
第Ⅰ卷 选择题 (满分50分)
第一部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分20分)
第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
1. Bob is such honest boy that we all like him.
A. a B. an C. the D./
2. The rain began to beat heavily the window when she got home.
A. for B. with C. without D. against
3. Thanks to Mr. Lee, I came to realize the of getting on well with my parents and classmates.
A. force B. decision C. importance D. challenge
4. Water is the source of life. Everyone play a part in saving water.
A. would B. should C. wouldn't D. shouldn't
5. No pain, no gain. We can achieve nothing we keep going and never give up.
A. if B. unless C. so that D. as soon as
6. Before Arbor Day, my friends and I decided to some signs in our neighborhood.
A. put up B. call up C. take up D. make up
7. It's our duty the earth because green mountains and clean water are true treasures.
A. protect B. protects C. protecting D. to protect
8. Judy was listening to music while her sister a book at that time.
A. read B. reads C. was reading D. will read
9.—What would you like to drink, tea or coffee
— is OK. I don't mind.
A. Either B. None C. Both D. Neither
10.—What a cool electric car you have! When did you buy it
—In June. I it for one month.
A. had B. bought C. have had D. have bought
第二节 完形填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分 10分)
Have you ever heard of the“cleaning monk(扫地僧)”in the Summer Palace He is ZhangXu, a 11 , but he is very familiar(熟悉的) with the ancient buildings of the Summer Palace. Avideo of his explanation became very 12 on the Internet. Then many people called 13 the most powerful“cleaning monk”after a famous character in Chinese writer Louis Cha's novelTianlong Babu.
“One day, while I was cleaning up as usual, I saw some tourists reading books. It seemed that they got into 14 , so I went up to them and offered to help,”Zhang Xu said.“Besides cleaning, I also 15 other services like giving directions, answering questions, and offering explanations. I never expected this to get so much attention (关注). 16 , it's just a normal part of my job.”
For Zhang Xu, the Summer Palace is 17 . As a child, he came here to play, and as he grew up, he became a part of it. Zhang started working at the Summer Palace in 2021, but he likes to read different books and search for information online. 18 he has become a bit of an expert at the Summer Palace.
Zhang Xu says that he doesn't want to be an Internet celebrity, but he 19 to continue learning,working and serving. He hopes that one day he can become a professional commentator(解说员) on ancient buildings so that more people can understand and 20 the Summer Palace and Chinese culture.
11. A. owner B. keeper C. cleaner D. reporter
12. A. popular B. strange C. simple D. peaceful
13.A.me B. him C. her D. them
14. A. joy B. fear C. trouble D. excitement
15. A. lend B. provide C. control D. imagine
16. A. Actually B. Secondly C. Perfectly D. Strangely
17. A. safe B. modern C. huge D. special
18. A. But B. Or C. So D. Because
19. A. hates B. forgets C. refuses D. wants
20. A. love B. compare C. practice D. change
第二部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
Doing exercise is very important for a happy and healthy life. So people all over the world have many kinds of exercise so far. Baduanjin, a kind of traditional Chinese sport, is just one of them. The traditional Chinese exercise was invented over 800 years ago.
At first, it was used as one kind of exercise for Shaolin Wushu. It is divided (分成) into eight parts, and each part of it has one action. Compared with other sports, Baduanjin is slow and played with light music. Although it is simple and easy to learn, it works well. People only need to wear comfortable clothes, socks and shoes before doing it. It used to be popular with the elders. However, no one has expected that more and more young Chinese love it. They think it's good for them, especially for office workers. After they spend hours sitting in front of the computer, doing Baduanjin is a good choice to help them relax and sleep well. They also believe that it will make thin people strong and fat people lose weight so they keep practising it at least once a day. Some young Chinese are even making an effort to spread the Chinese sport around the world to help foreigners know how wonderful our Chinese culture is!
21. Baduanjin is one of traditional Chinese sports.
22. Baduanjin isn't easy to learn because it's played with loud music.
23. Baduanjin used to be popular among young people.
24. Office workers practise Baduanjin once a week.
25. Some young Chinese are trying to spread Baduanjin around the world.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
Dear Mike, I argued with my friend recently. I feel very upset about this. But I am bad at dealing with such things. I really want to apologize and I hope that we can be good friends again. What should I do or say to my friend — Nick
英语试题卷·第3页 (共8页)
Dear Nick,
In fact, I think you have answered your own question. You said you want to say sorry, and you hope you can be good friends with this other person again. So do it! Go to your friend and say sorry to him or her. Tell him or her how much you value (重视) your friendship, and that you hope you can still be good friends. You see It's just that simple.
It can be hard to admit(承认) that we've made mistakes before. But it also shows our strength ( 长 处) and good character if we can admit our mistakes and ask someone for forgiveness(原谅).
If we do something wrong, we have to apologize to people who we hurt. Learning how to admit our mistake and apologize are important life skills. It might seem scary, but once you do it, you will feel great weight lifting off your shoulders.
26. Which expression has the similar meaning as the underlined word“apologize”
A. Say sorry. B. Tell a story.
C. Make friends. D. Spend time together.
27. Why did Nick write the letter to Mike
A. Because he had a big fight with his elder sister.
B. Because he failed the exam and felt very upset.
C. Because he wanted to make more friends at school.
D. Because he argued with his friend and wondered what to do.
28. What does Mike think of admitting mistakes
A. Simple but useless. B. Easy and relaxing.
C. Hard but important. D. Enjoyable and exciting.
29. What's Mike's advice for Nick
A. To forget about it. B. To say sorry to his friend.
C. To write his friend a letter. D. To invite his friend to eat out.
30. What's the text mainly about
A. How to admit mistakes. B. Nick's problem and advice from Mike.
C. The value of friendship. D. The reasons why we argue with friends.
Legend has it that Nü Wa was a god dess with a human head and a snake body. She used yellow clay(黏土) to make people and animals. People lived a happy life in the world.
But one day, there was a big fight between two gods. One god was Gong Gong, the god of water. The other was Zhu Rong, the god of fire. Gong Gong lost the fight in the end. He knocked
down Buzhou Mountain. This mountain was a pillar (柱子) and it held up the sky. So something really bad happened. The sky broke and a lot of water flooded the earth. Nü Wa was very sad seeing her children suffer. She decided to save the people and repair the sky.
Nü Wa collected green, red, white, black and yellow rocks. And she melted(融化) the rocks and filled the hole in the sky with the five-colored rock mud.
However, the repair was not completely solid(坚固). NüWa then saw a huge turtle (乌龟).To make the sky stronger, she cut off the legs of the big turtle and used its legs to further support the sky. With the stones and the turtle's legs holding it up, the sky was repaired.
The sky was whole again, but a terrible dragon was harming the people at the same time.Nü Wa went to fight against it. She used a cow to flush out the dragon. Soon the dragon came out and Nü Wa killed it quickly. The world was peaceful again.
Repairing the sky was hard work, but Nü Wa saved her people with her wisdom and courage and made the world beautiful again.
31. What did Nü Wa do
A. She brought trouble to people.
B. She had a big fight with two gods.
C. She used black clay to make people.
D. She saved the people and repaired the sky.
32. Who knocked down Buzhou Mountain after the fight
A. Gong Gong. B. Zhu Rong. C. Nü Wa. D. A turtle.
33. Which is the right order of repairing the sky
a. Nü Wa melted five-colored rocks.
b. Nü Wa collected five-colored rocks.
c. Nü Wa used a turtle's legs to support the sky.
d. Nü Wa filled the hole in the sky with the five-colored rock mud.
A.b→c→a→d B.b→a→d→c C.c→b→a→d D.c→d→b→a
34. Why did Nü Wa cut off the legs of the huge turtle
A. Because the t urtle was harming the people.
B. Because the turtle took the five-colored rocks away.
C. Because she wanted to make the sky stronger.
D. Because she hoped to sell the turtle's legs for money.
35. Which of the following words can best describe Nü Wa
A. Serious and strict. B. Smart and funny.
C. Friendly and outgoing. D. Kind and brave.
Have you ever experienced hui nan tian, or lasting humid weather Hui nan tian is a special weather phenomenon (现象) in southern China. It normally appears in spring when temperatures begin to warm up. Before it arrives, there have usually been a few cold days, with a temperature below 12℃. When the cold air goes away, warmer air quickly comes and the temperature rises, creating a lot of water vapor(水蒸气).
During hui nan tian, the humid weather makes it easy for bacteria to grow. Food goes bad easily and clothes stay wet. It can also make people feel tired and sick. Having a cold is common during this time.
To cut down on the trouble caused by the humid weather, experts suggest that people in the south should close their windows in the morning and evening, especially those facing south and southeast. At the same time, they should use an air conditioner (空调) to dry the room instead of mopping(拖) floors. It's also useful to put newspapers on the floor, on tables, and at the door to take in water and wet air.
36. Which of the following sentences can describe hui nan tian
A. It helps people a lot. B. It's a special weather phenomenon.
C. It appears in the west of China. D. It's pretty common in winter.
37. What does the underlined word“it”in paragraph 2 refer to
A. The cold air. B. The bad food.
C. The humid weather. D. The water vapor.
38. What's the writer's purpose in writing the third paragraph
A. To introduce how people go to work on rainy days.
B. To let people know the temperature during hui nan tian.
C. To explain the reason why so many people dislike hui nan tian.
D. To give advice on how to reduce the trouble caused by hui nan tian.
39. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
A. People shouldn't often mo p the floor during hui nan tian.
B. The temperature is above 12℃ during this special weather.
C. The weather has nothing to do with people's body and health.
D. We can keep the food for a long time because of the humid weather.
40. Where can we probably read this passage
A. In a science magazine. B. In a story book.
C. In science fiction. D. In a travel guide.
第三节 (共 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
Most students do not enjoy doing housework. Some of them think that cleaning the bathroom or cooking dinner for the family is boring. However, you will find housework is not as boring as you think. 41
Learn to do small things.
You should learn to do small things. 42 Part of growing up is to be able to take care of yourself. Doing some things around the house shows that you are becoming responsible(有责任心的).
In fact, it's too tiring for one person to do all the housework alone. It's good to divide housework into different parts. All the family members will do the housework together. Dividing housework among all the family members will make everyone's job much easier.
Make it fun.
44 It can be very fun if you put your love into it. You can play some beautiful music while you are cooking, then you won't feel bored. If you learn how to cook your favorite food, you will also get a feeling of satisfaction.
Don't drag your feet(拖拖拉拉) over doing chores. 45
A. Find more difficult chores.
B. Here is some useful advice.
C. Cooking is one part of housework.
D. Divide housework among the family.
E. Try to make the boring chores enjoyable.
F. Because kids will be bored with doing the same chores all the time.
G. For example, you can do the dishes, sweep the floor or make the bed.
英语试题卷·第7 页 (共8页)
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题 (满分20分)
第三部分 写作 (共三节,满分20分)
第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
46. We need to protect from getting sunburned on sunny days.(our)
47. The Olympic Games will take place in Paris this summer.(thirty-three)
48. Chinese New Year's Eve dinner has special to Chinese people.(mean)
49. The spirit of these shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.(climb)
50. The more you check your test papers, the fewer mistakes you will make.(care)
第二节 (共5 小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
51. Look at these (乌云) in the sky. Maybe it's going to rain hard soon.
52. To tell the truth, my volunteer experiences (有影响) to my life.
53. Don't (生……的气) others easily. Try to be understanding.
54. (依我看), it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
55.—May I take your order, sir
—Just a minute. Let me (浏览) the menu first.
第三节 书面表达(满分 10分)
A Special
提示:你读过的某本书、听过的某首歌、看过的某部电影、参加的某次活动……,一定会给你留下特别的印象。请以“A Special ”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的经历及感受。
要求:1.补全题目,短文不少于 80词;
第 Ⅰ 卷
第一部分 英语知识运用(共二节,满分20分)
第一节 单项填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
1~5: BDCBB 6~10: ADCAC
第二节 完形填空。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
11~15: CABCB 16~20: ADCDA
第二部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分30分)
第一节 根据短文内容,判断正误。(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
21~25: TFFFT
第二节 根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。(共15 小题:每小题1分,满分15分)
26~30: ADCBB 31~35: DABCD 36~40: BCDAA
第三节 根据短文内容,选出最佳选项。(共5 小题:每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分)
41~45: BGDCE
第三部分 写作(共三节,满分20分)
第一节 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
46. ourselves 47. thirty-third/33rd 48. meaning
49. climbers 50. carefully
第二节 将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
51. black clouds/ dark clouds 52. make a difference
53. be angry with/ get angry with 54. In my opinion
55. look through
第三节 书面表达。(满分10分) 略
二档 (7~8分):内容切题、层次比较清楚、语言比较流畅、语言表达错误较少。
(注意:书面表达语法错误全卷扣分不得超过1.5 分:单词拼写错误全卷扣分不得超过1.5分: 没有标题扣1分。)



上一篇:新目标八年级上册 Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?练一练(4份打包含答案)
