外研版(一起)四年级上册 Module4 单元测试 (无答案无听力原文无音频)

(时间:60分钟 总分100分)
( )1.A.people B.paper C.paint
( )2.A. printed B.print C.printing
( )3.A.house B.home C.mouse
( )4.A.behind B. beside C.between
( )5.A. park B.last c.past
( )1.What's this
A. B.
( )2.Where is the pen
A. B.
( )3.What didn't Chinese people invent
A.Paper or printing. B.The bicycle or the car
( )4. Where was Lucy
A.She was beside the two boys.
B.She was in front of the two boys.
( )5.Where is the newspaper
It's between the desks. B.It's between the chairs.
Do you know Cai Lun He was Chinese. He was great, because he
1. 2. . It was not easy to make paper. But Cai Lun was a clever 3. . Paper is quite4. to us.
( )1.The man invented paper .
( )2.The bicycle is beside the tree.
( )3.The book is important,but it’s boring .
( )4.There is a mouse between the cars.
( )5.These are my favourite things.
( )1.The man is beside his house.
A. paint B. house C.between
( ) 2.Chinese people didn’t invent the train.
A. English B.beside C. Children
( ) 3.I printed our class newspaper yesterday.
printing B.beside C.invented
( ) 4. That is a clever boy.
bicycle B. important C.from
( ) 5. She was from the US.
A.paper B.thing C.for
1. (China) people are very kind(友好的)。
2. I (print)our class newspaper yesterday.
(this) boys are very clever.
Paper and (print) are from China.
Do you want some (paper)
1.The girl is b the two trees.
2.The book is o the desk.
3.Lingling is i the two girls.
4. The shoes are u the chair.
5.The ball is b the box.
Chinese people are printing clever invented
Chinese people 1. very brave(勇敢的)and 2. .They
3. many important things . The four great inventions of ancient China(四大发明) are famous(著名的) all over the world .Chinese people invented paper. It was named paper-making(造纸术).Chinese people invented 4. .Chinese people invented the compass(指南针)and gunpowder(火药),too.We are proud(自豪的)of 5. .
1.I print our class newspaper. (用yesterday改写句子)
2.What did Chinese people invent (用paper回答问题)
3.He invented this car.(改为否定句)
He .
4.things people Chinese many invented important( . ) (连词成句)
5.Where is Amy (根据图片回答问题)
Hello, everyone! Welcome to our museum. Let me introduce(介绍) some inventions to you.
Look! This is a pen.American people invented the first pen in the world. Beside the pen is an abacus(算盘).Chinese people invented the abacus.We can use it to calculate(计算).Chinese people are clever.They also invented printing.Look at that!It's between the ruler and the eraser. Yes, it's a ballpoint pen(圆珠笔).It was designed(设计)by an American reporter(记者).
3. Who invented the pen
4. What can we do with the abacus
5. Where is the eraser



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