
初二英语集中作业 11
一、单项选择 (本题共 10小题;每小题 2分,满分 20分)
1. It was reported that more international charities would be ________within the next century,
which would mean a lot to the people in need.
A.set up B.given up C.put up D.opened up
2. — Diana, don’t jump to any conclusion, ________ when you are impatient.
— Don’t worry, I won’t.
A.Exactly B.especially C.closely D.usually
3. —Song of Autumn by Liu Yuxi describes autumn in a different way.
—I agree. Most poets describe this season to ________ a feeling of sadness, but in Liu’s eyes
autumn is full of life and hope.
A. excuse B. express C. expect D. explain
4. —Would you mind ________ the books for me
A.handing out; My pleasure B.hand out; For pleasure
C.handing out; With pleasure D.hand out; It’s a pleasure
5.—Why hasn’t Tony come
—The invitation message ________ to Toby by accident. I was so careless.
A.sent B.has sent C.is sent D.was sent
6.World Wide Fund for Nature ________ protect environment and animal habitats.
A.works to B.works at C.used to D.is used to
7. —How is your DIY course
—You know, it’s hard for me, but I’ll never ________ because of the coming Culture and Art
A.hand it out B.give it up C.put it out D.turn it up
8.Look at the message on the right. What does it say
A.Dad called the coach to change the time.
B.Nick’s lesson will be finished at 6 o’clock.
C.Nick’s lesson this week is on a different day.
D.The swimming coach won’t give Nick lessons.
9.—________ big difference Tu Youyou has made to modern medicine!
—Yes. She says she will ________ her study.
A.How a; carry on B.How a; carry on with C.What a; carry on with D.What a; carry on
10. —The Chinese football team failed to enter the World Cup again.
— ________ I am not a big fan of football.
A.It makes no difference to me. B.So much for this.
C.Are you serious D.What a pity!
二、完形填空 (每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
Miguel walked around the school, thinking of that boring English homework with
such a stupid topic: The 11 person I’ve known
Who could he write about He knew of a girl whose father had jumped in the river
to save a boy. “That’s 12 . ”he thought. But he didn’t know the man. He left the
school. Suddenly he heard someone behind him call, “Hey.” Miguel 13 . It was
his classmate, Robert. “I got to show you something. ” Robert said.
“What ” Miguel was 14 . Robert said, “Follow me. ”
They came to an alley(巷子). There was a white hen. Then, an idea went through
Miguel’s mind.
He caught the hen by the neck and put it into a 15 on the ground and
quickly tied the end closed. “What are you going to do with it ” Robert asked 16 .
“Sell it. ” Miguel answered. He would sell it to a mean neighbor, Mr. Shafer, who
once kept hens in his yard.
“I think it’s 17 . ” said Robert, angrily. “I’m out here. ” “Go, then!” Miguel
Robert walked out of the alley. 18 he left, he turned and shouted at Miguel,
“You will 19 !” he cried. “I know it!”
Yeah right, Miguel thought. Maybe this wasn’t such a good 20 . However,
carrying the bag, he still walked toward Mr. Shafer’s home. There he got three dollars
from Mr. Shafer.
After arriving home, Miguel sat on his front porch(门廊 ) and recalled Robert’s
“What have I done Mr. Shafer’s really going to 21 it!” Miguel said to
himself. He hadn’t cried for at least a year, but now he felt his eyes growing 22 .
Yes, he had done a bad, bad thing.
“I’ll save her. ” He whispered. He couldn’t stop imagining the little hen in the bag,
with his hands touching the 23 in his pocket.
He hurried to Mr. Shafer’s house and walked slowly 24 the lawn, shuddering(
发抖) from fear. Then Miguel saw the hen. He took out the three dollars from his pocket,
put them on the porch and left with the hen.
Again, he 25 the topic: “The bravest Person I’ve Known. ” Did saving a hen
from a mean man require courage
11.A. cleverest B. nicest C. bravest D. luckiest
12.A. pride B. imagination C. excitement D. courage
13.A. shook B. moved C. turned D. walked
14.A. angry B. curious C. relaxed D. amazed
15. A. bag B. pocket C. box D. cage
16. A. happily B. sadly C. surprisingly D. wildly
17. A. right B. wrong C. boring D. interesting
18. A. Before B. After C. If D. Until
19. A. forget B. regret C. stop D. wait
20. A. day B. story C. boy D. idea
21. A. check B. obey C. cook D. keep
22. A. big B. small C. dry D. wet
23. A. hen B. toy C. key D. money
24. A. across B. through C. over D. by
25. A. expected B. remembered C. accepted D. refused
三、阅读理解 (每小题 2.5 分,满分 20 分)
You may not like it, but learning English is necessary if you want to succeed abroad. Not just
that, you have to show your knowledge of the English language on one of the two major English
proficiency (水平) examinations: the IELTS (雅思) or the TOEFL (托福).
Which test you should take depends on your goal. The TOEFL remains the top exam in the
US. But the IELTS is popular in the US but it is already the liked better test in the UK and
There are also differences in the examinations themselves. They both measure (测试 ) the
four main language requirements: speaking, reading, writing and listening. However, the exams
are very different in their form and methodology (方法).
“Compared with the TOEFL, the IELTS test requires you to actually have a grasp (掌握) of
the language and an ability to use it, rather than simply being well prepared for the test,” explains
IELTS examiner Julian Fisher.
The key reasons for this are that the IELTS exam requires fill-in answers as opposed to (相对
于) multiple choice (选择题), and its speaking section is done with a real examiner instead of a
computer. The examinee is given a topic related to daily life.
“The face-to-face interview with a trained speaker of English allows for communicative
interaction, which reflects real academic (学术的 ) and workplace situations,” said senior exam
marketing officer Pang Shuai. What scores do I need
For the IELTS, a band score of 5 to 7 is fine for the majority of undergraduate and
post-graduate programs. For top schools, you will probably need at least a 7.
When it comes to the TOEFL, there is a range. It all depends on the colleges. Mediocre (普通
的) schools will let you get by with a score as low as 60. For a top-tier university, on the other
hand, you will need to score upwards of 100 points on your TOEFL.
26.What does Paragraph 2 suggest
A.In the US, the TOEFL score is not as important as it once was.
B.IELTS is more widely accepted than TOEFL by US schools.
C.The TOEFL score is liked better in Australian universities.
D.Universities in the UK mainly see students’ IELTS scores.
27.Which of the following is a difference between the TOEFL and the IELTS
A.The TOEFL checks four English skills, while IELTS doesn’t.
B.The IELTS tests focus more on test-taking skills.
C.There are no fill-in answers in the TOEFL tests.
D.The IELTS interviews test-takers on the computer.
28.What does Pang Shuai think of the face-to-face interview
A.More exams should take this exam form.
B.It is a useful skill in one’s studies and at work.
C.This exam form can make test-takers more relaxed.
D.A test-taker can score high simply by preparing well.
29.If you want to go to a top university in the UK or US, ________.
A.a 7 on the IELTS is probably a must
B.a score of 60 on the TOEFL is enough
C.you should take both the TOEFL and IELTS
D.you need a 7.5 on the IELTS for post-graduate programs
Delia was a young pianist with a kind, generous nature. Her husband Joe was a young painter
who is honest and hardworking. They lived in a small flat after they got married.
Each of them was taking lessons—Joe with a famous art teacher, and Delia with a great
pianist from Germany. They were the best teachers, so lessons were expensive, more than they
could really afford, but... when you love your art, nothing is too much.
And soon the money began to run out and they couldn’t afford the lessons any more. Then
one day Delia came home and told Joe that she had met a man. The man’s daughter, Sally, wanted
to learn the piano and he was going to pay her 50 dollars an hour.
“Delia,” Joe said, “I’d be much happier if you go on with your lessons.” Delia said that it
didn’t matter. She said, “When I’ve earned some money, I’ll start again. When you love your art,
nothing is too much.” But Joe decided that he was also going to stop his lessons and paint pictures
and try to sell them.
A few days later, Joe came home and proudly took 200 dollars from his pocket. Delia
laughed and asked him where he’d got it from. “A man from Vermont bought one of my paintings.
And he wants to buy more!” So the two of them were happy for a while. They didn’t have to
worry anymore about finding the money to buy food and pay the bills. They missed their lessons,
but that didn’t seem to matter.
Then, one day, Joe came home and saw that Delia’s hand was covered in a bandage(绷带).
He asked her what had happened and if she was all right. “Oh,” said Delia. “My student, Sally
asked me to make some coffee for her. So I did and I dropped the coffee and burned my hand. But
she went straight to the medicine shop and got this bandage for me.”
Joe sat down and told Delia to sit down too. “Delia, what have you been doing the last two
weeks ” he asked. She tried not to tell him, but then the tears began. “Oh Joe, I couldn’t get
students so I got a job as a waitress in a restaurant. And today I burned my hand with hot water. So
I can’t work any more. I’m sorry, Joe, but we’ll still have money from the man in Vermont, won’t
we ”
Joe looked at her. “There’s no man in Vermont,” he said. “I haven’t sold any paintings. I’ve
been working in a medicine shop, and today someone came from the restaurant to buy bandages
for a woman who’d burned her hand. So when I saw you—well, I guessed.”
They both laughed. “So we’ve told each other lies,” said Joe. “But when you love your art, ...”
Delia put her fingers to his lips. “No, Joe,” she said. “When you love someone, nothing is too
30.Who does the underlined word “They” mean in the passage
A.The young couple Joe and Delia. B.The rich man and his daughter Sally.
C.The art teacher and the German pianist. D.The man in Vermont and the waitress.
31.How did Joe feel when he heard Delia’s decision in Paragraph 4
A.Worried. B.Excited. C.Interested.D.Happy.
32.Which is the correct order of the following
a. Joe took painting lessons and Delia took piano lessons.
b. They decided to stop their lessons and earn some money.
c. Their money ran out so that they couldn’t afford the lessons.
d. Delia and Joe told the truth to each other and laughed happily.
e. Delia and Joe got married and lived in a small flat in New York.
A.e-a-c-b-d B.a-e-c-b-d C.a-e-d-b-c D.e-d-a-c-b
33.What does the writer want to tell us
A.The value of art. B.The power of love.
C.The meaning of work. D.The importance of money.
四、信息还原 六选五(每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
Perhaps you have heard of a love story named The Legend of White Snake《白
蛇传》. 34.___________ It’s a love story between White Snake and Xu Xian. It has
a connection to the Dragon Boat Festival in China.
Once upon a time, there were two snakes, White Snake and Green Snake.
They had magical powers and turned into two beautiful young ladies.
35.___________ White Snake quickly fell in love with him. They got married soon
and lived happily.
The Dragon Boat Festival came. In those days, people drink realgar wine ( 雄 黄
酒 ).36.___________ If she drank the wine, she would turn into the snake again. However, Xu
Xian didn’t know anything about it, so he asked his wife to drink realgar wine. 37._________
When Xu Xian entered the room, he couldn't find his wife. He only saw a huge white snake on the
bed. 38.__________Later, White Snake recovered. In order to save her husband, she went to steal
magical herb(草药)from a god.
In the end, the god was so moved by her true love that he saved Xu Xian. What a moving
love story!
A. He was frightened(受惊吓的)to death.
B. White Snake is very beautiful.
C. It’s a very famous traditional Chinese story.
D. Soon White Snake became badly ill and went into her room.
E. At the West Lake of Hangzhou, they met a man called Xu Xian.
F. But it was dangerous for White Snake to drink this kind of wine.
五、首字母填空(每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
The history of ORBIS International began in the 1970s. At that time, Dr. David Paton from
the USA visited many d 39 countries. He found that the high costs prevented most doctors
and nurses in these areas from receiving international medical t 40 programmes.
Dr. Paton thought there should be a mobile teaching hospital. ORBIS flying eye hospital took
off for the f 41 time in 1982. Since then, the flying eye hospital and its international m
42 team have carried out treatment and training programmes in more than 85 countries.
ORBIS has s 43 up a programme called Cyber-Sight. It works through the Cyber-sight
Website to p 44 an e-library and e-learning programmes for doctors and nurses.
So far, more than 3,000,000 people have directly received medical treatment and more than
124,000 doctors and nurses have got c 45 to be trained in ORBIS programmes. As we all
know, the p 46 of the organization is to help poor people with eye problems. ORBIS workers
are p 47 to help people see again. They think their work is quite m 48 .
六、短文填空(每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
There are many means of transportation. But sometimes the 49 (easy) way to get
somewhere is on the back of a bike. More 50 more people are using cars in many
places in Africa today. However, 51 (thing) are different in Malawi. Bikes are the
52 (popular) in this African country. Bike riding 53 (play) an important role in
people’s daily life in Malawi. People use bikes to carry heavy things. They also use 54
(they) to carry people. These years, 55 (choose) a “bicycle taxi” to travel around
Malawi becomes pretty popular among tourists from all 56 the world.
57 you go to Malawi, you will find a lot of bike taxis waiting on 58 (side)
of the roads. The riders make the bikes comfortable for passengers (乘客) to sit on. You can jump
on a bike taxi and get around at a very low price.



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