Module 3 Heroes 培优进阶卷(原卷+解析卷+听力音频)-- 外研版 九年级英语上册

Module 3 Heroes 培优进阶卷(解析卷)-- 外研版 九年级英语上册
1.What did Bell invent
A. B. C.
2.Who is the speaker’s heroine
A. B. C.
3.Where did Albert Einstein die
A. B. C.
A. B. C.
A. B. C.
6.What was Shakespeare best known for
A.The greatest leader. B.The greatest speaker. C.The greatest writer.
【原文】M: Hi, Jenny, what are you reading
W: I’m reading Hamlet by Shakespeare
M: Can you tell me about Shakespeare
W: Shakespeare was an English poet and he was best famous for the greatest writer in the English language.
7.How many Nobel Prizes did Madame Curie won during her life
A.Three. B.Two. C.One.
【原文】W: As we all know, Madame Curie was a world-famous woman scientist. What did she do in her lifetime
M: She won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1903 and for chemistry in 1911.
8.Why are more people start to learn Confucius
A.Confucius has made a great difference at home and abroad.
B.People can become rich by learning Confucius.
C.Schools ask people to learn Confucius.
【原文】W: I’m interested in the Chinese educator Confucius, would you tell me more
M: Confucius is one of the greatest educators in Chinese history. And he has made a great difference in China and around the world. Now, more and more Chinese and foreigners start to learn Confucius.
9. What does Henry’s father do now
A.A doctor. B.A pilot. C.A teacher.
10.Why does the man study Alan Turing
A.Because he was the father of science.
B.Because he was the father of modern science.
C.Because he was the father of computer science.
【原文】W: Today let’s learn more about Alan Turing’s life story.
M: I’m quite interested in him. Alan Turing was born in London, England, on 23 June. He passed away on 7 June, 1954.
W: I hear you are studying Alan Turing. Why do you choose him as your project
M: Because Alan Turing was the father of computer science.
11.Where was Steve Jobs born
A.California. B.Concord. C.Cambridge.
12.When did Steve Jobs pass away
A.In 2001. B.In 2011. C.In 2020.
13.Why do people consider Steve Jobs a genius
A.Because he made a lot of money.
B.Because he had a good sense of humor.
C.Because he changed the way we see the world.
【答案】11.A 12.B 13.C
【原文】M: Today we will talk about a famous person Steve Jobs. Can you tell us about his life story
W: Sure. Steve Jobs was born in California, US on 24 February, 1955.He was famous for the Godfather of Apple. He passed away on 5 October, 2011.
M: How many works did Steve Jobs have during his lifetime
W: His famous works, such as iPod, iPhone and iPad which are popular around the world, have been part of modem people’s life.
M: What do you think of him in your heart
W: Steve Jobs had a good sense of humor. He brought happiness to millions of people by telling stories.
M: People all think Steve Jobs was a genius, do you know the reason for this
W: Because he changed the way each of us sees the world.
14.Why does the speaker think of Ma Yun as her hero
A.Ma Yun is very rich.
B.Ma Yun never gave up his dream.
C.Ma Yun is a successful person.
15.What’s Ma Yun’s aim of creating Alibaba
A.To make a lot of money.
B.To show his talent to the people around the world.
C.To change hundreds of millions of people’s lives in China.
【答案】14.B 15.C
【原文】M:What’s the best hero in your heart
W:My hero is Ma Yun.
M:Why do you admire him so much
W:Because he never gave up his dream and achieved his dream.
M:Can you give us an example about that
W:Sure.He lived a hard life when he was young. To make a living, he used to do many part-time jobs. He followed his dream all the time.
M:What touches you most
W:He created Alibaba to change hundreds of millions of people's lives in China.
16.________ scientists shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019.
A.2 B.3 C.4
17.John B Goodenough was already ________ years old when he won the Nobel Prize.
A.79 B.96 C.97
18.Goodenough is a successful scientist in ________.
A.chemistry B.physics C.maths
19.When he was in middle school, he was a(n) ________ student.
A.chemistry C.maths
20.During Would War I, Goodenough worked for ________.
A.a school B.the American army C.a chemistry lab
【答案】16.B 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.B
Ms Li: Hi, Daming. 21
Daming: Deng Yaping. She is one of the best table tennis players in the world.
Ms Li: 22
Daming: At the age of five.
Ms Li: 23
Daming: She won many world compet t ons, nclud ng four gold medals in the Olympics.
Ms Li: 24
Daming: She stopped playing and went to study at Tsinghua University.
Ms Li: How do you like her
Daming: She is a good student as well as a good player.
Ms Li: 25
Daming: We should have a strong will and never give up at any time.
Ms Li: That’s right.
A.When did she start playing table tennis
B.Has she ever been abroad
C.What competitions has she won
D.What can we learn from her
E.What did she do after then
F.Who is your hero
G.Good idea.
【答案】21.F 22.A 23.C 24.E 25.D
21.根据回答“Deng Yaping.”可知,李老师询问的是个人,选项F“谁是你的英雄 ”符合语境。故选F。
22.根据回答“At the age of five.”可知,李老师询问的是时间,选项A“她什么时候开始打乒乓球 ”符合语境。故选A。
23.根据回答“She won many world competitions, including four gold medals in the Olympics.”可知,李老师询问的是比赛,选项C“她赢得了什么比赛 ”符合语境。故选C。
24.根据回答“She stopped playing and went to study at Tsinghua University.”可知,李老师询问的是之后的行动,选项E“之后她做了什么 ”符合语境。故选E。
25.根据回答“We should have a strong will and never give up at any time.”可知,李老师询问的是我们可以学到的品质,选项D“我们可以从她身上学到什么 ”符合语境。故选D。
The world heroes like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela are well -known to people. But there are also “everyday” heroes—they may not be well- known to the public, but they do 26 they can to help improve people’s lives as well. 27 them is Robert Lee.
Lee grew up in New York City. 28 his family was not rich, he learned from a young age the importance of avoiding the waste of food. When in college, he was part of a student group that gave out leftover (剩余的) food to homeless people. This experience made 29 realise how serious the problem of food wastage actually was.
After he 30 university, Lee and a friend started an organization called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine(RLC). Its purpose is to collect unsold food from restaurants and send it for free to shelters(收容所).
RLC operates simply. Using an app developed by Lee’s team, restaurants record how much leftover food they have each day. Then volunteers are sent to fetch it. The distance is usually short, so volunteers can just do their deliveries(递送) by 31 from the restaurants to the shelters. Lee believes this is 32 quick way of delivery.
So far, Lee and his team have 33 saved over 150,000 kilograms of food. They provide meals for 34 people who need them. Lee has shown that a small action can help people around us greatly. It may have a 35 influence than we imagine.
26.A.what B.when C.who D.where
27.A.Under B.Beside C.Among D.Between
28.A.If B.As C.When D.Though
29.A.he B.him C.his D.himself
30.A.leaves B.left C.will leave D.has left
31.A.walk walk C.walked D.walking
32.A.a C.the D./
33.A.success B.succeed C.successful D.successfully
34.A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of
35.A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest
26.A 27.C 28.B 29.B 30.B 31.D 32.A 33.D 34.D 35.B
what什么;when何时;who谁;where哪里。do what sb can to do sth“尽某人所能去做某事”,故选A。
Under在……之下;Beside在……旁边;Among在……之间(三者以上);Between在……之间(两者)。根据“But there are also “everyday” heroes—they may not be well known to the public”可知,在这些英雄中的其中一位就是罗伯特·李,表示三者以上的应填among,故选C。
leaves动词三单;left动词过去;will leave一般将来时;has left现在完成时。根据started可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故选B。
walk动词原形;to walk动词不定式;walked动词过去式;walking动名词。by是介词,后接动名词,故选D。
thousand千;thousands数以千计的;thousand of错误表达;thousands of数以千计的。此处表示概数,应填数词复数形式thousands of,故选D。
great极好的,原级;greater更好的,比较级;greatest最好的,最高级;the greatest最好的,最高级。根据than可知,此空应填比较级,故选B。
Florence Nightingale was a nurse who saved many lives in the 19th century. She was named after the city of Florence in Italy. Her family was 36 and they had two houses in Britain as well as many servants.
Florence was an 37 young woman during her time. She was different from other women. Wealthy women like Florence weren’t expected to work—their job was to marry and 38 the family. But Florence wanted to be a nurse and help people. Her family didn’t allow her to do that 39 they thought hospitals were dirty places. They 40 her health. In 1851, Florence went to Germany and learned about nursing. It was hard work, but she loved it.
In 1854, lots of British soldiers fought in the Crimean War. Army hospitals were filled with injured soldiers, but there were 41 nurses. For this reason, many soldiers 42 . Florence and a team of nurses volunteered to help them.
Florence worked 20 hours a day to take care of the injured soldiers and clean the army hospital. At night, Florence walked around the hospital. She talked to the injured soldiers and helped them 43 to write letters to their families. She always carried a 44 and the soldiers called her “The Lady with the Lamp”.
When Florence returned to England, people called her a heroine(女英雄)because of her amazing work in the Crimean War. She 45 to work hard in Britain to improve hospitals. B.poor C.large D.small
37.A.honest B.unusual C.unhappy D.clever
38.A.look after B.look for C.look across D.look over
39.A.although C.but D.because
40.A.were bored of B.were pleased with C.were worried about D.were interested in
41.A.a little B.few C.little D.a few
42.A.died B.appeared C.failed D.succeeded
43.A.patiently B.carelessly C.normally D.suddenly
44.A.pen B.lamp C.ball D.cup
45.A.thought B.expected C.prepared D.continued
36.A 37.B 38.A 39.D 40.C 41.B 42.A 43.A 44.B 45.D
rich富有的;poor贫穷的;large巨大的;small小的。根据“they had two houses in Britain as well as many servants.”可知,他们家有两个大房子和很多仆人,所以她们家很富有,故选A。
honest诚实的;unusual不同寻常的;unhappy不开心的;clever聪明的。根据后文“She was different from other women.”可知,弗洛伦斯和别人不同,即是不同寻常的。故选B。
look after照顾,照料;look for寻找;look across向对面看;look over浏览。根据空前“their job was to marry...”可知,此处表达她们结婚然后照顾家庭,故选A。
were bored of枯燥的;were pleased with满意的;were worried about担心的;were interested in感兴趣的。根据前文“they thought hospitals were dirty places.”可知,弗洛伦斯家人认为医院是不干净的地方,所以他们担心弗洛伦斯的健康,故选C。
a little一点,后加不可数名词;few很少,后加可数名词复数;little很少,后加不可数名词;a few一点,后加可数名词复数。根据语境可知,护士很少,“nurses”为可数名词复数,故选B。
died死亡;appeared出现;failed失败;succeeded成功。根据“For this reason,”可知,由于护士少,许多士兵死亡了,“died死亡”,动词作谓语。故选A。
patiently耐心地;carelessly粗心地;normally 通常地;suddenly突然地。根据“She talked to the injured soldiers...”可知,弗洛伦斯跟士兵们交谈,耐心地帮助他们写作业,“patiently耐心地”副词修饰动词“help”,故选A。
pen钢笔;lamp台灯;ball球;cup杯子。根据后文“the soldiers called her ‘The Lady with the Lamp’.”可知士兵们称她为“拿着灯的女士”,因为她总是拿着灯,故选B。
thought思考;expected期盼;prepared准备;continued继续。短语“continue to do”意为“继续做某事”,此处表示她继续在英国努力改善医院。故选D。
Overnight,TFboys,a boy band consisting of three middle school students,became the talk all over China.Founded in 2013,the oldest member of TFboys is only 18.But the number of their followers on Sina Weibo has reached 11 million.Their music videos are also getting millions of views online.
Some say that TFboys has become popular only because of their pretty faces.But take a serious look at the three boys,and you may find out what has helped them win over so many people.
Karry Wang,18, from Chongqing What did you do when you were 8 years old Wang had become a trainee(练习生) at TF Entertainment at that age.He still goes to school like other kids during weekdays.But his weekends were filled with training classes.He learned how to sing and dance.He had to do the splits (劈叉)again and again.Many boys couldn't stand it and quit,but Wang didn't give up.Before he finally became a TFboy,the tough guy has been practicing for five years.
Roy Wang,17, from Chongqing Fans like to call Wang “Er Yuan” because he is a funny guy who's always telling dry jokes.But when he starts to sing,you'd be thrilled by his clear voice and high pitch(高音).The cheerful boy lives a simple life.He doesn't like to compare himself with others.His mobile phone cost only 300 yuan.He is a big fan of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.He has watched every Pleasant Goat movie at the cinema.
Jackson Yi,17, from Hunan Jackson is the shortest of the three boys,but he definitely has the most splendid resume(履历).He is a top student.He is an excellent dancer.He takes part in TV shows.He has played different roles in many movies.He is even good at calligraphy(书法).When other teenagers show off their new clothes on Weibo,Jackson displays his calligraphy work.How can he be good at so many things?“I'd practice dancing while others were chatting,” he said.
46.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word
A.过夜 B.昨天晚上
C.一夜之间 D.太晚
47.The oldest boy in the band is only ________ years old.
A.15 B.18 C.13 D.12
48.Like many kids,________ is a big fan of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.
A.Wang B.Karry Wang
C.Jacson Yi D.TFboys
49.Jackson is not only a top student but also ________.
A.a famous actor B.a good player
C.a great writer excellent dancer
50.About the TFboys,which one is NOT right
A.They became famous all over China.
B.TFboys has become popular only because of their pretty faces.
C.There are three members in the group.
D.Their music videos are enjoyed by millions of people.
【答案】46.C 47.B 48.A 49.D 50.B
【分析】你肯定听说过TF boys吧,他们是中国很火的一个乐队组合,有三个可爱、帅气的男孩组成。他们的出名并不是只靠他们美丽的外表,更因为他们的努力和勤奋。
46.词义猜测题。根据划线单词所在的句子Overnight, TFboys,a boy band consisting of three middle school students, became the talk all over China.可知,奋斗男孩成为了全中国的谈论焦点,他们变得很出名,overnight的意思应该是一夜之间,故应选C。
47.细节理解题。根据短文中Founded in 2013,the oldest member of TFboys is only 18可知,奋斗男孩这个组合中有三个男孩,年龄最大的18岁。故应选B。
48.细节理解题。根据短文中Fans like to call Wang “Er Yuan” because he is a funny guy who's always telling dry jokes…. He is a big fan of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.可知,王源是《喜羊羊和灰太狼》的粉丝。故应选A。
49.细节理解题。根据短文中He is a top student. He is an excellent dancer.可知,易烊千玺不仅是一个优秀的学生,跳舞还非常的棒。由此可知应选D。
50.推理判断题。根据短文中Some say that TF boys has become popular only because of their pretty faces. But take a serious look at the three boys, and you may find out what has helped them win over so many people以及下文对这三个男孩的介绍可知,这三个孩子的成功不仅是因为他们帅气的外表,他们都是非常优秀而且努力的孩子。由此可知B选项是错误的。
点睛:这篇短文给我们介绍了奋斗男孩这个乐队组合中的三个男孩的情况。短文中的这三个男孩都是学生们都比较熟悉的,很多学生可能是他们的粉丝,所以读这篇文章他们一定是很有兴趣的。后面的题目设置并不难,以细节理解为主,如第2小题,我们可以从题干中找到关键词the oldest,然后定位到原文,很快就可以找到答案。
On March 14 in 2018, one of science’s brightest stars went dark. Stephen Hawking, the world-famous scientist, died at 76 in Cambridge, UK.
Hawking is considered by many to be the greatest scientist in history since Albert Einstein. He came up with the theory that the universe began with the Big Bang and will end in black holes. His theory became the important base for a lot of later research. He also wrote books to help common people understand the universe. His most famous book is A Brief History of Time(《时间简史》), which has sold more than 10 million copies around the world, according to CNN.
Besides his scientific achievements, Hawking was also someone who had a strong will and positive attitude.
When Hawking was 21, he was told that he had a serious illness that stopped him from walking and talking. Later in life, he had to sit in a wheelchair and “speak” using a computerized voice. But this didn’t stop him from living a meaningful and colorful life. “If one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be psychologically(心理上) disabled as well.” he once said.
Hawking travelled around the world to attend science meeting, visiting every continent, including Antarctica. He was also a fan of popular culture and appeared on TV shows such as Star Trek and The Big Bang Theory.
He celebrated his 60th birthday by going up in a hot-air balloon. When he was 65, he took part in a zero-gravity flight to experience weightlessness. He hoped to travel into space one day.
In 2013, Hawking spoke about how he felt life was unfair when he first knew his illness. “But now, 50 years later, I can be quietly satisfied with my life,” he said peacefully.
51.What is the author’s purpose in writing the article
A.To tell us the brightest star went dark and Hawking died.
B.To introduce Hawking’s famous book A Brief History of Time.
C.To describe how Hawking overcame his serious physical illness.
D.To introduce Hawking’s life to help people remember him.
52.How important is Hawking’s theory that the universe began with the Big Bang and will end in black holes
A.It helped him write all his books to help ordinary people understand the universe.
B.A lot of research which came after the important theory later depends on it.
C.It made his famous book sell more than 10 million copies all over the world.
D.This achievement led him to become a strong and positive famous man.
53.Which of the following statement is TRUE
A.He travelled around the world just in order to pay a visit to every continent.
B.Although Hawking had a serious illness, he still had a wonderful and meaningful life.
C.He was a fan of up-to-date culture and hosted TV shows such as Star Trek and The Big Bang Theory.
D.He was so positive and strong that he still felt satisfied when he was first told he had a serious illness.
54.What does Hawking mean by “If one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be psychologically(心理上) disabled as well.”
A.Although one man has a disabled body, he can still have a strong will and positive attitude.
B.If someone is physically ill, he can’t pay more money to treat his psychological disability.
C.If one is physically disabled, he needn’t have psychological disability because it’s too much for him.
D.Although one man has disabled illness, he can also be psychologically disabled in his life.
55.In what order did the following take place in the story
a. He said that he was happy with his life 50 years later.
b. He had to sit in a wheelchair and began to use a computer to help him speak.
c. He took part in a zero-gravity flight to experience weightlessness.
d. He went up in a hot-air balloon.
e. He couldn’t walk and talk at the age of 21.
A.e-b-a-d-c B.a-e-b-d-c C.e-b-d-c-a D.a-e-d-b-e
【答案】51.D 52.B 53.B 54.A 55.C
52.细节理解。题干“霍金关于宇宙从大爆炸开始并将以黑洞结束的理论有多重要?” 根据文中He came up with the theory that the universe began with the Big Bang and will end in black holes. His theory became the important base for a lot of later research.可知,后来许多研究都是基于这一重要理论。故选B。
53.推理判断。根据题意可知是说不正确的。根据文中Hawking is considered by many to be the greatest scientist in history since Albert Einstein.;Besides his scientific achievements, Hawking was also someone who had a strong will and positive attitude.可知,尽管霍金病得很重,但他仍然过着美好而有意义的生活。选项B是正确的。故选B。
54.题干“霍金所说的“如果一个人身体残疾,他也不能承受心理上的残疾”是什么意思?” 根据文中Besides his scientific achievements, Hawking was also someone who had a strong will and positive attitude.可知,除了科学成就外,霍金也是一个意志坚强、态度积极的人。故选A。
55.细节理解。题干“下面的故事是按什么顺序发生的?” 根据文中When Hawking was 21, he was told that he had a serious illness that stopped him from walking and talking.;Later in life, he had to sit in a wheelchair and “speak” using a computerized voice.;He celebrated his 60th birthday by going up in a hot-air balloon;When he was 65, he took part in a zero-gravity flight to experience weightlessness;When he was 65, he took part in a zero-gravity flight to experience weightlessness可知,他21岁时不能走路和说话。;他不得不坐在轮椅上,开始用电脑帮助他说话。;他乘热气球上去了。;他参加了一次失重飞行。;他说他对50年后的生活很满意。
Eric Liddell was known as the flying Scotsman(苏格兰人) because he ran so fast. But he is most remembered as a man of honour and bravery.
He was born in 1902 in Tianjin, northern China. In Chinese, he was known as Li Airui. Eric lived in China until the age of five. After that his parents sent him to school in England. In 1920, Eric went to the University of Edinburgh to study science.
Sports played a large part in his life and he became the fastest runner in Scotland. He was chosen to be part of Britain's 1924 Olympic team. The games were in Paris. The 100 metre race was his best event, but it was to be held on a Sunday. Eric,a strong Christian(基督教徒), refused to run on Sundays because he believed that it should be a day of rest as the Bible(圣经) teaches.
Although many people told him to run the race, he refused. Instead he started to train for other distances. At the Olympics he won a bronze medal in the 200 metre race and then a gold medal in the 400 metre race, setting a world record.
Though then famous in Scotland, Eric still loved and remembered China. He wanted to go back to the country where he was born. In 1925, he went to China and worked as a middle school teacher in Tianjin. Then he went to Hebei Province to help the poor people there.
After the Japanese invaded(入侵) China, Eric chose to stay. He wanted to help the sick and give hope to the Chinese people. In 1943, the Japanese sent him to a prison camp(集中营) in Weifang. Even in the camp, he continued to help the old people. He also arranged games for the children, and taught them science.
In 1945, Eric was very ill. He was given a chance to leave the camp but he refused. Instead he gave this chance to a pregnant woman. The inspiring man died six months before the end of the war. Many people still remember his service to the Chinese people of that area.
56.Eric went to England to ________.
A.go to school the Scottish people
C.take part in the Olympic Games
D.visit relatives
57.Eric set a world record in the ________ race.
A.100 metre B.200 metre
C.400 metre D.800 metre
58.Eric returned to China in ________.
A.1920 B.1925
C.1943 D.1945
59.Eric lived in China for ________ years all together.
A.5 B.20
C.25 D.30
60.People remember Eric mainly because of his ________.
A.running B.receiving
【答案】56.A 57.C 58.B 59.C 60.D
56.句意:埃里克去了英国去上学。A.去上学B.帮助苏格兰人民C.参加奥运会D.拜访亲戚。原文“After that his parents sent him to school in England.”(在那之后,他的父母把他送去英国上学。)说明他去英国是为了上学,故选A。
57.句意:埃里克在400米比赛中创造了世界纪录。A. 100米B. 200米C. 400米D.800米,原文“At the Olympics he won a bronze medal in the 200 metre race and then a gold medal in the 400 metre race, setting a world record.”(在奥运会上,他在200米的比赛中获得铜牌,然后在400米的比赛中获得金牌,创造了世界纪录。)说明他在400米比赛中创造了世界纪录,故选C。
58.句意:埃里克于1925年回到中国。A. 1920年B.1925年C. 1943 D. 1945,原文“In 1925, he went to China and worked as a middle school teacher in Tianjin.”(1925年,他去了中国,在天津担任中学教师。)说明他是于1925年回到中国的,故选B。
59.句意:埃里克在中国一共生活了25年。A. 5 B. 20C. 25 D. 30,原文“He was born in 1902 in Tianjin,”(他1902年生于天津。),原文“Eric lived in China until the age of five.”(埃里克在中国生活到了五岁。),然后他就去了英国,之后他在1925年返回了中国(In 1925, he went to China),最后于1945年战争结束前六个月病重逝世(In 1945, Eric was very ill…The inspiring man died six months before the end of the war),一共是25年,故选C。
60.句意:人们记得埃里克主要是因为他的给予。A.跑步B.收到C.教学D.给予,原文“Many people still remember his service to the Chinese people of that area.”(那个地方的许多人们仍然记得他给中国人民带来的服务)说明人们记得他主要是因为他的奉献或是给予,故选D。
Ernest Hemingway, the son of a doctor and a music teacher, was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Ilinois. Hemingway’s father 61 him early on how to hunt and fish, two activities Hemingway loved all his life. 62 of going to college, Hemingway became a reporter for the Kansas City Star. Later, in Europe, he worked 63 a driver for the Italian army until he was wounded and shipped home, where he again wrote for newspapers. Two years later, he moved to Paris, and he hoped to 64 his writing by learning from others. There he became friends with other American writers, 65 Gertrude Stein and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Hemingway developed a style of writing that was simple and direct. He 66 some easy words to make the readers understand the meaning of his writing. As he put 67 , “I always try to write on the principle (原则) of the iceberg (冰山). There is seven eighths of it under water for every part that shows.” This style continues to 68 writers today. In his life, Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize. He was one of the finest 69 of the twentieth century.
Hemingway loved cats very much, so he kept nearly 50 cats. Hemingway was 70 four times and had three sons. He died in 1961.
61.taught 62.Instead 64.improve 65.including 66.chose/used 68.influence 69.writers 70.married
【导语】本文主要介绍了Ernest Hemingway的生平。
61.句意:Hemingway的父亲很早就教他如何狩猎和捕鱼,这是Hemingway一生都喜欢的两项活动。 根据“him early on how to hunt and fish”可知是教他打猎和捕鱼,teach“教”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填taught。
62.句意:Hemingway没有上大学,而是成了《堪萨斯城星报》的记者。根据“of going to college, Hemingway became a reporter”可知他没有上大学,而是成为了记者,instead of“而不是”。故填Instead。
63.句意:后来,在欧洲,他为意大利军队当司机,直到受伤后被运回家乡,再次为报纸撰稿。work as“担任”。故填as。
64.句意:两年后,他搬到了巴黎,他希望通过向他人学习来提高自己的写作水平。根据“his writing by learning from others”可知通过向他人学习提高写作水平,improve“提高”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形。故填improve。
65.句意:在那里,他与其他美国作家成为了朋友,包括Gertrude Stein和F. Scott Fitzgerald。 根据“other American writers...”可知这些美国作家包括Gertrude Stein和F. Scott Fitzgerald,此处用介词including。故填including。
66.句意:他选择/使用了一些简单的词来让读者理解他的文章的意义。根据“some easy words to make the readers understand the meaning of his writing”可知他在写作中选择/使用简单的词汇,choose“选择”,use“使用”,句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填chose/used。
67.句意:正如他所说:“我总是试图以冰山为原则写作。每一个展示的部分都有八分之七的冰山在水下。” as he put it“正如他所说”,固定用法。故填it。
68.句意:这种风格至今仍在影响着作家。根据“This style continues to...writers today”可知他的写作风格影响着现在的作家,influence“影响”,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形。故填influence。
69.句意:他是二十世纪最优秀的作家之一。根据常识可知,海明威是作家,writer“作家”,one of后加名词复数。故填writers。
70.句意:Hemingway结过四次婚,育有三个儿子。根据“four times and had three sons.”可知是结婚了四次,be married“结婚”。故填married。
Have you ever heard of Jiuzhaigou National Park It is in Sichuan Province. It is about 450 kilometers to the north of Chengdu. I think it is one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. There are blue lakes, waterfalls, forests, mountains and other beautiful sights.
It is said that long long ago, the god of the mountain named Dage fell in love with the goddess Semo. He gave a mirror that was made from wind and cloud to the goddess. She was happy to get it. One day, Semo broke the mirror into 108 pieces by accident. The pieces fell down to the earth and then turned into 108 colourful lakes. The lakes are also called Haizi by the local people.
There are lots of plants and animals in the area. The natural forest covers an area of nearly 30,000 hectares(公顷). The plants have provided a good environment for wild animals. There are many kinds of animals, for example, pandas and monkeys. They make the park more lovely.
The Jiuzhai Valley covers more than 600 square kilometres. You may know the three main valleys—Shuzheng Valley, Rize Valley and Zechawa Valley, but in fact, the sights are far more than you expect. Panda Lake is famous for the longest waterfall and the Arrow Bamboo Lake has a large area of bamboo, the favourite food of pandas.
The best time to visit Jiuzhaigou is autumn, especially September and October.
71.How does the writer like Jiuzhaigou National Park
72.How were the lakes Haizi formed according to the story
73.Why are there many kinds of wild animals in Jiuzhaigou
74.Will visitors be surprised by the sights in Jiuzhaigou
75.When may be the tourist season in Jiuzhaigou
76.学校本周五下午将召开一次以“My favourite sportsperson”为主题的演讲比赛。请你根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇不少于80词的演讲稿,向大家介绍乒乓球运动员马龙。演讲稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
姓名 马龙 出生地 辽宁鞍山
出生日期 1988年10月20日 项目 乒乓球
(1)5岁开始学习打乒乓球; (2)13岁时被一名教练看中,到北京继续训练; (3)2003年加入国家队; (4)在2012年的乒乓球世界杯(Table Tennis World Cup)和2015年的乒乓球世锦赛(World Table Tennis Championships)上,获得男单(men’s singles)冠军。
Good afternoon, everyone.
Thanks for listening.
【答案】71.The writer thinks it is the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. 72.They were formed from 108 pieces of the goddess Semo’s mirror given by the god Dage. 73.Because the plants have provided a good environment for wild animals. 74.Yes, they will. 75.The tourist season in Jiuzhaigou may be in autumn, especially September and October./It may be in autumn, especially September and October. 76.例文
My favourite sportsperson
Good afternoon, everyone. My favourite sportsperson is Ma Long—one of the greatest table tennis players in the world. Just like many other successful sportsmen, Ma Long has made great achievements in his sports through his hard work. Born on October 20, 1988, Ma Long started to play table tennis at the age of five. When he was 13, his ability in table tennis was noticed by a coach. Then he had to leave his home Anshan, Liaoning for Beijing so that he could continue to train for table tennis. In 2003, Ma Long joined the national team. He trained very hard because he knew that hard work brings success. In 2008, he became famous. He won the men’s singles at the 2012 Table Tennis World Cup and the 2015 World Table Tennis Championships. However, Ma Long has never won a single gold medal at the Olympics. So I do hope he can win his first victory in the Olympic men’s single soon.
Thanks for listening.
71.根据“I think it is one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world.”可知,作者认为九寨沟是世界上最美丽的自然奇观之一。故填The writer thinks it is the most beautiful natural wonders in the world.
72.根据“It is said that long long ago, the god of the mountain named Dage fell in love with the goddess Semo. He gave a mirror that was made from wind and cloud to the goddess. She was happy to get it. One day, Semo broke the mirror into 108 pieces by accident. The pieces fell down to the earth and then turned into 108 colourful lakes. The lakes are also called Haizi by the local people.”可知,山神达戈爱上了女神色嫫,并送了她一面由风云制成的镜子。一天,女神色嫫不小心把镜子摔成了108块。这些碎片掉到地上,然后变成了108个五颜六色的湖泊。这些湖也被当地人称为海子。由此可知,这些湖是由山神达戈送给女神色嫫的镜子摔成的108块镜子碎片变成的。故填They were formed from 108 pieces of the goddess Semo’s mirror given by the god Dage.
73.根据“The natural forest covers an area of nearly 30,000 hectares(公顷). The plants have provided a good environment for wild animals.”可知,天然森林面积近3万公顷。这些植物为野生动物提供了良好的环境,因此九寨沟有各种各样的野生动物。故填Because the plants have provided a good environment for wild animals.
74.根据“There are blue lakes, waterfalls, forests, mountains and other beautiful sights.”、“There are lots of plants and animals in the area.”和“You may know the three main valleys—Shuzheng Valley, Rize Valley and Zechawa Valley, but in fact, the sights are far more than you expect. Panda Lake is famous for the longest waterfall and the Arrow Bamboo Lake has a large area of bamboo, the favourite food of pandas.”可知,九寨沟有蓝色的湖泊、瀑布、森林、山脉和其他美丽的景色。这个地区有很多动植物。你可能知道三个主要的山谷——树正沟、日则沟和则查洼沟,但事实上,这里的景色远比你想象的要多。熊猫湖以最长的瀑布而闻名,箭竹湖有大面积的竹子,这是熊猫最喜欢的食物。由此可知,九寨沟景色优美,游客们会惊讶于此地的景色,应作肯定回答。故填Yes, they will.
75.根据“The best time to visit Jiuzhaigou is autumn, especially September and October.”可知,游览九寨沟的最佳时间是秋季,特别是在九月和十月。故填The tourist season in Jiuzhaigou may be in autumn, especially September and October./It may be in autumn, especially September and October.
①make great achievements取得很大的成就
①Then he had to leave his home Anshan, Liaoning for Beijing so that he could continue to train for table tennis.(so that引导的目的状语从句)
②He trained very hard because he knew that hard work brings success.(because引导的原因状语从句)
试卷第1页,共3页Module 3 Heroes 培优进阶卷(原卷)-- 外研版 九年级英语上册
满分120分 考试用时90分钟
一、听说应用 (本大题共30分)
1.What did Bell invent
A. B. C.
2.Who is the speaker’s heroine
A. B. C.
3.Where did Albert Einstein die
A. B. C.
A. B. C.
A. B. C.
6.What was Shakespeare best known for
A.The greatest leader. B.The greatest speaker. C.The greatest writer.
7.How many Nobel Prizes did Madame Curie won during her life
A.Three. B.Two. C.One.
8.Why are more people start to learn Confucius
A.Confucius has made a great difference at home and abroad.
B.People can become rich by learning Confucius.
C.Schools ask people to learn Confucius.
9. What does Henry’s father do now
A.A doctor. B.A pilot. C.A teacher.
10.Why does the man study Alan Turing
A.Because he was the father of science.
B.Because he was the father of modern science.
C.Because he was the father of computer science.
11.Where was Steve Jobs born
A.California. B.Concord. C.Cambridge.
12.When did Steve Jobs pass away
A.In 2001. B.In 2011. C.In 2020.
13.Why do people consider Steve Jobs a genius
A.Because he made a lot of money.
B.Because he had a good sense of humor.
C.Because he changed the way we see the world.
14.Why does the speaker think of Ma Yun as her hero
A.Ma Yun is very rich.
B.Ma Yun never gave up his dream.
C.Ma Yun is a successful person.
15.What’s Ma Yun’s aim of creating Alibaba
A.To make a lot of money.
B.To show his talent to the people around the world.
C.To change hundreds of millions of people’s lives in China.
16.________ scientists shared the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2019.
A.2 B.3 C.4
17.John B Goodenough was already ________ years old when he won the Nobel Prize.
A.79 B.96 C.97
18.Goodenough is a successful scientist in ________.
A.chemistry B.physics C.maths
19.When he was in middle school, he was a(n) ________ student.
A.chemistry C.maths
20.During Would War I, Goodenough worked for ________.
A.a school B.the American army C.a chemistry lab
Ms Li: Hi, Daming. 21
Daming: Deng Yaping. She is one of the best table tennis players in the world.
Ms Li: 22
Daming: At the age of five.
Ms Li: 23
Daming: She won many world compet t ons, nclud ng four gold medals in the Olympics.
Ms Li: 24
Daming: She stopped playing and went to study at Tsinghua University.
Ms Li: How do you like her
Daming: She is a good student as well as a good player.
Ms Li: 25
Daming: We should have a strong will and never give up at any time.
Ms Li: That’s right.
A.When did she start playing table tennis
B.Has she ever been abroad
C.What competitions has she won
D.What can we learn from her
E.What did she do after then
F.Who is your hero
G.Good idea.
The world heroes like Mahatma Gandhi or Nelson Mandela are well -known to people. But there are also “everyday” heroes—they may not be well- known to the public, but they do 26 they can to help improve people’s lives as well. 27 them is Robert Lee.
Lee grew up in New York City. 28 his family was not rich, he learned from a young age the importance of avoiding the waste of food. When in college, he was part of a student group that gave out leftover (剩余的) food to homeless people. This experience made 29 realise how serious the problem of food wastage actually was.
After he 30 university, Lee and a friend started an organization called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine(RLC). Its purpose is to collect unsold food from restaurants and send it for free to shelters(收容所).
RLC operates simply. Using an app developed by Lee’s team, restaurants record how much leftover food they have each day. Then volunteers are sent to fetch it. The distance is usually short, so volunteers can just do their deliveries(递送) by 31 from the restaurants to the shelters. Lee believes this is 32 quick way of delivery.
So far, Lee and his team have 33 saved over 150,000 kilograms of food. They provide meals for 34 people who need them. Lee has shown that a small action can help people around us greatly. It may have a 35 influence than we imagine.
26.A.what B.when C.who D.where
27.A.Under B.Beside C.Among D.Between
28.A.If B.As C.When D.Though
29.A.he B.him C.his D.himself
30.A.leaves B.left C.will leave D.has left
31.A.walk walk C.walked D.walking
32.A.a C.the D./
33.A.success B.succeed C.successful D.successfully
34.A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of
35.A.great B.greater C.greatest D.the greatest
Florence Nightingale was a nurse who saved many lives in the 19th century. She was named after the city of Florence in Italy. Her family was 36 and they had two houses in Britain as well as many servants.
Florence was an 37 young woman during her time. She was different from other women. Wealthy women like Florence weren’t expected to work—their job was to marry and 38 the family. But Florence wanted to be a nurse and help people. Her family didn’t allow her to do that 39 they thought hospitals were dirty places. They 40 her health. In 1851, Florence went to Germany and learned about nursing. It was hard work, but she loved it.
In 1854, lots of British soldiers fought in the Crimean War. Army hospitals were filled with injured soldiers, but there were 41 nurses. For this reason, many soldiers 42 . Florence and a team of nurses volunteered to help them.
Florence worked 20 hours a day to take care of the injured soldiers and clean the army hospital. At night, Florence walked around the hospital. She talked to the injured soldiers and helped them 43 to write letters to their families. She always carried a 44 and the soldiers called her “The Lady with the Lamp”.
When Florence returned to England, people called her a heroine(女英雄)because of her amazing work in the Crimean War. She 45 to work hard in Britain to improve hospitals. B.poor C.large D.small
37.A.honest B.unusual C.unhappy D.clever
38.A.look after B.look for C.look across D.look over
39.A.although C.but D.because
40.A.were bored of B.were pleased with C.were worried about D.were interested in
41.A.a little B.few C.little D.a few
42.A.died B.appeared C.failed D.succeeded
43.A.patiently B.carelessly C.normally D.suddenly
44.A.pen B.lamp C.ball D.cup
45.A.thought B.expected C.prepared D.continued
Overnight,TFboys,a boy band consisting of three middle school students,became the talk all over China.Founded in 2013,the oldest member of TFboys is only 18.But the number of their followers on Sina Weibo has reached 11 million.Their music videos are also getting millions of views online.
Some say that TFboys has become popular only because of their pretty faces.But take a serious look at the three boys,and you may find out what has helped them win over so many people.
Karry Wang,18, from Chongqing What did you do when you were 8 years old Wang had become a trainee(练习生) at TF Entertainment at that age.He still goes to school like other kids during weekdays.But his weekends were filled with training classes.He learned how to sing and dance.He had to do the splits (劈叉)again and again.Many boys couldn't stand it and quit,but Wang didn't give up.Before he finally became a TFboy,the tough guy has been practicing for five years.
Roy Wang,17, from Chongqing Fans like to call Wang “Er Yuan” because he is a funny guy who's always telling dry jokes.But when he starts to sing,you'd be thrilled by his clear voice and high pitch(高音).The cheerful boy lives a simple life.He doesn't like to compare himself with others.His mobile phone cost only 300 yuan.He is a big fan of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.He has watched every Pleasant Goat movie at the cinema.
Jackson Yi,17, from Hunan Jackson is the shortest of the three boys,but he definitely has the most splendid resume(履历).He is a top student.He is an excellent dancer.He takes part in TV shows.He has played different roles in many movies.He is even good at calligraphy(书法).When other teenagers show off their new clothes on Weibo,Jackson displays his calligraphy work.How can he be good at so many things?“I'd practice dancing while others were chatting,” he said.
46.What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word
A.过夜 B.昨天晚上
C.一夜之间 D.太晚
47.The oldest boy in the band is only ________ years old.
A.15 B.18 C.13 D.12
48.Like many kids,________ is a big fan of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf.
A.Wang B.Karry Wang
C.Jacson Yi D.TFboys
49.Jackson is not only a top student but also ________.
A.a famous actor B.a good player
C.a great writer excellent dancer
50.About the TFboys,which one is NOT right
A.They became famous all over China.
B.TFboys has become popular only because of their pretty faces.
C.There are three members in the group.
D.Their music videos are enjoyed by millions of people.
On March 14 in 2018, one of science’s brightest stars went dark. Stephen Hawking, the world-famous scientist, died at 76 in Cambridge, UK.
Hawking is considered by many to be the greatest scientist in history since Albert Einstein. He came up with the theory that the universe began with the Big Bang and will end in black holes. His theory became the important base for a lot of later research. He also wrote books to help common people understand the universe. His most famous book is A Brief History of Time(《时间简史》), which has sold more than 10 million copies around the world, according to CNN.
Besides his scientific achievements, Hawking was also someone who had a strong will and positive attitude.
When Hawking was 21, he was told that he had a serious illness that stopped him from walking and talking. Later in life, he had to sit in a wheelchair and “speak” using a computerized voice. But this didn’t stop him from living a meaningful and colorful life. “If one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be psychologically(心理上) disabled as well.” he once said.
Hawking travelled around the world to attend science meeting, visiting every continent, including Antarctica. He was also a fan of popular culture and appeared on TV shows such as Star Trek and The Big Bang Theory.
He celebrated his 60th birthday by going up in a hot-air balloon. When he was 65, he took part in a zero-gravity flight to experience weightlessness. He hoped to travel into space one day.
In 2013, Hawking spoke about how he felt life was unfair when he first knew his illness. “But now, 50 years later, I can be quietly satisfied with my life,” he said peacefully.
51.What is the author’s purpose in writing the article
A.To tell us the brightest star went dark and Hawking died.
B.To introduce Hawking’s famous book A Brief History of Time.
C.To describe how Hawking overcame his serious physical illness.
D.To introduce Hawking’s life to help people remember him.
52.How important is Hawking’s theory that the universe began with the Big Bang and will end in black holes
A.It helped him write all his books to help ordinary people understand the universe.
B.A lot of research which came after the important theory later depends on it.
C.It made his famous book sell more than 10 million copies all over the world.
D.This achievement led him to become a strong and positive famous man.
53.Which of the following statement is TRUE
A.He travelled around the world just in order to pay a visit to every continent.
B.Although Hawking had a serious illness, he still had a wonderful and meaningful life.
C.He was a fan of up-to-date culture and hosted TV shows such as Star Trek and The Big Bang Theory.
D.He was so positive and strong that he still felt satisfied when he was first told he had a serious illness.
54.What does Hawking mean by “If one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be psychologically(心理上) disabled as well.”
A.Although one man has a disabled body, he can still have a strong will and positive attitude.
B.If someone is physically ill, he can’t pay more money to treat his psychological disability.
C.If one is physically disabled, he needn’t have psychological disability because it’s too much for him.
D.Although one man has disabled illness, he can also be psychologically disabled in his life.
55.In what order did the following take place in the story
a. He said that he was happy with his life 50 years later.
b. He had to sit in a wheelchair and began to use a computer to help him speak.
c. He took part in a zero-gravity flight to experience weightlessness.
d. He went up in a hot-air balloon.
e. He couldn’t walk and talk at the age of 21.
A.e-b-a-d-c B.a-e-b-d-c C.e-b-d-c-a D.a-e-d-b-e
Eric Liddell was known as the flying Scotsman(苏格兰人) because he ran so fast. But he is most remembered as a man of honour and bravery.
He was born in 1902 in Tianjin, northern China. In Chinese, he was known as Li Airui. Eric lived in China until the age of five. After that his parents sent him to school in England. In 1920, Eric went to the University of Edinburgh to study science.
Sports played a large part in his life and he became the fastest runner in Scotland. He was chosen to be part of Britain's 1924 Olympic team. The games were in Paris. The 100 metre race was his best event, but it was to be held on a Sunday. Eric,a strong Christian(基督教徒), refused to run on Sundays because he believed that it should be a day of rest as the Bible(圣经) teaches.
Although many people told him to run the race, he refused. Instead he started to train for other distances. At the Olympics he won a bronze medal in the 200 metre race and then a gold medal in the 400 metre race, setting a world record.
Though then famous in Scotland, Eric still loved and remembered China. He wanted to go back to the country where he was born. In 1925, he went to China and worked as a middle school teacher in Tianjin. Then he went to Hebei Province to help the poor people there.
After the Japanese invaded(入侵) China, Eric chose to stay. He wanted to help the sick and give hope to the Chinese people. In 1943, the Japanese sent him to a prison camp(集中营) in Weifang. Even in the camp, he continued to help the old people. He also arranged games for the children, and taught them science.
In 1945, Eric was very ill. He was given a chance to leave the camp but he refused. Instead he gave this chance to a pregnant woman. The inspiring man died six months before the end of the war. Many people still remember his service to the Chinese people of that area.
56.Eric went to England to ________.
A.go to school the Scottish people
C.take part in the Olympic Games
D.visit relatives
57.Eric set a world record in the ________ race.
A.100 metre B.200 metre
C.400 metre D.800 metre
58.Eric returned to China in ________.
A.1920 B.1925
C.1943 D.1945
59.Eric lived in China for ________ years all together.
A.5 B.20
C.25 D.30
60.People remember Eric mainly because of his ________.
A.running B.receiving
Ernest Hemingway, the son of a doctor and a music teacher, was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Ilinois. Hemingway’s father 61 him early on how to hunt and fish, two activities Hemingway loved all his life. 62 of going to college, Hemingway became a reporter for the Kansas City Star. Later, in Europe, he worked 63 a driver for the Italian army until he was wounded and shipped home, where he again wrote for newspapers. Two years later, he moved to Paris, and he hoped to 64 his writing by learning from others. There he became friends with other American writers, 65 Gertrude Stein and F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Hemingway developed a style of writing that was simple and direct. He 66 some easy words to make the readers understand the meaning of his writing. As he put 67 , “I always try to write on the principle (原则) of the iceberg (冰山). There is seven eighths of it under water for every part that shows.” This style continues to 68 writers today. In his life, Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize. He was one of the finest 69 of the twentieth century.
Hemingway loved cats very much, so he kept nearly 50 cats. Hemingway was 70 four times and had three sons. He died in 1961.
A Have you ever heard of Jiuzhaigou National Park It is in Sichuan Province. It is about 450 kilometers to the north of Chengdu. I think it is one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the world. There are blue lakes, waterfalls, forests, mountains and other beautiful sights.
It is said that long long ago, the god of the mountain named Dage fell in love with the goddess Semo. He gave a mirror that was made from wind and cloud to the goddess. She was happy to get it. One day, Semo broke the mirror into 108 pieces by accident. The pieces fell down to the earth and then turned into 108 colourful lakes. The lakes are also called Haizi by the local people.
There are lots of plants and animals in the area. The natural forest covers an area of nearly 30,000 hectares(公顷). The plants have provided a good environment for wild animals. There are many kinds of animals, for example, pandas and monkeys. They make the park more lovely.
The Jiuzhai Valley covers more than 600 square kilometres. You may know the three main valleys—Shuzheng Valley, Rize Valley and Zechawa Valley, but in fact, the sights are far more than you expect. Panda Lake is famous for the longest waterfall and the Arrow Bamboo Lake has a large area of bamboo, the favourite food of pandas.
The best time to visit Jiuzhaigou is autumn, especially September and October.
71.How does the writer like Jiuzhaigou National Park
72.How were the lakes Haizi formed according to the story
73.Why are there many kinds of wild animals in Jiuzhaigou
74.Will visitors be surprised by the sights in Jiuzhaigou
75.When may be the tourist season in Jiuzhaigou
76.学校本周五下午将召开一次以“My favourite sportsperson”为主题的演讲比赛。请你根据下面表格中的内容,写一篇不少于80词的演讲稿,向大家介绍乒乓球运动员马龙。演讲稿的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
姓名 马龙 出生地 辽宁鞍山
出生日期 1988年10月20日 项目 乒乓球
(1)5岁开始学习打乒乓球; (2)13岁时被一名教练看中,到北京继续训练; (3)2003年加入国家队; (4)在2012年的乒乓球世界杯(Table Tennis World Cup)和2015年的乒乓球世锦赛(World Table Tennis Championships)上,获得男单(men’s singles)冠军。
Good afternoon, everyone.
Thanks for listening.




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