Unit6 Keep our city clean Cartoon time 同步练习(含答案)

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Unit 6 Keep our city clean
Cartoon time
1.— Our room is too messy. Let's keep it c .
— All right.
2.— Don't make your hands d .
— —Sorry. I will wash them later.
3. The (空气) is fresh there. People like to go there on (假期).
4. People usually (种植) trees in spring.
5.——There was a lot of rubbish in the river. The fish were (死的).
— Yes. But now the river is clean.
( )1.— Bobby a banana skin the ground.
— Oh, no! He shouldn't do that.
A. throws; on B. throws; in C. throw; at
( ) 2.— your classroom dirty
— No.
A. Do B. Is C. Does
( ) 3. Mike likes in the city, but I .
A. living; can't B. lives; can't C. living; don't
( ) 4. Trees help the air clean.
A. keep B. keeps C. keeping
( ) 1. I like to have a picnic on Sunday. A. Our mothers.
( ) 2. What does that sign mean B. He slips and falls on the floor.
( ) 3. What's the matter with Mike C. We can sweep the floor.
( )4. What can we do to keep our bedrooms clean D. Me too.
( ) 5. Who makes our clothes clean and tidy E. It means you can't litter.
There a lot of in the river before,
Smoke cars the .
We can to school.
the air clean, we can plant trees.
( ) Because trees help make the air clean.
( )Ⅰsee.
( 4 ) And we can plant more trees.
( ) Why
( ) Yes. But what can we do
( ) We can put rubbish in the bin.
( ) Look! There's a lot of rubbish in our city.
A: Oh! Your room is so m . It's time to clean your room.
B: W a minute. I'm m a model ship.
A: Stop! You can m it later. All the toys go in the toy box, and p the books in order.
B: OK. Will you h me to clean them up
A: Yes, of course.
We went to a lake many years ago. The lake was messy and dirty. What made the lake messy and dirty There were a lot of plastic bags, cans and lunch boxes. There were some broken bottles too. The pollution was serious. To keep the lake clean, we should put rubbish in the bin and put a sign“No littering”near the lake. We shouldn't litter everywhere. Everyone should know this and protect the lake. This year, the lake becomes more beautiful. We are happy to see that.
Time many 1,_______ ago
The environment messy and 2, _______
Pollution plastic 3. _______, cans, lunch boxes and broken bottles
Suggestions put rubbish in the bin and put a 4. ___“ No 5. ___” near the lake
一、1. clean 2. dirty 3. air; holiday 4. plant5. dead
二、 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A
三、1. D 2. E 3. B 4. C 5. A
四、 1. were; dead fish 2. from; made; air dirty3. take the bus 4. To keep; more
五、6 7 4 5 2 3 1
六、messy; Wait; making; make; put; help
七、1. years 2. dirty 3. bags 4. sign 5. littering



上一篇:浙教版数学八年级上册 期中测试卷(无答案)
