
一、听力部分 Listen and choose.(听句子, 选择你所听到的单词, 填入序号。)
(1)A.second B.seven
(2)A.hat B.hot
(3)A.home B.horse
(4)A.clothes B.cloudy
(5)A.shirt B.skirt
(6)A.forty B.thirteen
(7)A.those B.these
(8)A.cheap B.chip
(9)A.tube B.tub
(10)A.river B.form
Listen and choose.(听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片,填入序号。)
Listen and choose.(听问句, 选择适当的答句, 填入序号。)
(1)A.It's twelve o'clock. B.It's twelve yuan.
(2)A.It's rainy. B.It's white.
(3)A.Yes,it is. B.No,they aren't.
(4)A.It's on the first floor. B.It's in the kitchen.
(5)A.Yes,can I try the pants on? B.You are welcome.
(6)A.It's me. B.They're mine.
Listen and choose.(听对话, 选择正确的选项, 填入序号。)
(1)--Where is the computer room?
-- It's .
A.on the first floor B.on the second floor
(2)--What color is Lily's skirt?
--It's ..
A.yellow B.green
听对话, 完成问题。
(1)--What's the weather like now?
--It's .
A.snowy B.rainy
(2)--Can Lily swim outside?

A.No,she can't. B.Yes,she can.
(3)--Where will(将) they go?
--They will go to the .
A.playground .B.library
Listen and judge.(听短文, 判断句子正确与否, 正确写 A, 错误写 B。)
6.(6分)听短文,判断句子正确与否,正确写 A,错误写 B。
(1)Bob is in London now.
(2)It's cool and rainy in London.
(3)Bob wears a T-shirt and pants today.
(4)There are forty classrooms in the school.
(5)The vegetable garden is big.
(6)Bob has lunch at 12:00.
Listen and write.(听音, 填写或选择填写字母补全单词)
(3)c v
(4)w n
(6)f l(ur,al)
二、笔试部分 Read and choose.(选出每组单词中划线部分发音不同或意思不同类的一项。)
8.A.fork B.world C.morning(  )
9..A.farmer B.water C.sister(  )
10.A.shoes B.cows C.socks(  )
11.A.forty B.first C.thirty(  )
12.A.classroom B.teachers' officeC.living room (  )
13.A.yours B.my C.mine(  )
14.A.sunny B.snowy C.hen(  )
15.A.jacket B.clothes C.coat(  )
Read and choose.(选择正确的选项, 将其序号填入括号内。)
-- It's on the second floor.(  )
A.Where is the music room?
B.Is the music room on the first floor?
C.What's in the music room?
17.(1分)---What are those?---They are ______.(  )
A.sheep B.horse C.cow
18.(1分)It's sunny and hot Ningbo now.(  )
A.on B.under C.in
-- No,they are potatoes.(  )
A.Are they potatoes? B.What are they? C.Are they tomatoes?
20.(1分)It's 2 p.m.It's time PE class.Let's .(  )
A.for;sing and dance B.to;jump and run C.for,jump and run
21.(1分)--It's rainy outside.Do you have ___? --Yes.Let's go!(  )
A. an umbrella B. sunglasses C. a kite
22.(1分)Look at the .They're brown and big.(  )
A.potatoes B.green beans C.carrots
23.(1分)-- Whose hat is this?
-- (  )
A.It's John. B.It's mine. C.They're John's.
24.(1分)--Amy,it's 9:00 p.m.Time to .
-- Just a minute,mum!This storybook is so fun!(  )
A.read a book B.go to bed C.go to school
25.(1分)—_____.The soup is very hot.(  )
—OK,thank you.
A.Excuse me B.Be careful C.Hurry up
Read and choose(从右栏中选出与左栏相匹配的答句, 填入序号。)
(1)Whose pants are those? A.It's nine thirty.
(2)Can I have some soup? B.Yes,they are.
(3)Is that the playground? C.It's next to the library.
(4)What time is it? D.It's $89.
(5)Where is the teachers' office? E.It's cool and cloudy.
(6)Are these goats? F.They are your father's.
(7)What's the weather like in Shanghai? G.Sure,here you are.
(8)How much is the sweater? H.No,it isn't.
Read and choose.(从方框中选择合适的选项, 补全对话)
A:Can I help you?
Can I have a look?
A:Of course!Which one do you like?
L:I like that yellow one.(2)
A:It's $100.
What about this one?
A:It's only $20.It's on sale(折价销售).
L:Really? (4)
A:Sure,here you are!
L:Oh,it's too small! (5)
A:Yes,we do.Try this one,please.
L:(6) I'll take it.
A.How much is it?
B.Can I try size M?
C.Oh,it's just right.
D.These skirts are pretty.
E.Do you have size L?
F.Oh,that's too expensive.
Read, choose and write.(读一读, 根据图片仿照例句选择合适的词汇替换斜体词汇造句,并在四线格上规范书写该句子)
(1)Is it hot and rainy?
(2)What are those?They're horses.
(3)This is the library.
(4)What time is it?It's three o'clock.
(5)Look at the sunglasses.They are expensive.
Read and finish the tasks.(读短文, 完成任务)
"What's the weather like today?"I can look out of the window.Wow!It's sunny today.I can put on my cap and sunglasses.They can keep(防止) my face and eyes from UV rays.
"What's the weather like today?"I can go outside and see.Wow!It's cool and wind y today.I can put on my jacket and fly my new kite.
"What's the weather like today?"I can ask my mum for help.It's going to be rainy today.I can put on my raincoat.
"What's the weather like today?"I can watch the weather report on TV.It's going to be a nice day and we will play on the grass.
Task 1:同学们,你们知道如何了解天气情况吗?文中告诉了我们哪4种方法,请选出相应的图片,将它们的序号填在横线上。
Task 2:根据短文内容,选择。
(2)The underlined"UV rays"means .
A.风 B.紫外线 C.寒冷
(3)It is cool and windy.I can put on a .
A.T-shirt B.dress C.jacket
(4)It's a rainy day.I can put on a .
A.umbrella B.raincoat C.hat
29.(1)ACDF (2)B(3) (4)B



