广西来宾市2023-2024七年级下学期期末教学质量调研英语试题(含听力原文+答案 无听力音频)

2024 年春季学期教学质量调研
七年级 英语
一、听力 (共 30小题,每小题 1分,共 30分)
(一)1-5: CEDAB
(二)6-10: BBAAC
(三)11-13: CBA 14-16: BAC 17-20: BACA
(五)26-30: Sunday visited friend shopping read
二、单项选择(共 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分)
31-35: BCAAB 36-40: CACBA
三、补全对话(共 5小题,每小题 1分,共 5分)
41-45: CEDFB
四、完形填空(共 10小题,每小题 1分,共 10分)
46-50: CABAC 51-55:CBCAB
五、阅读理解(共 20小题,56—60每小题 1分;61—75每小题 2分,共 35分)
56-60: TFFTT 61-65: CBCAB 66-70: BACCA 71-75: BACAC
六、选词填空(共 10小题,每小题 1.5分,共 15分)
76. spent 77. because 78. parents 79. every 80. bought
81. remembered 82. happy 83. me 84. but 85. them
七、书面表达(共 15分)
My best friend
Hi, my name is Daniel. I’d like to introduce my good friend. His name is Andy, a boy of 12
years old. He is from Class 4, Grade 7. He is tall and strong with short black hair. He is outgoing
and enjoys camping very much. On the weekend, he often asks to go with him. Andy is good at
various sports, such as swimming and playing basketball. Besides, he is always ready to help others.
With his help my English is better than before. I like to play with him and we are best friends.
七年级英语 第 1 页 (共 3 页)
1. We want to go camping near the beautiful lake.
2. My goldfish is a wonderful pet.
3. A snake eats little or nothing for months in cold winter.
4. She plants trees on March 12th every year.
5. This is a waiter in the restaurant.
6. W: I like cats best. What about you, Neil
M: I like dogs because they’re so clever.
7 .W: Harry, can you play the piano
M: Yes, I can. I started to play the piano when I was five years old.
8. W: Which floor do you live on
M: I live on the tenth floor.
9. W: Tom, what outdoor activity would you like to try
M: I want to go swimming.
10. W: Brad, was your father a teacher
M: Yes, he was a Maths teacher ten years ago, but now he is an engineer.
请听第一段对话,回答第 11至 13小题。
M: Jane, let’s go and see our new house!
W: Which house is it, dad
M: This one. Here we are.
W: Wow! It’s great and the garden is beautiful.
M: I’ve got the key. Let’s go in.
W: It is nice. The living room is very big.
M: Yes, but the kitchen is quite small. Let’s go upstairs.
W: Which is my bedroom
M: This one here. It’s your favorite color—blue.
W: It’s great! Thank you, dad.
请听第二段对话,回答第 14至 16小题。
W: Hi, Daniel. Where are we going for our class trip
七年级英语 第 2 页 (共 3 页)
M: We’re going to Sunshine Zoo.
W: Where is the zoo Is it far away from our school
M: No, It’s west of the school, about two kilometres away.
W: How will we get there
M: We’ll get there by bus.
请听第三段对话,回答第 17至 20小题。
W: Jack, What’s your favourite animal
M: Rabbits. I keep two rabbits as my pets. They are really lovely and friendly.
W: How do you look after your rabbits
M: I feed them with grass and vegetables twice a day.
W: Oh, I see. Do you clean the cage everyday
M: No, I clean the cage and wash the blanket every week.
W: Anything else
M: Yes, I give them a shower and brush their fur carefully every Saturday.
Hi, everyone. My name is Peter. I am from Beijing. And now I am studying at a middle school.
Today, I would like to say something about my favourite park. It’s Yuanmingyuan Park. It is near
the Summer Palace and it’s next to a school. It’s a big park with long history in the west of Beijing.
There are many famous old buildings. A lot of people around the world come here every day. It
opens from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. in June. Visitors can not only take the underground but also take the bus
there. Do you want to know more about the park You can call at 010-62569609, or search for the
information on the Internet. Welcome to the park.
Hello. I’m Millie. I want to share our weekend activities with you. Yesterday was Sunday. I
visited the park with my family and went camping there. Simon didn’t play football. He practiced
playing volleyball with his friend. Kitty likes shopping. She did some shopping with her mum
yesterday afternoon. Daniel didn’t go out yesterday. He stayed at home and read some books. All of
us had a good time.
七年级英语 第 3 页 (共 3 页)

6.What kind of animals does Neil like best
7.What did Harry start to play at the age of five
A.Play the violin.
B.Play the piano.
C.Play football.
8.Which floor does the man live on

A.The tenth floor.
B.The fifth floor.
C.The fifteenth floor.
9.What outdoor activity will Tom like to try
A.Go swimming
B.Go riding
C.Go jogging
10.What did Brad's father do ten years ago
A.He was an engineer.
B.He was a manager.
C.He was a Maths teacher.
11.What is the garden like

12.What color is Jane's bedroom
13.What's the relationship between the two speakers
A.Father and daughter.
B.Husband and wife
C.Brother and sister.



