
英语试卷 (冀教版)
时间:60分钟 满分:100分 (卷面分:5分 ) 总得分: 总分人:
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 卷面分 总分
1. Your answer is w .
2. There are too many p here.
3. I'm h . I want to eat.
4. Look at these c ! They are playing games.
5. The girl is d .
( )1. Please don't walk on the grass.
( )2. Turn right at the traffic lights.
( )3. Jenny buys one stamp.
( )4. I feel sad.
( )5. This is a photo of the Great Wall.
( )1. Don't eat or drink here.
( )2. The boy is singing.
( )3. There are many cars and buses in the street.
( )4. I feel very thirsty. I would like some water.
( )5. Don't sit here!
( )6. We arrive home at 2:00 in the afternoon.
( )7. He's sleeping on the bed.
( )8. I'd like some candy.
( )9. The baby isn't crying.
( )10. Don't turn left.
( )1.— It's sunny today. Let's go out to play.
A. Good idea! B. It's okay. C. You're welcome!
( )2.—This gift is for you. —
A. Sorry. B. Thank you. C. You're welcome.
( )3.— is it —It's 7:00.
A. How much B. How many C. What time
( )4.— is the snake —It's more than 2 metres long.
A. How much B. How long C. What time
( )5. I 12 years old last year.
A. was B. am C. were
( )1. Don't run on the train, please! A. He is flying a kite.
( )2. What is the young man doing B. No, I hurt my finger.
( )3. Would you like some tea C. No, thanks.
( )4. Are you okay D. I bought it for my grandpa.
( )5. Who did you buy the T-shirt for E. Sorry,I won't do that next time.
Mary:Look, Jane! 1.
Jane:Oh, it's from my friend , Amy. She invites(邀请) me to her city.
Jane:She lives in London.
Mary:Wow! It's a beautiful city.
Jane:Me too. Let's take a train to London this Saturday.5.
Mary:All right.
It's a sunny and warm Sunday today. It's 9:00 in the morning. Everyone
in my family is busy now. Look! My father is working on the computer. My
mother is washing the clothes. My sister is drawing a picture. My brother is
taking pictures of the flowers in the yard. I'm doing my homework. This is
a busy morning.
( )1. What day was it yesterday
A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Sunday.
( )2. What is my mother doing
A. She is watching TV.
B. She is washing the clothes.
C. She is working on the computer.
( )3. Is my sister playing with her toys
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn't. C. Yes,I am.
( )4. Who is taking pictures
A. My father. B. My sister. C. My brother.
( ) 5. Do they have a busy morning
A. No, they aren't. B. Yes, they do. C. Yes, they are.
To:1. ________ From:2. _________ Subject: How are you
Dear Grandpa, How are you I'm in Shanghai now. It's sunny today. I'm wearing my new T-shirt. Shanghai is a very big city. There are many beautiful places. I will visit them. I will also take some pictures and show them to you. How's the weather in New York Is it rainy Please write to me. Love, Peter
A. Peter@ B.OldJohn@
( )3. It's an email from Peter.(判断正 T 误 F)
( )4. Peter's grandpa is in the U. K.(判断正 T 误 F)
( )5. How is the weather in New York
A. We don't know. B. Rainy. C. Sunny.
1. How was the weather
2. Where did you go
3. What did you do
4. Who did you go with
5. How did you feel
Last Sunday
一、1. rong 2. eople 3. ungry 4. hildren 5. ancing
二、1. B 2. C 3. E 4. D 5. A
三、1-5 TTTFT 6—10 FTFFF
四、1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A
五、1. E 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. D
六、1. B 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. A
七、1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B
八、1. B 2. A 3. T 4. F 5. A



上一篇:新人教版必修一Unit 3 Sports and fitness 单元词汇复习(课件+练习)

下一篇:Starter Unit 3 Welcome 单元测试卷(含答案)