Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?单元达标检测(含答案)人教版八年级英语下册

Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came
I. 单项选择。(20分)
( )1.What's the weather like in summer here
一It's hot.Sometimes it rains
A.clearly B.heavily
( )2.There is a ruler on the ground.Please
A. pickup it
B. pick it up
C. pickup them D. pick them up
( )3.The pupil was so tired that he at his desk.
A.got up B.woke up
C.fell asleep D.went to bed
( )4.一 I went to your home yesterday morning,but you were not in. 一 Well I along the river at that time
A.walked B.was walking
C.am walking D.have walked
( )5.I was reading English the teacher came in.
A.when B.while
C.as soon as D.so that
( )6.He did all this silence,and very rapidly.
A.at B.of
C.with D.in
( )7.-Could you tell me yuanjciao in China 一Usually at the Lantern Festival.
A. when people eat
B. how people eat
C. when do people eat D. how do people eat
( )8.She tried to understand the passage,but she was at sea(不知所云).
A. completelyB.more C.much D.complete
( )9.Finally,the breeze(微风)has begun to
A.die out B.fall over
C.die down D.wake up
( )10.—I saw a UFO on the playground yesterday.
A.You're kidding!
B. I'm sorry to hear that. C. That's a good idea.
D. No problem. Ⅱ.完形填空。(20分)
It was a hot summer evening.Kevin and his brother Alan were l1 soccer in the backyard.After a while,they decided to drink some orange juice and watch TV in the house.12 the TV was off.
Alan tried to turn it back on,but 13 happened.They soon realized that there was no electricity(电). What could they do Kevin suggested going outside to do some 14 watching.Without streetlights, the stars were bright and 15 to see.Lying on the grass,they saw different kinds of stars 16 they even saw the planet Mars.Kevin and Alan had never realized 17fantastic the night sky could be.
After watching the stars for an hour,the boys 18 the house.It was very dark except for a few 19 that their parents had lighted.The family spent the night playing cards and telling stories by candlelight.Kevin and Alan had never thought of having such a night 20 electricity like that before. They really enjoyed watching stars.
( )11.A.buying B.selling
C.playing D.watching
( )12.A.Luckily B.Suddenly
C.Certainly D.After
( )13.A.everything B.anything
C.nothing D.something
( )14.A.flowers B.stars
C.birds D.animals
( )15.A.easy B.difficult
C.impossible D.possible
( )16.A.or B.and
C.but D./
( )17.A.what B.how
C.which D.why
( )18.A.went into B.went over
C.went up D.went off ()19.A.matches B.lights
C.candles D.sunlight ( )20.A.without B.with
C.throughout D.through ⅢI.补全对话。(io 分)
A:Lily,what were you doing when the fire started
A:Did you smell the smoke B:No,but Alice did.
B:She was doing sports on the playground. A:23.
B:He was playing computer games.24. C:I was watching TV at home when the fire started.
B;Then what did you do C:25.
A. Where was she
B. Where were you,Tom
C. What was Jack doing
D. She was making the bed.
E. I was studying at home.
F. I gave a call to the fire department.
G. I visited my uncle in the countryside.
IV. 阅读理解。(30分)
In the morning Mr.Smith comes into the garden at the back of his house.He sees so much snow in the garden.Mr.Smith wants to take his car out,so he asks a man to clean the road from his garage(车库)to the gate.He says to the man,"Don't throw any snow on that side.It will damage(损 坏)the flowers in my garden,and don't throw any on the other side for it will damage the wall.And don't throw any into the street,or the policeman will come.”Then he goes out.
When he comesback,the road is clean.There is no snow on the flowers ,on the wall or in the street.But when he opens the garage to get his car out,he sees that the garage is full of snow,and that his car is under the snow!
( )26.In the morning Mr.Smith finds is full ofsnow
A.his garden B.his garage
C.his house D.his car
( )27.He wants a man to clean the road because he
A.doesn't like snow at all
B.likes the clean road
C.wants to take his car out of the garage
D.often asks the man to do something
()28.Where does Mr.Smith tell the man to throw the snow in the garden
A. On the flowers. B. Into the street. C. On the wall.
D. We don't know.
()29.He opens the garage
A. and takes his car out
B. and finds it's full of snow C. and finds there is no air in
D.and takes snow out
( )30.Where is Mr.Smith's car
A. Under the snow.
B. In the street.
C. Near the road.
D. In front of his house.
Linda loves her dog Davy.They went to New York City last Saturday.
While Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station,the dog got out of his box and ran away. The station was crowded and Linda couldn't see Davy anywhere.When Linda shouted his name, some people looked at her but Davy didn't come.Then she called the police.While she was talking on the telephone Davy met another dog outside the station.While the police were coming,Linda walked around the station and called Davy's name.She didnt think about looking outside the station. Finally,a little boy said to her,“Did you look outside I saw a big black dog when I came in.”When Linda finally saw Davy,he was jumping and running with another dog.There was a police officer next to them.The police officer said to Linda,”I think my dog found your dog.”
31. When did Linda go to New York city (不超过5个词)
32. What was Linda doing when Davy ran away (不超过5个词)
33. What did Linda do when she couldn't find her dog (不超过10个词)
34. At last,who found Linda's dog (不超过5个词)
35.Where did Linda find Davy (不超过10个词)
V.单词拼写。 (5分)
36. S (突然)my clock went off.
37. Has she got an a (闹钟)to wake her up every morning
38. Donl1 push a (碰,撞)the door.You may fall off.
39. When he was a p (学生), he often made his teacher angry
40. Do you hear of the Leifeng T ( 塔 ) Do you know the story of Xu Xian and White Snake
VI.书面表达。 (15分)
以“My Weekend”为题,写一篇作文。尽量使用过去进行时,提示如下,可适当发挥,80词左
提示1.周六早上写作业,中午妈妈带我在麦当劳吃饭,下午去拜访姑姑; 2 . 周 日 上 午 帮 妈 妈 做 家 务 , 下 午 玩 电 脑 , 晚 上 去 散 步 。
My Weekend
I.1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.A
8.A 9.C 10.A
Ⅱ.11.C 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.B
17.B 18.A 19.C 20.A
Ⅲ.21.E 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.F
IV.26.A 27.C 28.D 29.B 30.A
31.Last Saturday.
32.She was buying a newspaper. 33.She called the police.
34.The police officer's dog. 35.Outside the station.
V.36.Suddenly 37.alarm 38.against
39.pupil 40.Tower V.One possible version:
My Weekend
I had fun playing last weekend.
On Saturday morning,I got up early.I started to do my homework.While I was doing my homework,my mother was washing clothes.After finishing my homework,my mother took me to McDonald's to eat lunch. The food was delicious.I liked it.In the after- noon we went to visit my aunt.We had a great
dinner there.I got up late on Sunday morning.I ī共6页
helped my mother to do some chores.In the afternoon I played computer games.Then I took a walk outside in the evening.



