecomte enjoy doing with his friends
A. Riding a motorcycle
B. Helping the locals pick tea
C. Singing and playing the ukulele
19. Which photo astonished the young Chinese netizen
A. A little girl making a snowman.
B. A man reading a book by the river
C. Children running around with lanterns.
20. What do Lecomte’s childhood and his current life have in common
A. Living in a house with redwalls.
B. Taking photos of ancient villages.
C. Enjoying the stars while camping.
【答案】17 A 18. C 19. A 20. C
【原文】In 2009 Phil la Comte, who comes from France, travelled to Huangshan in Anhui province. He lived there for three months. “I don’t want to live here anymore,” la Comte said. Now la Comte is a tour guide. He rarely takes his guests, mostly foreigners, to the most popular attractions. Instead, he searches for unknown scenery. “I just open the map APP and see if there are any villages around the popular tourist spots.” La Comte often rides a motorcycle to find hidden scenery. Besides, Le Comte enjoys camping and hiking with his Chinese and foreign friends. They sing and play the ukulele by streams and chat with the locals who pick tea. He shares the beautiful photos online like images of an old man sitting by the river and reading a book against the sunset, or children running around and waving colorful fish lanterns. One of his favorites is a little girl holding a cartoon umbrella and building a snowman in the heavy snow. “Golly, the girl was me when I was little,” a young Chinese medicine commented. La Comte still has a photo of his childhood home, a house with a red roof, surrounded by forests. “When I was a child, I loved camping in forests with my friends. I could see the stars. Now when I camp on Huangshan I can also see the stars that can’t be seen in the cities,” he said.
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Andretta Pool, located next to Dietz Stadium in uptown Kingston, offers lap swimming, swim lessons, and other water activities throughout the summer months. Andretta Pool is free for City of Kingston residents.
10am-Noon Lap Swim POOL CLOSED POOL CLOSED 8 am-10 am Lap Swim 8 am-10 am Lap Swim 8 am-10 am Lap Swim 10 am-Noon Lap Swim
12 pm-5:45 pm Open Swim POOL CLOSED POOL CLOSED 10 am-Noon Youth Swim Lessons 10 am-Noon Youth Swim Lessons 10 am-Noon Youth Swim Lessons 12 pm-6:45 pm Open Swim
POOL CLOSED POOL CLOSED 12:30 pm- 5:45 pm Open Swim 12:30 pm- 5:45 pm Open Swim 12:30 pm- 6:45 pm Open Swim
● All participants must register &obtain a pool user card.
● The pool user card must be brought with you each &everyday of pool use.
● Every swimmer must wear a proper bathing suit—no other clothing is permitted to be worn in the pool for swimming.
● All youth,13 years old and younger, must be accompanied by an adult (18 yrs old or older) at all times.
● All youth under the age of 4 years old must wear a swim diaper (尿布).
● Everyone must shower before entering the pool.
Click here to register for swim lessons or call 845-481-7330.
21. What is the bonus for a Kingston native
A. Discounted swimming lessons B. No charge for the pool entry.
C. A swimsuit with a trademark. D. A privilege without time limit
22. Which day allows the longest time for Open Swim
A. Sunday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday. D. Saturday.
23. Which aspect might be unconsidered if you swim in the Andretta Pool
A. Age. B. Membership. C. Dressing. D. Gender.
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. D
【导语】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍的是Andretta Pool的开放时间以及游泳相关的要求等信息。
细节理解题。根据首段中的“Andretta Pool is free for City of Kingston residents. (Andretta Pool对Kingston市居民免费开放。)”可知,Andretta Pool对Kingston市民免费开放,所以,对当地人的好处是游泳池不收费的。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据表格中的“SUN(12 pm-5:45 pm Open Swim);WED(12:30 pm-5:45 pm Open Swim);THU(12:30 pm-5:45 pm Open Swim);FRI(12:30 pm-6:45 pm Open Swim)以及SAT(12 pm-6:45 pm Open Swim). (周日(中午12:00 -下午5:45开放游泳);周三(中午12:30-下午5:45开放游泳);周四(中午12:30 -下午5:45开放游泳);FRI(中午12:30-下午6:45开放游泳)以及SAT(中午12:00 -下午6:45开放游泳)。)”可知,在一周之中,开放游泳(Open Swim)的时间时长最长的是周六。故选D项。
细节理解题。根据Guidelines部分中的“All participants must register &obtain a pool user card.(所有参加者必须注册并领取泳池使用卡。)”可知,游泳的必须有会员卡;根据“Every swimmer must wear a proper bathing suit — no other clothing is permitted to be worn in the pool for swimming.(每位游泳者必须穿合适的泳衣,不允许穿著其他衣服在泳池游泳。)”可知,游泳这必须穿合适的泳衣,对服装有要求;根据“All youth,13 years old and younger, must be accompanied by an adult (18 yrs old or older) at all times.(所有13岁及以下的青少年必须由18岁或以上的成年人陪同。)”可知,13岁及以下的孩子必须由18岁及以上的成年人陪同,所以对年龄有要求,综合以上信息,如果你在Andretta Pool游泳,对性别没有要求。故选D项。
You may have heard the name “Michelin” because it’s related to Michelin tires. The tire producers Andre and Edouard Michelin created something called a “Michelin Guide” in 1900. It was originally meant as a guide specifically for France, outlining all of the travel destinations and why you should visit them, and thus encouraging people to buy cars, which meant more tire sales.
This guide included gas stations, repair shops, and notable restaurants. The Michelin Guide began to cover all sorts of European and North African countries, but then, the First World War hit and production stopped. After the war, though, the Michelin brothers adapted the guide and began charging for it. This adapted guide included hotel listings. It removed advertising and then began to actually categorize and rate restaurants.
By the year 1936, they had finalized their three-star standards that they would award to restaurants. One Michelin star was classified as “a very good restaurant in its category”. Two Michelin stars meant “excellent cooking, worth a detour (迂回)”. And lastly, three Michelin stars meant “exceptional cuisine, worth a special journey”.
Now, there are Michelin Guides for 23 countries. Michelin hires undercover reviewers called “inspectors” that travel to restaurants secretly and decide their category. These inspectors are not even allowed to disclose to their parents their actual line of work, since parents will likely feel honored and show it off. So the number of inspectors that actually exist is unpublicized.
To get a three-star rating isn’t always a good thing, though. A few restaurants have asked Michelin to take back their star rating. For example, Petersham Nurseries Cafe in London got a star in 2011, but people visiting expected a formal dining experience and unrealistic expectations of what the restaurant really was. Some restaurants in Japan also turned it down because they wouldn’t be able to keep up their quality of food with such a fierce jump in popularity.
Everything must be perfect. Not good, not excellent — perfect. These are the absolute bare basics of the Michelin star system: some history and some highlights.
24. What is the original purpose of making Michelin Guide
A. To promote the company’s tire sales
B. To popularize some fascinating hotels.
C. To develop tourism industry in France.
D. To regularize the reference on restaurants.
25. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The principles of Michelin charge.
B. The introduction of Michelin Guide.
C. The criteria of Michelin star ranking.
D. The distribution of Michelin restaurants.
26. Which of the following best describes an inspector
A. Romantic. B. Mysterious. C. Respectable. D. Promising.
27. Why do some restaurants give up their Michelin star rating
A. They are fed up with the crowded customers.
B. The Michelin star rating ruins their reputations.
C. There are some drawbacks in the Michelin star system.
D. They can’t live up to the expectations of the customers.
【答案】24. A 25. C 26. B 27. D
细节理解题。根据第一段中的“It was originally meant as a guide specifically for France, outlining all of the travel destinations and why you should visit them, and thus encouraging people to buy cars, which meant more tire sales.(它最初是专门为法国设计的指南,概述了所有的旅游目的地以及你应该去的原因,从而鼓励人们买车,这意味着更多的轮胎销售。)”可知,《米其林指南》概述了所有的旅游目的地以及该去的地方,从而鼓励人们买车,这意味着销售更多的轮胎,由此可知,《米其林指南》最初的目的是促进公司轮胎的销售。故选A项。
主旨大意题。根据第三段中的“By the year 1936, they had finalized their three-star standards that they would award to restaurants. (到1936年,他们最终确定了他们将授予餐馆的三星标准。)”以及下文中详细介绍的米其林星级标准可知,本段主要介绍的是米其林星级评定标准。故选C项。
推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Michelin hires undercover reviewers called “inspectors” that travel to restaurants secretly and decide their category. These inspectors are not even allowed to disclose to their parents their actual line of work, since parents will likely feel honored and show it off.(米其林雇佣了被称为“检查员”的卧底评论者,他们秘密前往餐厅并决定他们的类别。这些检查员甚至不允许向父母透露他们的实际工作,因为父母可能会感到荣幸并炫耀。)”可知,米其林对餐厅的评论者秘密前往餐厅并决定他们的类别,且不允许向任何人透露他们的实际工作,由此可知,米其林对餐厅的检查员都是神秘的。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据尾段中的“For example, Petersham Nurseries Cafe in London got a star in 2011, but people visiting expected a formal dining experience and unrealistic expectations of what the restaurant really was. Some restaurants in Japan also turned it down because they wouldn’t be able to keep up their quality of food with such a fierce jump in popularity.(例如,伦敦的Petersham Nurseries Cafe在2011年获得了一颗星,但来这里的人期望的是正式的用餐体验,对这家餐厅的真实情况抱有不切实际的期望。日本的一些餐馆也拒绝了这一提议,因为随着人气的急剧上升,他们无法保持食物的质量。)”可知,伦敦的Petersham Nurseries Café得到一星后,顾客对这家餐厅抱有不切实际的期望,日本的一些餐厅拒绝米其林的星级评定,他们担心的事无法保持食物的质量,由此可知,一些餐厅拒绝米其林的星级评定是担心辜负顾客的期望。故选D项。
The majority of plastic that pollutes our planet’s oceans doesn’t float on the surface, but rather underneath the waves. This makes tracking and monitoring the problematic rubbish using technology like satellites challenging for researchers. But a new system of supercomputer-powered search program could help enable satellites for the task. With additional research and fine tuning, it has become a valuable tool in tackling the global issue.
As detailed in a study published on June 14 in Nature Communications, a project trained a machine-learning program on 300, 000 imagery of the Mediterranean Sea gathered over six years by the European Space Agency’s Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite. The team then used this database to identify what are known as windrows — floating filaments (丝状物) composed of garbage and plastic formed by ocean currents and wind.
Windrows, frequently short-lived structures, can extend for miles before spreading into the ocean. While windrows only account for an extremely small portion of overall ocean litter, researchers theorized the rubbish could serve as proxies for pollution hotspots. Between July 2015 and September 2021, the team detected and monitored a total of 14, 374 windrows — an exponential (指数的) increase in documented litter structures. Many of the windrows positioned by satellite images were then subsequently checked by ships in the region. In total, the pollution is estimated to have covered 94. 5 square kilometers, an area equal to roughly 7, 500 soccer fields.
Further analyses allowed the team to infer a number of influences, such as nearby population distribution, geography, and rainfall, on where and when ocean litter piles up. A region that frequently experiences heavy rain more often carries garbage out into the water, where coastal desert areas may contribute far less. These hotspots are also primarily located within 15 km of a coast and frequently return to shore within the following weeks or months.
“Ocean litter mirrors the failures of our civilization to manage waste,” the team writes in their study. “Satellite-based observations are one of the best hopes for large-scale monitoring.”
28. What challenge do researchers face concerning ocean pollution
A. The hidden plastic. B. The unstable currents.
C. The fund shortage. D. The inadequate satellites.
29. What is the focus of paragraph 2
A. The property of windrows. B. The process of confirming windrows
C. The way of constructing a database. D. The study of a machine-learning program.
30. What does the underlined word “proxies” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Signs B. Components. C. Defenders. D. Solutions.
31. Why does the writer mention coastal desert areas
A. To emphasize their impact. B. To advocate ocean protection.
C. To prove the team’s inference. D. To introduce another influence.
【答案】28. A 29. B 30. A 31. C
细节理解题。根据首段中的“The majority of plastic that pollutes our planet’s oceans doesn’t float on the surface, but rather underneath the waves. This makes tracking and monitoring the problematic rubbish using technology like satellites challenging for researchers. (污染地球海洋的大部分塑料并没有漂浮在海面上,而是在海浪下面。这使得使用卫星等技术跟踪和监测有问题的垃圾对研究人员来说具有挑战性。)”可知,污染地球海洋的大部分塑料在海浪之下,这使得使用卫星等技术跟踪和监测有问题的垃圾具有挑战性,由此可知,研究人员在海洋污染方面面临塑料隐藏的挑战。故选A项。
主旨大意题。根据第二段“As detailed in a study published on June 14 in Nature Communications, a project trained a machine-learning program on 300, 000 imagery of the Mediterranean Sea gathered over six years by the European Space Agency’s Copernicus Sentinel-2 sateite. The team then used this database to identify what are known as windrows—floating filaments (丝状物) composed of garbage and plastic formed by ocean currents and wind. (正如6月14日发表在《自然通讯》上的一项研究所详述的那样,一个项目对欧洲航天局的哥白尼哨兵2号卫星6年来收集的30万张地中海图像进行了机器学习程序的训练。然后,研究小组使用这个数据库来识别由洋流和风形成的垃圾和塑料组成的所谓的积丘(windrows)。)”可知,一个项目对收集的图像进行了机器学习程序的训练,然后,研究小组使用这些数据库来识别由洋流和风形成的垃圾和塑料组成的所谓的积丘(windrows),由此可知,本段主要介绍的是证实积丘(windrows)的过程。故选B项。
词义猜测题。根据划线单词所在的句子“While windrows only account for an extremely small portion of overall ocean litter, researchers theorized the rubbish could serve as … for pollution hotspots. (虽然积丘只占整个海洋垃圾的很小一部分,但研究人员认为,这些垃圾可以作为污染热点的……。)”可知,积丘占海洋垃圾的很小部分,但可以作为污染热点的……,结合下文中的“Between July 2015 and September 2021, the team detected and monitored a total of 14, 374 windrows — an exponential (指数的) increase in documented litter structures. (在2015年7月至2021年9月期间,该团队共检测并监测了14,374个积丘——记录的垃圾结构呈指数增长。)”可知,该团队共检测并监测了14,374个积丘——记录的垃圾结构呈指数增长,由此可推断,这些积丘可以看作是垃圾的指数,所以划线单词的意思与“指数”意义相近。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Further analyses allowed the team to infer a number of influences, such as nearby population distribution, geography, and rainfall, on where and when ocean litter piles up. (进一步的分析使研究小组能够推断出一些影响因素,比如附近的人口分布、地理位置和降雨,以及海洋垃圾堆积的地点和时间。)”以及下文中的“A region that frequently experiences heavy rain more often carries garbage out into the water, where coastal desert areas may contribute far less. (一个经常经历大雨的地区更容易将垃圾带入水中,而沿海沙漠地区的垃圾可能少得多。)”可知,研究小组推断出一些影响因素,包括附近的人口分布、地理位置和降雨,以及海洋垃圾堆积的地点和时间等,进而在下文中提到了沿海沙漠地区的垃圾的情况,由此可推断,文章提到沿海沙漠地区是为了证实研究小组的推断。故选C项。
When discussions are getting heated, divisions on opinions potentially lead to some awkward moments. This causes many of us to struggle with how to convince people to change their minds and how to argue our side effectively. Unfortunately, we’ve already become quite divided.
One study showed that when people receive information against their beliefs, their brains aren’t as active as when they receive information that confirms their beliefs. Humans have a well- documented bias (偏见) called the “confirmation bias”, which is a tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing views and to avoid information that disconfirms them.
Throwing data at people isn’t at all effective in changing minds and especially hearts. Instead, people just find it super annoying. Luckily, research has provided some guidance about best practices, and, not surprisingly, they all suggest what our parents have been telling us for decades: You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. In fact, it turns out that instead of citing why you are right and someone else is wrong in a heated conversation, one of the most effective strategies you can use for changing someone’s mind is to find areas where you agree.
Another thing we can do is to be open to other perspectives (观点) . We can start by acknowledging our own confirmation bias and making a conscious effort to override it. We can also try to take other people’s perspectives. And better yet — ask them for it. Ask them why they feel the way they do and what would change their mind. Be open to admitting that you could be wrong and make it easy for others to admit their own mistakes.
Finally, make new friends — friends that are different from you. Make your bias a disconfirmation bias;in other words, when you have an opinion on something, don’t just read information that confirms it. Instead, make an effort to find information that could potentially prove you wrong. If you were right all along, this exercise will only make your arguments stronger. If you were wrong, your mind will have been opened up to new ideas. Either way, this kind of open-mindedness will give you a brand-new perspective on life, and you might even make some unlikely new friends in the process.
32. Which can illustrate “confirmation bias”
A. We tend to welcome different ideas.
B. We accept messages from the others.
C. We argue against points of disagreement.
D. We prefer information in line with our views
33. What does the underlined word “honey”in paragraph 3 refer to
A. Following advice. B. Sharing common ground.
C. Admitting mistakes. D. Blocking different ideas.
34. How can we benefit from our bias according to the last paragraph
A. By letting go of our own opinion.
B. By making arguments more reliable.
C. By opening up minds to new friends.
D. By securing information opposite to ours.
35. What is the best title of the text
A. How to negotiate with others
B. Why it’s so hard to change hearts and minds
C. How to shift minds in polarized communication
D. Why open-mindedness is effective in conversations
【答案】32. D 33. B 34. D 35. C
细节理解题。根据第二段“Humans have a well- documented bias (偏见) called the“confirmation bias”, which is a tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing views and to avoid information that disconfirms them. ”(人类有一种有据可查的偏见,称为“确认偏见”,这是一种倾向,即寻找证实我们现有观点的信息,避免不符合这些观点的信息。)可知,D选项“我们更喜欢符合我们观点的信息”符合确认偏见”。故选D。
词句猜测题。根据文章第三段“In fact, it turns out that instead of citing why you are right and someone else is wrong in a heated conversation, one of the most effective strategies you can usefor changing someone’s mind is to find areas where you agree.”(事实证明,在激烈的争论中,改变他人观点最有效的策略之一就是找到你们共同认同的地方,而不是列举你为什么是对的,别人为什么是错的。)可推知,“honey”指的是找到共同的立场。故选B。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“Make your bias a disconfirmation bias;in other words, when you have an opinion on something, don’t just read information that confirms it. Instead, make an effort to find information that could potentially prove you wrong. If you were right all along, this exercise will only make your arguments stronger. If you were wrong, your mind will have been opened up to new ideas.”(让你的偏见成为一种不确认的偏见;换句话说,当你对某事有看法时,不要只阅读证实它的信息。相反,要努力寻找可能证明你错了的信息。如果你一直都是对的,这个练习只会让你的论点更有力。如果你错了,你的思想就会向新思想开放。)可知,获取与我们相反的信息能让我们受益。故选D。
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。
Your box room holds endless potential, just waiting for you to unlock it. Tailor these tips to your specific needs and preferences to create a functional and organised living space.
Ask yourself, “What do I want this room to be ” ___36___ Whether it’s transforming your box room into a functional space, a comfortable bedroom, a productive office, a kids’ playroom, or even a combined office and laundry room, make sure to revisit your “why” throughout the process.
A room with multiple roles demands furniture that can be flexible. Option for space-saving furniture: wall beds, sofa beds that can be used from seating to short sleeping, wall desks that appear when you need them, and slimline pieces that do double duty. ___37___ They allow your room to transform as you do.
Try floor-to-ceiling solutions. Go big or go home, right Let’s make use of all that room height. Get furniture that reaches from the floor to the ceiling — creating a stylish and practical design. ___38___
What about the seasonal and occasional pieces you only use once in a blue moon Think seasonal decorations , archived documents, or holiday clothes. ___39___ For those you don’t quite have space for in your room, but don’t want to get rid of, consider an off-site storage solution like Attic Self Storage in London.
___40___ Install hooks and shelves in your box room to keep your frequently used stuff within arm’s reach. If you’re a renter, you can also get some convenient hooks that require no installation.
A. Before you start any makeover, consider your needs.
B. When it comes to space-saving strategy, less is often more.
C. No corner goes to waste, and your room becomes a picture of efficiency.
D. Explore regular beds with built-in or separate under-bed drawers to match your style.
E. These adaptable items will not only serve different purposes but save you floor space.
F. Walls and doors are for more than just decoration — they’re potential storage goldmines.
G. They often get thrown away due to lack of storage space or are put away in a place we usually forget.
【答案】36. A 37. E 38. C 39. G 40. F
根据后文“Whether it’s transforming your box room into a functional space, a comfortable bedroom, a productive office, a kids’ playroom, or even a combined office and laundry room, make sure to revisit your “why” throughout the process.(无论是把你的储物间改造成一个功能空间,一个舒适的卧室,一个高效的办公室,一个孩子的游戏室,甚至是一个办公室和洗衣房的组合,确保在整个过程中重新审视你的“为什么”)”可知,后文主要说明了根据需求去改造房间。故A选项“在你开始任何改造之前,考虑一下你的需求”符合语境,故选A。
根据上文“A room with multiple roles demands furniture that can be flexible. Option for space-saving furniture: wall beds , sofa beds that can be used from seating to short sleeping, wall desks that appear when you need them, and slimline pieces that do double duty.(一个有多种角色的房间需要灵活的家具。可以选择节省空间的家具:壁式床,沙发床,可以从座位到短睡,壁式办公桌,当你需要的时候出现,以及有双重功能的细长件)”可知,本句承接上文,说明选择有双重功能物品的原因。故E选项“这些适应性强的物品不仅有不同的用途,而且节省了你的占地面积”符合语境,故选E。
根据上文“Try floor-to-ceiling solutions. Go big or go home, right Let’s make use of all that room height. Get furniture that reaches from the floor to the ceiling—creating a stylish and practical design.(尝试从地板到天花板的解决方案。要么全力以赴,要么放弃,对吗?让我们充分利用房间的高度。买一些从地板到天花板的家具,这样既时尚又实用)”可知,上文提到买一些从地板到天花板的家具,本句为本段最后一句,说明这么做的好处。故C选项“没有一个角落被浪费,你的房间成为一个高效的画面”符合语境,故选C。
根据上文“What about the seasonal and occasional pieces you only use once in a blue moon Think seasonal decorations , archived documents, or holiday clothes.(那些你千载难逢才使用一次的季节性和偶尔使用的衣服呢?想想季节装饰、存档文件或节日服装)”可知,本句承接上文,说明季节装饰、存档文件或节日服装这些物品的共性。故G选项“它们经常因为没有储存空间而被扔掉,或者被放在一个我们经常忘记的地方”符合语境,故选G。
根据后文“Install hooks and shelves in your box room to keep your frequently used stuff within arm’s reach. If you’re a renter, you can also get some convenient hooks that require no installation.(在你的储物间里安装挂钩和架子,把你经常用的东西放在伸手可及的地方。如果你是租客,你也可以买一些不需要安装的方便挂钩)”可知,本段主要说明了储物间中其他可以变成储物的地方。故F选项“墙壁和门不仅仅是用来装饰的——它们还是潜在的储藏金矿”符合语境,故选F。
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。
It’s known that our screens are like prisons. But can we ___41___ ourselves As a committed writer, I’ve decided to try the pre-internet life with a one-week digital detox (脱瘾) — no computers or cellphones. But before it, I need a little ___42___. First, I need to explain the concept to my friends and family so they’re not ___43___ why I’ve suddenly fallen off the map. Then I find my landline phone ___44___ years ago and plug it in. At last, I’ll put my iPhone in the drawer and shut it. Once it’s ___45___, there will be no turning back. Very soon, I realise that I underestimated my screen ___46___. I feel nervous.
The next morning, the alarm clock goes off and I ___47___ reach toward the bedside table. No phone. No checking messages. I have no choice but to look out the window: It’s a beautiful day.
At work, I’m not thinking about the ___48___ piling up in the phone. Afterwards, I realise I’ve ___49___ much of the day offline. And all my vitals are ___50___ Back at home, I manage to produce more than ten lines on paper before my ___51___ weakens slightly,and the digital device tempts (诱惑) me. We all know how it goes. You ___52___ your phone for a very specific reason such as calling your mom,then get caught in a social media post. When you put your phone down, you wonder why you ___53___ the phone in the first place.
At night, I fall ___54___ on the bed, my book on my chest, with a little less blue light in my body and without a ___55___ at my emails, just in case. In case of what exactly
41. A. free B. behave C. forgive D. enjoy
42. A. attention B. comfort C. concentration D. preparation
43. A. feeling B. declaring C. wondering D. forecasting
44. A. donated B. abandoned C. sold D. broken
45. A. absorbed B. locked C. improved D. updated
46. A. load B. stress C. examination D. dependency
47. A. desperately B. habitually C. curiously D. suddenly
48. A. emails B. books C. applications D. codes
49. A. brightened B. wasted C. survived D. celebrated
50. A. safe B. stable C. uncontrollable D. unpredictable
51. A. pain B. tension C. curiosity D. inspiration
52. A. purchase B. answer C. grab D. charge
53 A. picked up B. handed over C. took away D. sent back
54. A. ill B. down C. asleep D. apart
55. A. glance B. stop C. smile D. reflection
【答案】41. A 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. B 46. D 47. B 48. A 49. C 50. B 51. D 52. C 53. A 54. C 55. A
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但我们能解放自己吗?A. free释放,使解脱出来;B. behave行为;C. forgive原谅;D. enjoy欣赏。根据上文“It’s known that our screens are like prisons.(众所周知,我们的屏幕就像监狱)”可知,此处指从屏幕中解放自己。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:但在那之前,我需要一点准备。A. attention注意力;B. comfort安慰;C. concentration集中;D. preparation准备。根据后文“I need to explain the concept to my friends and family”以及“Then I find my landline phone”可知,作者在不使用互联网之前做了一些准备工作。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:首先,我需要向我的朋友和家人解释这个概念,这样他们就不会奇怪为什么我突然消失得无影无踪。A. feeling感觉;B. declaring宣布;C. wondering想知道;D. forecasting预言。根据后文“why I’ve suddenly fallen off the map”指需要向朋友和家人解释这个概念,这样他们就不会奇怪为什么作者突然消失得无影无踪。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我找到了我的座机电话——几年前就废弃了——插上了电源。A. donated捐赠;B. abandoned抛弃;C. sold出售;D. broken打破。根据上文“Then I find my landline phone”以及常识,座机电话几年前就被抛弃,不再使用了。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:一旦被锁上,就没有回头路了。A. absorbed吸收;B. locked锁上;C. improved改善;D. updated更新。根据上文“At last, I’ll put my iPhone in the drawer and shut it.(最后,我会把我的iPhone放在抽屉里,然后关上它)”可知,此处指锁上抽屉,故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快,我意识到我低估了自己对屏幕的依赖。A. load负载;B. stress压力;C. examination检查;D. dependency依赖。根据下文“I feel nervous.”可知,作者把手机锁起来后感到焦虑,故是低估了自己对屏幕的依赖。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:第二天早上,闹钟响了,我习惯性地把手伸向床头柜。A. desperately非常;B. habitually习惯地;C. curiously好奇地;D. suddenly突然。根据后文“reach toward the bedside table”指闹钟响了,作者习惯性地把手伸向床头柜。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在工作时,我不会去想电话里堆积如山的邮件。A. emails邮件;B. books书籍;C. applications应用;D. codes密码。根据后文“piling up in the phone”以及选项可知,指手机里堆积如山的邮件。后文“at my emails”也是提示。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:后来,我意识到我在离线状态下度过了一天的大部分时间。A. brightened点亮;B. wasted浪费;C. survived生存,艰难度过;D. celebrated庆祝。根据后文“much of the day offline”指在离线状态下度过了一天的大部分时间,后文生命体征也提示应用survive。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我所有的生命体征都很稳定。A. safe安全的;B. stable稳定的;C. uncontrollable无法控制的;D. unpredictable无法预测的。根据上文“much of the day offline”可知,作者在离线状态下度过了一天的大部分时间,即所有的生命体征都很稳定。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:回到家里,我设法在纸上写了十多行,然后我的灵感稍微减弱了,数码设备诱惑了我。A. pain痛苦;B. tension紧张;C. curiosity好奇心;D. inspiration灵感。根据上文“As a committed writer”可知,作者是作家,因此是指灵感减弱了。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:你拿起手机的原因非常明确,比如打电话给妈妈,然后被社交媒体上的帖子吸引了。A. purchase购买;B. answer回答;C. grab抓住;D. charge收费。根据后文“your phone for a very specific reason such as calling your mom, then get caught in a social media post”指因为某些原因拿起了手机,故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:当你放下手机时,你会想当初为什么要拿起手机。A. picked up拿起;B. handed over移交;C. took away拿走;D. sent back退回。根据后文“the phone in the first place”指当你放下手机时,你会想当初为什么要拿起手机。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:晚上,我躺在床上睡着了,我的书放在胸前,我的身体少了一点蓝光,也不看我的电子邮件,以防万一。A. ill生病的;B. down情绪低落的;C. asleep睡着的;D. apart分开的。根据后文“on the bed”推测作者在床上睡着了,故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:晚上,我躺在床上睡着了,我的书放在胸前,我的身体少了一点蓝光,也不看我的电子邮件,以防万一。A. glance瞥见;B. stop站点;C. smile微笑;D. reflection反射。根据后文“at my emails”指作者没有查看电子邮件,a glance at表示“向……瞟一眼”。故选A。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
The drama, Crocodile, produced by Magnificent Culture Co., Ltd, was released in Suzhou, East China’s Jiangsu province, on May 3, 2024, followed by a national tour until September.
Crocodile is an original drama script (脚本) ___56___(pen) by the Nobel laureate Mo Yan. Celebrated for his remarkably ___57___(i



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