新人教版必修第三册 Unit 5The Value of Money 原卷版+解析版【2025年新人教高考英语一轮复习综合素养分层演练】

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新人教版必修第三册 Unit 5综合演练
It has a large vocabulary, which is    (的确) a help to us.
The website can introduce more about different countries, which can    (拓宽) our
It is our right to    (追求) happiness in our daily life.
Read can help us know more about the     (外部的)world.
He went    (下楼) and
opened the door happily.
Jenny smiled as she    (最终) realized the real source of confidence.
Supporters of PE believe that it is a necessary    (部分) of all-round schooling.
Keeping smile and    (保持) a natural posture are important.
I hope you can feel better and come back to the    (正常的) life.
You should cover your mouths and noses with wet towels and stay low    (在……之下) the smoke.
I didn't want to make trouble, so I decided to pretend to    (忽视) it.
It can run on the street,    (航行) in
the water and fly in the sky.
Then, a couple of weeks later, an    (奇异的) thing happened.
Those who get up late are more likely to    (推迟) their bedtime.
He didn't    (道歉) but
said rudely "It's none of your business."
16.The hope is that students will have the opportunity to     (broad) their view.
17.Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me    (permit) to believe in myself.
18.This is why there is a    (say) that if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.
19.Some analysts estimate(估计) that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent    (maintain)current (目前的) levels
20.There are so many different     (sort) of mushrooms available these days.
21.I haven't the     (patient) to hear your complaints again.
22.A survey of retired people has     (indicate) that most are independent and enjoying life.
23.You owe him an     (apologise) for what you said.
24.    a matter of fact, I know nothing about literature.
25.    the basis of my own experience, I made this decision.
26.People don't like to ask questions for fear of appearing     (ignore).
27.    (judge) by the direction of the wind, it won't rain today.
28.We should spare no effort to work to get    (reward)
29.Many teenagers prefer     (be) a couch potato rather than do more exercise to lose weight.
30.Though willing to get started, we can't seem    (do) the job right.
In 2010, researchers at Princeton University decided  31.   (dig) into the question of whether money can buy happiness. The researchers surveyed over 450, 000 people to look for a connection between each person's emotional wellbeing (健康)  32.   their level of income.
The researchers found that money does increase one's emotional wellbeing, but only up to a certain point. Up to $75, 000 per year, more money leads to more happiness. The lower someone's income below $75, 000, the  33.   (bad) their emotional wellbeing. But making more  34.   $75,000 per year had no additional impact  35.   happiness.
This number actually isn't all that surprising. Based on data from GOBankingRates, the median (中间的) amount you'd need to make to live  36.   (comfortable) in the United States is $67, 690. So someone making $75,000 per year would be able to pay all their bills, while also having some leftover (剩余) to enjoy.
There are plenty of good points on both  37.   (side) of the argument of whether money can buy happiness. Sure, the money  38.   (it) doesn't make you happy. And buying more things likely won't either.
But money is a tool. And when it  39.   (use) properly, money helps you to reach financial goals that make you happier. For some, that happiness looks like more time with the family. For others, it's simply the stress relief that comes with knowing you don't have to worry about  40.   (be) late on your bills. It's not the money that makes you happy — it's how you use it.
was on a bus one March evening.
The driver didn't 41. to start the bus soon because it was not yet
full. A
middle-aged woman got on.
Tired and sad, she told her story 42. , not to anyone in particular. On
her way to the station, half of her money was stolen. The
other half was hidden under her blouse, so she
43. still had some left. A few
minutes later, she stopped crying, but still looked 44. .
all the seats were taken, the driver started the engine. The
conductor began to collect fares.
When she came to an old man in worn-out clothes, he 45. that he had spent all his money when he had
accidentally got on a wrong bus and now he was trying to go home. On
hearing this, she ordered the old man to 46. the bus. The
old man was almost in tears as he 47. her to let him take the bus home. The driver
took the conductor's side and repeated the conductor's 48. .
woman was watching the incident.
When the driver and the conductor raised their voices at
the old man, she interfered(干预).
"Stop 49. him! Can't you see he's only trying to get
home "
doesn't have any money!"
the driver 50. .
that's no reason to throw him off the bus," she
she reached inside her blouse, took out her 51. money, and handed it to the conductor. "Here's
his fare and mine. Just
stop giving him a hard time.
heads turned to the woman.
"It's only money," she
rode the rest of the way home 52. a happy smile, with the money she'd lost
earlier 53. .
the road of life, the help of strangers can 54. our loads and lift our spirits. How
much sweeter the 55. will be when we make it a little smoother for
41.A.try B.care C.decide D.intend
42.A.tearfully B.seriously C.carefully D.calmly
43.A.strangely B.happily C.secretly D.fortunately
44.A.unsatisfied B.weak C.unhappy D.excited
45.A.explained B.declared C.admitted D.found
off B.start C.get on D.stop
47.A.begged B.scolded C.praised D.thanked
48.A.request B.action C.suggestion D.command
49.A.attacking B.bothering C.blaming D.wronging
50.A.warned B.whispered C.shouted D.repeated
51.A.spending B.collected C.remaining D.borrowed
52.A.giving B.wearing C.taking D.forcing
53.A.forgotten B.used C.earned D.returned
54.A.move B.increase C.lighten D.carry
55.A.world B.journey C.smile D.friendship
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新人教版必修第三册 Unit 5综合演练
It has a large vocabulary, which is    (的确) a help to us.
The website can introduce more about different countries, which can    (拓宽) our
It is our right to    (追求) happiness in our daily life.
Read can help us know more about the     (外部的)world.
He went    (下楼) and
opened the door happily.
【解析】【分析】句意:他下楼,高兴地开了门。go downstairs,固定短语,”去楼下“,故填downstairs。
【点评】考查副词,以及固定短语go downstairs。
Jenny smiled as she    (最终) realized the real source of confidence.
Supporters of PE believe that it is a necessary    (部分) of all-round schooling.
Keeping smile and    (保持) a natural posture are important.
I hope you can feel better and come back to the    (正常的) life.
You should cover your mouths and noses with wet towels and stay low    (在……之下) the smoke.
I didn't want to make trouble, so I decided to pretend to    (忽视) it.
【解析】【分析】句意:我不想惹麻烦,所以我决定假装没听见。pretend to do,固定短语,“假装做……”,不定式作宾语,故填ignore。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,以及固定短语pretend to do。
It can run on the street,    (航行) in
the water and fly in the sky.
Then, a couple of weeks later, an    (奇异的) thing happened.
Those who get up late are more likely to    (推迟) their bedtime.
【解析】【分析】句意:那些起床晚的人更可能推迟他们的就寝时间。be likely to do,固定短语,“可能做……”,故填postpone。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,以及固定短语be likely to do。
He didn't    (道歉) but
said rudely "It's none of your business."
【解析】【分析】句意:他没有道歉,只是粗鲁地说“这不关你的事”。didn't 后接动词原形,故填apologize。
16.The hope is that students will have the opportunity to     (broad) their view.
【解析】【分析】句意:希望学生们有机会开阔视野。broad,开阔的,形容词,此处不定式to do作定语,因此用动词broaden,开阔,故填 broaden 。
17.Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me    (permit) to believe in myself.
【解析】【分析】句意:知道父亲相信我,允许我相信自己。此处名词作宾语。 permission “允许”,不可数名词,故填 permission 。
18.This is why there is a    (say) that if you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.
19.Some analysts estimate(估计) that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent    (maintain)current (目前的) levels
【答案】to maintain
【解析】【分析】句意:一些分析人士估计,粮食产量需要提高50%才能维持目前的水平。此处不定式作目的状语,故填 to maintain 。
20.There are so many different     (sort) of mushrooms available these days.
【点评】考查名词,以及固定短语sorts of。
21.I haven't the     (patient) to hear your complaints again.
22.A survey of retired people has     (indicate) that most are independent and enjoying life.
23.You owe him an     (apologise) for what you said.
24.    a matter of fact, I know nothing about literature.
【解析】【分析】句意:事实上,我对文学一无所知。as a matter of fact,固定短语,“实际上,事实上”,故填As。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语as a matter of fact。
25.    the basis of my own experience, I made this decision.
【解析】【分析】句意:根据我自己的经验,我做了这个决定。on the basis of固定短语,“根据.......”,位于句首首字母大写,故填On。
【点评】考查介词,以及固定短语on the basis of。
26.People don't like to ask questions for fear of appearing     (ignore).
【解析】【分析】句意:人们不喜欢问问题,因为害怕显得无知。ignore,动词,无视,此处形容词作表语,故填ignorant 。
27.    (judge) by the direction of the wind, it won't rain today.
28.We should spare no effort to work to get    (reward)
【解析】【分析】句意:我们应该不遗余力的工作,以获得奖励。此处过去分词作表语,get rewarded=be rewarded,故填rewarded。
29.Many teenagers prefer     (be) a couch potato rather than do more exercise to lose weight.
【答案】to be
【解析】【分析】句意:许多青少年宁愿成为一个电视迷,也不愿意做更多的运动来减肥。 prefer to do A rather than do B,固定短语,“与做B事相比更喜欢做A”,故填to be。
【点评】考查非谓语动词,以及固定短语prefer to do A rather than do B。
30.Though willing to get started, we can't seem    (do) the job right.
【答案】to do
【解析】【分析】句意:虽然我们愿意开始工作,但我们似乎做不好这份工作。此处不定式作表语,故填to do。
In 2010, researchers at Princeton University decided  31.   (dig) into the question of whether money can buy happiness. The researchers surveyed over 450, 000 people to look for a connection between each person's emotional wellbeing (健康)  32.   their level of income.
The researchers found that money does increase one's emotional wellbeing, but only up to a certain point. Up to $75, 000 per year, more money leads to more happiness. The lower someone's income below $75, 000, the  33.   (bad) their emotional wellbeing. But making more  34.   $75,000 per year had no additional impact  35.   happiness.
This number actually isn't all that surprising. Based on data from GOBankingRates, the median (中间的) amount you'd need to make to live  36.   (comfortable) in the United States is $67, 690. So someone making $75,000 per year would be able to pay all their bills, while also having some leftover (剩余) to enjoy.
There are plenty of good points on both  37.   (side) of the argument of whether money can buy happiness. Sure, the money  38.   (it) doesn't make you happy. And buying more things likely won't either.
But money is a tool. And when it  39.   (use) properly, money helps you to reach financial goals that make you happier. For some, that happiness looks like more time with the family. For others, it's simply the stress relief that comes with knowing you don't have to worry about  40.   (be) late on your bills. It's not the money that makes you happy — it's how you use it.
【答案】31.to dig;32.and;33.worse;34.than;35.on / upon;36.comfortably;37.sides;38.itself;39.is used;40.being
31.句意:2010年,普林斯顿大学的研究人员决定探究金钱是否能买到幸福的问题。decide to do sth.固定短语,“ 决定去做某事”,不定式作宾语,故填to dig。
32.句意:研究人员对超过45万人进行了调查,以寻找每个人的情感幸福感与其收入水平之间的联系。between ... and ... 固定短语,“……和……之间”,故填and。
33.句意:收入低于75000美元的人越低,他们的情感幸福感就越差。"the + 形容词(副词)比较级 ...,the + 形容词(副词)比较级..."固定句式,"越……,越……",故填worse。
34.句意:但每年收入超过75000美元对幸福没有额外影响。more than ...固定短语,“(比较数量、距离等)多于……”,故填than。
35.句意:但每年收入超过75000美元对幸福没有额外影响。impact on / upon sb. / sth. 固定短语,“对某人/某事有巨大的影响”,故填on / upon 。
39.句意:如果使用得当,金钱可以帮助你实现让你更快乐的财务目标。此处是谓语动词,描述的是客观事实,用一般现在时;且设空处前的it指代money,与use之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,故填is used。
was on a bus one March evening.
The driver didn't 41. to start the bus soon because it was not yet
full. A
middle-aged woman got on.
Tired and sad, she told her story 42. , not to anyone in particular. On
her way to the station, half of her money was stolen. The
other half was hidden under her blouse, so she
43. still had some left. A few
minutes later, she stopped crying, but still looked 44. .
all the seats were taken, the driver started the engine. The
conductor began to collect fares.
When she came to an old man in worn-out clothes, he 45. that he had spent all his money when he had
accidentally got on a wrong bus and now he was trying to go home. On
hearing this, she ordered the old man to 46. the bus. The
old man was almost in tears as he 47. her to let him take the bus home. The driver
took the conductor's side and repeated the conductor's 48. .
woman was watching the incident.
When the driver and the conductor raised their voices at
the old man, she interfered(干预).
"Stop 49. him! Can't you see he's only trying to get
home "
doesn't have any money!"
the driver 50. .
that's no reason to throw him off the bus," she
she reached inside her blouse, took out her 51. money, and handed it to the conductor. "Here's
his fare and mine. Just
stop giving him a hard time.
heads turned to the woman.
"It's only money," she
rode the rest of the way home 52. a happy smile, with the money she'd lost
earlier 53. .
the road of life, the help of strangers can 54. our loads and lift our spirits. How
much sweeter the 55. will be when we make it a little smoother for
41.A.try B.care C.decide D.intend
42.A.tearfully B.seriously C.carefully D.calmly
43.A.strangely B.happily C.secretly D.fortunately
44.A.unsatisfied B.weak C.unhappy D.excited
45.A.explained B.declared C.admitted D.found
off B.start C.get on D.stop
47.A.begged B.scolded C.praised D.thanked
48.A.request B.action C.suggestion D.command
49.A.attacking B.bothering C.blaming D.wronging
50.A.warned B.whispered C.shouted D.repeated
51.A.spending B.collected C.remaining D.borrowed
52.A.giving B.wearing C.taking D.forcing
53.A.forgotten B.used C.earned D.returned
54.A.move B.increase C.lighten D.carry
55.A.world B.journey C.smile D.friendship
41.句意:司机不打算很快发动公共汽车,因为它还没满。A:try“尝试”;B:care“关心”;C:decide“决定”;D:intend“打算”。根据空后“ because it was not yet full ”车还没有坐满,所以此处司机还没有打算开车,intend to do sth 固定短语,"打算做某事",故选D。
42.句意:她又累又伤心,含泪讲述了自己的故事,没有特别对任何人。A:tearfully“含泪地”;B:seriously“严重地”;C:carefully“认真地”;D:calmly“平静地”。根据下文“she stopped crying”,可知此处她含着泪讲述自己的故事。故选A。
43.句意:另一半藏在上衣下面,所以幸运的是她还剩下一些。A:strangely“奇怪地”;B:happily“开心地”;C:secretly“秘密地”;D:fortunately“幸运地”。根据空前“half of her money was stolen. The other half was hidden under her blouse,﹍”她一半钱被偷走了,另外一半因为藏在衬衫下而没有被偷走,所以是幸运地她仍然有一些钱,故选D。
44.句意:几分钟后,她停止了哭泣,但看起来仍然不开心。A:unsatisfied“不满意的”;B:weak“虚弱的”;C:unhappy“不高兴的”;D:excited “激动的”。根据语境,她虽然不哭了, 但是仍然不高兴, 毕竟钱被人偷了, 高兴不起来。故选C。
45.句意:当她来到一位穿着破旧衣服的老人身边时,他解释说,当他不小心上错了车,现在正试图回家时,他已经花光了所有的钱。A:explained“解释”;B:declared“宣布”;C:admitted“承认”;D:found “发现”。根据空后“that he had spent all his money when he had accidentally got on a wrong bus and now he was trying to go home.”可知他是在给售票员解释他没有钱的原因,故选A。
46.句意:听到这话,她命令老人下车。A:get off“下(车)”;B:start“开始,启动”;C:get on“上(车)”;D:stop “停止”。根据语境,因为付不起车费, 售票员要求老人下车。故选A。
47.句意:当老人恳求她让他坐公共汽车回家时,他几乎哭了。A:begged“乞求”;B:scolded“责骂”;C:praised“赞扬”;D:thanked “感谢”。根据空前“in tears”可知老人在乞求售票员让他坐车回家。故选A。
48.句意:司机站在乘务员一边,重复了乘务员的命令。A:request“请求”;B:action“行动”;C:suggestion“建议”;D:command “命令”。根据上文“ she ordered the old man to 6 the bus. ”"可知 此处表示司机重复售票员的命令,故选D。
49.句意:别烦他了!你没看见他只是想回家吗?A:attacking“袭击”;B:bothering“使......不安”;C:blaming“责备”;D:wronging “诽谤”。根据语境可知, 此处表示不要找他的麻烦了。故选B。
50.句意:“他没有钱!”司机喊道。A:warned“警告”;B:whispered“低语”;C:shouted“大喊”;D:repeated “重复”。根据语境可知, 说明司机的不耐烦和一种怒气。故选C。
51.句意:然后她把手伸进上衣,拿出剩余的钱,递给售票员。A:spending“花掉的”;B:collected“收集的”;C:remaining“剩下的”;D:borrowed “借来的”。根据上文可知这位女士的钱被偷走了一半,此处她把剩下的钱拿出来,故选C。
52.句意:她带着幸福的笑容继续乘车回家,把早些时候丢的钱忘了。A:giving“给”;B:wearing“面露”;C:taking“拿”;D:forcing “逼迫”。根据下文可知她忘记了自己丢钱的事,以及结合她帮助老人后的心情可知,此处她面带笑容,故选B。
53.句意:她带着幸福的笑容继续乘车回家,把早些时候丢的钱忘了。A:forgotten“忘记”;B:used“使用”;C:earned“挣”;D:returned “返回”。根据上文她面带笑容可知她已经忘记丢钱的事了,故选A。
54.句意:在人生的道路上,陌生人的帮助可以减轻我们的负担,振奋我们的精神。A:move“移动”;B:increase“增加”;C:lighten“照亮”;D:carry “携带”。照亮我们的道路,与空后“lighten our spirit”振奋我们精神,对应,故选C。
55.句意:当我们让其他人的旅程变得更加顺畅时,旅程将变得更加甜蜜!A:world“世界”;B:journey“行程”;C:smile“微笑”;D:friendship“友谊”。根据上文的"On the road of life"可知, 此处表示给别人一点小小的方便, 自己的旅程会是多么美好。故选B。



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