Level 6 Unit 1 Beastly Tales 单元练习 (含听力音频无答案无听力原文)

剑桥国际少儿英语Kid's Box6
Unit1 Beastly Tales
Unit 1 Test
listening(30 points)
I. Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct answer.(5*2=10)
( )1. A. The woman visited Chuncheon for the first time.
B. The beaches in Chuncheon are never crowded.
C. The woman thinks Chuncheon is relaxing.
( )2. A. The man had a great vacation in Mexico City last July.
B. The man hasn't been to Mexico City yet.
C. The man can't wait to go to Mexico City in August.
( )3. A. The man has been to San Francisco.
B. The woman thinks the man should visit Lombard Street.
C. Winter is a good time to Visit San Francisco.
( )4. A. Many people live on Mcnabs Island.
B. The man took a boat from Halifax to Mcnabs Island.
C. The man stayed in a hotel on Mcnabs Island.
( )5. A. Emily is short and in her thirties.
B. Emily is medium height and in her twenties.
C. Emily is fairly short and about twenty-five.
II. Listen and write.(5*2=10)
III. Listen and fill in the blanks. (10*1=10)
NARRATOR: School play. The Lion King. Actors needed.
___1___-Wednesday 3. 45.
DAN: I want to be an actor. I'm going to go to the ___1___.
SHARI: Yeah, that's a good idea, You love __2___.
ALVIN: Which part are you going to do in your ___1___
DAN: I want to be Rafiki, the clever monkey.
SHARE: Yeah!
DAN: Emm.
NARRATOR: Wednesday afternoon.
DAN: Er...This baby lion, Simba, ___3___ errr... the King of the Animals.
SHARI: The King of the Beasts.
DAN: Oh, yes! ... is going to be... the King of the Beasts.
TEACHER: I'm sorry, Dan. We aren't going to ___4__ you for the monkey, but we have got ___5___ part for you if you're interested.
DAN: Really Thanks very much.
ALVIN: So, are you going to be in the___6___, Dan
DAN: Oh, yes.___7___a part. I'm going to be a...singing tree.
ALVIN: Oh, dear. So you ______8_______ be a famous actor.
DAN: No, I'm going to be a famous writer, ___9___ with that international e zine! So what are we going to write about this time
SHARI: Well, not The Lion King!
ALVIN: No, but there are some older stories about other really exciting ___10___. Let’s do that!
Writing(70 points)
I. Put the words into three different groups. (10*0.5=5)
II. What’s going to happen (5*1=5)
A.______________________________ B.___________________________
C.____________________________ D._______________________________
III. Describe the beast below. (5*1=5)
It is griffin.
It is a beast with an eagle’s head, wings, claws and front legs.
It has got a lion’s body, back legs and the tail.
1._____________________ 2.____________________ 3.________________
4.___________________________ 5._______________________________
IV. Find words that mean the same as word 1-10. (10*1=10)
Myths and legends, (1)tales of old,
Beastly tales which people told,
Adventures and monsters, strange (2)creatures, too,
Heroes who had (3)wonderful things to do.
The Greeks are (4)well-known, not just for sports,
But also for Jason and the Argonauts.
They wrote, in their mythology,
Of his adventures across the sea.
Jason terrible uncle made him look for the 'fleece’.
Special wool made of gold, so they tell us in Greece.
He had a (5)brainy teacher, like yours, of course!
His teacher was a centaur- half human, half horse.
The (6) professor told him all about the dangerous Siren,
Who could break his ship on rocks round the islands.
She’s half woman, half bird, with feathers and wings.
She sounds very beautiful when she sings.
The Argonauts were (7)travelling and before too long,
They started to hear the Siren’s song.
It sounded (8)beautiful, but they didn’t go closer.
‘Cos Orpheus’ music was louder and nearer
This is part of the (9) legend from (10)Old Greece
Of Jason and the Golden Fleece.
1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.____________________
4._____________ 5.____________ 6. ___________ 7. _________________
8. ___________________ 9. ___________________ 10._________________
V.Complete the story with ‘who’, ‘where’, ‘which’. (10*1=10)
Theseus, __1__was the son of the King of Athens decided to save the childrenfrom the beast.Ariadne, __2__was King Minos daughter, gave Theseus some string __3__ he used when he went into the labyrinth.Theseus went into the place__4__the beastlived and killed it. The string __5__ Ariadne gave him helped him to find the way out. King Minos was very angry with Daedalus because he was the man ___6_ gave Ariadne the string.He sent Daedalus to Crete, a small island __7__ he had to stay with his son, Icarus. Daedalus made some wings __8__ he used to escape from Crete with his son. Icarus felt very happy and flew too near the Sun, __9__burnt his wings and feathers.
Today the place __10__ Icarus fell into the sea is an island which is called Icaria.
VI. Translate the sentences.(5*1=5)
2. 这周末你打算去见谁?
4. 独角兽是一种美丽的白马,头上长着长长的犄角.
5. 最早相信凤凰的人是埃及人。
VII. Reading Comprehension.(10*2=20)
Pan Gu Creates the World
In the beginning, the universe was like an egg and there was only chaos in the egg.
Pan Gu had slept in the egg for over 18,000 years. Then one day, he woke up and cracked the egg into pieces. By separating the heavy and light parts of the egg, he created the heaven and the earth. Pan Gu stood on the earth and held up the heaven using his hands, and then he had grown with the heaven until the form of the world for another 18,000 years.
After earth and heaven where formed, they began to grow (about 15 spans a day, or 10 feet a day), and after another 18,000 years earth and heaven were formed. Pan Gu had grown with them and acted as a pillar standing 9 million li (3 million miles) between them so they could never join again.
When Pan Gu died, his breath became the wind and clouds, his voice the rolling thunder. One eye became the sun and one the moon. His body and limbs turned to five big mountains and his blood formed the roaring water. His veins became far-stretching roads and his muscles fertile land. The stars in the sky came from his hair and beard, and flowers and trees from his skin and the fine hairs on his body. His marrow turned to jade and pearls. His sweat flowed like the good rain and sweet dew that nurtured all things on earth. According to some versions of the Pan Gu legend, his tears flowed to make rivers and radiance of his eyes turned into thunder and lighting. When he was happy the sun shone, but when he was angry black clouds gathered in the sky. One version of the legend has it that the fleas and lice on his body became the ancestors of mankind.
Please write T for true and F for false.
1. ( ) when Pan Gu woke up and cracked the egg into two carefully.
2. ( ) Pan Gu makes his breath became the wind and clouds, his voice the rolling thunder after waking up.
3. ( ) His muscles became far-stretching roads and his veins fertile land.
4. ( ) His tears flowed to make rivers and radiance of his eyes turned into thunder and lighting.
5. ( ) Pan Gu had grown with earth and heaven for 18,000 feet one day.
Pandora's Box
After the stealing of fire, Zeus became increasingly unkind to men. One day he ordered his son Hephaestus to build an image of a beautiful woman out of clay. He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with different kinds of gifts. Among others, Athena clothed her in an attractive coat and Hermes gave her the power of telling her. A charming young lady, she was the first woman that ever lived. Zeus called her Pandora because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift. The gift was harmful to men.
Zeus decided to send her down to men as a present. So Hermes the messenger brought her to Epimethius, brother of Prometheus. The greatness of her beauty touched the hearts of all who looked upon her and Epimethius happily received her into his house. He had quite forgotten Prometheus warning never to accept anything from Zeus he couple lived a happy life for some time. Then trouble came on to the human world.
When he was busy with teaching men the art of living, Prometheus had left a big box in the care of Epimethius. He had warned his brother not to open the lid. Pandora was a curious woman. She had been feeling very disappointed that her husband did not allow her to take a look at the contents of the box. One day when Epimethius was outside lifted the lid and out it came, unrest and war, plague and sickness, theft and violence, grief, sorrow, and all the other evils. The human world was hence to experience these evils. In terror Pandora clapped the lid down, but too late. One good thing, however, was there--HOPE. It was the only good the box had held among the many evils, so men always have hope within their hearts.
Answer the questions.
1. What does the beautiful woman made of
2. What gift did the god and goddess give Pandora
3. What’s the meaning of ‘lifted the lid’ in the passage
4. What does Prometheus warn to Epimethius
5. What evils came out when Pandora lifted the lid
position (10)
Introduce a myth in China or other countries. No less than 70 words.
Here are some points:
Where is the story from
What does the beast/hero look like
What can it/she/he do
What challenges does it/she/he meet
What happened to it/she/he in a story
第3页 共7页2024-2025学年度第一学期
剑桥国际少儿英语Kid's Box6
Unit1 Beastly Tales
Unit 1 Answer Sheet
Listening (30 points)
I. Listen to the conversations. Choose the correct answer.(5*2=10)
1._______ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________
II. Listen and write.(5*2=10)
1._______________ 2._________________ 3.________________
4._______________ 5.________________
III. Listen and fill in the blanks. (10*1=10)
1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.____________________
4._____________ 5.____________ 6. ___________ 7. _________________
8. ___________________ 9. ___________________ 10._________________
Writing (70 points)
I. Put the words into three different groups. (10*0.5=5)
II. What’s going to happen (5*1=5)
III. Describe the beast below. (5*1=5)
IV. Find words that mean the same as word 1-10. (10*1=10)
1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.____________________
4._____________ 5.____________ 6. ___________ 7. _________________
8. ___________________ 9. ___________________ 10._________________
V.Complete the story with ‘who’, ‘where’, ‘which’. (10*1=10)
1.__________________ 2.__________________ 3.____________________
4._____________ 5.____________ 6. ___________ 7. _________________
8. ___________________ 9. ___________________ 10._________________
VI. Translate the sentences.(5*1=5)
VII. Reading Comprehension.(10*2=20)
1._______ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________
position (10)
第3 页 共2页



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