Unit 5 Fun Clubs 综合素质评价(含听力原文+解析 无听力音频) 人教版(2024)英语七年级上册

Unit 5 Fun Clubs 综合素质评价
(限时: 120分钟 满分: 120分)
第一部分 (听力 共30 分)
I. 听选答案(共15 小题, 计20 分)
第一节: 听下面10 段对话,每段对话后有一个问题, 读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题, 从所给的三个选项中选出问题的正确答案。(共10 小题, 计10 分)
( ) 1. A. The music club. B. The art club. C. The chess club.
( ) 2. A. She can sing. B. She can dance.
C. She can play the guitar.
( ) 3. A. Climbing. B. Painting. C. Singing and dancing.
( ) 4. A. Mary. B. Tom. C. Janet.
( ) 5. A. She can dance. B. She can sing. C. She can swim.
( ) 6. A. On the bed. B. On the chair. C. Under the desk.
( ) 7. A. Drawing. B. Swimming. C. Dancing.
( ) 8. A. Bob. B. Tom. C. Karen.
( ) 9. A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday.
( ) 10. A. The violin. B. The drums. C. The guitar.
第二节: 听下面两段材料, 包括一篇独白和一段对话,每段材料后有几道小题。请根据材料的内容, 从题目所给的三个选项中选出问题的正确答案。每段材料读两遍。(共5 小题, 计10 分)
听第1 段材料, 回答第11、12 小题。
( ) 11. What does Bill’s mother like
A. Swimming. B. Singing. C. Playing chess.
( ) 12. What club does Bill want to join
A. The chess club. B. The music club. C. The sports club.
听第2 段材料, 回答第13 至15 小题。
( ) 13. Can Jenny swim
A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can’t. C. We don’t know.
( ) 14. What does Jenny like
A. Singing. B. Swimming. C. Playing basketball.
( ) 15. What club does Bob want to join
A. The sports club. B. The basketball club. C. The music club.
II. 听填信息(共5 小题, 计10 分)
本题你将听到一段独白, 读两遍。请根据独白内容, 用所听到的信息完成下列各题。(每空不超过三个单词。)
16. Betty’s favorite school day is _________.
17. In the morning, she has English and _________.
18. In art class, she can draw flowers in the _________.
19. Betty goes to the _________ after art class. She likes singing very much.
20. On that day, she also practices _________.
第二部分 (笔试 共90 分)
III. 单项选择(共10 小题, 计10 分)
( ) 21. I can swim well. I want to join the _________ club.
A. music B. chess
C. swimming D. art
( ) 22. It’s hard to decide which one to _________, because all of the coats are beautiful.
A. share B. plan
C. make D. choose
( ) 23. When you imagine (想象) a picture, you have it _________.
A. in your mind B. on paper
C. in your exercise book D. on TV
( ) 24. [2023 无锡锡山区月考] My father _________ the violin and he plays it _________.
A. can plays; good B. can’t play; good
C. can play; well D. doesn’t play; well
( ) 25. —Why do you _________ so many bottles and boxes
—I want to sell them to get some money.
A. include B. collect
C. act D. share
( ) 26. —Mike, I guess there are _________ 100 teachers in your school.
—Yes, there are 128.
A. almost B. nearly
C. less than D. more than
( ) 27. Jack likes running because it makes him _________ great.
A. feel B. feels
C. to feel D. feeling
( ) 28. —Is the book _________ —Yes, I’m really _________ in it.
A. interesting; interested B. interesting; interesting
C. interested; interested D. interested; interesting
( ) 29. —Can you find Black Mountain on the map, Cindy
—_________. It is here!
A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I can
C. No, I can’t D. No, I don’t
( ) 30. —Paula, who’s that boy over there
—_________. Let’s go and ask his name.
A. Don’t worry B. No problem
C. I have no idea D. That’s for sure
IV. 完形填空(共10 小题, 计10 分)
阅读下面短文, 从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整。
I have a cousin. 31 name is Eric. He is 15 years old. He is a 32 in No. 1 Middle School. He likes music and he can play 33 very well. But he 34 want to join the music club. He wants 35 the art club. He wants to learn 36 pictures. I don’t like music 37 art, but I like sports. I can play tennis. I can 38 swim, but I can’t swim 39 . I want to join the sports club. My friends are in that club. I want to play sports with 40 .
( ) 31. A. My B. Your C. His D. Her
( ) 32. A. student B. teacher C. worker D. doctor
( ) 33. A. piano B. the chess C. the guitar D. drums
( ) 34. A. don’t B. can’t C. doesn’t D. isn’t
( ) 35. A. to join B. join in C. joins in D. join
( ) 36. A. draw B. draws C. to drawing D. to draw
( ) 37. A. and B. or C. so D. but
( ) 38. A. also B. too C. either D. as well
( ) 39. A. good B. well C. nice D. fine
( ) 40. A. him B. them C. they D. it
V. 阅读理解(共15 小题, 计20 分)
第一节: 阅读下面A、B 两篇材料, 从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。(共10 小题, 计15 分)
Tom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. ◆One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music and computers. They are both very glad.
Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet (小号), the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computers very much. Can they join the summer camp
( ) 41. Which sentence can be put in the ◆
A. They want to play the guitar.
B. They want to help children with homework.
C. They want to make friends.
D. They want to find summer jobs.
( ) 42. What does the summer camp need help with
A. Flying kites. B. Sports, music and computers.
C. Making cakes. D. Drawing pictures.
( ) 43. Tom is good at playing _________.
A. sports B. computer games
C. music D. the violin
( ) 44. Mike can play _________.
A. the drums B. volleyball
C. basketball D. football
( ) 45. What do Tom and Mike both like
A. Football. B. Computers.
C. Swimming. D. Sports.
B [2024 达州]
Come and Join our Clubs!
Music Club Who for Open to students in Grade 7 What for In the club, you can learn to play different kinds of instruments, such as guitar, violin and drums. There will be a show at the end of this term. Time: 4:30-5:30 p.m. Place: Mondays in Room 201 Wednesdays in Room 301 Tel: 623-0116 Basketball Club What for You can learn skills in playing basketball. There are a lot of basketball games to take part in if you want, or you can just enjoy the fun! Time: Wednesdays 4:30-5:30 p.m. for Grade 7 Fridays 4:40-6:00 p.m. for Grade 8 Place: In the gym Tel: 623-0778
Reading Club Who for Open to all students What for Read a good book at each meeting and talk about it. Time: Fridays 5:00-6:10 p.m. Place: In Room 105 and Room 203 Tel: 623-9662 Cooking Club Who for Open to students in Grade 7 What for You can learn to make your own noodles, salad, cakes and much, much more! After that, you can eat what you make! Time: Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 p.m. Thursdays 4:35-5:45 p.m. Place: In the dining hall Tel: 623-9457
( ) 46. Lisa from Grade 7 is interested in music. She can go to _________ this Monday.
A. Room 301 B. Room 203
C. Room 201 D. Room 105
( ) 47. John should call _________ if he wants to learn to play basketball.
A. 623-9457 B. 623-9662
C. 623-0778 D. 623-0116
( ) 48. In the Cooking Club, you can _________.
A. learn to make food B. take the food home
C. buy delicious food D. draw pictures about food
( ) 49. Mike is a student in Grade 9. He can join the _________.
A. Music Club B. Cooking Club
C. Basketball Club D. Reading Club
( ) 50. Where can you find the poster most probably
A. In a hotel. B. In a school.
C. In a hospital. D. In a police station.
第二节: 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。(共5 小题, 计5 分)
[2023铁一中第一次月考] Jim is 14. He has three sisters and no brothers. His father loves playing sports with him. 51. _________ Jim likes sports, but dancing is his favorite thing. Jim’s sisters join a dancing club. They usually go there every weekend. 52. _________ His father doesn’t allow (允许) him to go. “Dancing is for girls,” says his father. 53. _________ He really wants to join the dancing club. 54. _________ They secretly (秘密地) teach Jim to dance. On the day of the school dancing show, Jim dances with his sisters. Their father comes to school and he sees Jim’s dancing. His father is very happy and he thinks it’s great. 55. _________
A. Jim is not happy. B. Jim doesn’t like dancing. C. Jim’s sisters say they can help him. D. Now he knows boys can dance, too. E. They often play soccer or run. F. Jim wants to go with them, too. G. Jim’s sisters don’t allow Jim to go, either.
VI. 完成句子: 根据所给汉语意思, 用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共5 小题, 计10 分)
56. 读书俱乐部让我爱上了阅读。
The reading club makes me __________________ reading.
57. 我们在树下拍些照片吧。
Let’s __________________ under the tree.
58. 你们能为孩子们表演这个故事吗?
Can you __________________ the story for the kids
59. 我喜欢和爷爷下中国象棋。
I love __________________ with my grandpa.
60. 法布尔对昆虫很感兴趣。他写了《昆虫记》。
Fabre __________________ insects. He writes Souvenirs Entomologiques.
VII. 短文填空: 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空, 使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次, 每空限填一个单词。) (共10 小题, 计10 分)
play, teach, China, have, but, with, music, also, speak, friend
I’m Tony Smith. I’m from England. I’m twelve years old. I like China and I like 61._________ food. But I can’t 62._________ Chinese. Chinese is difficult 63._________ interesting for me. I want to learn it. So I want to 64._________ some Chinese friends. I hope they can 65._________ me Chinese. Then I can help them 66._________ their English. At school my favorite subject is 67._________ . It’s relaxing. I can sing and 68._________ the guitar and the piano. I can 69._________ dance well. Do you like music, too Do you want to make 70._________ with me Please e-mail me at tony0913@.
VIII. 任务型阅读: 阅读下面的语篇材料, 根据所读内容, 完成下列各题。(共5 小题, 计10 分)
How much do you know about the school clubs in America Do they have the same clubs as ours Take Hill Top School for example. They have lots of clubs, such as the story-telling club, the sports club, the music club and the art club. And they also have some special clubs, such as the cooking club. It is very popular among the girls. They learn something about cooking, such as how to make cakes. And they always share the dishes in class. Another club is the carpenter club (木工俱乐部). Many boys join this club. They can make desks, chairs and even beds in the club. American students have more time for club activities every day. School is over at 3:30. They usually start the club activities at four o’clock. Sometimes, their parents come to see the activities. And they have a really good time together.
71. Which clubs are mentioned (提到) in the passage
__________________ are mentioned in the passage.
72. What club do the girls like
The girls like __________________.
73. When do students usually start their club activities
Students usually start their club activities __________________.
74. Which English word in the passage means “ 分享”
It’s “__________________”.
75. How do the students feel in the clubs
The students feel __________________ in the clubs.
IX. 补全对话(共5 小题, 计5 分)
根据下面对话中的情境, 在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句, 使对话恢复完整。
A: Hello, I’m Miss Smith! Can I help you
B: 76._________________________________. I want to join your club.
A: Great! We have a sports club, an art club, a cooking club and a music club. 77._________________________________
B: I want to join the cooking club.
A: 78._________________________________
B: Because I like Shaanxi food very much.
A: OK. 79._____________________________
B: I can cook biangbiang noodles. But I can’t cook roujiamo.
A: Don’t worry. You can learn how to cook it in our club. And welcome to join us! 80._________________________________
B: My name is Jim Green. Thank you!
X. 基础写作(共6 题, 计15 分)
第一节: 连词成句。请根据图画场景和各题提示词创写语法正确、符合语境的完整句子。(每题限写一个句子, 提示词以外的词语不超过三个, 缩写算一个词。) (共5 题, 计5 分)
81. I, want, join, the Sports Club ______________________________________.
82. I, like, play, baseball and basketball, my friends ______________________________________.
83. I, think, play sports, be good for, our health ______________________________________.
84. How many, volleyball, you, have ______________________________________
85. I, can, teach, other, student, play ball games ______________________________________.
第二节: 书面表达。(共1 题, 计10 分)
[2024 西安新城区名校协作体月考] 假如你是Peter, 你在学校官网上看到了一则体育社 团(Sports Club) 的纳新启事后, 想加入该社团。请你根据以下提示, 用英文给负责人写一封电子邮 件, 回答以下问题并介绍自己的情况。
Welcome to Sports Club Are you healthy Do you love sports What’s your favorite sport What sports equipment (体育用品) do you have We want students for the Sports Club! Come and join us! Please e-mail Mr. Green at sports@.
参考词汇: eat well, play baseball, after school, volleyball, basketball...
1. 可选择使用参考词汇, 亦可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写工整;
3. 文中不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);
4. 词数: 不少于70 词(开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数)。
Dear Mr. Green,
I’m Peter and I want to join the Sports Club. _____________________________
For me, it’s great fun to play sports.
Unit 5 综合素质评价
I. 听选答案
第一节: 听下面10 段对话, 每段对话后有一个问题, 读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题, 从所给的三个选项中选出问题的正确答案。(共10 小题, 计10 分)
1. W: Which club do you want to join, John
M: I want to join the chess club.
Q: What club does John want to join
2. M: Hi, Lily! Can you sing
W: Sorry, I can’t. But I can dance well.
Q: What can Lily do
3. W: What are you good at, Tom
M: I am good at singing and dancing.
Q: What is Tom good at
4. M: Hello, Mary! Do you know the girl in red
W: Yes, she is my sister, Janet. She is in the art club.
Q: Who is in the art club
5. W: I want to get the job, sir.
M: Can you swim
W: Yes, I can.
Q: What can the girl do
6. M: Mom, my guitar is on the bed, but where is my violin
W: Is it on the chair Oh, Jack. Look! It’s under the desk.
M: Yes, it is. Thank you, Mom.
Q: Where is Jack’s violin
7. M: Let’s go to learn to draw.
W: OK. Where can we learn it
M: In our school. The teacher can help us.
W: Let’s go now.
Q: What do they want to learn
8. M: Bob is good at telling stories. I’m good at doing kung fu. And you, Karen
W: I’m good at singing. I can sing a song to you, Tom.
Q: Who is good at singing
9. M: We need help at the old people’s home. Are you good with old people, Mary
W: Yes, I can go with you this Sunday.
M: OK. See you there.
Q: When can Mary go to the old people’s home
10. M: Gina, I can play the guitar, but I can’t play the drums. What about you
W: I can play the drums.
Q: What can Gina play
第二节: 听下面两段材料, 包括一篇独白和一段对话, 每段材料后有几道小题。请根据材料的内容, 从题目所给的三个选项中选出问题的正确答案。每段材料读两遍。(共5 小题, 计10 分)
听第1 段材料, 回答第11、12 小题。
My name is Bill. There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father can play soccer and he plays soccer very well. My mother wants to join the music club. She likes singing very much and she can sing well. My sister can sing well, too. But she wants to join the swimming club, because she wants to learn to swim. For me, I like to play chess. So I want to join the chess club.
听第2 段材料, 回答第13 至15 小题。
M: Hi, Jenny. What club do you want to join
W: I don’t know.
M: Can you swim
W: No, I can’t. But I like singing.
M: Well, you can join the music club.
W: Sounds good. What about you, Bob
M: I like playing basketball and swimming. I want to join the basketball club.
II. 听填信息
本题你将听到一段独白, 读两遍。请根据独白内容, 用所听到的信息完成下列各题。(每空不超过三个单词。)
W: Hi, I’m Betty. I want to talk about my favorite school day, Wednesday. My first two classes are English and math. They’re my favorite subjects. In the afternoon, we have an art class. Our teacher often takes us to the park to draw beautiful flowers. Then after art class, we go to the music club. I like singing very much. Miss Green teaches us to play the piano in the club. She’s my favorite teacher. She’s really nice. On Wednesday, I also have a baseball practice. It’s my favorite sport. I often join in some baseball games.
I. 1-5 CBCCC 6-10 CACCB 11-15 BABAB
II. 16. Wednesday 17. math 18. park 19. music club 20. baseball
III. 21. C 【点拨】根据“I can swim well.”可知, 应是想加入游泳俱乐部。故选C。
22. D 【点拨】词义辨析法。share 分享; plan 计划; make 制作; choose 选择。根据“because all of the coats are beautiful”可知, 所有的外套都很漂亮, 因此很难决定选择哪一件。故选D。
23. A 【点拨】根据“When you imagine (想象) a picture” 可知当你想象一幅画时, 脑海中就会浮现出它。故选A。
24. C 【点拨】can 意为“能; 会”, 后接动词原形; good 作形容词, 常作定语或表语; well 作副词, 修饰动词。分析题目可知修饰动词plays, 用well。
25. B 【点拨】根据“I want to sell them to get some money.” 可知, 是在收集瓶子和盒子。故选B。
26. D 【点拨】根据下文“Yes, there are 128. ”可推测出有超过100 位老师。故选D。
27. A 【点拨】make sb. do sth. 表示“使某人做某事”, feel “感觉”, 此处用原形。故选A。
28. A 【点拨】根据“Is the book… ”可知询问书是否有趣, 所以第一个空用interesting; 根据“I’m really...in it”可知我很感兴趣, 用interested, 故选A。
29. B 【点拨】考查一般疑问句的回答。根据“It is here!” 可知作肯定回答。用can 提问, 回答时也用can。故选B。
30. C 【点拨】考查情景交际。根据“Let’s go and ask his name.”可知, 并不知道他的名字, 故选C。
IV. 【语篇解读】短文讲了我的堂弟Eric 和我的爱好、能力及想加入的俱乐部等。
31. C 【点拨】根据“He is 15 years old.”可知选C。
32. A 【点拨】分析前后文可知Eric 是一名学生, 用student。
33. C 34. C
35. A 【点拨】want to do sth. 意为“想要做某事”, 故选A。
36. D 【点拨】考查learn 的用法。learn to do sth. 意为“学习做某事”。
37. B 【点拨】and 用于肯定句, 在疑问句和否定句中用or; so 意为“因此”; but 意为“但是”。此处music 和art 并列, 且句子为否定句, 用or。
38. A 【点拨】also 位于句中, 情态动词之后, 实义动词之前; too 位于肯定句句末; either 位于否定句句末; as well 位于肯定句句末。分析句子可知用also。
39. B
40. B 【点拨】考查代词。介词with 后接代词宾格。由前文中的“My friends”可知用them。
V. 第一节: A【语篇解读】短文介绍了Tom 和Mike 的想法及能力等。
41. D 【点拨】句子还原题。由文中的“One day... Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp... glad.”可推知他们想找暑期工作。故选D。
42. B 【点拨】细节理解题。由文中的“One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needs help with sports, music and computers.”可知选B。
43. A 【点拨】推理判断题。由文中的“Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too.”可推断他擅长做运动。
44. A 【点拨】细节理解题。由文中的“Mike can play the violin, the trumpet (小号), the drums and the guitar.”可知选A。
45. B 【点拨】细节理解题。由文中的“Tom and Mike like computers very much.”可知选B。
B 46-50 CCADB
第二节: 【语篇解读】文章主要讲了Jim 喜欢跳舞, 但是爸爸不允许他跳舞, 于是他的妹妹们偷偷教他, 爸爸看到他的舞蹈表演之后才发现男孩也可以跳舞。
51. E 【点拨】根据“His father loves playing sports with him. ”可知此处应该是讲他们经常踢足球或跑步, 故选E。
52. F 【点拨】根据“His father doesn’t allow (允许) him to go. ”可知此处应是讲他想和她们一起去, 故选F。
53. A 【点拨】根据“His father doesn’t allow (允许) him to go. ”并结合下文讲了Jim 真的很想加入舞蹈俱乐部, 可知这里讲Jim 不开心, 故选A。
54. C 【点拨】根据“They secretly (秘密地) teach Jim to dance. ”可知她们秘密地教吉姆跳舞, 推断这里是讲吉姆的妹妹们帮助他, 故选C。
55. D 【点拨】根据“His father is very happy and he thinks it’s great. ”可知他的父亲看到Jim 的表演后认为很棒, 推断此处应该是讲现在他知道男孩也可以跳舞, 故选D。
VI. 56. fall in love with 57. take some photos
58. act out 59. playing Chinese chess 60. is interested in
VII. 【语篇解读】本文作者介绍了自己并提出希望交到一些中国朋友, 彼此学习语言。
61. Chinese 【点拨】根据“I like China”可推出是喜欢中国食物, food 前用China 的形容词形式Chinese 表示“中国的”。故填Chinese。
62. speak 【点拨】根据“Chinese is difficult...for me.”可知汉语对作者来说很难, 应是不会讲汉语, 情态动词can’t 后用动词原形。故填speak。
63. but 【点拨】“difficult”与“interesting”之间意思出现转折, 用but 表示“但是”。故填but。
64. have 【点拨】根据“I want to learn it. ”可知想要学汉语, 由此可推出想要有一些中国朋友, 用have 表示“有”; want to do sth. 想要做某事。故填have。
65. teach 【点拨】根据“I want to learn it. ”可知想要学习汉语, 应是希望别人教自己汉语, 用teach 表示“教”; 情态动词can 后接动词原形。故填teach。
66. with 【点拨】help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事, 是固定搭配。故填with。
67. music 【点拨】根据下文中“I can sing and... the guitar and the piano. ”可知最喜欢的科目是音乐。故填music。
68. play 【点拨】根据“the guitar and the piano”可知此处是说弹吉他和弹钢琴。故填play。
69. also 【点拨】根据“I can sing and ... the guitar and the piano. ”可知此处表示也会跳舞, 用also 表示“也”。故填also。
70. friends 【点拨】make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友, 是固定搭配。故填friends。
VIII. 【语篇解读】文章介绍了Hill Top School 学校的俱乐部情况。
71. The story-telling club, the sports club, the music club, the art club, the cooking club and the carpenter club
72. the cooking club 【点拨】根据“And they also have some special clubs, such as the cooking club. It is very popular among the girls. ”可知, 女孩们喜欢烹饪俱乐部。
73. at four o’clock 【点拨】根据“They usually start the club activities at four o’clock. ”可知, 学生通常在四点钟开始俱乐部活动。
74. share 【点拨】根据“They learn something about cooking, such as how to make cakes. And they always share the dishes in class. ”可知他们学习烹饪, 并且在课堂上一起分享所做的菜肴, 所以share 是“分享”的意思。
75. great/good 【点拨】根据“And they have a really good time together. ”可知, 学生们在俱乐部过得很开心, 因此学生们感觉很棒, 故填great/good。
IX. 76. Yes, please
77. Which/What club do you want to join
78. Why/Why do you want to join the cooking club
79. What Shaanxi food can you cook
80. What’s your name
X. 第一节: 81. I want to join the Sports Club
82. I like playing baseball and basketball with my friends
83. I think playing sports is good for our health
84. How many volleyballs do you have
85. I can teach other students to play ball games
第二节: One possible version:
Dear Mr. Green,
I’m Peter and I want to join the Sports Club. I’m healthy because I eat well. And I love sports. I always play baseball, volleyball and basketball with my classmates after school. Basketball is my favorite and I can play it well. I think it’s relaxing to play ball games. I have four baseballs, two baseball bats, two volleyballs and three basketballs in my room.
For me, it’s great fun to play sports.



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