
第一部分 完形(共两节,满分16分)
A. when B. around C. music D. because E. completely F. with G. played
I like music because I think there is nothing more relaxing than listening to or playing music.
One day,I went to my parents’ house to visit them.While my mother was cooking in the kitchen,my father and I were talking in the living room.He told me many stories about  1. .Then I went into my father’s room  2. him.He took out his guitar and started to play.I took out a violin and played with him.Slowly,I was lost in the music.
My father and I  3. like that for about 20 minutes.And when I turned  4. ,my mother was standing outside the door listening.I didn’t even find she was there while I was playing.I was  5. lost in the music.When I played with my father,I wasn’t good at playing the violin.But it was a slow song.I didn’t need to worry about my ability(能力),and I just enjoyed the beauty of music.
Now many people only focus(专注于) on being good at one instrument(乐器),but not focus on the music itself.However,I play music just  6. it makes me happy,and I love everything about it.
第二节(共10个小题: 每小题1分,满分10分)
The book I read is A Picture to Remember by Sarah Scott-Malden.It’s  7  a girl called Christina.One day,when she was waiting at the traffic lights,she  8  two men with a gun in a car next to her.They were bank robbers(抢劫者)  9  she saw their faces.They didn’t want her to tell the police,so they planned to kill her.
At first,one of the robbers attacked Christina near the park,but  10  she only got her arm hurt slightly.After she called in her friend,Philippe for help,they were  11  in the street when the robbers drove their car into them.Philippe was  12  seriously and had to go to hospital.When Christina visited Philippe and left the  13 ,the robbers followed her.Christina saw that they had a gun and understood  14  they wanted to do.She was scared,but she kept calm.The robbers were close behind her,but they were driving  15  fast that they couldn’t stop the car and it turned over,so the police caught  16  of the robbers.That’s the end of the story.
(   )7. A. about B. of C. with
(   )8. A. heard B. noticed C. felt
(   )9. A. and B. but C. or
(   )10. A. badly B. carefully C. luckily
(   )11. A. working B. hurrying C. laughing
(   )12. A. saved B. hurt C. killed
(   )13. A. hospital B. school C. bank
(   )14. A. what B. which C. how
(   )15. A. so B. very C. too
(   )16. A. all B. either C. both
7第二部分 阅读(共三节,22小题:每小题2分,共44分)
第一节(共12个小题:每小题2分, 满分24分)
There are many wonderful literature works(文学作品) in the world,and they are still popular after so many years.
Robinson Crusoe is one of the most famous adventure novels in England.It was written by Daniel Defoe,an English novelist.The novel has been popular for centuries.The main character in it is an Englishman named Robinson Crusoe.It tells about his adventure on a desert island after his ship was broken in a terrible storm.He is a hero fighting against nature and human fate(命运).He is one of the most successful characters in English novels.
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a work of children’s literature by a British writer,Lewis Carroll.It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a wonderland.Many strange things happen to her and she also meets many playing cards and creatures(生物)that can talk.Finally,she finds everything is just a part of a wonderful dream.
Harry Potter is a set of fantasy(魔幻的) novels written by the
British author J. K. Rowling.She was born on July 30,1965.The success of the novels has made her the most highly-paid novelist in history.The idea for Harry Potter came to her in 1990 during a train ride.The story is about seven years’ life of an orphan(孤儿) Potter who learns magic.There are seven books in total.
(   )17. Robinson had his adventure     .
A. on the ship B. on a desert island C. in the forest
(  )18. According to the passage,      is a man who is fighting against nature and fate.
A. Robinson Crusoe B. Daniel Defoe C. Harry Potter
(  )19. In fact,Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a story of a     .
A. real adventure B. magical boy C. wonderful dream
(   )20. We can know that     has been the most highly-paid novelist in history.
A. Hemingway   B. J. K. Rowling    C. Lewis Carroll
Alice was not hurt,so she jumped to her feet in a moment.She looked up,and found the White Rabbit was still in sight.She was close behind it when she turned the corner,but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen.She found herself in a long,low hall.
There were doors all around the hall,but they were all locked.
Alice walked sadly down the middle,wondering how she was ever to get out again.
Suddenly,she came upon a little three-legged table.There was nothing on it but a tiny golden key,and Alice’s first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall.
But,alas! Either the locks were too large,or the key was too small.However,on the second time round,she came upon a low curtain(窗帘) she had not noticed before and behind it was a little door.She tried the little golden key in the lock,and she was pleased to find it fitted!
(   )21. The hall where Alice stayed was     .
A. big and high B. long and low C. wide and low
(   )22. What did Alice want to do when she got to the hall?
A. She wanted to know how to get some food. B. She wanted to know where her sister was.
C. She wanted to find out how to get out again.
( C  )23. How did Alice feel when the golden key fitted in to a lock?
A. Tired. B. Shocked. C. Happy.
(  )24. Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A. The passage is from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
B. Some of the doors around the hall were locked.
C. Alice noticed the little door as soon as she entered the hall.
Country music is a mix of traditional music and popular music.There are many branches(分支) of country music,such as cowboy,bluegrass and country rock.Country music usually talks about everyday life and feelings.It’s slow,simple and easy to understand.
Country music first developed in the southern United States.It was the folk music of American countryside at first.Many of the songs talked about the life of farmers there.The main topics were love,crops and death.It seemed that the sound of the violin and the guitar took people to mountains and fields(田野) when people listened to country music.
Rural life could be hard,so the words in country music always sounded a little sad.In the beginning,people played country music only at family parties.But it became more popular later.In the 1920s,country music was heard on the radio,and later it was made into records.
When people in the countryside moved to towns and cities to look for work,they took their music with them.Then country music continued to change and became popular across America.
John Denver was one of America’s most famous country sin gers in the 1970s.His song Take Me Home,Country Roads is well-known and is still played by many people today.
(   )25. The underlined word “Rural” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to     .
A. city B. school C. countryside
(   )26. Where did country music first develop?
A. England. B. America. C. China.
(   )27. Where could people listen to country music in the beginning?
A. On the radio. B. On the Internet. C. At family parties.
(  )28. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. Traditional music and popular music. B. The development of country music.
C. Different kinds of country music.
A. It reminds us the best things in life. B. I realize that this isn’t true for everybody. C. The kind of music we hear in the concert hall. D. Through music a child goes into a world of beauty. E. Would the feelings and the moving plot (情节) be so wonderful? F. So music surely has meaning for everyone,in some way or other.
To me,life without music would not be exciting.  29. Many people get along quite well without going to the concert,and listening to the record.But music plays an important part in everyone’s life,whether he realizes it or not.Try to imagine,for example,what films or TV plays would be like without music.  30. I’m not sure about it.
Now,we have been talking about music in its more common meaning—  31. But if we look at some parts of music more closely,we find them in our everyday life too—in the rhythm (节奏) of the sea,the sin ging of a bird in the woods and so on.  32. And,of course,it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.It’s well said,“  33. He expresses himself from his heart,feels the joy of doing things alone,learns to take care of others,develops his mind and makes his body strong.”
Music is different from songs.Songs express feelings with lyrics,but music with tones(音调).Unlike songs,music tones in themselves have no specific meanings.
Different people may get different things from the same musical performance.Though some music works are difficult to understand,people need music in their daily life because it brings fun to them.Different people like different music:some love classical music,and others take an interest in pop music.Most young people like pop music.
Pop music began in the USA and became popular around the world during the 1950s and 1960s.The best-known early kind of pop music was “rock and roll”.Pop music has taken the place of native music in many parts of the world.It has caused the number of people for “jazz” music to become much smaller than in the 1950s and earlier,and it has now begun to become the most popular.Much pop music is without
artistic value(价值),but the works of some pop sin gers such as The Beatles,Bob Dylan,the groups like Pink Floyd and Crosby are excellent.And there is still great interest in it today.Pop music concerts and festivals are held all over the world.
34. The biggest difference between music and songs is .
35. Music works can bring fun to us,so we in our daily life.
36. The number of people for jazz in the 1950s and earlier was much than
it is today.
37. has now become the most popular according to the passage.
38. What kind of music do you like?Why?
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分15分)
39. 您简直无法相信自从听了您的课她进步有多大。
You can’t believe how much she has improved she attended your class.
40. 那两个人中有一个死了,而另一个则跑向我的房子。
One of the two men died but ran towards my house.
41. 哈利对科幻电影感兴趣,《复仇者联盟3》他已经看了好几次了。
Harry is interested in the movie.He has already seen Avengers 3 for several times.
42. 我喜欢摇滚乐,因为它声音大且充满能量。
I love rock music because it’s loud and energy.
43. 这本书是吉姆的,上面有他的名字。
The book Jim.There is his name on it.
There are so many science fiction  44. (fan) in the world.I am one of them.But I do not like the books written by modern writers.Instead,I think the classic ones are much  45. (good).Recently I read a book called 20,000
Leagues Under the Sea.Here is  46. story:In 1866,some people found a monster (怪物) in the sea.They thought it might be a kind of whale,and they  47. (invite) scientist Pierre Aronnax to join them to catch the monster.When Pierre got close to the monster,he found that it was not a
whale,  48. a ship that could travel under the sea!
The ship belonged to Nemo.He built this  49. (amaze) ship on an island in the sea.The ship could get energy (能量) from the sea water,so it could  50. (run) all the time.Nemo introduced Pierre to his workers in the ship and took him on a great trip under the sea.On  51. (they) way,they also looked for treasure in the sea.Nemo gave it to people on land  52. (help) them live a better life.
 53. the end Pierre got back to his home.He wrote a book to tell people
about his great adventure under the sea.
第四部分 写作 (满分15分)
联合国教科文组织正在举办全世界中学生读书交流征文活动。请根据提示,以“My Favorite Book”为题,写一篇英语短文参加此次活动。
2. 文中不能出现真实的人名和校名。
3. 词数80左右。(标题已给出,不计入总词数)
My Favorite Book
34.lyrics and tones
35.need music
37.Pop music
38.I like country music,because it can make me relaxed.(言之有理即可) 
39.ever since 40.the other 41.science fiction 
42.full of 43.belongs to 
52.to help
第四部分 写作 (满分15分)
My Favorite Book
My favorite book is Jane Eyre and it is written by Charlotte Bronte.Actually
Jane Eyre is a book whose theme is of love.In the story,Jane Eyre lived a hard life,
but she was self-confident.In her heart,there is always a mind that if you hold a
belief and stick to it,you will achieve your dream in the end.What impressed me
most is her saying,“I have as much soul as you,and full as much heart!And if
God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth,I should have made it as hard
for you to leave me,as it is now for me to leave you.” 
From the book Jane Eyre,I have learned a lot which will push me further in my life. 



