Unit 4 Growing up 培优进阶卷 (原卷+解析卷+听力音频) 牛津译林版 九年级上册

Unit 4 Growing up 解析卷
1.When did the 19h Asian Games Hanghou 2022 start
A.On 23rd September, 2022. B.On 23rd September, 2023. C.On 8th October, 2023.
2.How old is Quan Hongchan
A.18 years old. B.16 years old. C.15 years old.
3.How many gold medals did Quan Hongchan win during the 19th Asian Games Hanghou 2022
A.1. B.3. C.2.
【答案】1.B 2.B 3.C
4.What kind of people do the speakers talk about
A.Sports stars. B.Film stars. C.Scientists.
5.Who is Lucy’s hero
A.Liu Xiang. B.Xiao Zhan. C.Deng Yaping.
【答案】4.A 5.C
6.When was Kobe born
A.On August 23rd, 1976. B.On August 3rd, 1978. C.On August 23rd, 1978.
7.What was Kobe’s first dream
A.To be a basketball player. B.To be a soccer player. C.To be a volleybal player.
8.When did Kobe start to play basketball
A.At three years old. B.At seventeen years old. C.At twenty years old.
9.How many times did Kobe lead the Lakers to national championships
A.Twice. B.Three times. C.Five times.
10.What did Kobe do in 2015
A.He went to the university.
B.He became famous around the world.
C.He set up his own basketball camp.
【答案】6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.C
11.Where didn’t the girl visit in her holiday
A. B. C.
A. B. C.
A. B. C.
14.Where does the Helen’s father work
A. B. C.
15.Who waved to the woman in the parade
A. B. C.
A.Let me try. B.No problem. C.With pleasure.
A.Yes, I will. B.No, they don’t. C.Certainly.
A.Fine, thanks. B.I think so. C.How do you do
A.It’s a pity. B.No, I didn’t like it. C.Yes, I’d love to.
A.They are poor. B.Yes, I’d love to. C.I agree with you.
21.I’ve already made progress in English, and I’m really thankful for your ________ these days.
A.support B.pleasure C.choice D.victory
22.A good way to reduce _________ is to share your feelings with others.
A.secret B.sense C.stress D.spirit
23.To improve your writing, you’d better ask your teacher for some ________.
A.differences B.suggestions C.celebrations D.achievements
24.We’re so proud that the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is really a great ________.
A.progress B.improvement C.victory D.difference
25.—Does your uncle often practice taichi in the park
—Yes.________ the weather is fine.
A.As well as B.As long as C.As soon as
26.—What do you two make such a strange thing for
—It’s our _________. I can’t tell you.
A.spirit B.secret C.service
27.— I have nothing ________ singing. But could you please not sing so loudly here
— OK. I’m sorry about that.
A.by B.against C.without D.from
28.—He seems terribly ill. I’m afraid we have to take him to hospital right now.
—I don’t think it ________. He has just caught a little cold.
A.works B.matters C.cares D.minds
29.We would be ________ blind if we have no GPS while travelling in the desert.
A.as well as B.as soon as C.as long as D.as good as
30.Li Ping’s parents can ________ afford his extra education abroad, because one of them has been ill in hospital for a year.
A.simply B.hardly C.exactly D.surely
31.Only ________ hard work can we make our dreams come true.
A.above B.across C.below D.through
32.Andy’s red coat stood out clearly ________ the snow.
A.by B.over C.against D.with
33.—What’s your favorite food in winter
—Lamb. It is excellent for providing my body with energy and protection ________ the cold.
A.in B.under C.over D.against
34.As students, we need to guard ________ any possible danger around us in the right way.
A.for B.over C.with D.against
35.—Why are you always full of ______
—Because I do sports every day.
A.energy B.attention C.memory D.courage
Jessica Long is a very fast Paralympic (残奥会的) swimmer. She was born in Russia 36 a disability (残疾). This was difficult for her mother and Jessica 37 in a special home for children.
When Jessica was thirteen months old, 38 American couple, Steve and Beth Long, 39 this home. They adopted (收养) her and took her to the USA with 40 . Jessica had a new mom and dad.
When Jessica was eighteen months old, the 41 said she must lose her legs below the knee. They gave Jessica artificial legs and she learned to 42 for the first time.
When Jessica was a young child, she 43 to swim in her grandparents’ swimming pool. 44 the age of ten, she started to swim in competitions. “She was 45 the first person in the swimming pool and the last person out of it,” says her father.
At twelve, Jessica went to her 46 Paralympic Games in Greece. Her family went with her 47 she was very young.
Nobody thought Jessica would win, but they were 48 . She won three gold medals (奖牌)!
At fourteen, Jessica went to the World Swimming Championships in South Africa. She won nine more gold medals and she broke five world records!
Jessica likes other 49 , too. She enjoys 50 and, at fourteen, she started rock climbing. Jessica Long is really amazing.
36.A.to B.of C.for D.with
37.A.live B.lives C.lived D.living
38.A.a B.an C.the D./
39.A.saw B.visited C.built D.designed
40.A.him B.her C.them D.us
41.A.teachers B.doctors C.scientists D.coaches
42.A.walk B.talk C.climb D.jump
43.A.refused B.stopped C.learned D.continued
44.A.In B.On C.Under D.At
45.A.even B.also C.seldom D.always
46.A.first B.one C.two D.second
47.A.if B.when C.though D.because
48.A.right B.wrong C.satisfied D.disappointed
49.A.sports B.medals C.countries D.teenagers
50.A.run B.to run C.running D.runs
36.D 37.C 38.B 39.B 40.C 41.B 42.A 43.C 44.D 45.D 46.A 47.D 48.B 49.A 50.C
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
At the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games, Quan Hongchan beat teammate Chen Yuxi to win the women’s 10-meter platform gold medal. Known as one of the most 51 athletes, she has made history for China once again. Success doesn’t happen overnight, as the saying goes. Quan’s experience of diving doesn’t run 52 all the time. Instead, it includes plenty of sweat.
Born in the city of Zhanjiang in Guangdong Province, Quan was 53 diving at the age of seven. In 2018, she 54 the Guangdong Diving Team, spending three years there before breaking into the national team at the end of 2020.
He Weiyi is a diving coach at the Guangdong Provincial Sports Team. Quan Hongchan was under his 55 in this diving hall for three years. Up on the 10-meterplatform, Coach He said how he found Quan’s talents.
“It looks high up here, but in just three years, Quan managed some very difficult sets of movements. Her development was much quicker than most athletes, I supposes she has got 56 talent!”
But talent alone doesn’t guarantee (确保) to 57 success. For Quan, hard work has been the key. He said, “Quan practices harder than other athletes around her age. She is the most hard-working. She kept asking me 58 she did well, and she would get unhappy if I couldn’t answer her at once. Her spirit is a desire for perfection.”
As for her big wins within years, he said there were also 59 along the way. “In fact, there is a set of positions she didn’t feel comfortable doing, but I think athletes are all trained to have a calm state of mind and self confidence. Her good emotion really helped her win gold.”
He hopes Quan can take full advantage of her physical prowess (体能), and 60 bigger goals for the future.
51.A.trustworthy B.pleasing C.talented D.universal
52.A.smoothly B.politely C.certainly D.difficultly
53.A.known for B.introduced to C.considered as D.used to
54.A.attended B.invited C.invented D.joined
55.A.consideration B.instruction C.agreement D.movement
56.A.unimportant B.unreal C.unexpected D.worthless
57.A.expect B.achieve C.share D.compare
58.A.when B.why C.whether D.that
59.A.challenges B.decisions C.situations D.changes
60.A.request B.increase C.take D.set
51.C 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.B 56.C 57.B 58.C 59.A 60.D
On Feb. 24th, 2022, SuYiming was very happy! The 18-year-old snowboarder received a special letter from President Xi.
In the letter, Xi congratulated Su and other athletes at the Beijing Winter Olympics. We are living in an era (时代) for young people to realize their dreams, Xi said in the letter. He hopes that young Chinese people always keep the motherland in their hearts, aim high (志存高远), and stay grounded.
Xi was writing back to Su. After winning his gold medal, Su realized that it was thanks to this strong motherland that he could achieve so much. “I wanted to write a letter to President Xi,” Su told People’s Daily. “I really wanted to thank him from the bottom of my heart.”
In 2019, Xi met with some athletes and coaches in Beijing. Su was one of the athletes. Xi told them to “aim high”. Xi’s words encouraged Su a lot. “I decided to believe in myself, and that I must give it all to make my dream come true”, Su said.
How did it feel to receive a reply from Xi “I couldn’t believe it at first,” Su told People’s Daily. “This has encouraged me to work even harder in the future.”
61.How old is Su Yiming now
A.18 years old. B.20 years old. C.28 years old. D.29 years old.
62.President Xi raises hopes to ________ in his letter.
A.Su Yiming B.all the athletes C.all Chinese people D.young Chinese people
63.Why did Su write the letter to President Xi
A.To say thanks to President Xi. B.To tell President Xi the good news.
C.To encouraged himself to work harder. D.Because President Xi asked him to do so.
64.How did Su feel about receiving the letter at first
A.Excited. B.Interested. C.Surprised. D.Relaxed.
65.Which of the following is NOT true
A.President Xi has met Su in 2019 in Beijing.
B.The strong motherland made Su achieve so much.
C.Su won a gold medal at the Beijing Winter Olympics.
D.Su wrote to President Xi before he won the gold medal.
【答案】61.B 62.D 63.A 64.C 65.D
Ailing (Eileen) Gu is busy after winning three medals at the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
She talked about singing a song together with Lay Zhang—one of the popular young Chinese singers—on a Douyin live that had over 120,000,000 likes in one day. She is also busy writing a book about herself and doing something useful for others. On 15 March, she participated in an activity in Beijing to help children with heart problems, and was the star of an important activity that took place at the Big Air Shougang.
Eileen said she not only enjoys skiing, but also likes running very much. “Running is a little different from skiing because running can be done by everyone. There is no need to fall and stand up again. Everyone can enjoy the fun of sports.” And running isn’t the only sport that she will keep doing, surfing and skateboarding are next, with soccer and basketball on her list too. “I have always wanted to try surfing and skateboarding, and I also like playing basketball. I haven’t played for a long time. I wish I can play a game or a game of soccer. I played soccer quite often when I was a kid.” As she was invited by the Chinese Surfing Team, she could go to the south and enjoy a surf with her good friend on the beaches of Hainan, China.
66.What does the underlined part “participated in” mean
A.Described. B.Picked. C.Joined. D.Missed.
67.What does Ailing Gu think of running
A.It is easy. B.It is popular. C.It is boring. D.It is difficult.
68.What sport did Ailing Gu do a lot as a child
A.Soccer. B.Surfing. C.Basketball. D.Skateboarding.
69.Why will Ailing Gu go to the south
A.To learn a new sport. B.To run on the beaches.
C.To join the skiing team. D.To have fun with her family.
70.Where might you read this passage
A.In a guidebook. B.In a storybook.
C.In a sports magazine. D.In a student’s diary.
【答案】66.C 67.A 68.A 69.A 70.C
Success seems to find Maya Moore everywhere she goes. But life hasn’t been a bed of roses for Maya and her biggest supporter, her mother. 71
Maya discovered her love of basketball in 1997 at the age of 8. That was the year when the WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) began holding games. The young girl watched the WNBA star Cynthia Cooper-Dyke play in the Olympics. 72
Three years later her mother, Kathryn, was offered a better job in North Carolina. Kathryn decided to make the move from Missouri because North Carolina provided greater basketball opportunities. Sadly, in two months the company downsized, and Kathryn lost her job. She remembers, “ 73 ” Maya said the difficulties brought them closer, and she praises her mom. “She’s more than a teammate. I know she’s going to be on my side.”
About a year later, the mother and daughter moved to Georgia, where Maya continued to play basketball. In high school she had the opportunity to play basketball against some of the nation’s best players. 74 Maya led her team to 125 victories and three state championships. During the time, she was named the national player of the year twice.
75 Maya and her mother talked about these choices. With careful consideration, Maya chose the University of Connecticut.
A.It’s really a competitive skill.
B.These competitions improved her skills.
C.It was a bad time.
D.You can’t succeed without too much effort.
E.The path to success requires a lot of hard work.
F.Maya dreamed of playing in the Olympics one day.
G.Universities competed to invite her to join their teams.
【答案】71.E 72.F 73.C 74.B 75.G
“World record broken!” On Aug 12, 17-year-old Ma Jiajun from Jilin has set a new world record for “the most consecutive jump rope triples (连续三摇跳绳)” with 701 times.
Ma used to be short and thin in the primary school. To build a stronger body, his teacher 76 (建议) him joining the school’s jump rope club. This was 77 (确切地) what he wanted. Since then, jump rope has become a 78 (日常的) activity for him. “The training requires 79 (大量) of hard work. Every night when I 80 (平躺) on my bed, I felt so tired. And my back were in 81 (疼痛).” But a strong wish to break the record keeps him going. He said, “I always dream of getting a certificate from Guinness World Records, which is 82 (值得) all the efforts. Now I finally got the 83 (机会) to show what I can do.”
After breaking the record, Ma won lots of attention from the 84 (公众). “I hope jump rope could be 85 (广泛地) enjoyed by people, since it’s good for health and full of fun.” Now he is preparing for the next year’s gaokao, with Beijing Sport University being his next goal.
76.suggested/advised 77.exactly 78.daily 79.plenty/lots 80.lay 81.pain 82.worth 83.chance 84.public 85.widely
bring out; carry; send out; lifelong; victory; avoid; mystery
86.They people’s wishes to the families they love and miss.
87.Learning is a journey because every day brings something new.
88.I always leave the house early to heavy traffic.
89.People used to sky lanterns when they were in trouble.
90.It was built to celebrate a over an enemy.
【答案】86.carry 87.lifelong 88.avoid 89.send out 90.victory
The 48-year-old gymnast(体操运动员) Oksana Chusovitina made a return to the Asian Games on 25th September, 2023. This is her 91 (five) Asian Games appearance for the athlete with eight Olympics under her belt. She is 92 only gymnast to have competed in eight Olympic Games. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, she won a silver medal, but what made her even 93 (happy) was receiving news of her son’s recovery shortly after the Games.
Before this Asian Games, Oksana Chusovitina 94 (plan) to compete in both the balance beam and vault events. However, during official registration, she made a 95 (decide) to concentrate(集中注意力) on the vault competition. Throughout this year, Chusovitina 96 (win) medals in the women’s vault at some international competitions, 97 (include) a victory at the international Gymnastics Federation Challenge Cup in Turkey in early September.
Every time after 98 (complete) her vault, Chusovitina blows a kiss to the audience and forms a heart gesture(手势) 99 her hands. She says, on the podium, everyone is the same, 100 you are 40 or 16.
91.fifth 92.the 93.happier 94.had planned 95.decision 96.has won 97.including
99.with 100.whether
A: Hi, Daming! 101
B: Li Na. She’s a famous tennis player.
A: 102
B: She started playing tennis when she was six. She trained hard and she won two Grand Slam singles titles (大满贯单打冠军) at the 2011 French Open and the 2014 Australian Open. Li made history for Chinese tennis.
A: 103
B: Her husband was once a great tennis player, too.
A: Oh, really
B: 104 He once trained Li Na.
A: Oh, wow! 105
B: Yeah, we’re proud of her, too.
A.Well, she is a true hero.
B.Why did Li Na play tennis
C.Who is your hero
D.He must be proud of her.
E.When was Li Na born
F.Yes. Now he is a very famous tennis coach.
G.When did she start to play tennis
【答案】101.C 102.G 103.A 104.F 105.D
This Teen Rocked the Asian Games
Huang Yuting is amazing. She is just 17 years old, but she has achieved what most adults can’t achieve in their lifetime. This September, she went to the Asian Games and bagged three gold medals for China!
Huang is a shooter from Zhejiang. At the 19th Asian Games, she competed in the 10 m air rifle (步枪) women’s individual (个人), team and mixed team events. Every time she was ready to shoot, she showed an amazingly strong focus. It felt like the outside world faded away (逐渐消逝) from her. She closed her eyes for seconds, pointed her rifle, and then pulled the trigger decisively. The teenage girl stood out and became the first “triple-champion” (三冠王) at the Games. She completely stole the show!
But do you know what made the girl even more special She had a cute panda doll hanging on her rifle. From event to event, she had her special panda friend with her. It was so impressive! When asked about the panda doll, Huang explained it was a gift she received and believed it would bring her good luck. And it did! She had imagined herself winning three gold medals at the Games. It seemed an impossible dream, but the dream finally came true!
The young girl was overjoyed at her success, but she didn't let it go to her head. Now she dreams bigger. She wants to go to the Paris Olympics and win a gold medal. She knows it won’t be easy, but she has made up her mind to train hard and do her best. She wants to know what her limits are and make her country proud again!
Keep going keep learning and keep improving, Huang Yuting! With effort, the sky is the limit for.
106.Why is Huang Yuting amazing
107.Where is she from
108.What does she think of her panda doll
109.What’s her bigger dream
110.How is she going to do that
【答案】106.Because she bagged three gold medals for China./Because she won three gold medals for China. 107.She is from Zhejiang. 108.She thinks it would bring her good luck. 109.She wants to go to the Paris Olympics and win a gold medal. 110.She is going to train hard and do her best.
111.在初三的英语学习中,我们认识了很多名人,例如:Spud Webb,Tan Dun,Audrey Hepburn,Jackie Chan,Neil Armstrong,Marie Curie,Yuan Longping等,他们都是我们学习的榜样。生活中也有许多优秀的家长、老师、同学等值得我们学习。某英文网站正在开展以“My Role Model (我的榜样)”为话题的征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容涵盖以下要点:
1. Who is your role model
2. What meaningful things he/she did influence you most
3. What can you learn from him/her
1. 词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 内容涵盖要点,全文连贯通顺,可适当发挥;
3. 请勿提及真实校名、姓名等信息。
My Role Model
Everyone has a role model. My role model is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
My Role Model
Everyone has a role model. My role model is Spud Webb.
When Spud Webb was young, he was small, but he had a big dream. He wanted to play in the NBA. He was refused to join the school basketball team because of his height, but he never gave up. He kept on practising playing basketball hard. His talent for basketball was fully developed through his hard work. At last, his dream came true. His story of becoming an NBA player has influenced me most.
When I meet difficulties during my study, I always think of my role model Spud Webb. I can get courage from him to go ahead. I will work hard and never lose heart like him to fight for my dream. Spud Webb is always my hero!
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Unit 4 Growing up 原卷
满分150分 考试时间 120分钟
第I卷(选择题 共85分)
1.When did the 19h Asian Games Hanghou 2022 start
A.On 23rd September, 2022. B.On 23rd September, 2023. C.On 8th October, 2023.
2.How old is Quan Hongchan
A.18 years old. B.16 years old. C.15 years old.
3.How many gold medals did Quan Hongchan win during the 19th Asian Games Hanghou 2022
A.1. B.3. C.2.
4.What kind of people do the speakers talk about
A.Sports stars. B.Film stars. C.Scientists.
5.Who is Lucy’s hero
A.Liu Xiang. B.Xiao Zhan. C.Deng Yaping.
6.When was Kobe born
A.On August 23rd, 1976. B.On August 3rd, 1978. C.On August 23rd, 1978.
7.What was Kobe’s first dream
A.To be a basketball player. B.To be a soccer player. C.To be a volleybal player.
8.When did Kobe start to play basketball
A.At three years old. B.At seventeen years old. C.At twenty years old.
9.How many times did Kobe lead the Lakers to national championships
A.Twice. B.Three times. C.Five times.
10.What did Kobe do in 2015
A.He went to the university.
B.He became famous around the world.
C.He set up his own basketball camp.
11.Where didn’t the girl visit in her holiday
A. B. C.
A. B. C.
A. B. C.
14.Where does the Helen’s father work
A. B. C.
15.Who waved to the woman in the parade
A. B. C.
16.A.Let me try. B.No problem. C.With pleasure.
17.A.Yes, I will. B.No, they don’t. C.Certainly.
18.A.Fine, thanks. B.I think so. C.How do you do
19.A.It’s a pity. B.No, I didn’t like it. C.Yes, I’d love to.
20.A.They are poor. B.Yes, I’d love to. C.I agree with you.
21.I’ve already made progress in English, and I’m really thankful for your ________ these days.
A.support B.pleasure C.choice D.victory
22.A good way to reduce _________ is to share your feelings with others.
A.secret B.sense C.stress D.spirit
23.To improve your writing, you’d better ask your teacher for some ________.
A.differences B.suggestions C.celebrations D.achievements
24.We’re so proud that the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is really a great ________.
A.progress B.improvement C.victory D.difference
25.—Does your uncle often practice taichi in the park
—Yes.________ the weather is fine.
A.As well as B.As long as C.As soon as
26.—What do you two make such a strange thing for
—It’s our _________. I can’t tell you.
A.spirit B.secret C.service
27.— I have nothing ________ singing. But could you please not sing so loudly here
— OK. I’m sorry about that.
A.by B.against C.without D.from
28.—He seems terribly ill. I’m afraid we have to take him to hospital right now.
—I don’t think it ________. He has just caught a little cold.
A.works B.matters C.cares D.minds
29.We would be ________ blind if we have no GPS while travelling in the desert.
A.as well as B.as soon as C.as long as D.as good as
30.Li Ping’s parents can ________ afford his extra education abroad, because one of them has been ill in hospital for a year.
A.simply B.hardly C.exactly D.surely
31.Only ________ hard work can we make our dreams come true.
A.above B.across C.below D.through
32.Andy’s red coat stood out clearly ________ the snow.
A.by B.over C.against D.with
33.—What’s your favorite food in winter
—Lamb. It is excellent for providing my body with energy and protection ________ the cold.
A.in B.under C.over D.against
34.As students, we need to guard ________ any possible danger around us in the right way.
A.for B.over C.with D.against
35.—Why are you always full of ______
—Because I do sports every day.
A.energy B.attention C.memory D.courage
Jessica Long is a very fast Paralympic (残奥会的) swimmer. She was born in Russia 36 a disability (残疾). This was difficult for her mother and Jessica 37 in a special home for children.
When Jessica was thirteen months old, 38 American couple, Steve and Beth Long, 39 this home. They adopted (收养) her and took her to the USA with 40 . Jessica had a new mom and dad.
When Jessica was eighteen months old, the 41 said she must lose her legs below the knee. They gave Jessica artificial legs and she learned to 42 for the first time.
When Jessica was a young child, she 43 to swim in her grandparents’ swimming pool. 44 the age of ten, she started to swim in competitions. “She was 45 the first person in the swimming pool and the last person out of it,” says her father.
At twelve, Jessica went to her 46 Paralympic Games in Greece. Her family went with her 47 she was very young.
Nobody thought Jessica would win, but they were 48 . She won three gold medals (奖牌)!
At fourteen, Jessica went to the World Swimming Championships in South Africa. She won nine more gold medals and she broke five world records!
Jessica likes other 49 , too. She enjoys 50 and, at fourteen, she started rock climbing. Jessica Long is really amazing.
36.A.to B.of C.for D.with
37.A.live B.lives C.lived D.living
38.A.a B.an C.the D./
39.A.saw B.visited C.built D.designed
40.A.him B.her C.them D.us
41.A.teachers B.doctors C.scientists D.coaches
42.A.walk B.talk C.climb D.jump
43.A.refused B.stopped C.learned D.continued
44.A.In B.On C.Under D.At
45.A.even B.also C.seldom D.always
46.A.first B.one C.two D.second
47.A.if B.when C.though D.because
48.A.right B.wrong C.satisfied D.disappointed
49.A.sports B.medals C.countries D.teenagers
50.A.run B.to run C.running D.runs
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
At the 2023 Hangzhou Asian Games, Quan Hongchan beat teammate Chen Yuxi to win the women’s 10-meter platform gold medal. Known as one of the most 51 athletes, she has made history for China once again. Success doesn’t happen overnight, as the saying goes. Quan’s experience of diving doesn’t run 52 all the time. Instead, it includes plenty of sweat.
Born in the city of Zhanjiang in Guangdong Province, Quan was 53 diving at the age of seven. In 2018, she 54 the Guangdong Diving Team, spending three years there before breaking into the national team at the end of 2020.
He Weiyi is a diving coach at the Guangdong Provincial Sports Team. Quan Hongchan was under his 55 in this diving hall for three years. Up on the 10-meterplatform, Coach He said how he found Quan’s talents.
“It looks high up here, but in just three years, Quan managed some very difficult sets of movements. Her development was much quicker than most athletes, I supposes she has got 56 talent!”
But talent alone doesn’t guarantee (确保) to 57 success. For Quan, hard work has been the key. He said, “Quan practices harder than other athletes around her age. She is the most hard-working. She kept asking me 58 she did well, and she would get unhappy if I couldn’t answer her at once. Her spirit is a desire for perfection.”
As for her big wins within years, he said there were also 59 along the way. “In fact, there is a set of positions she didn’t feel comfortable doing, but I think athletes are all trained to have a calm state of mind and self confidence. Her good emotion really helped her win gold.”
He hopes Quan can take full advantage of her physical prowess (体能), and 60 bigger goals for the future.
51.A.trustworthy B.pleasing C.talented D.universal
52.A.smoothly B.politely C.certainly D.difficultly
53.A.known for B.introduced to C.considered as D.used to
54.A.attended B.invited C.invented D.joined
55.A.consideration B.instruction C.agreement D.movement
56.A.unimportant B.unreal C.unexpected D.worthless
57.A.expect B.achieve C.share D.compare
58.A.when B.why C.whether D.that
59.A.challenges B.decisions C.situations D.changes
60.A.request B.increase C.take D.set
On Feb. 24th, 2022, SuYiming was very happy! The 18-year-old snowboarder received a special letter from President Xi.
In the letter, Xi congratulated Su and other athletes at the Beijing Winter Olympics. We are living in an era (时代) for young people to realize their dreams, Xi said in the letter. He hopes that young Chinese people always keep the motherland in their hearts, aim high (志存高远), and stay grounded.
Xi was writing back to Su. After winning his gold medal, Su realized that it was thanks to this strong motherland that he could achieve so much. “I wanted to write a letter to President Xi,” Su told People’s Daily. “I really wanted to thank him from the bottom of my heart.”
In 2019, Xi met with some athletes and coaches in Beijing. Su was one of the athletes. Xi told them to “aim high”. Xi’s words encouraged Su a lot. “I decided to believe in myself, and that I must give it all to make my dream come true”, Su said.
How did it feel to receive a reply from Xi “I couldn’t believe it at first,” Su told People’s Daily. “This has encouraged me to work even harder in the future.”
61.How old is Su Yiming now
A.18 years old. B.20 years old. C.28 years old. D.29 years old.
62.President Xi raises hopes to ________ in his letter.
A.Su Yiming B.all the athletes C.all Chinese people D.young Chinese people
63.Why did Su write the letter to President Xi
A.To say thanks to President Xi. B.To tell President Xi the good news.
C.To encouraged himself to work harder. D.Because President Xi asked him to do so.
64.How did Su feel about receiving the letter at first
A.Excited. B.Interested. C.Surprised. D.Relaxed.
65.Which of the following is NOT true
A.President Xi has met Su in 2019 in Beijing.
B.The strong motherland made Su achieve so much.
C.Su won a gold medal at the Beijing Winter Olympics.
D.Su wrote to President Xi before he won the gold medal.
Ailing (Eileen) Gu is busy after winning three medals at the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games.
She talked about singing a song together with Lay Zhang—one of the popular young Chinese singers—on a Douyin live that had over 120,000,000 likes in one day. She is also busy writing a book about herself and doing something useful for others. On 15 March, she participated in an activity in Beijing to help children with heart problems, and was the star of an important activity that took place at the Big Air Shougang.
Eileen said she not only enjoys skiing, but also likes running very much. “Running is a little different from skiing because running can be done by everyone. There is no need to fall and stand up again. Everyone can enjoy the fun of sports.” And running isn’t the only sport that she will keep doing, surfing and skateboarding are next, with soccer and basketball on her list too. “I have always wanted to try surfing and skateboarding, and I also like playing basketball. I haven’t played for a long time. I wish I can play a game or a game of soccer. I played soccer quite often when I was a kid.” As she was invited by the Chinese Surfing Team, she could go to the south and enjoy a surf with her good friend on the beaches of Hainan, China.
66.What does the underlined part “participated in” mean
A.Described. B.Picked. C.Joined. D.Missed.
67.What does Ailing Gu think of running
A.It is easy. B.It is popular. C.It is boring. D.It is difficult.
68.What sport did Ailing Gu do a lot as a child
A.Soccer. B.Surfing. C.Basketball. D.Skateboarding.
69.Why will Ailing Gu go to the south
A.To learn a new sport. B.To run on the beaches.
C.To join the skiing team. D.To have fun with her family.
70.Where might you read this passage
A.In a guidebook. B.In a storybook.
C.In a sports magazine. D.In a student’s diary.
Success seems to find Maya Moore everywhere she goes. But life hasn’t been a bed of roses for Maya and her biggest supporter, her mother. 71
Maya discovered her love of basketball in 1997 at the age of 8. That was the year when the WNBA (Women’s National Basketball Association) began holding games. The young girl watched the WNBA star Cynthia Cooper-Dyke play in the Olympics. 72
Three years later her mother, Kathryn, was offered a better job in North Carolina. Kathryn decided to make the move from Missouri because North Carolina provided greater basketball opportunities. Sadly, in two months the company downsized, and Kathryn lost her job. She remembers, “ 73 ” Maya said the difficulties brought them closer, and she praises her mom. “She’s more than a teammate. I know she’s going to be on my side.”
About a year later, the mother and daughter moved to Georgia, where Maya continued to play basketball. In high school she had the opportunity to play basketball against some of the nation’s best players. 74 Maya led her team to 125 victories and three state championships. During the time, she was named the national player of the year twice.
75 Maya and her mother talked about these choices. With careful consideration, Maya chose the University of Connecticut.
A.It’s really a competitive skill.
B.These competitions improved her skills.
C.It was a bad time.
D.You can’t succeed without too much effort.
E.The path to success requires a lot of hard work.
F.Maya dreamed of playing in the Olympics one day.
G.Universities competed to invite her to join their teams.
第II卷 (非选择题65分)
A. 请认真阅读下面的短文,根据首字母、中英文释义或音标写出所缺单词,使短文通顺。
“World record broken!” On Aug 12, 17-year-old Ma Jiajun from Jilin has set a new world record for “the most consecutive jump rope triples (连续三摇跳绳)” with 701 times.
Ma used to be short and thin in the primary school. To build a stronger body, his teacher 76 (建议) him joining the school’s jump rope club. This was 77 (确切地) what he wanted. Since then, jump rope has become a 78 (日常的) activity for him. “The training requires 79 (大量) of hard work. Every night when I 80 (平躺) on my bed, I felt so tired. And my back were in 81 (疼痛).” But a strong wish to break the record keeps him going. He said, “I always dream of getting a certificate from Guinness World Records, which is 82 (值得) all the efforts. Now I finally got the 83 (机会) to show what I can do.”
After breaking the record, Ma won lots of attention from the 84 (公众). “I hope jump rope could be 85 (广泛地) enjoyed by people, since it’s good for health and full of fun.” Now he is preparing for the next year’s gaokao, with Beijing Sport University being his next goal.
bring out; carry; send out; lifelong; victory; avoid; mystery
86.They people’s wishes to the families they love and miss.
87.Learning is a journey because every day brings something new.
88.I always leave the house early to heavy traffic.
89.People used to sky lanterns when they were in trouble.
90.It was built to celebrate a over an enemy.
The 48-year-old gymnast(体操运动员) Oksana Chusovitina made a return to the Asian Games on 25th September, 2023. This is her 91 (five) Asian Games appearance for the athlete with eight Olympics under her belt. She is 92 only gymnast to have competed in eight Olympic Games. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, she won a silver medal, but what made her even 93 (happy) was receiving news of her son’s recovery shortly after the Games.
Before this Asian Games, Oksana Chusovitina 94 (plan) to compete in both the balance beam and vault events. However, during official registration, she made a 95 (decide) to concentrate(集中注意力) on the vault competition. Throughout this year, Chusovitina 96 (win) medals in the women’s vault at some international competitions, 97 (include) a victory at the international Gymnastics Federation Challenge Cup in Turkey in early September.
Every time after 98 (complete) her vault, Chusovitina blows a kiss to the audience and forms a heart gesture(手势) 99 her hands. She says, on the podium, everyone is the same, 100 you are 40 or 16.
八、补全对话 (本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
A: Hi, Daming! 101
B: Li Na. She’s a famous tennis player.
A: 102
B: She started playing tennis when she was six. She trained hard and she won two Grand Slam singles titles (大满贯单打冠军) at the 2011 French Open and the 2014 Australian Open. Li made history for Chinese tennis.
A: 103
B: Her husband was once a great tennis player, too.
A: Oh, really
B: 104 He once trained Li Na.
A: Oh, wow! 105
B: Yeah, we’re proud of her, too.
A.Well, she is a true hero.
B.Why did Li Na play tennis
C.Who is your hero
D.He must be proud of her.
E.When was Li Na born
F.Yes. Now he is a very famous tennis coach.
G.When did she start to play tennis
This Teen Rocked the Asian Games
Huang Yuting is amazing. She is just 17 years old, but she has achieved what most adults can’t achieve in their lifetime. This September, she went to the Asian Games and bagged three gold medals for China!
Huang is a shooter from Zhejiang. At the 19th Asian Games, she competed in the 10 m air rifle (步枪) women’s individual (个人), team and mixed team events. Every time she was ready to shoot, she showed an amazingly strong focus. It felt like the outside world faded away (逐渐消逝) from her. She closed her eyes for seconds, pointed her rifle, and then pulled the trigger decisively. The teenage girl stood out and became the first “triple-champion” (三冠王) at the Games. She completely stole the show!
But do you know what made the girl even more special She had a cute panda doll hanging on her rifle. From event to event, she had her special panda friend with her. It was so impressive! When asked about the panda doll, Huang explained it was a gift she received and believed it would bring her good luck. And it did! She had imagined herself winning three gold medals at the Games. It seemed an impossible dream, but the dream finally came true!
The young girl was overjoyed at her success, but she didn't let it go to her head. Now she dreams bigger. She wants to go to the Paris Olympics and win a gold medal. She knows it won’t be easy, but she has made up her mind to train hard and do her best. She wants to know what her limits are and make her country proud again!
Keep going keep learning and keep improving, Huang Yuting! With effort, the sky is the limit for.
106.Why is Huang Yuting amazing
107.Where is she from
108.What does she think of her panda doll
109.What’s her bigger dream
110.How is she going to do that
111.在初三的英语学习中,我们认识了很多名人,例如:Spud Webb,Tan Dun,Audrey Hepburn,Jackie Chan,Neil Armstrong,Marie Curie,Yuan Longping等,他们都是我们学习的榜样。生活中也有许多优秀的家长、老师、同学等值得我们学习。某英文网站正在开展以“My Role Model (我的榜样)”为话题的征文活动,请你用英语写一篇短文投稿,内容涵盖以下要点:
1. Who is your role model
2. What meaningful things he/she did influence you most
3. What can you learn from him/her
1. 词数100左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 内容涵盖要点,全文连贯通顺,可适当发挥;
3. 请勿提及真实校名、姓名等信息。
My Role Model
Everyone has a role model. My role model is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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