Unit 6 The power of plants 基础卷(含答案)-- 外研版(2024) 七年级英语上册

Unit 6 The power of plants
满分为90分 考试用时为70分钟
How often do you see a plant you don’t know about Your 1 don’t know it either. You want 2 it up online, but where do you start Now a simple kind of plant identification (识别) app may help you 3 the problem.
You can hold up 4 smartphone and take a clear picture of the unknown plant. Then you submit (提交) 5 picture. After a very short time, the app will show the name of the plant and other 6 information (信息). The app can identify 7 than 4,000 plants. There 8 also some other plant identification apps nowadays.
Maybe plants are not the only things you love in nature. 9 about it. Scientists 10 to design some apps that help identify birds, butterflies and animals. It will be easier for you to know about them.
1.A.parent B.parents C.parent’s
2.A.looking B.look C.to look
3.A.with B.in C.for
4.A.you B.your C.yours
5.A.a B.an C.the
6.A.useful B.uses C.use
7.A.much B.more C.many
8.A.have B.is C.are
9.A.Not worry B.Don’t worry C.Don’t worried
10.A.are trying B.tries C.has tried
The name of the redwood tree comes from its colour. Redwood trees are very tall. They’re even taller than some 11 , for example, a 2-storey (层) house. They’re the tallest trees of all. 12 do they grow so tall Well, they grow as long as they live. And they 13 a very long time. Some redwood trees can even live for 2,000 years!
Coast redwood trees usually grow by the sea. The 14 there is just right for them. It’s not too cold or too 15 . There’s a lot of rain. They grow well in the rain.
If you see a redwood tree, you’ll 16 that its bark (树皮) is really thick. It’s 15 to 30cm thick. Bugs (虫子) 17 redwood bark, because it has a bad taste. The thick bark helps 18 the trees from fires, too. Redwood trees are very big, 19 their seeds are pretty small. A redwood seed is as small as a tomato seed. In fact, 20 redwood trees don’t come from seeds sometimes. New redwood trees can grow from the stump (树桩) of the old redwood trees.
11.A.people B.bookshelves C.animals D.buildings
12.A.Which B.How C.Where D.When
13.A.live B.stay C.stand D.keep
14.A.air B.food C.weather D.water
15.A.cool B.hot C.rainy D.dry
16.A.worry about B.call back C.make sure D.find out
17.A.dislike B.choose C.enjoy D.watch
18.A.learn B.stop C.get D.cut
19.A.and B.or C.but D.so
20.A.thin B.old C.high D.new
Hello, I am Jenny. I’m 13 years old. I live with my parents in a big city. I always study hard on weekdays. My grandparents live on a farm and I often visit them on weekends. On the farm are many kinds of animals, such as cows, sheep, pigs, dogs and chickens. I like to play with them because it can make me happy.
One day, I find a little duck on the farm. He has no family or friends, and he often walks alone (独自). He is cute and I call him Tom. I want to take care of him. After that, I often bring him some fish and play with him. Little by little, the duck becomes friendly to me. Then, on Saturday mornings, when Tom sees me on the farm, he always runs up to me like a little dog. Sometimes he follows (跟着) me. We sit together and read books. We feel happy. One Saturday evening, my grandfather asks me, “Why does the little duck like you so much ” “Oh, because he can feel my love, Grandpa,” I answer happily.
Do you have an animal friend If (如果) you don’t, please try to get one! It’s important to love animals.
21.What does Jenny often do on weekends
A.She often studies hard. B.She often does homework.
C.She often sees her grandparents. D.She often reads books.
22.Why does Jenny like to play with the animals on the farm
A.Because the animals are her family. B.Because she wants to give them good food.
C.Because she wants to make friends with Tom. D.Because playing with them is happy for Jenny.
23.When Jenny finds the little duck, he ________.
A.often walks with his mother B.sometimes follows her into the forest
C.doesn’t have any friends or family D.often gets good food from her grandpa
24.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Jenny’s parents live on the farm. B.There are only five kinds of animals on the farm.
C.The duck likes Jenny very much. D.Jenny likes running and reading books in the forest.
25.Jenny writes this passage to ________.
A.introduce (介绍) herself B.find more animal friends
C.help people make friends D.ask people to love animals
①Scientists found that plants can make sounds.
②A scientist Lily Hadany and her team recorded (录制) tomato plants at different times. It showed that the plants made ultrasound (超声波). Humans could only hear them with the help of a computer.
③As the scientists studied the sounds, they began to find some interesting facts. Plants made different sounds at different times. They hardly made sounds when they had enough water, but as the earth got drier, they made more sounds. Scientists also found that plants made sounds when they got hurt. When scientists cut a part of stem from the plants, the plants also made sounds. But the sounds weren’t the same as when the plants needed water.
④Some scientists trained a computer AI system to identify (识别) the different kinds of sounds. It could find the difference between plants that needed water and plants with cuts. It means that one day we may use these sounds to figure out what problem it is having. That could be very helpful to farmers.
26.Which of the following may you need if you want to hear the sounds of plants
A. B. C. D.
27.How does the writer show the interesting facts in Paragraph 3
A.By giving examples. B.By telling stories. C.By asking questions. D.By using numbers.
28.What does the underlined phrase “figure out” mean in Paragraph 4
A.Think about. B.Put out. C.Find out. D.Care about.
29.What can people do with the help of the team’s findings
A.Stop people from cutting down trees.
B.Help farmers to know more about their plants.
C.Know how to identify different sounds faster.
D.Hear more beautiful sounds from different plants.
30.What is the structure (结构) of the passage
A.①/②③/④ B.①②③/④ C.①/②/③④ D.①/②③④
One day in the afternoon, I am doing my homework when Dad comes back home with a box. There is something moving in it. 31 Wow, there is a small dog in it. It is all black with big white feet. 32 From that day on, Socks becomes one of our family members.
Now Socks is five years old. 33 We take good care of it. We give it biscuits (饼干), meat and an egg every day. It loves biscuits best and always wants more. 34 When I come back from school, it is waiting for me at the door. Socks is smart.
35 My little cousin Jenny was afraid of dogs, but now she enjoys playing with Socks. “I’d like to have a pet dog like Socks too!” she smiles and says.
A.I love it very much.
B.It grows into a big dog.
C.Dad asks me to open the box.
D.Keeping a dog is good for you.
E.Visitors to my home also love Socks.
F.Every morning, Socks wakes me up before six.
G.It looks like it were wearing socks, so I name it Socks.
Mr Green and Mr Johnson lived next to each other. They grew the same plants, but treated them in different 36 (way). Mr Green gave his plants a little water, but Mr Johnson gave a lot of water to his plants and looked after them so well.
One day, during 37 night, there was heavy rain and strong wind. The next morning, both of the neighbours (邻居) 38 (come) out to check their plants. Mr Johnson saw that his plants were dead from the roots. But his neighbour’s plants were still alive.
Mr Johnson was 39 (surprise) to see it and asked, “I looked after my plants more 40 (careful) than you did. Still, my plants died from the roots, but yours didn’t. 41 ”
Mr Green smiled 42 said, “You gave your plants so much water that they didn’t need to work themselves 43 it. I just gave my plants a little water and 44 (they) roots had to look for more. Because of that, their roots went deeper (更深) and that made them 45 (strong). That is why my plants survived (存活). ”
A 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息回答问题。
I find Internet is very good for shopping. I use it more and more for buying books and CDs, and I even bought some clothes over the Internet. The other thing I can do on the Internet is to book holidays. I booked a flight to visit Shanghai Expo Garden last week. It was easy and really good.
I use the Internet for games. I play chess with people all over the world. Last night I had a game with someone from Japan. I also download games from the Internet, so I can have any game I want.
I use the Internet for anything I need to help me with my school work. I use the online dictionaries, encyclopedias (百科全书) and magazines. It’s great because I can download pictures and information to use in my homework. It’s very easy to use and it’s free, so I like it.
Well, the main thing I use the Internet for is sending emails. I usually write to my clients (客户) by email, and my clients answer me by email, too. We probably send and receive four or five hundred emails a month. But of course, I also use emails to keep in touch with friends and family. My daughter is in Australia and we send emails to each other every day.
46.Who likes to use the Internet to do some shopping
47.What did David do last night
48.How often do Tony and his daughter send emails to each other
49.What does Peter use to help him with his school work on the Internet
50.Does David use the Internet to play games or send emails
B 51.书面表达
现在,购物方式很多,但随着电脑的普及和网络的发展,越来越多的人选择网上购物,作为中学生的你喜欢网购吗?你认为网购有哪些优点和缺点?请你以“Online shopping”为题写一篇英语短文。
Online shopping
Nowadays, there are many ways of shopping and online shopping is one of them. More and more people choose to shop online.
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A
11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.D
21.C 22.D 23.C 24.C 25.D
26.B 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.D
31.C 32.G 33.B 34.F 35.E
36.ways 37.the 38.came 39.surprised 40.carefully 41.Why 42.and 43.for 44.their 45.stronger
46.Henry likes to use the Internet to do some shopping. 47.He had a game with someone from Japan last night. 48.They send emails to each other every day. 49.He uses the online dictionaries, encyclopedias and magazines. 50.He uses the Internet to play games. 51.例文
Online shopping
Nowadays, there are many ways of shopping and online shopping is one of them. More and more people choose to shop online.
I like shopping online, too.
Online shopping has several advantages. First, you can buy anything you like without going out of your house. It helps us save time. Second, we may also save money because the things online are much cheaper.
But it has some disadvantages. First, when we are shopping online, we can’t see the products. Second, lower prices make people shop for useless things. It wastes much money. Third, paying over the Internet isn’t always safe.
Online shopping is fun, but we must pay attention to it.



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