人教版八年级英语下 Units 8-10 基础能力训练(含答案)

八 年级( 下 ) Unit 8-10 基 础能力训练
第一部分 选择题(共50分)
A Beijing-Shanghai tour
Day 1: Beijing Meal: Lunch After arriving in Beijing, you' ll be greeted by a tour guide at the airport. And the guide will drive you to the hotel. After lunch, you can visit Tian’anmen Square and the Forbidden City.
Day 2: Beijing Meals: Breakfast & Lunch After leaving the hotel around 8:00 am. we will drive you to the Mutianyu Great Wall. There. you can choose to walk on the Great Wall or take a cable car(缆车) up and walk around. After lunch, we will drive you back to visit the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube, both of which were built for the Beijing Olympic Games.
Day 3: Beijing— Shanghai Meals: Breakfast & Lunch We will take you to the Drum Tower area for a relaxing hutong tour by rickshaw(人力车), which is a great way to experience the local way of life in Beijing. Next, we will take you to the Summer Palace, one of the largest gardens in China. After lunch, we will drive you to the airport for a 2-hour flight(飞行) to Shanghai.
Day 4: Shanghai Meals: Breakfast & Lunch You will visit Yuyuan Garden and then explore Qibao Old Street and Nanjing Road, where you can buy gifts for your friends and family. In the afternoon, you' ll have the chance to try out delicious local dishes.
( )1. Tourists will visit on the afternoon of Day 2.
A. the Forbidden City B. the Mutianyu Great Wall
C. the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube D. the Summer Palace
( )2. How will tourists experience the local way of life in Beijing
A. By walking on the Great Wall.
B. By taking a rickshaw in Beijing's hutongs.
C. By singing in the Bird's Nest.
D. By taking a walk around Tian’anmen Square.
( )3. When will tourists fly to Shanghai
A. On Day 1. B. On Day 2. C. On Day 3. D. On Day 4.
( )4. The material is probably from .
A. a travel website B. a science report
C.a diary D. a history book
John enjoyed saying “yes” to others. He thought it was a lovely word.One day, during lunchtime at school. John's friend Chorro asked John to give him his lunch. It seemed Chorro often forgot to bring his lunch every day, but he never cared. He knew John would only say yes. Sure enough. John gave his lunch to Chorro, although he was very hungry.
The next morning, the teacher asked everyone to hand in their homework. Chorro didn't do his. He wasn't worried at all, because he had a good friend. “John, give me yours!” said Chorro.
John didn't want to do that. If he did so, he would have nothing to hand in. But John liked to say yes. Finally, Chorro happily handed “his” homework to the teacher.
The teacher asked John.“Where is your homework. John ”
John didn't want to lie.“I gave it to Chorro.” he replied.
“What ” The teacher's eyes were wide open. The answer wasn't what she had expected. But she wasn't angry. Instead, she asked patiently (耐心地). “Why did you give your homework to Chorro ”
“Because he would be punished(被惩罚) without my homework. I'm a kind person. If someone needs my help, I should say yes!” said John.
The teacher smiled and said, “It's good to be kind, but you must be kind to yourself first and only say yes to things you're happy to do. I hope you can understand this.”
( )5. What happened during the lunch break
A. John didn't eat anything. B. Chorro bought some food.
C. John forgot to bring his lunch. D. Chorro shared his lunch with John.
( )6. Why wasn't Chorro worried about his homework
A. Because John had already done his homework for him.
B. Because he knew that the teacher would not punish him.
C. Because he didn't have to hand in his homework.
D. Because he knew that John would give him his homework.
( )7. What does the underlined word “so” refer to
A. The thing that John gave his homework to Chorro.
B. The thing that Chorro couldn't hand in his homework.
C. The thing that John didn't agree with Chorro.
D. The thing that John handed in Chorro's homework.
( )8. What did the teacher want John to understand
A. Make friends with kind people. B. Learn to say no.
C. Help others when they need help. D. Do things on his own.
Glacier National Park is an American national park located in northwestern Montana, on the Canada—United States border(边界). The national park is popular with tourists. Patti, a grandmother who lives near it, noticed that there were a lot of speeding(超速驾驶) cars on the road. “Drivers always forget to slow down. Many people in my neighborhood are very unhappy with the traffic. They can't walk or ride their bikes,” said Patti.
Worried about the safety(安全) of her grandchildren and her neighborhood, Patti decided to take things into her own hands. She sat alone on the side of the road with a hairdryer(吹风机) in her hand. The hairdryer looked very much like a radar speed gun(雷达测速仪), so Patti tried to act as a traffic police officer doing a speed check.
What Patti did worked. The drivers began to slow down. They thought it was st range and funny to see a grandma sitting there with a hairdryer. One day, her son took a picture of her while she was “at work” and shared it online. Soon, the grandmother with a hairdryer became the talk of the town. More and more people started caring about the traffic problem.
Later, the government there also knew about this. An officer named Noah Pesola gave his heartfelt thanks to her for her creative idea to make the road and the living environment safer.
No one could have imagined that Patti's simple act would have such an influence.
( )9. Patti chose to use a hairdryer because .
A. it was easy to carry B. it could help dry tourists' hair
C. it could be used to check the speed D. it looked similar to a radar speed. gun
( )10. made Patti popular in the town.
A. Patti’s son B. An officer C. The drivers D. The government
( )11. What creative act did Patti do
A. She asked tourists to walk to the park.
B. She tried her best to keep the road clear.
C. She slowed down the drivers in a creative way.
D. She acted as a traffic police officer to lead the way.
( )12. What is the story trying to tell us
A. Help others when they are in need.
B. Old people are smarter than young people.
C. Small actions can make a big difference.
D. There’s only one way to solve a problem.
What do you usually do to relax after a busy week of work Go swimming or play computer games Nowadays, a growing number of people are taking up calligraphy(书法)—a traditional art form with a history of several thousand years.
Ma Huiyan works at a foreign company in Shanghai. She started her childhood interest in calligraphy again in 2020 as a way to kill time. “Every time I complete a piece of work, I feel a strong sense of achievement,” said Ma.“I'm not a professional calligrapher, so I don't focus too much on perfecting my skills. I spend an hour or two practicing Chinese calligraphy after work every day. It brings me great joy.”
Guo Ziyuan, a teacher from Hanxiang Calligraphy Education, started teaching calligraphy 10 years ago. One- third of his students are adults, and the rest are children and teenagers. They hope to learn more about Chinese culture through calligraphy. What's more, many parents choose to learn it together with their children to improve their handwriting(书写).
Fang Jianxun, a teacher at Peking University, began teaching a calligraphy course in 2019. Some of his students shared his course videos online, and they have become popular among millions of people in China. “We can learn calligraphy at any age. It can make us feel satisfied,’ someone said.
Even though we're used to typing on keyboards(在键盘上打字), Chinese calligraphy is still very important. It serves as a way to slow down in modern life. With more and more people taking up calligraphy, why not join them
( )13. Ma Huiyan started her interest in calligraphy again to .
A. make more friends B. teach other students
C. pass her time D. make course videos
( ) 14. What can we infer from the passage
A. About 33% of Guo's students are adults.
B. Many parents learn calligraphy to guide their children.
C. Fang's videos are popular all over the world.
D. Only young people can learn Chinese calligraphy well.
( )15. The best title for the passage is “ ”.
A. People's ideas about calligraphy B. The way to learn the ancient art
C. More people take up calligraphy D. An online calligraphy lesson
( )16. How is the text organized
Look at the Earth from space. Why does our planet look so blue It's blue because water covers almost three quarters of the Earth.(17) It's an important part of our body, too. More than half of our body is water.
Our body loses water whenever we exercise or go to the toilet.(18) We use water to cook, clean, and carry waste out of our homes. Farmers use it to grow vegetables and foods like rice and corn. Factories use it to make things.
(19) But the water supply(供应量) hasn’t. Scientists worry that soon there won't be enough water for us, as well as for the animals and plants that share our world. What can we do to help We should use water in the right way.
How to get enough water isn't the only problem we face. Water must be clean. Right now, ships and factories are putting waste into seas, rivers and so on. Even chemicals(化学品) that farmers use are running into rivers and lakes.(20) It can also hurt fish and other sea life. We must do something to stop pollution. We must do the best we can to protect the world's most important natural resource (资源).
A. Water isn't just an important part of our planet.
B. There isn't enough clean water on the Earth now.
C. All the pollution can make the water dangerous to drink.
D. That's why we need to drink lots of water every day.
E. Since the 1950s, the water that people use has been rising all the time.
Cheng Yuzhu is not only a teacher, but also a loving volunteer. Over the years, she has been helping some special 21 .
Cheng has been working in special education for more than 20 years. In 2000, she began 22 at a special education teachers college in Changchun. After finishing college, she became a 23 at a kindergarten (幼儿园) in Dalian.
One autistic(患自闭症的) child 24 her life. “At that time, his parents didn’t realize his situation,” she said. “But I decided to help him.”
Cheng tried to help the child through special training. Three years later, the child graduated(毕业) from kindergarten with all the other 25 children.As more and more parents sent their autistic children to the kindergarten, Cheng 26 became a full- time special education teacher. In August 2016, Cheng 27 the Dalian Dongxin Special Children's Service Center.
Looking back, Cheng thought her helpful father taught her a lot. As a child, she would lend a hand 28 she saw someone in need. “I found happiness in helping others and that feeling made a(n) 29 difference to my life,” Cheng said.
At her service center, Cheng provides care and education for autistic children. Some of them even regard her home as a 30 place to stay when their parents go to work. So far, she has given away over 100,000 yuan to disabled children.
( )21. A. adults B. animals C. factories D. children
( )22. A. playing B. teaching C. studying D. travelling
( )23. A. doctor B. cleaner C. driver D. teacher
( )24. A. stopped B. changed C. improved D. marked
( )25. A. tired B. famous C. shy D. healthy
( )26. A. simply B. mostly C. finally D. probably
( )27. A. set up B. woke up C. looked for D. took down
( )28. A. however B. unless C. whenever D. until
( )29. A. meaningless B. wild C. stupid D. unusual
( )30. A. dangerous B.comfortable C. scary D. dark
第二部分 非选择题(共40分)
Jin Taixu is a farmer from Longsheng Village of Yanji, Jilin Province and he is more than sixty years old. He (31) ( own) an agricultural machinery company(农业机械公司). Although he has never studied at college, he has got 12 national-level patents(国家级专利).(32) people regard him as a “self- taught expert”.
Jin Taixu comes from a large family of six children. During his childhood, his family was poor. His parents made a living by(33) ( farm).
In the early 1990s, many people in China went abroad(34) ( search) for work in order to make more money. Among(35) ( they) was Jin Taixu.
In 1992, he (36) ( part) from his family and went to Russia. He stayed there for a few years and returned home in 1998.
“When I was walking in my village after I came back, I noticed (37) situation: some people, especially the older ones, had to work very hard in the fields (田地), because their children went to work in cities. I felt very sad and decided to help them,” said Jin Taixu. “ So (38) then on, I planned to stay in my hometown and try to invent some agricultural machines.” After years of hard work, he achieved great success.
These days, Jin Taixu is still continuing to work very hard. He wants to invent more agricultural (39) ____ ( machine) for farmers in his village and nearby ones. He wants them to have a much (40)_______ (great) life soon after.
四、阅读与表达(共4小题,41~43 小题,每小题2分,44小题4分;满分10分)
In the past few months, I have read seven books; however, I only fell in love with one book, Heidi. This book is my favorite because I feel happy when I read it and I can read it again and again without getting bored.
If you are people hoping to be happy and loving a changing story, you may like the book. What's more, a little wonderful girl in this book might help you to see your life in a different way.
Heidi is a lovely girl. She always has a love for life, nature, and helping others. She is filled with love and care for others although she lives a hard life. Heidi lost both parents at a young age and her aunt raised(抚养) her. Later, her aunt found a job and could no longer care for her, so Heidi had to live with her grandfather. Heidi's grandfather experienced ups and downs and was a lonely old man with a bad temper(脾气). No one in his village liked talking with him. However, because of Heidi, the old man became happy and warm again. Heidi brings happiness not only to her grandfather but also to other people around her.
If you read this book, I believe you will also feel happy because of Heidi. You may even want to make friends with this lovely and caring girl. Have you ever felt bored Do you want to find something wonderful to do Why not pick up this book and enjoy reading it
41. How does the writer feel when he reads the book, Heidi
42. Who may like the book Heidi in the writer's mind
43. Why did the writer ask the questions in the last paragraph
44. What book will you share with your classmates Why Write 30 words or more.
1-4 CBCA 5-8 ADAB 9-12 DACC 13-16 CAAC 17-20 ABEC
31. owns 32. So 33. farming 34. to search 35. them 36. parted 37. a 38. from 39. machines
40. greater
41. Happy.
42. People hoping to be happy and loving a changing story.
43. To let readers read this book.
44. 略



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