
参照秘密级管理★启用前 试卷类型:A
1. What did the man pick this morning
A. B. C.
2. What does the boy do to protect the environment
A. B. C.
3. How should the woman get to the library
A. B. C.
4. What does the man think of Alan
A. Creative. B. Careful. C. Hard-working.
5. How is the weather now
A. Hot. B. Cold. C. Warm.
6. Who often helps Tom with his study after school
A. His teachers. B. His parents. C. His friends.
7. How does the woman probably feel now
A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Worried.
8. What does the man mean
A. The job is easy for Amy. B. Amy can’t do the job well. C. Anybody can do the job.
9. What are the two speakers mainly talking about
A. Alice’s school life in America.
B. Alice’s favorite books.
C. Their favorite activities.
10. What does Alice mostly do on weekdays
A. She does projects. B. She reads books. C. She does her homework.
11. What can we know from the conversation
A. Alice usually borrows books from school library.
B. Alice thinks her school life in America is hard.
C. Alice does cleaning with her friends on Sundays.
4. What does the man think of Alan
A. Creative. B. Careful. C. Hard-working.
5. How is the weather now
A. Hot. B. Cold. C. Warm.
6. Who often helps Tom with his study after school
A. His teachers. B. His parents. C. His friends.
7. How does the woman probably feel now
A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Worried.
8. What does the man mean
A. The job is easy for Amy. B. Amy can’t do the job well. C. Anybody can do the job.
9. What are the two speakers mainly talking about
A. Alice’s school life in America.
B. Alice’s favorite books.
C. Their favorite activities.
10. What does Alice mostly do on weekdays
A. She does projects. B. She reads books. C. She does her homework.
11. What can we know from the conversation
A. Alice usually borrows books from school library.
B. Alice thinks her school life in America is hard.
C. Alice does cleaning with her friends on Sundays.
12. What’s the matter with Jack
A. He feels tired. B. He feels sick. C. He has a headache.
13. What’s the first suggestion of Jack’s mother
A. Sleeping more. B. Taking more exercise. C. Going for long walks.
14. What will Jack and his mother do next
A. Go swimming. B. See a doctor. C. Fly a kite.
15. Where does the conversation most probably happen
C. In the hospital. A. At home. B. In the park.
Darrell: Marina... Marina... MARINA! Marina: Oh, sorry. I didn’t hear you. I was thinking about my homework. Darrell: What’s it about Marina: Well, I need to draw a future house for my art class, but I haven’t got any ideas. Maybe I should go to the library and look for something useful. Darrell: Or you can try Pinterest. Marina: Isn’t it a shopping app Darrell: Not really. Many people share their works on Pinterest and tell you how they made them. I’m sure you can get some ideas there. Marina: Sounds like you use it often. Darrell: Yeah. Just last week I went there and found the A to Z of making chocolate cake— from choosing good chocolate to baking (烘烤) the cake to making sugar flowers on top. Marina: Really I’ll check it out later. Thanks a lot.
16. What’s Marina’s homework
A. To draw a future house. B. To get ideas for opening a library.
C. To look for something useful to do. D. To do some shopping for her art class.
17. Why did Darrell tell Marina to go to Pinterest
A. To get a shopping app. B. To meet some new friends.
C. To find some helpful examples. D. To share her works with people.
18. What does the underlined part “A to Z” mean
A. All letters. B. Chocolate cakes.
C. Sugar flowers on top. D. Everything about something.
19. What should you do if you find a baby bird hurt
A. Just leave it there. B. Call the animal center.
C. Put it back to its nest. D. Feed it with healthy food.
20. Why should you do nothing about an unhurt baby bird with feathers
A. Because you might hurt it. B. Because it is learning to fly.
C. Because it is afraid of people D. Because its mother will find it soon.
21. Which of the following is TRUE about mother birds
A. They don’t care about their babies.
B. They push their babies out of their nest.
C. They don’t mind the smell of people on their babies.
D. They will give up their babies if there’s smell of people on them.
22. Where do you most probably find this passage
A. In a newspaper. B. In an engineer’s diary.
C. In a tourist guide book. D. In a student’s notebook.
Have you ever seen or used a saw, or “ju” in Chinese Do you know who invented it The inventor was Lu Ban. He was born in the state of Lu in ancient China more than 2,500 years ago. That is where Qufu lies in the east of Jining.
Lu Ban was the greatest carpenter (木匠) in his time. Once the king ordered him and his team to build a palace
in a very short time. They would be punished if they missed the deadline(最后期限). They had only axes, or fuzi in Chinese, to cut the trees and prepare the wood for the palace, so work was very slow.
One day Lu Ban rushed up the hill to see how things were going. Suddenly the sharp teeth of a leaf cut his hand. Then a bright idea came into his head. Soon he made a tool with teeth along the side of a long iron bar (条状物). With this tool, work became much faster, and they completed the work before the deadline.
That is how the saw was invented.
Lu Ban invented many other useful tools for carpenters and interesting toys f children. The Wooden Bird, for example, could stay in the air for three days. That’s why he is regarded as the God of Carpentry.
23. In which picture can you see a saw
A. B. C. D.
24. What did the king order Lu Ban and his men to do
A. Use only axes. B. Build a palace quickly.
C. Cut the trees. D. Prepare the wood.
25. What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us
A. How Lu Ban’s hand was hurt. B. Why Lu Ban invented the saw.
C. How the saw was invented. D. How the palace was completed.
26. Which of the following did Lu Ban’s Wooden Bird work like
A. A bike. B. A kite. C. A ship. D. A car.
Sometimes when the rain falls hard and fast on you, it might hurt a little. But what happens when it hits a mosquito (蚊子)
In 2012, David Hu, a scientist at Georgia Tech, became interested in this problem and decided to do a research. He used a high-speed camera so that he could watch the mosquitoes in very slow motion and find out what they’re doing when they’re out in the rain.
What he found is that when a raindrop falls on a mosquito, it’s like when a bus hits a person. Besides, the little insect (昆虫) is hit by a raindrop about once every 20 seconds. So why don’t we see many dead mosquitoes after it rains
A mosquito is as big as a raindrop, but it is much lighter —0.002g only. This saves its life in raindrop hits. Because the mosquito is so light, when it is hit by a raindrop, it won’t experience a force that is strong enough to kill
The study also found that when a mosquito is hit by a raindrop, the insect is pushed by the raindrop and falls together with it. But the mosquito doesn’t get wet easily because it is covered with hairs which keep off water. After dropping about 6 cm, it will roll off the raindrop and fly away.
However, this trick isn’t always successful. If the mosquito flies too low when it is hit by the raindrop, it won’t have time to fly off. Then it will hit the ground and meet its death.
27. What does the underlined word “motion” mean
A. Time. B. Movie. C. Step. D. Movement.
28. What protect mosquitoes in the rain
A. Their mouths and their noses. B. Their eyes and their ears.
D. Their body weight and their hairs. C. Their legs and their wings.
9. When is it dangerous for a mosquito in the rain
A. When it flies too close to the ground.
B. When the rain falls too hard and too fast.
C. When it is hit by raindrops too many times.
D. When it drops for more than 6 cm in the rain.
30. Which of the following is a proper title for the passage
A. How Raindrops Hurt Mosquitoes B. When Mosquitoes Are in Danger
C. Why Mosquitoes Aren’t Hurt in Rain D. When Mosquitoes Meet Their Death
News Information
News 1 This morning, a 1. got free from a zoo. It’s 2. today. Luckily, 3. got hurt in the event.
News 2 The Chinese women’s 4. team won the Asian Cup again. They beat the 5. team with a 73—71 victory!
1. My favorite color is y .
2. I’m going to c a meal for Dad on Father’s Day.
3. —Could you please tell me your email a
—Of course. Mary@.
4. Eating too much junk food is h to your health.
5. Jane is of medium (身高), and she has curly hair.
6. The teacher’s (善良) has changed me a lot.
7. It’s necessary for you to learn to make your own (选择).
8. It is said that Shen Nong was the first to (发现) tea as a drink.
Do you know ChatGPT It’s an artificial intelligence(AI人工智能) tool. It can answer questions, tell 1 (story), and do much more. But it’s very “thirsty”, said a new study.
ChatGPT has “homes” around the world in data (数据) centers. 2 it works, the computers in the data centers get very hot. Workers then have to use water to cool 3 (they) down. Cold water goes into the pipes (管子) near the computers.
When you ask ChatGPT 20 to 50 questions, it “drinks” 500 milliliters of water!
In Xi’an, there is a restaurant owner named Xiong Wencheng. He 4 (offer) the “No.6 combo”—a free meal, to help people in need for three years.
There is a sign on the restaurant door, it says, 5 you 5 (experience) a hard time in Xi’an now If f you can’t afford a meal, you can enter the restaurant and ask for the ‘No. 6 combo’.”
The “No. 6 combo” is made up of a bowl of spicy soup, locally called hulatang, and a baijimo. It 6 (consider) as a secret code (暗号) between the customer and the restaurant. With this secret code, the one who is in need can ask 7 help without feeling embarrassed.
Actually, it’s not 8 easy plan. The cost of the combo is 8 yuan. Even if 20people ask for it, it 9 (cost) 160 yuan. Besides the “No. 6 combo”, the restaurant has been serving free breakfast to street sanitation workers(环卫工人)since 2015.
When asked why he did that, Xiong 10 (say), “It’s possible for anyone to meet difficulties. I hope that those who receive help will, in turn, give a hand to others.”
answer, disappear, hard, like, or, unhappy, sat down, stood up, while
In a village near a desert lived a young and successful businessman named James. He often felt 1 because of the endless challenges he faced.
One day, a wise old man came to the village with 100 camels(骆驼). James went to see him and said, “I always have business worries, family troubles and health problems. Please tell me how to make them 2 .”
The old man smiled and said, “I’ll give you an 3 tomorrow morning. But first, can you do a small thing for me ” James agreed. The old man asked him to take care of the 100 camels for the night, making sure that they all 4 and rested before he could go to sleep.
The next morning, the old man asked James how his night went. James said sadly, “I didn’t sleep at all. No matter how I tried, I couldn’t get all the camels to sit together. Even if I managed to get some camels to sit on one side, a few others would stand on the other side.” “That’s true. Some camels sat down on their own, 6 others required some effort, and y d yet many camels did not sit even after quite a lot of effort,” the old man said.
James nodded.
The old man continued, “Your problems are just 7 the camels. There are always some problems that cannot get solved even if you’ve tried your best. Leave such problems to time until one day they themselves come to an end.”
James felt a sense of understanding. It completely changed the way he saw life’s challenges.
Chinese calligraphy
Chinese calligraphy is a beautiful art form of writing Chinese characters (汉字). It has a long history. People use brushes and ink (墨汁) to write characters on special paper called xuan paper. And it is loved by people all over the world.
Chinese calligraphy has many different styles. Zhuanshu, lishu, kaishu, xingshu and caoshu are quite well known to people. As we all know, Yan zhenqing is famous for kaishu and Wang Xizhi for xingshu. Each style has its own beauty.
Chinese calligraphy needs both skill and practice. The type of brush, ink, and paper used can influence the writing. Calligraphy is not just writing, it is an art form that shows the writer’s feelings and thoughts(思想).
Chinese calligraphy is a living heritage (遗产) that connects us to our history and traditions. It is an important part of Chinese culture and adds beauty to our lives. For example, the Spring Festival couplets (春联)add more happiness to the festival.
Many people enjoy calligraphy. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, calligraphy is something that anyone can enjoy.
1. What is Chinese calligraphy (no more than 11 words)
2. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about (no more than 8 words)
3. What example is given to show Chinese calligraphy adds beauty to our lives (no more than 10 words)
take part in, raise one’s interest (in), be helpful to, improve one’s English, learn more about different cultures
Dear editor,
Yesterday we did a survey in our class about the most popular activities by the school English club. Here are the results.
Li Hua



