Unit 8 Chinese New Year Checkout-Ticking time 同步练习(含答案)

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Unit 8 Chinese New Year
Checkout time—Ticking time
1. The children are (excite) about the Spring Festival.
2. My uncle and aunt (have) dinner with us tomorrow.
3. I am going to (light) fireworks this evening.
4. Bobby (get) red packets two days ago and he (be) very happy.
5. On the (two) day of the holiday, we went (shop).
( ) 1. It was nice your email.
A. get B. gets C. to get
( ) 2. — When is Christmas
— It's on the .
A. 18th of December B. 25th of November C. 25th of December
( )3. Yang Ling A red packet. She rich now.
A. has; is B. have; are C. have; is
( ) 4. Mike is talking his friends his plan.
A. with; to B. to; about C. to; with
( )5. Su Hai got an email her e-friend Nancy yesterday.
A. in B. from C. to
1. We're going to buy some books.(改为一般疑问句)
going to buy books
2. I'm tired.(改为否定句)
3. They are going to have a picnic.(对画线部分提问)
they going to
4. are, we, watch, TV, evening, going, to, in, the(,)(连词成句)
5. to, your, is, food, what, make, going, mum( )(连词成句)
A new year begins. Here 1 my New Year's plans.
First, I want to read lots of books. I like books about Music, Art and Science. I think I need more time to read in the 2 .
Second, I want to learn to play the piano. My best friend Cindy can play 3 well. She will teach me. I think it will be 4 and that I'll like it.
Third, I want to do some sports every day. I always spend much time 5 the classroom and never play sports. That's a(n) 6 habit. To live a healthy 7 , I need to exercise often.
Fourth, I want to help my parents to do the housework. They 8 in the daytime. After work, they 9 dinner and clean the rooms. They are very busy. I'm 10 now and I can help them.
( )1. A. is B. are C. has
( ) 2. A. library B. art club C. sports centre
( ) 3. A. this B. her C. it
( )4. A. tidy B. difficult C. interesting
( )5. A. on B. to C. in
( ) 6. A. healthy B. unhealthy C. old
( )7. A. life B. job C. home
( ) 8. A. work B. play C. eat
( ) 9. A. do B. make C. have
( )10. A. thirteen-year-old B. thirteen years' old C. thirteen years old
The Laba Festival(腊八节)
The Laba Festival, celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, is a traditional Chinese holiday. The festival is a time marking the start of preparations for the Chinese New Year. One of the main traditions is making and eating Laba porridge, a hearty mix of grain,beans, nuts and dried fruit. This dish symbolizes(代表) hope for a good harvest and blessings for the family. People also visit temples to pray and pay homage to their ancestors. The Laba Festival is not just about the food. It's a moment to cherish harmony, express thanks and look forward to the renewal of spring,
( )1. The Laba Festival is on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month.
( ) 2. We often eat Laba porridge at this festival.
( )3. Laba porridge symbolizes hope for a good harvest and blessings for the family.
( ) 4. The Laba Festival is just about the food.
一、 1. excited 2. are going to have 3. light4. got; was 5. second; shopping
二、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B
三、1. Are you; any 2. I'm not 3. What are; do
4. We are going to watch TV in the evening.
5. What food is your mum going to make
四、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A8. A 9. B 10. C
五、1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F




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