2024-2025九年英语全一册单元测试卷 Unit 9-10 综合能力测评卷(含答案)

Unit 9-10 综合能力测评卷
1. When you g someone, you say “Hello” or shake hands with them.
2. Teachers should p the children for their good homework.
3. I will go to the USA as a foreign e student soon.
4. My English teacher often gives me some s on learning English.
5. It’s not easy to m a foreign language. You should try your best.
( )6.Many old men prefer _______ in a peaceful countryside.
A.to live B.to living C.live
( )7.Most students like the teachers _______ understand them well.
A.which B.who C.what
( )8—Whose coat is this
—It _______ be John’s. It’s _______ small for him.
A.can’t;much too B.can’t;too much C.mustn’t;too much
( )9.He _______ for ten years.
A.has been married B.got married C.has married
( )10—You look sad. What has happened
—Everyone us the match, but we lost.
A. expect; win B. expected; to win C. expect; to win
( )11. It’s important for you with your parents.
A. talk B. to talk C. to be talked
( )12.They say that they will try their best _______ their dreams.
A.achieve B.achieving C.to achieve
( )13—Mom, Tom broke my glasses.
—Don’t be angry, dear. , he is only two years old.
A.First of all B. After all C. All the time
( )14. Hong Kong Disneyland is well worth .
A. to visit B. visiting C. visit
( )15. They are used to at 6:00 every day.
A. get up B. getting up C. to get up
A. If you watch the other guests and do what they do, you’ll be OK. B. But don’t get there early. C. Could you please tell me what I am supposed to do D. You’re supposed to get there on time. E. I lived there for five years. F. Should I bring some flowers
A: Have you ever lived in America
B: Yes. 16 Why
A: Well, tomorrow I will go to an American friend’s home to celebrate Christmas. 17
B: OK, with pleasure.
A: Should I arrive on time or five to ten minutes late
B: Both are OK. 18
A: I’m worried that traffic might be terrible.
B: Well, if you’re more than fifteen minutes late, it might be agood idea to call the host and tell him or her you’re going to be late.
A: OK. 19
B: Certainly. Flowers are always welcome.
A: What should I do at dinner
B: 20
A: I see. Thanks a lot.
B: You’re welcome.
16 17 18 19 20
A: Wendy, there are five movies on today. Which movie shall we watch
B: What about Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Ⅱ(《猩球黎明2》)
A: Well,21.__________________ Is it a Hollywood movie
B: Yes. Shall we watch it
A: It is an original(原版的)English movie, 22.__________ I am afraid it is hard for me to understand the conversations.
B: 23.___________ you can!There are Chinese subtitles(字幕).
A: But the movie is about apes, right I dislike a movie that is 24.___________apes.
B: Well, you’re wrong. Apes in the movie have human thoughts.
A: 25.______________________
B: Well, you have to watch the movie to find out what will happen.
In the USA, popular singers make a lot of money. They make CDs. When a popular singer is 26.______(hear) all over the country, young people buy his or her music. The 27._______(sing) gets lots of money from selling his or her music. When the singer gives a concert, all the young people want 28.______(meet) him or her.
There are many kinds of music that are 29._______(popular) among Americans. Let me tell you two of them. One is folk music. It tells stories about the everyday life of Americans that lived a long time ago. Another one is country music. Cowboys 30.______(start) to sing this kind of music. Cowboys would sing at night to the cows so that theydidn’t run away. Today, any music about country life and love is called country music.
Sir Isaac Newton was a scientist who discovered the law of gravity(重力). People have learned that Isaac Newton once 31 when he was thinking under an apple tree.32 he was woken up by an apple falling on his head. He jumped up, shouting, “Gravity made the apple fall!”
Did the apple really fall on him No one 33 for sure. The story of the apple may have some 34 , but people who knew him have written that it never happened.
Newton had actually been studying gravity and thinking about how apples fell down from a tree and not 35 for many years.
( )31.A. fell over B. fell asleep C. fell ill
( )32.A. Suddenly B. Slowly C. Usually
( )33. A. promises B. forgets C. knows
( )34. A. truth B. purpose C. requirement
( )35. A. inside B. off C. up
A.in B.causes C.What D.got off E.too F.anybody else G.legs H.At last I.got on J.hat K.Why L.made
Mr White works in an office.He liked reading 36 bed when he was at school.It was bad for his eyes and now he is nearsighted (近视). But he wouldn’t want 37 to know about it and he never wears glasses. It often 38 some problems. One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business. He 39 the bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk to the village. The road to the village wasn’t smooth. He fell over several times and this 40 his clothes dirty. 41 he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school when his 42 was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn’t get it. He couldn’t understand why his hat ran into a house as if it had 43 and he ran into the house, 44 . A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, “ 45 are you running after my hen for ”
36.______ 37.______ 38.______ 39.________ 40.________
41.______ 42.______ 43.______ 44.________ 45.________
Are you tired after studying hard American country music will take you away for
a while. The guitars and songs will take you to mountains and fields there.
Country music talks about everyday life and feelings. It’s the spirit of America, easy to understand, slow and basic.
Country music developed in the Southern United States. It was the folk music of the American countryside. Many of the songs tell about the lives of farmers. They talk about love, crops(庄稼)or death.
Rural life can be hard, so the words are often sad. At first, people played the music only at family parties. But it became more popular. In the 1920s, people played country songs on the radio, and they made them into records.
When people moved to towns and cities to look for work, they took their music with them. Country music continued to change and became popular across America.
John Denver was one of America’s most famous country singers in the 1970s. His song Take Me Home, Country Roads is wellknown and people still play it today.
( )46.Which of the following is NOT true about country music
A.It’s easy to understand.
B.It’s usually about everyday life.
C.It started in the south of the U.S.
D.It’s the spirit of America
( )47.The underlined word “rural” probably means “______”.
A.城市的 B.乡村的 C.校园的 D.中心的
( )48.People often play country music with ______.
A.the guitar B.the piano C.the violin D.the drums
( )49.When were country songs made into records
A.In the 1920s. B.In the 1930s. C.In the 1940s D.in the 1950s.
( )50.When people moved to towns and cities, they ______.
A.forgot their music       B.didn’t listen to music
C.learned other kinds of music D.took their music with them
I first started playing the piano when I was three. My parents are musicians, so they both encouraged me to do so. It was their dream, I think, to raise a child who could one day become a world-class pianist. So they asked an expensive personal teacher to teach me, and I practiced every day, sometimes for five or six hours at a time. Although it took long hours, I did enjoy it, especially at first, and I was good. According to my parents and my teacher, I was really excellent, and I was on the road to becoming a professional musician, just like my mother and father.
The trouble was that my heart wasn’t really in it. My real interest was something quite different—mathematics. Numbers were the things that really shone brightly in my mind. I told my parents I found more beauty in a mathematical equation(等式)than in a piano sonata. So when I went to college, I chose to study mathematics, not music. Then I got a job, working as an accountant(会计).
Now I work with numbers every day. My parents couldn’t understand, and even now I guess they are still angry with me. They say I wasted a special gift(天赋). But I still believe what I did is right for me.
( )51. It cost the writer’s parents a lot to .
A. help him with his school lessons B. raise their son to be an excellent pianist
C. develop their son’s interest in maths D. send their son to college
( )52. At first the writer did show that .
A. he was hopeful in music B. he hated playing the piano
C. he didn’t have a gift for music D. he liked mathematics better
( )53. Later the writer found himself .
in trouble
B. on the road to becoming a professional musician
C. farther away from his dream
D. more interested in mathematics
( )54.Now the writer’s parents feel very sorry for their son because they think .
A. his heart wasn’t really in music
B. they didn’t like the job of accountant
C. he wasted a special gift
D. he didn’t realize his mistake
( )55.Did the writer learn music at last
A.Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t C.Yes, he is. D.No, he isn’t.
Once upon a time, there was a young man. He lived in a small village. He was the only child in his family, so his parents loved him very much and did everything for him. He just hung out every day, doing nothing.
One day, he met an old man in his village. The old man asked him,“My boy, why don’t you work hard to achieve something when you are young ”
The young man replied without care, “Why do I have to be in a hurry I’m young, so I have plenty of time! Besides, I haven’t made any plans for my future yet. ”
“Time waits for no man!” the old man said. Then he asked the young man to go into a dark house with him.
“I can’t see anything!” the young man said. The old man lit a match and said to the young man, “Before the match goes out, pick something in the house as you like.”
By the weak light, the young man tried to see the things in it. But before he found something, the match went out, and the house became dark again at once.
“Before I could get something, the match had gone out,” the young man said angrily.
The old man said, “My boy, your youth(青春)is like the burning match, which can only last for a short time. So you shouldn’t waste your time!”
( )56.The young man lived in a small village.
( )57.The old man asked the young man why he didn’t hang out.
( )58. The old man led the young man into a dark house.
( )59.The young man picked a ring before the match went out.
( )60. We learn it’s dangerous to light matches from the story.
What is life’s greatest gift It is choice. Choice is the ability to choose some actions from a set of things to achieve a goal. 61. The reason is that it turns us from dumb animals into artists. Choice becomes the tool we use to sculpt(雕刻)our life. The tool doesn’t come free, however, for the price of choice is responsibility. 62._______It is enjoyment.
Choice is power. Choice is at the heart of life. It’s the creative power of life. Life is always changing and we have to make lots of choices.63. We often need to check where we are on our journey. We need to ask questions: Am I moving closer to my goals If not, what action will I take now to make myself realize my goals
64. And our life becomes more convenient or comfortable because of them. For example, you decide which stores to shop at and which bus station to go to. But the decisions that we make to sculpt our lives are much more important than deciding where to shop. The more we understand the difference between small and big decisions, the more pleasure we will get.
Life is like a chess game. 65. All chess lovers realize that it isn’t necessary to win to enjoy the game. Make the best moves you can under the conditions. Then you can enjoy your life.
A. Why is choice so great B. The pleasure is in the playing. C. In fact, we have to make choices every day. D. But when we accept and carry it out, we get a great return. E. Because making right choices is more important than working hard. F. Every choice we make leads us closer to or farther from our goals.
66.______Do you ever feel like you are just rushing from one subject to another When things happen so fast, maybe you can’t understand clearly what you are doing or learning, so it is important to stop yourself to think about what you have been doing or learning.
67._______Self-reflection(反省)means slowing down and calming yourself, including calming your mind. By calming down and going slowly, you give your brain a chance to think about what it has already received. Some people prefer to do self-reflection only in their mind. Others keep a diary. What’s more, taking notes is also OK. Each method works, depending on your own personal learning. You can follow the steps to do self-reflection.
68._______First, choose the proper time to do it. School textbooks are divided into units of study. This makes it easier to begin self-reflection. Look for time when you complete a unit of study. Sometimes you know the unit is over because there is some kind of test. Use these natural breaks to stop and do self-reflection.
69._______Then, find a quiet place and take out your reflection diary. Write down some notes on the new things that you learned in the unit. Let your mind think about the notes you have written and make some connections
70._______Finally, think about things that you are not sure of. Maybe you learned a new way to work out a math problem, but you’re not sure when to use it. Writing down your questions will help you remember to look for answers the next time you are working with the same topic.
A.Choose a quiet place to do self-reflection. B.Stop yourself to think about what you have been doing or learning. C.Never do self-reflection D.Find the proper time to do self-reflection. E.Writing down your questions hat you are not sure of F.What is self-reflection.
Self-reflection means slowing down and 71.______ yourself calm. You can think about what you have learned by calming down and going 72.______. You can do it only in your mind, and you can also keep a diary or 73. ______ notes to do it.It’s a proper time to start it 74.______ a unit is over. Write down and think about what you have learned in the unit and make some connections. Write down your questions about something you’re not sure of. It’s 75.______ to work with the same topic the next time.
One pleasant New Year morning, Edward got up and dressed himself in a hurry. He wanted to be the first to wish a happy New Year.
He looked in every room, and shouted “Happy New Year” to every one of his family. Then he ran into the street to repeat it to those he met. When he came back, his father gave him two new dollars. His face lighted up as he took them. He had wished for a long time to buy some nice books.
As he ran down the street with a light heart to the bookshop, he saw a poor German family—the father, mother and three children walking in the cold wind.
“I wish you a happy New Year,”said Edward, as he was happily passing on. The man shook his head. “You do not belong to this country ” asked Edward. The man shook his head again, because he could not understand or speak English. But he pointed to his mouth, and to the children, he seemed to say, “These little ones have had nothing to eat for a long time.”
Edward quickly understood that these people were poor and in trouble. He took out his dollars and gave one to the man, and the other to his wife. They said something in their language, which meant, “Thank you very much, and we will remember you forever.”
76.When did the story happen
77.What did Edward wish to buy
78.Who did he see on the way to the bookshop
79. Why did the man shake his head again
80. Did Edward give the man one dollar or two dollars
信的内容须包括:①你通常在学习间隙或疲劳时打开收音机收听这个节目Music Sky;②你从中学到了很多英语单词;③你最喜欢Say You,Say Me这首歌,希望得到歌词。
Dear Madam,
I am a middle school student. _____________________________________________
Yours sincerely,
Zhang Xiaofan
Unit9-10 综合能力测评卷参考答案
I.1. greet 2. praise 3. exchange 4.suggestions 5. master
II.6-10 ABAAB 11-15 BCBBB
IV.21.I haven’t watched it.
22.isn’t it
e on,
24.full of
25.Does the movie have a happy ending
V.26. heard 27. singer 28. to meet 29. popular 30. started
VI.31-35 BACAC
VII.36-40 AFBDL 41-45 HJGEC
51-55 BADCB
56-60 TFTFF
61-65 ADFCB
66-70 BFDAE
71.making 72. slowly 73. take 74. when 75. helpful
76.It happened on one pleasant New Year morning.
77.Some nice books.
78.A poor German family.
79.Because he could not understand or speak English.
80.One (dollar).
IX. One possible version:
Dear Madam,
I am a middle school student. I happened to listen to your program—Music Sky one day. How sweet your voice is! Now when I’m free or tired, I’ll turn on the radio and listen to it. I love this program very much because it gives me a lot of fun and happiness. Especially the English songs, they help me a lot. I’ve learned many English words from them and among the songs I like Say You, Say Me best. Would
you please send me the lyrics of the song I think everyone has some problems in their lives. When we are tired, we should relax. For example, we can play sports or listen to music. It can give us much energy.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang Xiaofan




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