Unit 2 Section A(1a-2d)同步练习(含答案)人教新目标九年级全册Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious.
Section A (1a-2d)
1. In China (月饼)are the traditional food on the Mid-Autumn Festival.
2.Bill (想知道)how people celebrate the Water Festival in Thailand.
3.I will visit my (亲戚)in Qingdao this summer vacation. I haven't seen them for a long time.
4.Look! There are two red (灯笼)hanging over there.
5.The woman bought five (磅)of apples and other things for her mother.
achieve, hot, crowd, be, strange, watch
1. We are sure that if there are fewer people driving, there less air pollution.
2.Young people offer their seats to old people on a subway or bus.
3.Kids are told not to open doors for when they are alone at home.
4.Summer is season in a year.
5.At the Dragon Boat Festival, the boat races is the most important part.
6.The children from that small village dream of going to university
their dreams.
picture it is!
The lifestyle here that in the mountains.
The children are happily snowballs each other over there.
The local people think that water can bad things and bring .
Our school will have a sports meeting .
I think he on the weekend, but I am not sure.
( )1. I guess it will be busy this Sunday in the park near my house because there is a flower show in it.
A. a kind of B. too much C.a bit of D. a little too
( )2.—Everything he does is to what is considered normal.
-Although he looks a little different,he has achieved a lot in the math field.
A.similar B.relative C.opposite D.close
( )3.— wonderful the music is!What's its name
A.How B.How a C.What D. What a
( )4. -What did you learn in geography class yesterday
-I learned the sun rises in the east.
A.which B.where C.that D.what
( )5. -Did you enjoy your camp
-No. There were too many people and we couldn't find a place to
our tent.
A.put out B.put away C.put up D.put on
( )6. -How soon will these waste bottles be recycled
- I have called the recycling company.
A. For an hour B.An hour ago
C.In an hour D.After an hour
( )7. -Excuse me, do you know I've just missed my train.
-Yes. There is one in 10 minutes.
A. how I can get to the train station
B.if there's another train later
C.when I should arrive at the train station
D .how much a train ticket costs
( )8. -Food safety is very important to us.
- .More strict rules about it should be made in the future.
A.I'm afraid not B.I'm not sure
C.I can't agree with you D.I think so
. A: Lucy, how long have you been in China
B: 1. .
A: Wow! That's a long time.
B: Yes, and I'm going to stay longer to see how the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated here.
A: 2. .
B: Can I That's very kind of you!
A: 3. We'll celebrate it in the countryside.
B:4. .
A: Yes, I'm sure you'll learn a lot about Chinese traditions there.
B: Sounds great! 5. .
A: Looking forward to your coming.
A. For about three months.
B. I believe you will love it.
C. You mean in your hometown
D. I can't wait for the coming of that day.
E. If so, you can come to celebrate it with my family.
I. 1.mooncakes 2.wonders 3.relatives 4.lanterns 5.pounds
II. 1.will be 2.crowded 3.strangers 4.the hottest 5.watching 6.to achieve
III. 1.What a beautiful 2. is similar to 3.throwing;at 4. wash away; good luck 5. in two days 6. will eat out
IV.1-5 DCACC 6-8 CBD
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