鲁教版五四制八年级下册 Unit 3 Where would you like to visit 同步练习卷(含解析)

鲁教版五四制八年级下册《Unit 3 Where would you like to visit》同步练习卷
1.(1分)﹣Do you know that China is one of countries in the world?
﹣Yes,I do.It's much than the US.(  )
A.oldest;older B.the oldest;older
C.the oldest;elder D.the older;elder
2.(1分)The more you smile,the ________ you will feel.(  )
A.happy B.happier
C.happily D.more happily
3.(1分)______Mum turned off the light, we all fell into a deep sleep.(  )
A.As soon as B.If
C.Although D.Even though
4.(1分)You should ______ it carefully before ______ a composition.(  )
A.consider; write
B.consider; writing
C.considering; writing
5.(1分)﹣﹣Did you sleep well last night?
﹣﹣Oh,no. noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad.(  )
A.Too much B.Much too C.Too many D.So many
6.(1分)You're supposed ______ your room up before you go out.(  )
A.to clean B.clean C.cleaning
7.(1分)﹣I don't know where to go this summer vacation.
﹣Why not ______ visiting Mount Tai?There are many places of interest there.(  )
A.wonder B.consider C.regard D.been
8.(1分)You are to type quickly when talking to each other on QQ so the other person doesn't get bored.(  )
A.suggested B.supported C.taught D.supposed
9.(1分)I paid 50 dollars, ______postage and packing.(  )
A.including B.included C.include D.includes
10.(1分)Earthquakes always happen ______,so it is difficult to know when they come?(  )
A.hopefully B.suddenly C.usually D.luckily
11.(1分)An earthquake happened on May 12th,2015 in Nepal,and ______people lost their lives.(  )
A.thousands of B.thousand
12.(1分)The young man walked ____ the forest and came to a big river at last(  )
A.on B.over C.through D.across
13.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Do you think the snow will stop tomorrow?
﹣﹣﹣______.It has snowed for four days.It's too slippery everywhere.(  )
A.I hope not B.I'm sure it is
C.I'm afraid it will D.I hope so
14.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday?
﹣﹣﹣_________.It's one of the world's cleanest cities.(  )
A.Sounds great B.Not at all
C.You're kidding D.You're welcome
15.(1分)﹣Hurry up,or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park.
﹣______.We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins.(  )
A.Take it easy B.Good luck
C.I guess so D.Take care
16.(15分)I was in the most beautiful city in the world,yet I only wanted home.
It was a(an) (1)   week for my husband and me﹣the trip of a lifetime.Months ago,when my husband told me that he would have a meeting in London.I expressed my (2)   to go to Europe together with him.Then we asked his mother to (3)   our two children and started off.
During the week's time,(4)   visited London and Paris﹣as much as we could,Big Ben,the Louvre and so on.All these were beautiful places we expected (5)   before.We really enjoyed ourselves.
On our last night in Paris,(6)   we enjoyed the night view(夜景) of the Eiffel Tower,my husband called home.His mother (7)   the phone.In a second,my husband's face fell and he looked so(8)   .I could feel something (9)   happened.
"What's wrong?"I asked.
He didn't answer and continued to listen.A few minutes later,he said (10)   to me that Tony,our seven﹣year﹣old son,had fallen off his bike and (11)   his leg.He must be sent to hospital at once.
At that moment,Paris suddenly (12)   its charm(魅力).
"I don't want to be here!I shouldn't be here!I should be home (13)   my kids!"
We hurried back to our hotel and then to the airport …
Finally,we got home.We (14)   our children's bedroom.Seeing our two children,I suddenly realized the truth:there is no (15)   sight(风景)in the world than your children's faces that greet you at home.
(1) A.amazing B.terrible C.hard D.good
(2) A.question B.wish C.step D.place
(3) A.look after B.talk with C.find out D.wake up
(4) A.he B.she C.we D.they
(5) A.to see B.to find C.to bring D.to take
(6) A.after B.since C.though D.because
(7) A.shouted B.finished C.wrote D.answered
(8) A.relaxed B.worried C.happy D.glad
(9) A.ugly B.useful C.right D.bad
(10) A.hardly B.clearly C.sadly D.truly
(11) A.danced B.broken C.thrown D.opened
(12) A.lost B.got C.made D.looked
(13) A.toward B.with C.under D.from
(14) A.left away B.rushed into C.got out D.showed off
(15) A.quieter B.richer C.sweeter D.wider
17.(10分)Venice is the "Queen" of the Adriatic Sea (亚得里亚海).Every year thousands of people from all over the world travel to Italy to visit the city.Do you know why they like to go there for a visit?
Venice is a very beautiful city.It is quite different from other cities in the world.There aren't any roads and streets in the city.So there aren't any cars and buses.There are many canals(运河) in the city.There is one big canal and one hundred and seventy﹣seven small canals.People move up and down the canals in boats to go to work,go shopping or visit their friends.
But Venice is sinking.It is going down and the water is going up.In 2040 Venice will be under water,The Adriatic Sea will cover the city.The Venetians(威尼斯人) love their city and want to stay there.So they want to save Venice from the sea.They do not want to leave.How can they save Venice?They can build some strong huge walls and gates in the sea.The gates will close to keep too much water out.Thus Venice will not sink.
(1)From this short article we know Venice is    .
A.a very beautiful woman of the Adriatic Sea
B.the most important woman in Italy
C.a very important and beautiful place of the Adriatic Sea
D.the most important city in Italy
(2)People from all parts of the world go to visit Venice because    .
A.there are 177 canals in the city
B.it is sinking into the Adriatic Sea
C.there are a lot of kinds of boats on the canals
D.it is not only beautiful but also quite different from other cities
(3)The Venetians usually go to work or visit their friends    .
A.by bus
B.by bike
C.in cars
D.in boats
(4)Year by year the Adriatic Sea _____and Venice _____.   
A.is rising;is sinking
B.is going down;is going up
C.has risen;has sunk
D.will go up;will go do
(5)Because the Adriatic Sea will cover it,the Venetians    .
A.have to leave Venice in 2040
B.will try to do something to save their city
C.want to stay there until the water covers the city
D.do not love the city any longer
JessyAustralia at last !The flight was firing,but here I am at last.In Sydney Look!Here we are at last !The Sydney Opera House !It looks like shells !It's wonderful and amazing !And I'm taking the,plane to New Zealand on Tuesday.I'll post again from there. DonnaCoffee and Paris !Paris is beautiful !We went on o great city tour.We also took a boat ride on the River Seine.And it's nicer to just sit at a street cafe and watch the world go by.But.to tell you a secret.Frank's disappointed because no one can understand his.French ! AnnaDon't come here !We're staying at a form in Utah.There is nearly nothing !It's too quiet.Every morning.we get up really early,and we ride the horses.Then it's breakfast and more riding ﹣not my idea of fun !So,today!walked 100 little town near the form where they actually have Internet !Next week we' re shopping in New York!I can't wait !
(1)Where is Jessy writing from?    
B.New Zealand.
(2)What did Donna and Frank do during their travelling?    
A.They visited museums.
B.They took a boat ride.
C.They sat at a street park.
D.They watched movies in the cinema.
(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to Anna's Moments(朋友圈)?    
A.It is too noisy around the farm.
B.Her idea of fun is horse riding.
C.She is going to London next week.
D.She cannot use Internet at the farm.
19.(1分)Can you help me   (翻译) this English poem into Chinese?
20.(1分)Our school is   (方便的)to the station.
21.(1分)Tony likes sports,    (尤其是)football.
22.(1分)West Lake in Hangzhou is a f    place.It's well worth seeing.
23.(1分)According to the s   , 80% of the students in this school watch TV every day.
24.(1分)Washington,D.C.is the c    city of the U.S.
25.(1分)Now driving after w   is against the law in China.
26.(10分)The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route(路线) between China and the Mediterranean(地中海).It started (51)   (在…期间) the Western Han Dynasty and has been a(52)   (桥) between East and West for over 2,000 years.
The road started from Chang'an(now Xi'an) and ended in Eastern( 53)   (欧洲的) country,near today's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea.It was about 6,500 kilometres long and crossed one (54)   (第四) of the planet.
The Silk Road got its name because Chinese silk used to be carried along this road.Silk,jade(玉),ceramics(陶瓷),gems(宝石) and food (55)   (像) carrots and sesame(芝麻).
The Silk Road was very important to both China and the( 56)   (剩余部分) of the world.It was more than an ancient international trade route.Besides trade,(57)   (知识) about art,science and literature,as well as crafts(工艺)(58)   (分享) across the Silk Road.In this way,languages and cultures (59)   (发展) fast and influenced each other.
Today,along the Silk Road there're many places of (60)   (兴趣),such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang.Now a new train line runs from Beijing across the Silk Road.
27.(10分)Sydney (悉尼) is in the east of Australia.(1)    It's famous for its Opera House and the Sydney Harbor Bridge.The weather is warm.The temperature is about 12 degrees in winter.And it is about 35 degrees in summer.It has beautiful beaches and many parks.
(2)    You can see many visitors in the park from different countries.It's quite a popular park.The only way to see this park is by going"bush (荒野小路)".Then you could find some nice gravel (砂砾) roads.(3)    Of course you will need to travel with food and water.To see a small part of the mountains,you need some days,because there are many roads to get to the Blue Mountains.
Sydney has many beautiful beaches.(4)    They are Bondi and Manly.Bondi has a nice street with many shops and restaurants.Parking is not hard in the place.Manly is a great beach to go to.If you want to go there,you can take a boat.It's a cheap and great way to see the Sydney harbor.(5)    If you are going to visit Sydney,I hope you will enjoy it.
A.The roads can take you to the Blue Mountains.B.It is a lively city.C.Two of them are quite famous.D.It will take you about 30 minutes.E.In the west of Sydney,there is a big park called the Blue Mountains.
28.(1分)﹣﹣﹣ 你想去哪里观光?
﹣﹣﹣ 我希望有朝一日去法国.
﹣﹣﹣ Where would you like   ?
﹣﹣﹣ I hope    to France someday.
It's    the city    subway.
   it    , there's a little time   .
    the kids would like to    their own ideas.
1.【解答】答案:B 第一个空考查one of+the+形容词最高级+可数名词的复数,表示最…其中之一,much在句中修饰比较级,故选B.
4.【解答】答案:B 英语中,write译为写,后应该跟动词原形,before为介词.根据句中的关键词should和before.
5.【解答】too much中的中心词是"much",后面跟不可数名词.too是用来加强much语气的,后面跟形容词或副词,太",too many 和so many都修饰可数名词复数,横线后面的名词noise是不可数名词,故选:A。
6.【解答】答案:A 根据句中的关键词are supposed 可知后面应该跟动词的不定式这一习惯用法,即为短语be supposed to do sth;再结合语境可以判断此句表达肯定的意义.
11.【解答】答案:A 根据选项,可知本题考查thousand的用法(数字+thousand表确数.其前没有基数词.表示成千上万的人失去了生命.
13.【解答】答案:D;I hope not我希望不会;I'm afraid it will恐怕它会;根据答语It has snowed for four days,到处都太滑了,故选D.
14.【解答】答案:A 根据Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday可知,此处是对上文提议的回答,是对别人提议的肯定回答,不用谢;You're welcome意为没关系.
15.【解答】句意:﹣﹣快点,否则我们将错过海洋公园里的海狮表演.在表演开始前我们还有十五分钟 it ;Good ;I guess ;Take .根据答句中"We have minutes the begins,劝对方放轻松.
(2)B.考查名词 question问题;step 脚步;place地方
(3)A.考查动词短语.look after照顾;find out查明;wake up唤醒
(5)A.考查不定式 London Paris﹣as as could可知这些是我们之前期待见到的美景expect to do sth期待做某事
(7)D.考查动词 husband home,"接电话"用 answer the phone
(8)B.考查形容词;worried担心的;glad棒的 由后文可知不好的事发生了,故选B
(10)C.考查副词.hardly 几乎不;sadly伤心地、故选C.
(14)B.考查动词短语 away离开 into冲向 out出去 off出风头 hurried to hotel then the …可知作者回家心切
17.【解答】(1)C 细节理解题.根据Venice the of Adriatic (亚得里亚海),Venice a very city.可知从这篇短文我们知道威尼斯是亚得里亚海一个非常重要和美丽的地方.
(2)D 细节理解题.根据Venice a very city is different other in world.它与世界上其他城市大不相同,因为它不仅美丽.故选D.
(3)D 细节理解题.根据People up down canals boats go work shopping visit friends,去上班.可知威尼斯人通常乘船去上班或拜访他们的朋友.
(4)A 细节理解题.根据But is .It going and water going .In Venice be water Adriatic will the .但是威尼斯正在下沉,水位在上升,亚得里亚海将覆盖这座城市,威尼斯也在下沉.
(5)B 细节理解题 Venice sinking is down the is up 2040 will under ,The Sea cover city Venetians(威尼斯人) their and to there they to Venice the .但是威尼斯正在下沉,水位在上升,亚得里亚海将覆盖这座城市.所以他们想把威尼斯从海中拯救出来,威尼斯人将会试图做些什么来拯救他们的城市.
18.【解答】(1)A 根据第一张名信片中的句子but here I am at last,in Sydney,故选:A.
(2)B 根据第二张名信片中的句子We also took a boat ride on the River Seine.可知他们乘船旅行了.
(3)D 根据第三张名信片中的句子So,today I walked to a little town near the farm where they actually have Internet,故选D.
19.【解答】答案:(to) translate 根据所给汉语“翻译”,可知需要单词translate,可知此处需要help sb (to) do sth
26.【解答】答案:51.during.在…期间during;句中during Western Dynasty作时间状语.
54.fourth.第四fourth;one fourth四分之一.
55.like.像like;句中like后面名词carrots sesame构成介词短语.
56.rest.剩余部分rest;the rest .
27.【解答】(1)B 推测理解题:根据第一段前句:Sydney(悉尼)is in the east of Australia.悉尼在澳洲东部.它以悉尼歌剧院和悉尼海港大桥闻名,故选B:It is a lively city.
(2)E 推测理解题:根据第二段后句:You can see many visitors in the park from different countries.(你可以看到来自不同国家的游客在这个公园里)可以推测出前句提到了公园,there is a big park called the Blue Mountains,有一个叫作蓝山的大公园.
(3)A 推测理解题:根据第二段前句 Then you could find some nice gravel(砂砾)roads.然后你会发现一些好的砂砾路,故选与roads相关的句子:A.这些路可以把你带到蓝山公园.
(4)C 推测理解题:根据第三段前句:Sydney has many beautiful beaches.悉尼有许多美丽的海滩.可以推测出本空还是介绍海滩相关的句子.Two of them are quite famous.
(5)D 推测理解题:根据第二段前面的句子:If you want to go there,you can take a boat.(如果你们去那儿,便宜而且是看悉尼港湾的好方式,故选D It will take you about 30 minutes.
28.【解答】to visit; go
29.【解答】the easiest visit;
30.【解答】Take, easy,
31.【解答】In general; on



