2025届高考英语一轮复习:人教版(2019)必修一第四单元 课件(共58张PPT)+导学案(含解析)+ 练习(含解析)

1.tornado n.   ________________
2.drought n. ________________
3.landslide n. ________________
4.tsunami n. ________________
5.magnitude n. ________________
6.helicopter n. ________________
7.crack n. ________________
vi.& vt. ________________
8.brick n. ________________
9.metal n. ________________
10.evacuate vt. ________________
vi. ________________
11.context n. ________________
12.volcano n. ________________
13.hurricane n. ________________
14.kit n. ________________
15.summary n. ________________
1.__________ n.灾难;灾害
2.__________ vi.& vt.(slid,slid)(使)滑行;滑动
3.__________ n.& vt.营救;救援
4.__________ vt.损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失
5.__________ n.避难处;居所;庇护 vt.保护;掩蔽
6.__________ n.& vt.破坏;毁坏
7.__________ n.百分之…… adj.& adv.每一百中
8.__________ vt.埋葬;安葬
9.__________ n.供应(量);补给;[pl.]补给品
10.________ vi.& vt.轻叩;轻敲;轻拍
11.________ n.管子;管道
12.________ n.援助;帮助;救援物资
vi.& vt.(formal)帮助;援助
13.________ vt.& vi.碰撞;撞击 n.撞车;碰撞
1.[2023·全国甲卷]Ask the tourists from around the world that ________ (涌入) into Yellowstone National Park what they most hope to see,and their answer is often the same.
2.[2023·浙江1月卷应用文]Yuan Longping's intense efforts that feed so many people on Earth ________(打动) me deeply.
3.[2022·全国甲卷应用文]It is my firm belief that only with joint ________ (努力) can we have a better tomorrow.
4.[2022·新高考Ⅰ卷读后续写]When approaching the finish line, he burst into a big toothy smile and ________ (挥手) to me with excitement.
5.After he had been ________ (使落入困境) for more than 40 hours, he was saved by a ________ (救援) team.
6.While we were in their home, we helped do a thorough cleaning, ________ (打扫) the floor and tidying the house.
7.If you are lost in the mountains, stay________ (镇静的) in the face of darkness, loneliness and the unknown.
8.The earthquake was so big that most of the houses in the small village were completely ________ (摧毁).
1.________ vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动→________ n.效果;结果;影响→________ adj.有效的
2.________ n.电;电能→________ adj.电的;用电的→________ adj.电子的
3.________ vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→________ n.受难;苦楚→________ n.受苦者;受难者
4.________ n.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→________ adj.强大的;强壮的→________ adj.无力的
5.________ n.突发事件;紧急情况→________ adj.紧急的→________ vi.浮现;出现
6.________ vt.& vi.递送;传达 vt.发表→________ n.投递;送交
7.________ n.长;长度→________ adj.长的→________ v.(使)变长
8.________ vi.& vt. (火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出→________ n. 爆发
9.________ vt.& vi.复活;(使)苏醒→________ n.振兴;复苏
10.[2023·新课标Ⅰ卷] In more technical terms,the ________ (wise) of crowds requires that people's estimates be independent.
11.Yesterday,I climbed the mountain top to ________ the fresh air. Although I became ________ when I was on the top,the ________ of fresh air was worth it. (breath)
12.We were ________ at the ________ news that he died suddenly yesterday.(shock)
13.In order to find more ________ ways to protect the environment and help all of us avoid waste, we called on the government to put the law into ________.(effect)
14.Mastering some basic skills would greatly increase your chances of ________. Thanks to the swimming skills,he and his friend succeeded in ________ the terrible flood and they were the only two ________.(survive)
1.________________    严重受损;破败不堪
2.________________ 震惊;吃惊
3.________________ 现有(尤指帮助)
4.________________ 挖掘
5.________________ 露天;在户外
6.________________ 消灭;彻底消除
7.________________ 结束
8.________________ 急救箱
9.________________ 被困在
10.________________ 像往常一样
1.The news that the famous actress was killed in a traffic accident left all of her fans ________.
2.The soldiers had to sleep ________ because their tents had been given to the survivors of the earthquake.
3.There is no need to worry because we now have enough water ________.
4.Three miners who were trapped in the mine were ________ by our rescue teams and were taken to hospital right away.
5.The flood ________ all the houses on its way, causing many people to become homeless.
句型1 too+形容词+to... “太……而不能……”
(教材原句)Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eat,and dogs refused to go inside buildings.
句型2 be doing sth. when ...“正在做某事,这时……”
(教材原句)I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home.
句型3 as if... “似乎/好像……”
(教材原句)It seemed as if the world were coming to an end!仿佛世界末日即将来临!
Learning what I had done for him, Henry ______________________________ but was overjoyed to be my schoolmate.
They ________________________________________________________ a loud whistle frightened them.
Everything in my childhood crowded upon my mind ______________________________.
1 affect vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动 affection n.喜爱
(1)be deeply/greatly affected by...        被……深深打动
be affected with... 染上……疾病
(2)show/have an affection for... 喜欢……,喜爱……
(3)have an effect/influence on... 对……有影响
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Large amounts of donations have been flooding into the ________ (affect) areas.
Learning that you have returned to Ireland because ________________________,I am terribly sorry about it.
In summary,the English newspaper Youth ________________________. ________________________ countless moving stories in the newspaper.
2 ruin n.& vt.破坏;毁坏
(1)lie/be in ruins   成为废墟
be reduced to ruins 沦为废墟
(2)ruin oneself 毁掉自己;
ruin one's fame 毁坏某人的声誉
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing three years ago but ________ (ruin).
②He made a mistake, ________ (ruin) his chance of going abroad.
On returning to the town, they
3 shock n.休克;震惊;令人震惊的事 vt.(使)震惊 shocked adj.感到震惊的 shocking adj.令人震惊的
(1)be a shock to...对……而言是一件震惊的事
in shock 吃惊地,震惊地
(2)be shocked at sth./that... 对……感到震惊
be shocked to do sth. 因做某事而感到震惊
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子/句式升级
①I was shocked ________ (hear) the news that his car got crashed the other day seriously.The news was ________ shock to us.
______________________________, feeling as if I had been thrown into a dark world.
③The bear tore a hole in the fence and put his head in. Elli and I were shocked.
→The bear tore a hole in the fence and put his head in,____________________________.(定语从句)
→______________________________________ the bear tore a hole in the fence and put his head in.(主语从句)
4 bury vt.(buried, buried, burying) 埋葬;安葬
【练透】 句式升级/一句多译
①David still refused to look at me and his head was buried in his arms. [2022·新高考Ⅰ卷读后续写]
→David still refused to look at me,________________________________.(分词作状语改写)
→David still refused to look at me,________________________________.(with的复合结构)
→David still refused to look at me,________________________________.(用独立主格)
I ____________________________________ every day and I have gained lots of colorful knowledge.
=____________________________________ every day,I have gained lots of colorful knowledge.
5 suffer vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦 suffering n.受苦,遭难 sufferer n.受害者;患者
suffer a lot of pain  遭受巨大的痛苦
suffer severe damage 损失惨重
suffer from 遭受;患病
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The smiles on their faces have deeply touched me and inspired me to devote my life to helping those ________ (suffer)pains.
②People of the disaster area suffered a lot ________ the typhoon,and water supplies and electricity were hard to get.
There are always some ups and downs in our lives,__________________________.(强调句型)
To our shock, he had become seriously ill, __________________________ and discomfort.
6 survive vi.生存;存活 vt.幸存;艰难度过 survivor n.幸存者 survival n.幸存;生还
survive on  靠……存活下来
survive sth. 幸免于;从……中活过来
A survive B (by+时间) A比B活得长(……)
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Life isn't about how ________ (survive) the storm;it's about learning to dance in the rain. (读后续写之升华句)
②We will do everything in our power to help those ________ (survive) in the tornado.
Without the oceans, ____________________________________, humans included.
7 effect n.影响;结果;效果 effective adj. 有效的;有影响的
take effect   生效;见效
come into effect 生效
have a great effect/influence/impact/on/upon 对……产生很大影响
put...into effect 实施;使……生效
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Hopefully, my recommendations will soon be put ________ effect to settle these problems.
②This method may not be ________ (effect) for everyone as each student's oral ability is different. [2023·新课标Ⅰ卷应用文]
I feel much affection for my mum, __________________________________.
8 strike vt.& vi.(struck,struck/stricken)击打;罢工;(时钟等)敲响;擦(火柴);撞击;侵袭;给(某人以……)印象;突然想起 n.罢工;罢课;袭击
(1)be struck with/by 被……所袭击(感动)
It strikes sb. that... 某人觉得……;某人突然想起……
sth. strike sb. 某人想到……
(2)be on strike 在罢工
go on strike 举行罢工
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The workers are coming out ________ strike for higher wages,which is a shock to the government.
______________________________,I couldn't contain myself,tears of gratitude flowing down my cheeks.(分词短语作状语)
__________________________ I could win the first place by forcing my head inside the pumpkin.
______________________________ and thus,he dashed to Bernard's home like a gust of wind.
● 划重点 练透易错点 ●
维度一 词形转换和动词形式变化
1.What's most heart breaking is that most of those ________ (die) could have been avoided.
2.There is little doubt that lack of exercise leaves your body weak and easily ________ (affect) by diseases.
3.________ (shock), the graceful competitor just smiled ________ (calm) when she learned that no ________ (effect) measures had been taken.
4.The doctor recommended that my grandpa should often walk into nature ________ (breath) fresh air.
5.Look! A ground squirrel ________ (bury)seeds and fruit in an underground cave for the coming winter.
6.Two fifths of the buildings ________(destroy) in the earthquake last weekend, ________(leave) the whole world shocked.
7.Up to now food and water ________ (deliver) to the disaster-stricken area, where many people ________ (survive) the disaster are in urgent need of help.
8.[2021·全国甲卷]Once, when trying a certain trick on the beam, I fell onto the stones, ________ (damage) a nerve in my hand.
维度二 固定用法和搭配
The Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964 was one of the biggest ①________ (disaster) in the earth science. As it was a holiday, many people were at home. Everything was going on as usual ②________ people's houses ③________ (shake). Buildings ④________ (crack) and water pipes burst. It lasted more than four minutes and many people were buried under the ⑤________ (ruin), waiting for rescue workers to come ⑥________ their rescue. The earthquake left people ⑦________ shock and destroyed many towns and a great number of people suffered ⑧________ the disaster. However, they all did everything in their power ⑨________ (rebuild) the city.
维度三 熟词生义
1.[2023·新课标Ⅰ卷阅读B]John went back to observing nature and asking questions. Why can certain plants trap harmful bacteria (细菌)?____________
2.When we visited the old family home,past sweet memories came flooding back. ____________
3.She was rushed to the hospital after suffering from shock.____________
1 句型公式:too ... to ... ……太……而不能……
(1)too+adj./adv. (for sb.)+to do sth.结构,表否定的意义,意为“太……而不能……”
(2) too ... to ... 结构中,too用来修饰表达人的态度、情绪倾向的形容词如anxious, eager,glad, happy, pleased, ready, willing等时, 不定式则表肯定意义。
(3)can't/can never...too... 再怎么……也不过分(教材原句)Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eat, and dogs refused to go inside buildings.
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①More than half of former host cities for the Winter Olympics will be too hot ________ (host) such games by the end of this century.
________________________________, I simply called over my shoulder to Dad that I was leaving.
③俗话说,活到老学到老。 (读后续写主旨升华)
As the saying goes, ___________________________________________________.
The little girl sank to the ground, ____________________________________________.
2 句型公式: as if... 意为“似乎/好像……”
(1)as if/though陈述语气(真实或极有可能发生的情况)
(2) as if/though虚拟语气(不真实或不可能发生的情况)
虚拟现在:did (be动词一律用were)
虚拟过去:had done
虚拟将来:would/might/could+do(教材原句)It seemed as if the world were coming to an end!仿佛世界末日即将来临!
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①He can speak English very fluently as if he ________ (be) a native Englishman, so you can talk to him freely.
David insisted on running
__________________________________________________________, though he tripped within a few kilometers.
It is dark in the woods. It seems as if ________________________________.The more she thinks of this,the more frightened she is.
Tears swirling in his eyes,David raised his head,looked at me ______________________________,but lowered his head once again.
3 句型公式:be doing sth. when ... 正在做某事这时(突然)……
be about to do...when...
be on the point of doing...when...
had (just) done...when...
刚做完……这时突然……(教材原句)I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home.
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①I ________ (search) the Internet for the relevant information when my cellphone rang.
We ______________________________________ a big noise came from the next room.
Mother __________________________________ she smelt an inviting smell of food.
● 划重点 练透热考点 ●
维度一 单句语法填空/完成句子/一句多译
1.Everyone was ________ shock, thinking the world must be coming to ________ end.
2.Happiness and success often come to those ________ are good at recognizing their own strengths.
He throws his arms and legs out
__________________________________________________, his eyes wide with excitement.
Today, I'm so honored to be here and ________________________________ “The Fruit of Labor Is Sweetest. ”
①Moreover,the competition will ________________________________ to develop your creativity and build friendship with other students who share the same interest with you.
②Moreover,the competition will ________________________________ to develop your creativity and build friendship with other students who share the same interest with you.
①________________________________, but she forced herself to leave the room calmly.
②________________________________, but she forced herself to leave the room calmly.
维度二 固定搭配和句式
Chet ①________ (sweep) the floor when he heard a loud crash. He ②________ (slide) out and saw the scene. A car had crashed into a big tree. He ran to the ③________ (damage) car and found the driver ④________ (trap) inside, who was shocked but uninjured. However, the door wouldn't open. Chet forced the back door open with all his might. The driver took several deep breaths, ⑤____________________________ (努力镇静下来). It shocked him to think how close he had come to being killed. ⑥____________________________ (一阵感激之情涌上他的心头).
Part 1 应用文写作技巧练(感谢信——震后救援)
第一步 斟酌词句 靓化表达 (加黑体部分请用本单元所学词汇)
An extremely terrible earthquake
________________________________________, I burst into tears/out crying.
Thankfully, you __________________________ to live in, enough food and water __________.
第二步 恰当过渡 完美成文
Part 2 读后续写微技能练(情感细节描写之“恐惧、惊恐”二)
The idea of being alone in the dark big house
______________________________________. Her fingers were curled into a fist, nails digging into her palm.
4.妈妈和爸爸在哪里? 莫莉从床上爬起来,踮着脚尖下楼。
Where were Mom and Dad ______________________________________.
________________________________ at the sight of the dark figure outside the glass door.
______________________________________. She reached for her cellphone to call the police, only to find it out of power.
1.龙卷风;旋风 2.旱灾;久旱 3.(山地或悬崖的)崩塌;滑坡 4.海啸 5.(地)震级;重大 6.直升机 7.裂纹;裂缝 (使)破裂 8.砖;砖块 9.金属 10.疏散;撤出 撤离 11.上下文;语境;背景 12.火山 13.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风 14.成套工具;成套设备 15.总结;概括;概要
1.disaster 2.slide 3.rescue 4.damage 5.shelter 6.ruin 7.percent 8.bury 9.supply 10.tap 11.pipe 12.aid 13.crash
1.flood 2.struck 3.efforts 4.waved 5.trapped; rescue 6.sweeping 7.calm 8.destroyed
1.affect; effect; effective 2.electricity; electric; electronic 3.suffer; suffering; sufferer 4.power; powerful; powerless 5.emergency; emergent; emerge 6.deliver; delivery 7.length; long; lengthen 8.erupt; eruption 9.revive; revival
10.wisdom 11.breathe; breathless; breath 12.shocked; shocking 13.effective; effect 14.survival; surviving; survivors
1.in ruins 2.in shock 3.on hand 4.dig out 5.in the open air
6.sweep away 7.come to an end 8.first aid kit 9.be trapped in 10.as usual
1.in shock 2.in the open air 3.on hand 4.dug out 5.swept away
1.was too moved to say anything
2.were putting up the tent in the open air when
3.as if it had just happened
重难突破 解惑释疑
1.①affected ②you are affected with a severe illness ③affects me greatly/has a great effect on me; I am often deeply affected by
2.①ruins ②ruining ③were shocked to find their neighborhood in ruins
3.①to hear; a ②I froze with shock ③which shocked Elli and me/which made Elli and me shocked; What shocked Elli and me was that
4.①burying his head in his arms; with his head buried in his arms; his head buried in his arms ②bury myself in/am buried in reading the English newspaper; Buried in reading the English newspaper
5.①suffering ②from ③but it is the suffering that makes us stronger ④suffering great pain
6.①to survive ②survivors ③no living things would survive
7.①into ②effective ③whose words and actions have a positive effect/influence/impact on me
8.①on ②Struck by/with what he had done for me ③It suddenly struck/hit/occurred to me that ④A good way to promote popcorn struck/hit/occurred to John
划重点 练透易错点
1.deaths 2.affected 3.Shockingly; calmly; effective 4.to breathe 5.is burying 6.were destroyed; leaving 7.have been delivered; surviving 8.damaging
①disasters ②when ③shook ④cracked ⑤ruins ⑥to ⑦in ⑧from ⑨to rebuild
1.vt.留存 2.v.大量涌入 3.n.休克
1.①to host ②Too embarrassed to face my family ③it's never too old to learn ④too frightened to cry
2.①were ②as if he had forgotten all his weaknesses ③there were a fierce beast behind every bush ④as if he would say something/as if (he was) to say something
3.①was searching ②were about to leave/were on the point of leaving when ③had just woken up when
划重点 练透热考点
1.in; an 2.who 3.as if he were flying 4.deliver the speech titled 5.①supply/provide you with a chance ②supply a chance to you 6.①A wave of panic swept over her ②A burst of panic flooded over her
①was sweeping ②slid ③damaged ④trapped ⑤making an effort to calm down ⑥A wave of gratitude flooded over him
满分写作 妙笔成篇
Part 1
1.I'm writing to express my thanks for your timely rescue, without which my life couldn't return to normal.
2.struck my hometown, which left many houses in ruins and entirely destroyed my home
3.Surprised to find everything buried under the house
4.made all your efforts to help me have a shelter; to survive on
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm Li Hua,a student from Luding. I'm writing to express my thanks for your timely rescue, without which my life couldn't return to normal.
An extremely terrible earthquake struck my hometown, which left many houses in ruins and entirely destroyed my home. Surprised to find everything buried under the house, I burst into tears/out crying. To me, it seemed as if the world were coming to an end. Thankfully, you made all your efforts to help me have a shelter to live in, enough food and water to survive on. Without you, I couldn't imagine my situation now. I can't express my gratitude too much.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Part 2
1.made her hair stand on end/sent a chill down her spine
2.At midnight someone pounded at the door. She froze with terror.
3.She trembled/shook with fear
4.Molly crawled out of bed and tiptoed downstairs
5.Molly felt that the blood in her body froze rapidly
6.Her knees felt weak
The idea of being alone in the dark big house made her hair stand on end/sent a chill down her spine. However, at midnight someone pounded at the door. She froze with terror. She trembled/shook with fear. Her fingers were curled into a fist, nails digging into her palm. Where were Mom and Dad? Molly crawled out of bed and tiptoed downstairs. Molly felt that the blood in her body froze rapidly at the sight of the dark figure outside the glass door. Yet, her knees felt weak. She reached for her cellphone to call the police, only to find it out of power.(共58张PPT)
1.tornado n.    ________________
2.drought n. ________________
3.landslide n. ________________
4.tsunami n. ________________
5.magnitude n. ________________
6.helicopter n. ________________
7.crack n. ________________
vi.& vt. ________________
8.brick n. ________________
9.metal n. ________________
10.evacuate vt. ________________
vi. ________________
11.context n. ________________
12.volcano n. ________________
13.hurricane n. ________________
14.kit n. ________________
15.summary n. ________________
1.__________ n.灾难;灾害
2.__________ vi.& vt.(slid,slid)(使)滑行;滑动
3.__________ n.& vt.营救;救援
4.__________ vt.损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失
5.__________ n.避难处;居所;庇护 vt.保护;掩蔽
6.__________ n.& vt.破坏;毁坏
7.__________ n.百分之…… adj.& adv.每一百中
8.__________ vt.埋葬;安葬
9.__________ n.供应(量);补给;[pl.]补给品
10.________ vi.& vt.轻叩;轻敲;轻拍
11.________ n.管子;管道
12.________ n.援助;帮助;救援物资
vi.& vt.(formal)帮助;援助
13.________ vt.& vi.碰撞;撞击 n.撞车;碰撞
1.[2023·全国甲卷]Ask the tourists from around the world that ________ (涌入) into Yellowstone National Park what they most hope to see,and their answer is often the same.
2.[2023·浙江1月卷应用文]Yuan Longping's intense efforts that feed so many people on Earth ________(打动) me deeply.
3.[2022·全国甲卷应用文]It is my firm belief that only with joint ________ (努力) can we have a better tomorrow.
4.[2022·新高考Ⅰ卷读后续写]When approaching the finish line, he burst into a big toothy smile and ________ (挥手) to me with excitement.
5.After he had been ________ (使落入困境) for more than 40 hours, he was saved by a ________ (救援) team.
6.While we were in their home, we helped do a thorough cleaning, ________ (打扫) the floor and tidying the house.
7.If you are lost in the mountains, stay________ (镇静的) in the face of darkness, loneliness and the unknown.
8.The earthquake was so big that most of the houses in the small village were completely ________ (摧毁).
1.________ vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动→________ n.效果;结果;影响→________ adj.有效的
2.________ n.电;电能→________ adj.电的;用电的→________ adj.电子的
3.________ vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→________ n.受难;苦楚→________ n.受苦者;受难者
4.________ n.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→________ adj.强大的;强壮的→________ adj.无力的
5.________ n.突发事件;紧急情况→________ adj.紧急的→________ vi.浮现;出现
6.________ vt.& vi.递送;传达 vt.发表→________ n.投递;送交
7.________ n.长;长度→________ adj.长的→________ v.(使)变长
8.________ vi.& vt. (火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出→________ n. 爆发
9.________ vt.& vi.复活;(使)苏醒→________ n.振兴;复苏
10.[2023·新课标Ⅰ卷] In more technical terms,the ________ (wise) of crowds requires that people's estimates be independent.
11.Yesterday,I climbed the mountain top to ________ the fresh air. Although I became ________ when I was on the top,the ________ of fresh air was worth it. (breath)
12.We were ________ at the ________ news that he died suddenly yesterday.(shock)
13.In order to find more ________ ways to protect the environment and help all of us avoid waste, we called on the government to put the law into ________.(effect)
14.Mastering some basic skills would greatly increase your chances of ________. Thanks to the swimming skills,he and his friend succeeded in ________ the terrible flood and they were the only two ________.(survive)
1.________________ 严重受损;破败不堪
2.________________ 震惊;吃惊
3.________________ 现有(尤指帮助)
4.________________ 挖掘
5.________________ 露天;在户外
6.________________ 消灭;彻底消除
7.________________ 结束
8.________________ 急救箱
9.________________ 被困在
10.________________ 像往常一样
in ruins
in shock
on hand
dig out
in the open air
sweep away
come to an end
first aid kit
be trapped in
as usual
1.The news that the famous actress was killed in a traffic accident left all of her fans ________.
2.The soldiers had to sleep ___________ because their tents had been given to the survivors of the earthquake.
3.There is no need to worry because we now have enough water ________.
4.Three miners who were trapped in the mine were ________ by our rescue teams and were taken to hospital right away.
5.The flood ________ all the houses on its way, causing many people to become homeless.
in shock
in the open air
on hand
dug out
swept away
句型1 too+形容词+to... “太……而不能……”
(教材原句)Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eat,and dogs refused to go inside buildings.
句型2 be doing sth. when ...“正在做某事,这时……”
(教材原句)I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home.
句型3 as if... “似乎/好像……”
(教材原句)It seemed as if the world were coming to an end!仿佛世界末日即将来临!
Learning what I had done for him, Henry ______________________________ but was overjoyed to be my schoolmate.
They ______________________________________________________ a loud whistle frightened them.
Everything in my childhood crowded upon my mind ______________________________.
was too moved to say anything
were putting up the tent in the open air when
as if it had just happened
1 affect vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动 affection n.喜爱
(1)be deeply/greatly affected by...        被……深深打动
be affected with... 染上……疾病
(2)show/have an affection for... 喜欢……,喜爱……
(3)have an effect/influence on... 对……有影响
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Large amounts of donations have been flooding into the ________ (affect) areas.
Learning that you have returned to Ireland because ___________________________,I am terribly sorry about it.
In summary,the English newspaper Youth
_____________________________. ______________________________ countless moving stories in the newspaper.
you are affected with a severe illness
affects me greatly/has a great effect on me
I am often deeply affected by
2 ruin n.& vt.破坏;毁坏
(1)lie/be in ruins   成为废墟
be reduced to ruins 沦为废墟
(2)ruin oneself 毁掉自己;自取灭亡
ruin one's fame 毁坏某人的声誉
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing three years ago but ________ (ruin).
②He made a mistake, ________ (ruin) his chance of going abroad.
On returning to the town, they
were shocked to find their neighborhood in ruins
3 shock n.休克;震惊;令人震惊的事 vt.(使)震惊 shocked adj.感到震惊的 shocking adj.令人震惊的
(1)be a shock to...对……而言是一件震惊的事
in shock 吃惊地,震惊地
(2)be shocked at sth./that... 对……感到震惊
be shocked to do sth. 因做某事而感到震惊
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子/句式升级
①I was shocked ________ (hear) the news that his car got crashed the other day seriously.The news was ________ shock to us.
______________________________, feeling as if I had been thrown into a dark world.
③The bear tore a hole in the fence and put his head in. Elli and I were shocked.
→The bear tore a hole in the fence and put his head in,___________________________________________.(定语从句)
→______________________________________ the bear tore a hole in the fence and put his head in.(主语从句)
to hear
I froze with shock
which shocked Elli and me/which made Elli and me shocked
What shocked Elli and me was that
4 bury vt.(buried, buried, burying) 埋葬;安葬v
①David still refused to look at me and his head was buried in his arms. [2022·新高考Ⅰ卷读后续写]
→David still refused to look at me,
→David still refused to look at me,
→David still refused to look at me,
burying his head in his arms
with his head buried in his arms
his head buried in his arms
I ___________________________________________ every day and I have gained lots of colorful knowledge.
=____________________________________ every day,I have gained lots of colorful knowledge.
bury myself in/am buried in reading the English newspaper
Buried in reading the English newspaper
5 suffer vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦 suffering n.受苦,遭难 sufferer n.受害者;患者
suffer a lot of pain  遭受巨大的痛苦
suffer severe damage 损失惨重
suffer from 遭受;患病
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The smiles on their faces have deeply touched me and inspired me to devote my life to helping those ________ (suffer)pains.
②People of the disaster area suffered a lot ________ the typhoon,and water supplies and electricity were hard to get.
There are always some ups and downs in our lives,
To our shock, he had become seriously ill,_________________________ and discomfort.
but it is the suffering that makes us stronger
suffering great pain
6 survive vi.生存;存活 vt.幸存;艰难度过 survivor n.幸存者 survival n.幸存;生还
survive on  靠……存活下来
survive sth. 幸免于;从……中活过来
A survive B (by+时间) A比B活得长(……)
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Life isn't about how ________ (survive) the storm;it's about learning to dance in the rain. (读后续写之升华句)
②We will do everything in our power to help those ________ (survive) in the tornado.
Without the oceans, ____________________________________, humans included.
to survive
no living things would survive
7 effect n.影响;结果;效果 effective adj. 有效的;有影响的
take effect   生效;见效
come into effect 生效
have a great effect/influence/impact/on/upon 对……产生很大影响
put...into effect 实施;使……生效
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Hopefully, my recommendations will soon be put ________ effect to settle these problems.
②This method may not be ________ (effect) for everyone as each student's oral ability is different. [2023·新课标Ⅰ卷应用文]
I feel much affection for my mum,
whose words and actions have a positive effect/influence/impact on me
8 strike vt.& vi.(struck,struck/stricken)击打;罢工;(时钟等)敲响;擦(火柴);撞击;侵袭;给(某人以……)印象;突然想起 n.罢工;罢课;袭击
(1)be struck with/by 被……所袭击(感动)
It strikes sb. that... 某人觉得……;某人突然想起……
sth. strike sb. 某人想到……
(2)be on strike 在罢工
go on strike 举行罢工
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The workers are coming out ________ strike for higher wages,which is a shock to the government.
______________________________,I couldn't contain myself,tears of gratitude flowing down my cheeks.(分词短语作状语)
Struck by/with what he had done for me
______________________________ I could win the first place by forcing my head inside the pumpkin.
___________________________________________ and thus,he dashed to Bernard's home like a gust of wind.
It suddenly struck/hit/occurred to me that
A good way to promote popcorn struck/hit/occurred to John
● 划重点 练透易错点 ●
维度一 词形转换和动词形式变化
1.What's most heart breaking is that most of those ________ (die) could have been avoided.
2.There is little doubt that lack of exercise leaves your body weak and easily ________ (affect) by diseases.
3.________ (shock), the graceful competitor just smiled ________ (calm) when she learned that no ________ (effect) measures had been taken.
4.The doctor recommended that my grandpa should often walk into nature ________ (breath) fresh air.
to breathe
5.Look! A ground squirrel ________ (bury)seeds and fruit in an underground cave for the coming winter.
6.Two fifths of the buildings ____________(destroy) in the earthquake last weekend, ________(leave) the whole world shocked.
7.Up to now food and water ______________ (deliver) to the disaster-stricken area, where many people ________ (survive) the disaster are in urgent need of help.
8.[2021·全国甲卷]Once, when trying a certain trick on the beam, I fell onto the stones, ________ (damage) a nerve in my hand.
is burying
were destroyed
have been delivered
维度二 固定用法和搭配
The Alaska earthquake of March 27, 1964 was one of the biggest ①________ (disaster) in the earth science. As it was a holiday, many people were at home. Everything was going on as usual ②________ people's houses ③________ (shake). Buildings ④________ (crack) and water pipes burst. It lasted more than four minutes and many people were buried under the ⑤________ (ruin), waiting for rescue workers to come ⑥________ their rescue. The earthquake left people ⑦________ shock and destroyed many towns and a great number of people suffered ⑧________ the disaster. However, they all did everything in their power ⑨________ (rebuild) the city.
to rebuild
维度三 熟词生义
1.[2023·新课标Ⅰ卷阅读B]John went back to observing nature and asking questions. Why can certain plants trap harmful bacteria (细菌)?____________
2.When we visited the old family home,past sweet memories came flooding back. ____________
3.She was rushed to the hospital after suffering from shock.____________
1 句型公式:too ... to ... ……太……而不能……
(1)too+adj./adv. (for sb.)+to do sth.结构,表否定的意义,意为“太……而不能……”
(2) too ... to ... 结构中,too用来修饰表达人的态度、情绪倾向的形容词如anxious, eager,glad, happy, pleased, ready, willing等时, 不定式则表肯定意义。
(3)can't/can never...too... 再怎么……也不过分(教材原句)Chickens and even pigs were too nervous to eat, and dogs refused to go inside buildings.
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①More than half of former host cities for the Winter Olympics will be too hot ________ (host) such games by the end of this century.
________________________________, I simply called over my shoulder to Dad that I was leaving.
③俗话说,活到老学到老。 (读后续写主旨升华)
As the saying goes,
The little girl sank to the ground,
to host
Too embarrassed to face my family
it's never too old to learn
too frightened to cry
2 句型公式: as if... 意为“似乎/好像……”
(1)as if/though陈述语气(真实或极有可能发生的情况)
(2) as if/though虚拟语气(不真实或不可能发生的情况)
虚拟现在:did (be动词一律用were)
虚拟过去:had done
虚拟将来:would/might/could+do(教材原句)It seemed as if the world were coming to an end!仿佛世界末日即将来临!
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①He can speak English very fluently as if he ________ (be) a native Englishman, so you can talk to him freely.
David insisted on running
__________________________________________________________, though he tripped within a few kilometers.
as if he had forgotten all his weaknesses
It is dark in the woods. It seems as if ________________________________.The more she thinks of this,the more frightened she is.
Tears swirling in his eyes,David raised his head,looked at me _________________________________________________,but lowered his head once again.
there were a fierce beast behind every bush
as if he would say something/as if (he was) to say something
3 句型公式:be doing sth. when ... 正在做某事这时(突然)……
be about to do...when...
be on the point of doing...when...
had (just) done...when...
刚做完……这时突然……(教材原句)I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my home.
【练透】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①I __________ (search) the Internet for the relevant information when my cellphone rang.
We ______________________________________ a big noise came from the next room.
Mother __________________________________ she smelt an inviting smell of food.
was searching
were about to leave/were on the point of leaving when
had just woken up when
● 划重点 练透热考点 ●
维度一 单句语法填空/完成句子/一句多译
1.Everyone was ________ shock, thinking the world must be coming to ________ end.
2.Happiness and success often come to those ________ are good at recognizing their own strengths.
He throws his arms and legs out
__________________________, his eyes wide with excitement.
as if he were flying
Today, I'm so honored to be here and_____________________________ “The Fruit of Labor Is Sweetest. ”
①Moreover,the competition will______________________________ to develop your creativity and build friendship with other students who share the same interest with you.
②Moreover,the competition will_______________________________ to develop your creativity and build friendship with other students who share the same interest with you.
deliver the speech titled
supply/provide you with a chance
supply a chance to you
①________________________________, but she forced herself to leave the room calmly.
②________________________________, but she forced herself to leave the room calmly.
A wave of panic swept over her
A burst of panic flooded over her
维度二 固定搭配和句式
Chet ①___________ (sweep) the floor when he heard a loud crash. He ②________ (slide) out and saw the scene. A car had crashed into a big tree. He ran to the ③________ (damage) car and found the driver ④________ (trap) inside, who was shocked but uninjured. However, the door wouldn't open. Chet forced the back door open with all his might. The driver took several deep breaths, ⑤____________________________ (努力镇静下来). It shocked him to think how close he had come to being killed. ⑥____________________________ (一阵感激之情涌上他的心头).
was sweeping
making an effort to calm down
A wave of gratitude flooded over him
Part 1 应用文写作技巧练(感谢信——震后救援)
第一步 斟酌词句 靓化表达 (加黑体部分请用本单元所学词汇)
An extremely terrible earthquake
I'm writing to express my thanks for your timely rescue, without which my life couldn't return to normal.
struck my hometown, which left many houses in ruins and entirely destroyed my home
________________________________________, I burst into tears/out crying.
Thankfully, you __________________________________ to live in, enough food and water __________.
Surprised to find everything buried under the house
made all your efforts to help me have a shelter
to survive on
第二步 恰当过渡 完美成文
Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm Li Hua,a student from Luding. I'm writing to express my thanks for your timely rescue, without which my life couldn't return to normal.
An extremely terrible earthquake struck my hometown, which left many houses in ruins and entirely destroyed my home. Surprised to find everything buried under the house, I burst into tears/out crying. To me, it seemed as if the world were coming to an end. Thankfully, you made all your efforts to help me have a shelter to live in, enough food and water to survive on. Without you, I couldn't imagine my situation now. I can't express my gratitude too much.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Part 2 读后续写微技能练(情感细节描写之“恐惧、惊恐”二)
The idea of being alone in the dark big house
______________________________________. Her fingers were curled into a fist, nails digging into her palm.
made her hair stand on end/sent a chill down her spine
At midnight someone pounded at the door. She froze with terror.
She trembled/shook with fear
4.妈妈和爸爸在哪里? 莫莉从床上爬起来,踮着脚尖下楼。
Where were Mom and Dad
_____________________________________ at the sight of the dark figure outside the glass door.
______________________________________. She reached for her cellphone to call the police, only to find it out of power.
Molly crawled out of bed and tiptoed downstairs
Molly felt that the blood in her body froze rapidly
Her knees felt weak
The idea of being alone in the dark big house made her hair stand on end/sent a chill down her spine. However, at midnight someone pounded at the door. She froze with terror. She trembled/shook with fear. Her fingers were curled into a fist, nails digging into her palm. Where were Mom and Dad? Molly crawled out of bed and tiptoed downstairs. Molly felt that the blood in her body froze rapidly at the sight of the dark figure outside the glass door. Yet, her knees felt weak. She reached for her cellphone to call the police, only to find it out of power.UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS
[2024·湖南省雅礼中学高三上学期月考]We're already well aware that the American Southwest, which is naturally hot and dry, is seriously short of water. The situation is getting worse every day with populations in California, Nevada and New Mexico continuing growing. The fact that so many people of the region need the limited resources has led experts to predict a major water shortfall that will cost billions to deal with. A new study that reveals climate change is going to dry out the region even further is painting a serious picture of the future.
According to the study, global warming could increase the long term water shortfall to 1,815 billion cubic metres by adding another 439 million cubic metres of water. Based on the price of adding reservoir (水库) capacities in California, meeting basic water shortages could cost $549 billion if climate change is factored in. Higher water prices would make the adaptation even more expensive if no water could be found at all in the drier future.
But even beyond the mere cost of creating more reservoirs, there's no denying the fact that a hotter, drier Southwest will demand more and more energy for cooling. There's another fact that climate change will make cities in states like Nevada and New Mexico far less sustainable than they already are. There's also the fact that a warmer climate will have a long lasting impact on the region's ecosystem. Previous study has noted that climate change may convert the American South west into a permanent desert.
It's certainly possible that it will be too expensive to build reservoirs for some suburbs and communities and we could see an exodus (大批人同时离开) from the region; but that's almost suitable to change, because communities pay for the extremely inefficient processes of pumping in water from out of the states.
1.What is the best title for this passage?
A.American Southwest Is Short of Water
B.Climate Change Will Make Water Shortage Worse
C.California Council Pays Attention to Water Shortages
D.Water Shortages Lead Experts to Predict Water Shortfall
2.What is the author's attitude towards the situation of the American Southwest?
A.Worried. B.Critical.
C.Sympathetic. D.Indifferent.
3.What can we infer from the third paragraph?
A.People should cool the climate immediately.
B.The situations of Nevada and New Mexico are not bad yet.
C.The energy requirements needed for cooling will not make water shortage worse.
D.There's a relationship between climate change and ecosystem.
4.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The high price of building reservoirs is making the situation worse.
B.Population growth is the main reason for water shortages.
C.Global warming could increase the long term water shortfall to 1,815 billion cubic metres.
D.The American Southwest may become a desert one day.B
[2024·江西省百师联盟高三联考]Schools across the US East Coast canceled outdoor activities, commercial airline traffic was slowed and millions of Americans were urged to stay indoors on Wednesday as smoke from Canadian wildfires drifted south, blanketing cities in thick and yellow smoke.
“It's critical that Americans experiencing dangerous air pollution, especially those with health conditions, listen to local authorities to protect themselves and their families,” US President Joe Biden said.
New York's world famous skyline, usually visible for miles, disappeared because of the smoke, which some residents said made them feel unwell.
“It makes breathing difficult,” Mohammed Abass said as he walked down Broadway in Manhattan. “I've been scheduled for a road test for driving, for my driving license today, and it was canceled.”
“It looks like Mars out there,” said Fox Forecast Center meteorologist Brian Mastro just before 2 p.m.
New York Goveror Kathy Hochul called the situation an “emergency crisis”, noting that the air pollution index for parts of her state was eight times above normal.
In Bethesda, Maryland, a high school moved its graduation ceremony indoors,while a Brooklyn. New York, elementary school deferred its “Spring Fling” dance party. A school in Montelair, New Jersey, called off a fifth grade trip to an amusement park.
The smoke was wafting (飘荡) over the US northern border from Canada, where hundreds of forest fires have burnt 9.4 million acres and forced 120,000 people from their homes in an unusually early and intense start to Canada's wildfire season.
Tyrone Sylvester, 66, playing chess outside in Manhattan's Union Square us he has on most days for 30 years, but wearing a mask, said he had never seen the city's air quality so bad. “When the sun looks like that,” he said, pointing at the smoky sky, “we know something's wrong. This is what global warming looks like.”
Poor air quality is likely to continue into the weekend, with a developing storm system expected to shift the smoke westward across the Great Lakes and deeper south through the Ohio Valley and into the mid Atlantic region, AccuWeather said.
5.What do we know about Mohammed Abass?
A.He took a test for driving.
B.He had no driving license.
C.He had some health conditions.
D.He stayed indoors as expected.
6.Which is closest in meaning to “deferred” in Paragraph 7?
A.Put off. B.Took over.
C.Came up with. D.Did away with.
7.What does the eighth paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Canada's poor management.
B.The areas affected by wildfires.
C.The cause of America's smoke.
D.The consequences of air pollution.
8.What can be learned from the last two paragraphs?
A.New York City smoke situation is not uncomfortable.
B.A strong wind will probably relieve the poor air quality.
C.Citizens have found new ways to fight climatechanges.
D.The city's air pollution doesn't relate to globalwarming.
[2024·三晋名校联盟高三期中联考]Robert Rizden, a sergeant (中士), was ordering his dinner at a restaurant one night when he saw two young boys were alone at the restaurant. They were going from table to table trying to __1__ some homemade desserts. Rizden __2__ them. He looked at the boys and __3__ they looked cold and hungry. He asked them what they were up to and if they had eaten any __4__ yet that day.
The boys__5__ that they were trying to raise money for their local church by selling their desserts and hadn't eaten yet. Rizden didn't have any __6__ on him to give to the boys, so he asked if he could __7__ them in another way instead. He led the __8__ to the front of the restaurant and told them to order whatever they wanted on the menu. He would __9__ it for them.
The boys seemed __10__ at first but quickly figured out what they wanted and __11__ their orders. The boys seemed thrilled at being treated to dinner and the smiles on their faces were huge.
When asked why he had chosen to do like that,Rizden __12__ said that he saw these boys' __13__ and knew that they were the hope of his country, and that he wanted to do something __14__ for them.
“I want to be just like you when I __15__,” said the younger boy as he saluted (敬礼) the soldier.
1.A.collect B.sell
C.taste D.choose
2.A.recognized B.supported
C.approached D.welcomed
3.A.remembered B.realized
C.agreed D.announced
4.A.supper B.lunch
C.dessert D.breakfast
5.A.pretended B.judged
C.believed D.explained
6.A.cash B.tools
C.gifts D.food
7.A.teach B.guide
C.help D.inspire
8.A.soldier B.pair
C.waiter D.family
9.A.pack B.picture
C.cover D.check
10.A.astonished B.impatient
C.unwilling D.satisfied
11.A.compared B.exchanged
C.printed D.placed
12.A.skillfully B.normally
C.simply D.nervously
13.A.standard B.drive
C.luck D.chance
14.A.formal B.regular
C.wise D.nice
15.A.grow up B.head off
C.hang out D.pull through
1~5  ______________ 6~10 ______________
11~15 ______________
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述美国西南部本身炎热干燥,严重缺水,一项新的研究表明,气候变化将使该地区进一步干旱,未来形势严峻。
1.答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中“A new study that reveals climate change is going to dry out the region even further is painting a serious picture of the future.”可知,文章主要讲述美国西南部严重缺水的问题,这里本身炎热干燥,严重缺水,一项新的研究表明,气候变化将使该地区进一步干旱,未来形势严峻。故选B。
2.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据第一段中“We're already well aware that the American Southwest, which is naturally hot and dry, is seriously short of water. The situation is getting worse every day.”可知,美国西南部地区严重缺水,情况日益恶化,由此可知,作者是担忧的态度。
3.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据第三段中“There's also the fact that a warmer climate will have a long lasting impact on the region's ecosystem.”可知,气候变化会影响生态系统,因此两者之间是有关系的。
4.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第一段中“The situation is getting worse every day with populations in California, Nevada and New Mexico continuing growing.”可知,随着人口的持续增长,情况日益更糟,并没说人口是缺水的主要因素,故选B。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇新闻报道。受加拿大森林野火产生的大量烟雾影响,包括纽约市在内,美国东北部空气污染严重,多地发布相关警报,呼吁民众减少外出、学校取消户外活动。其中,纽约市笼罩在烟雾中,气象专家形容犹如身在火星。
5.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“I've been scheduled for a road test for driving, for my driving license today, and it was canceled.”可知,穆罕默德·阿巴斯今天被安排了驾驶路考,却由于烟雾考试被取消了,故选B。
6.答案与解析:A 词句猜测题。根据第七段画线词上文“In Bethesda, Maryland, a high school moved its graduation ceremony indoors”以及下文“A school in Montelair, New Jersey, called off a fifth grade trip to an amusement park.”可知,受到烟雾影响,很多学校被迫取消户外活动。dance party虽是室内活动,但也深受影响,故选A。
7.答案与解析:C 主旨大意题。根据第八段“The smoke was wafting (飘荡) over the US northern border from Canada”可知,烟雾从加拿大飘过美国北部边境。由此可知,本段主要讲的是美国产生烟雾的原因,故选C。
8.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段“with a developing storm system expected to shift the smoke westward across the Great Lakes.”可知,一个正在形成的风暴系统将使烟雾向西穿过五大湖,有可能会缓解糟糕的空气质量。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Rizden在餐厅里看到两个男孩通过卖甜点为当地的教堂筹集资金时,他为男孩的干劲所感染,想为他们做些好事,于是请他们吃了一顿饭的故事。
1.答案与解析:B 句意:他们在一桌又一桌地推销自制甜点。由第二段首句“by selling their desserts”可知,男孩们在卖自制甜点,故选B。
2.答案与解析:C 由下文“He looked at the boys”和“He asked them”可知,Rizden向这两个男孩靠近,随后看着他们,问他们话,故选C。
3.答案与解析:B 句意:他看着孩子们,意识到他们看起来又冷又饿。由下文“they looked cold and hungry.”和上句提到的Rizden看着他们可知,他意识到这两个男孩看起来又冷又饿,故选B。
4.答案与解析:A 由上文“at a restaurant one night”可知,当时是晚上,所以Rizden问男孩们吃过晚饭了吗,故选A。
5.答案与解析:D 上文“He asked them what they were up to and if they had eaten any __4__ yet that day.”提到Rizden问这两个男孩吃饭了吗,此处应该是两个男孩对此进行解释,故选D。
6.答案与解析:A 由上文“they were trying to raise money for their local church”可知,通过卖甜点为当地的教堂筹集资金,所以应该是需要现金,但是Rizden没有现金,他想换种方式来帮助他们,故选A。
7.答案与解析:C 由下文“He led the __8__ to the front of the restaurant and told them to order whatever they wanted on the menu”可知,Rizden给孩子们点餐,这是在帮助他们。
8.答案与解析:B 第一段中提到“he saw two young boys were alone at the restaurant.”餐厅里有两个男孩可知,此处指两个男孩。
9.答案与解析:C 上文“Rizden didn't have any __6__ on him to give to the boys, so he asked if he could __7__ them in another way instead.” 提到Rizden没有现金,他想换种方式来帮助他们,即给他们支付点餐的费用,故选C。
10.答案与解析:A 上文提到Rizden想要帮助这两个男孩,由于没有现金,所以想请他们吃饭,这两个男孩对此应该是很震惊,故选A。
11.答案与解析:D place their orders意为“点单”,由下文“The boys seemed thrilled at being treated to dinner and the smiles on their faces were huge.”可知,两个男孩点单了,故选D。
12.答案与解析:C 由下文“said that he saw these boys'__13__ and knew that they were the hope of his country, and that he wanted to do something __14__ for them.”可知,Rizden对自己的善行轻描淡写,即他只是说,他看到了男孩们的干劲,故选C。
13.答案与解析:B 上文提到Rizden在餐厅里看到通过卖甜点为当地的教堂筹集资金的两个男孩可知,这两个男孩没有吃饭仍在筹集资金,所以他们很有干劲,故选B。
14.答案与解析:D 由上文“he wanted to do something”结合上文提到Rizden为两个男孩点餐可知,Rizden在想为两个男孩做一些好事,故选D。
15.答案与解析:A 由上文“I want to be just like you”可知,小男孩想长大后像Rizden一样,故选A。



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