
Now I am in Huizhou. I often g 1.   up at 7:00 in the morning. I go to school at 7:30. I have six classes each day from Monday to Friday. I eat l 2.   at school. After school in the afternoon, I usually play s 3.   with my new friends. On the weekend, I often go on a p 4.   with my family or c 5.   the rooms. I am happy here.
(2024五下·博罗期中)Zhang Peng与Amy 正在谈论接下来的校园活动,读一读,补全对话。
A. When is it B. Is it in April, too C. It's in May. D. What about you E. What will you do for the party
Zhang Peng: We will have an English party soon.
Amy: Great!  6.  
Zhang Peng: It's in April.  7.  
Amy: Oh, I will sing English songs.  8.  
Zhang Peng: I will tell an English story.
Amy: Cool!
Zhang Peng: We will have a school trip, too.
Amy:  9.  
Zhang Peng: No, it isn't.  10.  
Amy: Hooray for May.
二、美丽惠州知多少,Zhang Peng向Amy介绍惠州,请你一起回答。(本题共4小题,每小题1分,共4分)
11.(2024五下·博罗期中) We can go swimming in ____.
A.Dongshan Park
B.Luofu Mountain
C.Double-Moon Bay(双月湾)
12.(2024五下·博罗期中) The ____ in Zhenlong Town(镇隆)are famous(出名的).
A. B. C.
13.(2024五下·博罗期中) The poet(诗人) ____ once lived in Huizhou.
A.Su Dongpo(苏东坡)
B.Li Bai(李白)
C.Du Fu(杜甫)
14.(2024五下·博罗期中) Boluo is famous(出名的)for ____.
A.noodles B.salty chicken C.potatoes
A. flowers B. clever C. go for a walk D. beautiful E. animals
Today I go to Fusheng Six Seasons Park. It is very big. There are many  15.  , such as monkeys, giraffes, parrots, goats... I see the"crow(乌鸦) drinking water"show! It is amazing. The crow gets the stones and puts them into the bottle. So the water in the bottle goes up(上升). The crow can drink water at last. I think it is  16.  . There are a lot of  17.  . They are colourful. We  18.   there and take many pictures. I have a good time in this  19.   park.
Model Plane Camp for Children August 1st~August 15th You can make model planes here. Tel: 9684749 National Park Opening 8:00 a.m.~6:30p.m. (May~November) (December~April) Tel: 6698423
Campfire Party We are going to have a party for children 6:30 p.m.~8:30 p.m. on June 1st In the Central Park on Fifth Street Tel: 6988458 Tents(帐篷)for Rent(出租) 120 yuan for night—one or two people 200 yuan for night—family size (four people) Please call Mr. Smith at 9685867.
20.If you like making model planes, you should call ____.
A.9684749 B.6988458 C.6698423
21.You can take a walk in the National Park at ____ in July.
A.7:00 a.m. B.9:30a.m. C.7:30 p.m.
22.You can enjoy yourself ____ at 7:00p.m. on June 1st. the tents the National Park the Central Park
23.Amy and her parents will be in the mountain s for 3 nights. How much should they pay for the tent
A. 360 B. 600 C. 480
24.Mr Smith may be a ____.
A.teacher B.shopkeeper C.tourist(游客)
Do you know Summer Solstice(夏至)?It is the 10th solar term(节气)of the year in China. It comes on June 21st or June 22rd every year. For this year, it's on June 21st.After Summer Solstice, it's getting hotter and hotter.
In northern China(北方),people often eat noodles on this day. And in some places of southern China, people like to eat lychees(荔枝). In Shaoxing, Zhejiang, there are dragon boat races on Summer Solstice.
25.Every year, Summer Solstice is on the same day.
26.Summer Solstice is on June 21st in 2024.
27.It is cool after Summer Solstice.
28.In southern China, people eat noodles on Summer Solstice.
29.In Shaoxing, Zhejiang, people watch dragon boat races on Summer Solstice.
30.(2024五下·博罗期中)Amy参观了学校画展,同学们画的四季图太漂亮了,她也想把自己最喜欢的季节用文字描述出来。假如你是Amy, 请以My favourite season为题,发挥想象。写一篇短文。
Hello. I am Amy. ... ...
1.句意:我经常在上午7点钟_______。根据常识和所给首字母可知,我经常上午7点起床,get up起床,固定搭配,故答案为get。
3.句意:下午放学后,我通常和我的新朋友们_______。根据常识和所给单词首字母可知, 我通常和朋友们做运动,play sport做运动,故答案为sports。
4.句意:在周末,我经常和家人去______或者_______房间。根据常识和所给单词首字母可知,我经常和家人去野餐,go on a picnic去野餐,故答案为picnic。
5.句意:在周末,我经常和家人去野餐或者_______房间。根据常识和所给单词首字母可知,我经常和家人去野餐或者打扫房间,clean the rooms打扫房间,故答案为clean。
【解析】【分析】A. When is it 它是什么时候?
B. Is it in April, too 也是在四月吗?
C. It's in May.它是在五月。
D. What about you 你呢?
E. What will you do for the party 你会为聚会做些什么?
6.根据下文 It's in April.可知,上文是询问时间,它是在什么时候,故答案为A。
7.根据下文Oh, I will sing English songs. 可知,上文是询问你会为聚会做些什么,故答案为E。
8.根据下文 I will tell an English story. 可知,上文也是询问对方会为聚会做什么,可以问你呢,故答案为D。
9.根据下文No, it isn't. 可知,上文是一个is开头的一般疑问句,询问它也是在四月吗,故答案为B。
10.根据上文Is it in April, too 和No, it isn't. 可知,此处表示时间,它是在五月,故答案为C。
【解析】【分析】A. flowers花朵;B. clever聪明的; C. go for a walk去散步; D. beautiful美丽的; E. animals动物
17.句意:有许多______。根据下文 They are colourful.可知,有许多花朵,flowers花朵,故答案为A。
18.句意:我们______那里并且拍了许多照片。根据常识可知,我们在那里散步,并且拍了许多照片,go for a walk去散步,故答案为C。
20.句意:如果你喜欢制作模型飞机,你应该致电____。A 9684749 ;B 6988458 ;C 6698423 。根据文中 Model Plane Camp for Children Tel: 9684749 可知,你应该致电9684749,故答案为A。
21.句意:在七月份你可以____去国家公园散步。A上午七点;B上午九点半;C下午七点半。根据文中National Park Opening 8:00 a.m.~6:30p.m. (May~November)可知,七月份你可以在上午九点半去散步,故答案为B。
22.句意:你可以在6月1日晚上7点在 ____ 尽情玩耍。A在帐篷里;B在国家公园;C在中心公园。根据文中We are going to have a party for children 6:30 p.m.~8:30 p.m. on June 1st In the Central Park on Fifth Street可知,在六月一日晚上七点你可以在中心公园尽情玩耍,故答案为C。
23.句意:Amy 和她的父母将在山上住 3 晚。他们应该为帐篷付多少钱?A36元;B600元;C480元。根据文中120 yuan for night—one or two people 200 yuan for night—family size (four people)可知,他们要付600元,故答案为B。
24.句意:史密斯先生可能是一位____。A老师;B店主;C游客。根据文中 Please call Mr. Smith at 9685867. 可知,史密斯先生可能是一位店主,故答案为B。
25.句意:每年的夏至都在同一天。根据文中 It comes on June 21st or June 22rd every year. 可知,每年夏至时间是在6月21日或6月22日,不是同一天,与题干不相符,故答案为错误。
26.句意:2024年夏至是6月21日。根据文中For this year, it's on June 21st.可知,今年夏至是6月21日,与题干相符,故答案为正确。
27.句意:夏至后天气凉爽。根据文中After Summer Solstice, it's getting hotter and hotter.可知,夏至后,天气越来越热,与题干不相符,故答案为错误。
28.句意:在中国南方,人们在夏至吃面条。根据文中 In northern China(北方),people often eat noodles on this day. 可知,在中国北方,人们在夏至吃面条,与题干不相符,故答案为错误。
29.句意:在浙江绍兴,人们在夏至观看龙舟比赛。根据文中 In Shaoxing, Zhejiang, there are dragon boat races on Summer Solstice.可知,在浙江绍兴人们在夏至观看龙舟比赛,故答案为正确。
【解析】【分析】这是一篇命题作文,要求 以My favourite season为题,把自己最喜欢的季节用文字描述出来,不少于6句话。文章开头已经给出。然后采用第一人称和一般现在时态展开书写,先介绍我最喜欢的季节是春天,My favorite season is spring. 然后再具体描述春天的天气是温暖的,It is warm in spring. 然后描述春天有许多绿树和漂亮的花,There are many green trees and beautiful flowers. 然后再介绍在春天通常有哪些活动,如:在公园里有许多孩子们在放风筝,There are many children fly kites in the park. 我们在公园里拍许多照片,We take many photos in the park. 有时我还会和朋友们去野餐,Sometines I have a picnic with my friends.
Now I am in Huizhou. I often g 1.   up at 7:00 in the morning. I go to school at 7:30. I have six classes each day from Monday to Friday. I eat l 2.   at school. After school in the afternoon, I usually play s 3.   with my new friends. On the weekend, I often go on a p 4.   with my family or c 5.   the rooms. I am happy here.
1.句意:我经常在上午7点钟_______。根据常识和所给首字母可知,我经常上午7点起床,get up起床,固定搭配,故答案为get。
3.句意:下午放学后,我通常和我的新朋友们_______。根据常识和所给单词首字母可知, 我通常和朋友们做运动,play sport做运动,故答案为sports。
4.句意:在周末,我经常和家人去______或者_______房间。根据常识和所给单词首字母可知,我经常和家人去野餐,go on a picnic去野餐,故答案为picnic。
5.句意:在周末,我经常和家人去野餐或者_______房间。根据常识和所给单词首字母可知,我经常和家人去野餐或者打扫房间,clean the rooms打扫房间,故答案为clean。
(2024五下·博罗期中)Zhang Peng与Amy 正在谈论接下来的校园活动,读一读,补全对话。
A. When is it B. Is it in April, too C. It's in May. D. What about you E. What will you do for the party
Zhang Peng: We will have an English party soon.
Amy: Great!  6.  
Zhang Peng: It's in April.  7.  
Amy: Oh, I will sing English songs.  8.  
Zhang Peng: I will tell an English story.
Amy: Cool!
Zhang Peng: We will have a school trip, too.
Amy:  9.  
Zhang Peng: No, it isn't.  10.  
Amy: Hooray for May.
【解析】【分析】A. When is it 它是什么时候?
B. Is it in April, too 也是在四月吗?
C. It's in May.它是在五月。
D. What about you 你呢?
E. What will you do for the party 你会为聚会做些什么?
6.根据下文 It's in April.可知,上文是询问时间,它是在什么时候,故答案为A。
7.根据下文Oh, I will sing English songs. 可知,上文是询问你会为聚会做些什么,故答案为E。
8.根据下文 I will tell an English story. 可知,上文也是询问对方会为聚会做什么,可以问你呢,故答案为D。
9.根据下文No, it isn't. 可知,上文是一个is开头的一般疑问句,询问它也是在四月吗,故答案为B。
10.根据上文Is it in April, too 和No, it isn't. 可知,此处表示时间,它是在五月,故答案为C。
二、美丽惠州知多少,Zhang Peng向Amy介绍惠州,请你一起回答。(本题共4小题,每小题1分,共4分)
11.(2024五下·博罗期中) We can go swimming in ____.
A.Dongshan Park
B.Luofu Mountain
C.Double-Moon Bay(双月湾)
12.(2024五下·博罗期中) The ____ in Zhenlong Town(镇隆)are famous(出名的).
A. B. C.
13.(2024五下·博罗期中) The poet(诗人) ____ once lived in Huizhou.
A.Su Dongpo(苏东坡)
B.Li Bai(李白)
C.Du Fu(杜甫)
14.(2024五下·博罗期中) Boluo is famous(出名的)for ____.
A.noodles B.salty chicken C.potatoes
A. flowers B. clever C. go for a walk D. beautiful E. animals
Today I go to Fusheng Six Seasons Park. It is very big. There are many  15.  , such as monkeys, giraffes, parrots, goats... I see the"crow(乌鸦) drinking water"show! It is amazing. The crow gets the stones and puts them into the bottle. So the water in the bottle goes up(上升). The crow can drink water at last. I think it is  16.  . There are a lot of  17.  . They are colourful. We  18.   there and take many pictures. I have a good time in this  19.   park.
【解析】【分析】A. flowers花朵;B. clever聪明的; C. go for a walk去散步; D. beautiful美丽的; E. animals动物
17.句意:有许多______。根据下文 They are colourful.可知,有许多花朵,flowers花朵,故答案为A。
18.句意:我们______那里并且拍了许多照片。根据常识可知,我们在那里散步,并且拍了许多照片,go for a walk去散步,故答案为C。
Model Plane Camp for Children August 1st~August 15th You can make model planes here. Tel: 9684749 National Park Opening 8:00 a.m.~6:30p.m. (May~November) (December~April) Tel: 6698423
Campfire Party We are going to have a party for children 6:30 p.m.~8:30 p.m. on June 1st In the Central Park on Fifth Street Tel: 6988458 Tents(帐篷)for Rent(出租) 120 yuan for night—one or two people 200 yuan for night—family size (four people) Please call Mr. Smith at 9685867.
20.If you like making model planes, you should call ____.
A.9684749 B.6988458 C.6698423
21.You can take a walk in the National Park at ____ in July.
A.7:00 a.m. B.9:30a.m. C.7:30 p.m.
22.You can enjoy yourself ____ at 7:00p.m. on June 1st. the tents the National Park the Central Park
23.Amy and her parents will be in the mountain s for 3 nights. How much should they pay for the tent
A. 360 B. 600 C. 480
24.Mr Smith may be a ____.
A.teacher B.shopkeeper C.tourist(游客)
20.句意:如果你喜欢制作模型飞机,你应该致电____。A 9684749 ;B 6988458 ;C 6698423 。根据文中 Model Plane Camp for Children Tel: 9684749 可知,你应该致电9684749,故答案为A。
21.句意:在七月份你可以____去国家公园散步。A上午七点;B上午九点半;C下午七点半。根据文中National Park Opening 8:00 a.m.~6:30p.m. (May~November)可知,七月份你可以在上午九点半去散步,故答案为B。
22.句意:你可以在6月1日晚上7点在 ____ 尽情玩耍。A在帐篷里;B在国家公园;C在中心公园。根据文中We are going to have a party for children 6:30 p.m.~8:30 p.m. on June 1st In the Central Park on Fifth Street可知,在六月一日晚上七点你可以在中心公园尽情玩耍,故答案为C。
23.句意:Amy 和她的父母将在山上住 3 晚。他们应该为帐篷付多少钱?A36元;B600元;C480元。根据文中120 yuan for night—one or two people 200 yuan for night—family size (four people)可知,他们要付600元,故答案为B。
24.句意:史密斯先生可能是一位____。A老师;B店主;C游客。根据文中 Please call Mr. Smith at 9685867. 可知,史密斯先生可能是一位店主,故答案为B。
Do you know Summer Solstice(夏至)?It is the 10th solar term(节气)of the year in China. It comes on June 21st or June 22rd every year. For this year, it's on June 21st.After Summer Solstice, it's getting hotter and hotter.
In northern China(北方),people often eat noodles on this day. And in some places of southern China, people like to eat lychees(荔枝). In Shaoxing, Zhejiang, there are dragon boat races on Summer Solstice.
25.Every year, Summer Solstice is on the same day.
26.Summer Solstice is on June 21st in 2024.
27.It is cool after Summer Solstice.
28.In southern China, people eat noodles on Summer Solstice.
29.In Shaoxing, Zhejiang, people watch dragon boat races on Summer Solstice.
25.句意:每年的夏至都在同一天。根据文中 It comes on June 21st or June 22rd every year. 可知,每年夏至时间是在6月21日或6月22日,不是同一天,与题干不相符,故答案为错误。
26.句意:2024年夏至是6月21日。根据文中For this year, it's on June 21st.可知,今年夏至是6月21日,与题干相符,故答案为正确。
27.句意:夏至后天气凉爽。根据文中After Summer Solstice, it's getting hotter and hotter.可知,夏至后,天气越来越热,与题干不相符,故答案为错误。
28.句意:在中国南方,人们在夏至吃面条。根据文中 In northern China(北方),people often eat noodles on this day. 可知,在中国北方,人们在夏至吃面条,与题干不相符,故答案为错误。
29.句意:在浙江绍兴,人们在夏至观看龙舟比赛。根据文中 In Shaoxing, Zhejiang, there are dragon boat races on Summer Solstice.可知,在浙江绍兴人们在夏至观看龙舟比赛,故答案为正确。
30.(2024五下·博罗期中)Amy参观了学校画展,同学们画的四季图太漂亮了,她也想把自己最喜欢的季节用文字描述出来。假如你是Amy, 请以My favourite season为题,发挥想象。写一篇短文。
Hello. I am Amy. ... ...
【解析】【分析】这是一篇命题作文,要求 以My favourite season为题,把自己最喜欢的季节用文字描述出来,不少于6句话。文章开头已经给出。然后采用第一人称和一般现在时态展开书写,先介绍我最喜欢的季节是春天,My favorite season is spring. 然后再具体描述春天的天气是温暖的,It is warm in spring. 然后描述春天有许多绿树和漂亮的花,There are many green trees and beautiful flowers. 然后再介绍在春天通常有哪些活动,如:在公园里有许多孩子们在放风筝,There are many children fly kites in the park. 我们在公园里拍许多照片,We take many photos in the park. 有时我还会和朋友们去野餐,Sometines I have a picnic with my friends.



上一篇:Level 6 Unit 1 Beastly Tales 单元练习 (含听力音频无答案无听力原文)
