Unit6 Bird watching单元练习(含解析)牛津译林版英语八年级上册

Unit6 单元练习
1. Some artists like to (包含) birds in their pictures.
2.—Can you (描述) your hometown for us —Of course.
3. The doctor strongly (建议) him to stop smoking just now.
4. First, let me (介绍) myself to you.
5. The hotel always (提供) good service for all kinds of people.
6. Jack is so smart that he can answer these questions (without difficulty).
7. About 200,000 (people who are travelling or visiting a place for pleasure) came toTai'erzhuang Ancient Town during the Labour Day holiday. It's difficult to believe.
8. The Chinese g warned Japan not to hurt the feelings of Chinese people.
9. Nanjing is in the s of Jiangsu while Suqian is in the north of Jiangsu.
10.—Why do some students want to study English
—Because they know the i of English.
1. There is a (nature) lake. It's very beautiful.
2. Not only my two sisters but also Aunt Mary (practise) yoga dance in the yard at the moment.
3. The radio says that the rain (stop) in a few hours.
4. Millions of (tour) come to China from all over the world every year.
5. Can you see the words on the blackboard (clear), Tom
6. The problem is so difficult that it's (possible) for me to solve it in two days.
7. He wants to be a (society) worker when he grows up.
8. Keeping birds (give) these old people a lot of fun.
9. It is dangerous to make phone calls while one is (drive).
10. You’d better (not write) your names on the bamboo here. We should protect the bamboo forest.
11. We decided to put up some posters (tell) people to protect the environment.
12. I heard the birds (sing) happily in the tree when I walked past.
13. I just finished (count) all these coins. I save 800 yuan now!
14. There will be less space for wildlife if we (not protect) the wetlands.
15. He (lead) us into the garden and left. We had no idea what to do next.
( )1.—Where is Mike
—I saw him with Mr Smith in the hallway just now.
A. to talk B. talking C. talked D. talks
( )2.—In my opinion, animals shouldn't be kept for fun.
—I think so. Forests are the best places for animals .
A. live B. living C. to live to D. to live in
( )3. the quality of PE classes, some schools put smart technology into use.
A. Improving B. To improve C. Improve D. Improved
( )4. People in the future will not have to live in.
A. spaces enough B. enough space
C. enough spaces D. many spaces
( )5. We must do everything we can our Earth cleaner and safer.
A. made B. to making
C. make D. to make
( )6.—All the information will be useful for our report. —Yes. I will .
A. write it down B. write them down
C. write down it D. write down them
( )7.—I think you should stop him in English.
—I see. He can't understand English at all. Let me try in French.
A. talking to B. to talk to
C. talk to D. to talking to
( )8. Parents often their children some good advice.
A. offer; with B. offer; / C. provide; with D. both B and C
( )9.—Why didn't you buy the house
—Because the price is too high, and , the house is not in a suitable position.
A. though B. but
C. moreover D. therefore
( )10. rare birds are in danger because there is space for them.
A. Less and less; more and more B. Less and less; less and less
C. More and more; less and less D. More and more; more and more
( )11. Our government must down too many trees.
A. stop people cutting B. keep people cutting
C. encourage people to cut D. make laws to cut
( )12. After reading the report, I found important to do something to protect the birds in the wild.
A. it B. is C. its D. itself
( )13. About ten per cent of the water dirty in the town.
A. are B. is C. does D. did
( )14. The boy ran away I could say a word.
A. before B. when C. till D. after
( )15. more about tomorrow's weather, please call 114.
A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known
If we do nothing, it will these birds in the future.
I need cranes.
They didn’t until the teacher told them.
The nature reserve .
Now China has .
The children wild animals.
the south, the young swans practise flying with their mother every day.
Tell the children some water with them.
We are beautiful red-crowned cranes. We have red caps on the top of our heads. You may think the caps are our f 1 . In fact, they are combs(肉冠). We are one of the 1 2 birds in the world. We are the heaviest cranes. An adult red-crowned crane can w 3 up to 10kilograms. We are good at dancing. I think we are the most beautiful dancers of all the birds. We are also good s 4 . We sing loudly and beautifully. We are good at flying as well. We fly to Northeast China when s 5 comes. We give birth to baby cranes there. We like to live together in the wetlands and some other places. We f 6 on worms and small fish. We like to live in long grass. Water and grass are i 7 to us. But these years, life is harder sometimes. We are one of the most endangered(濒危的) birds in the world now. People k 8 taking our living areas to make farms and build houses.
Now we don't have enough s 9 to live in. And we don't have e 10 food to feed our babies because people fish too much.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ______
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.______
hear dangerous sky kill beauty life prevent important swan good dress wing
Animals are our friends. My favourite animal is the 1 . They can swim very 2 . Ithink white swans look like beautiful girls in white 3 . They have a pair of 4 . And they can also fly well. I believe they are angels(天使) from the 5 . They bring us love and make us happy. They are nice to us. We can't 6 them.
I also love dogs. They are not 7 . But they are our good helpers. They keep thieves(小偷) away. Dogs have the best 8 and eyesight. They can hear in the noise and see in the dark.If we are in 9 , they will come to help us. And they don't mind their 10 . So I love them.
1.______ 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.______
七、 阅读理解
The weather gets colder, days get shorter and the leaves change colours and fall off the trees. Soon,winter is here. Snow covers the ground. People live in warm houses and wear heavy coats outside. Our food comes from shops, but what happens to birds
Birds do many different amazing things to get through the winter. Some of them migrate. This means they travel to other places where the weather is warmer, or where they can find food.
Many birds migrate in autumn. Some travel in large groups, because the trip can be dangerous. For example, wild geese fly in noisy V-shaped groups. Other kinds of birds fly alone.
How do they know when it is the time to leave for the warm place Scientists are still studying this.Many scientists think migration is part of a yearly cycle of changes that a bird goes through. The cycle is controlled by changes in the amount of daylight and the weather.
Birds can fly very long distances. For example, the Arctic terns(北极燕鸥) live close to the NorthPole(北极) in summer. In autumn, they fly south, all the way to the South Pole. Each spring they return to the North Pole.
Most birds migrate shorter distances. Do you know how they find their way to the same place each year Birds use the sun, moon and stars for direction.
( )1. What's the Chinese meaning of the underlined word“migrate”
A. 迁徙 B. 回归 C. 寻找 D. 期待
( )2. Why do wild geese travel in groups
A. Because they travel in autumn.
B. Because they will fly very long distances.
C. Because the trip can be dangerous.
D. Because they don't like flying alone.
( )3. How may the birds know when to travel
A. They know from the sun and moon.
B. They know from the daylight and the weather.
C. They know from the moon and stars.
D. They know from the sun and stars.
( )4. The Arctic terns fly south .
A. in spring B. in summer C. in autumn D. in winter
New Zealand offers free school lunches to thousands of kids
WELLINGTON, Feb. 20(Xinhua)—“Thousands of children have begun receiving a free lunch on schooldays under the government's free and health y school lunch programme,”Prime Minister(首相)Jacinda Ardern said on Thursday.
“The programme is for 7,000 students at 31 schools right now. The number will extend to 21,000students in 120 schools by the start of 2021,”Ardern said while she was serving up lunch at a school inHawke's Bay.
“A full stomach makes all the difference to a child's learning,”Ardern said.
“Providing a free and health y lunch at school is one way to help New Zealand become the best place in the world for school children. And people can see that difference right away,”she said. She added that providing these lunches was also a great way for local families to have jobs.
“The programme is one of 75 plans from New Zealand’s CYWS(Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy). It started last year and developed with the money from 10,000 New Zealanders including 6,000young people,”said Education Minister Chris Hipkins.
( )1. What kind of writing is it
A. Story. B. News. C. Email. D. Invitation.
( )2. The underlined word“extend”here means“ ”.
A. increase B. double C. remain D. fall
( )3. From the second paragraph, we know that Ardern was when she explained the programme.
A. planning for the free lunch programme
B. giving lunch to the school children
C. thinking how to provide jobs for local families
D. collecting money from New Zealanders
( )4. By“A full stomach makes all the difference to a child's learning,”Ardern meant that“ ”.
A. learning well mainly depends on eating
B. learning to eat a proper lunch is important
C. eating has nothing to do with learning
D. children will learn better if they eat well
一、 1. include 2. describe 3. advised 4. introduce
5. provides 6. easily 7. visitors/tourists
8. government 9. south 10. importance
二、1. natural 2. is practising 3. will stop 4. tourists5. clearly 6. impossible 7. social 8. gives
driving 10. not write 11. to tell 12. singing 13. counting 14. don't protect 15. led
三、1. B 【解析】此处表示“刚才我看到他正与 Mr Smith在走廊里交谈”。see sb doing sth是固定搭配,意为“看到某人正在做某事”。故选 B。
2.D 【解析】此处表示“森林才是动物生活的最佳场所”。此处为动词不定式作后置定语,修饰 places,且两者之间为动宾关系, live in the places 为固定搭配。 故选 D。
3. B
4. B 【点拨】space表示“空地,空间”时为不可数名词。故选 B。
5.D 【点拨】动词不定式作目的状语。故选 D。
6.A 【点拨】答句意为“是的。我将把它(这些信息)写下来”。information 是不可数名词。故选 A。
7. A 【点拨】stop to do sth.停下来去做另外一件事;stop doing sth.停止正在做的事情。根据语境可知选 A。
8.D 【解析】句意:家长经常为他们的孩子提供一些好的建议。“为某人提供某物”可以用固定搭配offer sb sth/offer sth to sb/provide sb with sth/provide sth for sb表示,所以 B、C 两项正确。 故选 D。
9.C 【点拨】根据答语可知,空处后句是对前句的补充说明。故选 C。
10. C
11.A 【解析】句意:我们的政府必须阻止人们砍伐太多树木。表示“阻止某人做某事”用 stop/prevent/keep sb from doing sth 表示,其中 stop 和 prevent结构中的from 可省略,而 keep结构中的 from 不可省略。故选 A。
12. A 【解析】在固定结构“find it+形容词+to do sth”中, it 充当 find的形式宾语,而 to do sth 为真正的宾语。故选
13. B 【解析】因 water为不可数名词,所以谓语动词用单数形式;dirty 为形容词,应和 be 动词连用。故选 B。
14.A 【解析】句意:我还没来得及说一句话,这个男孩就跑走了。男孩跑走是在“我”说话之前。before 意为“在····之前”;when 意为“当······时”; till 意为“直到”;after意为“在……之后”。故选 A。
15.C 【解析】句意:要知道更多有关明天的天气情况,请拨打 114。此处用动词不定式表示目的。故选 C。
四、1. be impossible for us to see
2. visitors to help count and describe
3. understand the importance of protecting the wetlands
4. covers an area of more than/over 3,000 square kilometres
5. made laws to prevent driving after drinking
6. couldn't wait to know about the importance of protecting
7. In order to fly to
8. not to forget to take
五、1. feathers 2. largest 3. weigh 4. singers 5. spring6. feed 7. important 8. keep 9. space 10. enough
六、1. swan 2. well 3. dresses 4. wings 5. sky6. kill 7. beautiful 8. hearing 9. danger10. lives
七 A
1. A 【解析】根据第二段中“This means they travel to other places...”并结合四个选项可知,从一个地方行进到另一个地方,即是“迁徙”,所以 migrate 意为“迁徙”。 故选 A。
2. C 【解析】根据第三段中“Some travel in large groups,because the trip can be dangerous.”可知,因为旅程中充满危险,所以大雁会成群结队飞行。故选 C。
3. B 【解析】根据第四段中“The cycle is controlled by changes in the amount of daylight and the weather.”可知,鸟类通过日光和天气的变化来知晓迁徙的时间。 故选 B。
4. C 【解析】根据第五段中“In autumn, they fly south, all the way to the South Pole.”可知,北极燕鸥在秋天飞往南方。故选C
1. B 【解析】根据文章开头的“WELLINGTON, Feb. 20(Xinhua)”并结合文章的写作风格可知,本文是一则新闻。故选 B。
2. A 【解析】根据第二段中“The programme is for 7,000students at 31 schools right now. The number will extend to 21,000 students in 120 schools by the start of2021”可知,该项目目前覆盖31所学校的7 000名学生,到2021年初,这个数字将扩大到120 所学校的 21 000名学生,由此可知,画线词 extend 与 increase同义,都表示“增长”。故选 A。
3. B 【解析】根据第二段中“Ardern said while she was serving up lunch at a school in Hawke's Bay”可知,Ardern在解释该项目时,她正在给学生们提供午餐。故选 B。
4.D 【解析】根据第三段内容以及倒数第二段中“Providing a free and healthy lunch at school is one way to help New Zealand become the best place in the world for school children.”可知,她想表达的是好的饮食对学生的学业是有帮助的。故选 D。




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