Unit5 Signs Cartoon time 同步练习(含答案)

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Unit 5 Signs
Cartoon time
they some mean careful fish
1. The sign under the tree “No smoking”.
2. We shouldn't in the pond.
3. Would you like juice
4. Jim does his homework every day.
5. There are many monkeys around .
( )1.— Walk , and you'll see the park on your right.
— Thank you very much.
A. into B. from C. on
( )2.— Can I TV ——No. You must to bed now.
A. look; go B. watch; go C. watch; goes
( ) 3. Mike knows something signs.
A. to B. about C. with
( ) 4.— How does Bobby
— He hungry and thirsty.
A. feel; feel B. feels; feels C. feel; feels
( )5. Jack, shout here. Can't you see that sign
A. doesn't B. don't be C. don't
What does
It means“ or drinking”,
We in the library.
Can you the on the
Look at that . It means“ ”.
(Nancy and Yang Ling are in the library now. They want to read some books.)
( 7 ) Look at that man. What is he doing
( 2 ) No,I don't. I like stories. Stories are interesting. What about you
( ) Be quiet. Look at that sign. You can't talk here.
( 5 ) I'm sorry. And I know we can't eat or drink here.
( ) Yes. You are right.
( 1 ) Do you like magazines, Yang Ling
( ) Oh, no! He's smoking.
( ) I like picture books. I can learn a lot from them.
( 10 ) Sorry, I won't smoke again.
( ) Sir, you can't smoke here. Look at that sign. It says“No smoking”.
Traffic signs provide useful information(信息) for drivers and other road users.
Here are some of the traffic signs you can see on the road.
Look at the first picture. It is a sign with the number“thirty”on it. When drivers see this sign, they can't drive at more than thirty kilometres an hour. When drivers see the second sign,they must drive carefully because they're getting close to a crossing(十字路口) now. The third sign means there's another road coming in from the right. Drivers should be careful. There's a letter“P”on the last sign. “P”means you can park your cars here. There are also some signs showing“No parking”. Drivers should not park their cars near these signs.
( ) 1. Traffic signs are useful to people,
( )2. When we see the sign with the number“thirty”on it, we can drive at sixty kilometres an hour.
( ) 3. If you see the sign“Crossing”, you must drive carefully.
( )4.“No parking”means we can park our cars near this sign.
( ) 5. The passage(文章) is about the traffic signs.
第3 课时 Cartoon time
一、 1. means 2. fish 3. some 4. carefully5. them
二、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C
三、 1. that sign mean 2. No eating 3, can't litter
4. see; sign; wall 5. sign; Wet floor
四、7 2 4 5 6 1 8 3 10 9
五、A. 3 4 1 2
B. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T



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