Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 单元练习 (含答案含音频及听力原文)仁爱版八年级上册

Unit 4 Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller.
(时间:100分钟 分值:120分)
(  )1.What does Leo usually do when he is free
A.He usually sees movies in the movie theater.
B.He usually chats with his friends on the Internet.
C.He usually listens to music on the Internet.
(  )2.What does Dave advise the girl to do
A.Do some shopping online.
B.Go shopping in the shopping mall.
C.Do her homework first.
(  )3.What was the boy doing when his mother came into his room
A.He was surfing the Internet.
B.He was playing computer games.
C.He was reading e-books on the Internet.
(  )4.When does Larry use his computer
A.On Fridays. B.On Saturdays. C.On Sundays.
(  )5.How long does the girl spend on the Internet every week
A.About three hours.
B.About four hours.
C.About five hours.
(  )6.Who is Mike
A.Jerry's pen pal. B.Jerry's classmate. C.Jerry's cousin.
(  )7.How often does Jerry write an email to Mike
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Twice a month.
(  )8.What gift will they buy for Lisa
A.A doll. B.A bag. C.A dictionary.
(  )9.How soon will they receive the gift
A.In one day.
B.In two or three days.
C.In three or four days.
(  )10.How often does Frank use the Internet
A.Every day. B.Once a week. C.Three times a week.
(  )11.What doesn't Frank do on the Internet
A.Read the news.
B.Search for information about famous movie stars.
C.Learn English.
(  )12.What does Frank think of the Internet
A.Perfect. B.Dangerous. C.Useful.
(  )13.What is Jack doing now
A.He is writing an article.
B.He is reading a book about life in the future.
C.He is writing an email.
(  )14.How old does Jack think people will live to be in the future
A.About 100 years old.
B.About 150 years old.
C.About 200 years old.
(  )15.Who thinks everything will be free in 100 years
A.Jack. B.Mary. C.Both of them.
A  B  C  D  E
 16.       17.       18.       19.       20.    
Dear Mrs.Mills,
I feel so upset.My mom always looks at her phone and never listens to me.I say, “Hey, Mom.Mom! Mom...” And this usually goes on for a few minutes until she shouts, “What ” Then she goes on looking at her phone.
My aunt has a five-year-old son named Eli, and Mom loves him.Once I was swimming in the pool with my swimming glasses.I dislike swimming without them.My mom was there and said, “Eli can swim without glasses.” And I said, “So can I.I just don't like that.” She kept talking about him.Finally I got angry and shouted, “Maybe Eli should be your son.” And she said, “Yes, he should.”
When we were leaving, she asked, “What's wrong ” She even didn't realize her words had hurt me.What should I do Please help!
(  )21.Susan writes the email to    .
A.ask for help B.give some advice C.say thanks D.say sorry
(  )22.Susan's mom always     when Susan tries to talk with her.
A.listens to her B.talks to others
C.watches TV D.looks at the phone
(  )23.Susan's mom talked about Eli when she saw Susan    .
A.playing with Eli B.wearing swimming glasses
C.talking with her aunt D.doing her homework
(  )24.Susan felt     about her mom's words.
A.sad B.surprised C.normal D.funny
(  )25.What do we know from the passage
A.Susan's mom is always busy.
B.Eli is Susan's brother.
C.Susan lives with her aunt.
D.Susan doesn't think her mom is nice.
Online shopping is becoming more and more popular.You can shop without leaving your house.Just sit in front of your computer, click your mouse and your things will be sent to your house in a few days.
Last November 11th, many online stores gave a big discount (折扣) and free delivery (邮递) service.The biggest online shopping websites in China, Taobao and Tmall, sold things worth 19,100,000,000 yuan in total.
“Goods online are often much cheaper.It also saves me a lot of time.And we often find more goods online to choose from than in shopping malls,” said Wang Xin, an online shopping lover in Beijing.She stays up late for a lot of cheap goods online.
Another big advantage of online shopping is that it helps people get things from different places easily.“I like eating duck necks very much and Taobao makes it possible for me to buy them from shops in Wuhan,” said Zhang Xi, a girl in Yangzhou.
(  )26.When did online stores give a big discount
A.This November 11th. B.Last November 11th.
C.This December 11th. D.Last December 11th.
(  )27.Wang Xin gave     reason(s)(原因) why she likes online shopping.
A.one B.two C.three D.four
(  )28.What does Zhang Xi like eating
A.Roast duck. B.Duck necks. C.Roast chicken. D.Dumplings.
(  )29.Where is Zhang Xi from
A.Beijing. B.Wuhan. C.Hangzhou. D.Yangzhou.
(  )30.What can we know from the article
A.The advantages of online shopping.
B.How to open an online store.
C.The future of online shopping.
D.How to choose goods in online stores.
We all know that using the Internet for a long time is bad for our health, because sitting too long in front of the computer will cause ache on necks and shoulders. It even brings us eyesight problems. Our bodies need to rest. Do you know other problems that come from using the Internet
Dr Pierre has studied 7,200 young people from Paris about their using the Internet. It shows that spending too much or too little time on the Internet may make people in a bad mood. He thinks those who go online for over three hours every day are heavy Internet users. Different from regular Internet users, both heavy users and non-users may get upset easily. And it's bad for their health.
Spending too much time on the Internet shows that the users don't want to face the real world. In fact, they are lonely. And people who seldom use the Internet may be the same. They probably don't want to keep in touch with their friends online.
What kind of Internet user would you like to be Perhaps it's time for you to think about it carefully.
(  )31.Dr Pierre studied 7,200 young people from    .
A.England B.America C.France D.Japan
(  )32.Heavy Internet users use the Internet for     .
A.less than three hours every day
B.more than three hours every day
C.less than three hours every week
D.more than three hours every week
(  )33.What does the underlined word “regular” mean in Chinese
A.有规律的 B.疯狂的 C.严肃的 D.愚蠢的
(  )34.Dr Pierre thinks a man who spends most of his time online may be     .
A.brave B.excited C.happy D.lonely
(  )35.What's the best title for the text
A.Stop Spending Time on the Internet
B.How Often People Should Go Online
C.The Internet Brings People Problems
D.The Internet Makes People Get Closer
It's the end of class.  36 They log on their microblog (微博) or WeChat to see if there is something interesting that happened in the last few hours.  37  They think it's a kind of fashion (时髦) to share these things with their classmates and friends.
Microblog and WeChat become very popular with young students.  38  They chat online with their friends and make new friends online. Parents and teachers are worried about this.  39  And a lot of information online is not true. They are afraid that young people will be misled (被带坏) or hurt.
A professor at the CEA(China Education Association) says that parents and teachers don't need to worry too much about the students as long as kids are not obsessed (着迷的).  40  On the other hand, microblog or WeChat can be a window for teachers and parents to know the young people better.
A.But they should be led to use the Internet properly.
B.They discuss about the things that happened online.
C.Now most students have their own microblogs or moments (朋友圈).
D.They think students spend too much time online and it will be bad for their studies.
E.When the bell rings, students of Fuzhou International School quickly take out their cellphones.
36.       37.       38.       39.       40.      
As children, we all have dreams. We all hope to be  41  we want to be when we grow up.  42  want to become teachers or police officers. Others want to be pilots or scientists.
When I was young, I  43  to be a computer engineer or a fashion designer. I went to London Fashion Week and the Clothes Show Live in Birmingham later. I worked very hard at school. I  44  decided to study fashion design at college. But when I got there, I  45  that I disliked the subject. For some  46 , I didn't want to be part of the fashion industry (产业) any more.
Now I am twenty,  47  I still don't know what I want to do when I finish college. This year I work as a  48 . Over the past seven months, I have  49  English to hundreds of students. It was truly a great experience (经历). But I still don't know what I'm  50  in.
I think parents are important to  51  growth. However, some parents only want their children to study  52  like math, science or medicine. So when the children  53  up, they don't know what they're interested in and what they want to do.
All in all, there's no need to  54  what you want to do with the rest of your life very quickly. Many people change their  55 many times during their lifetime. You should believe there's always time to choose a different job and have a new life.
(  )41.A.what B.where C.why D.how
(  )42.A.Other B.The other C.Some D.Another
(  )43.A.hoped B.agreed C.waited D.sent
(  )44.A.seldom B.never C.still D.even
(  )45.A.remembered B.found C.forgot D.dreamed
(  )46.A.meals B.reasons C.results D.languages
(  )47.A.so B.also C.but D.and
(  )48.A.teacher B.nurse C.doctor D.student
(  )49.A.practiced B.studied C.learned D.taught
(  )50.A.relaxed B.interested C.worried D.tired
(  )51.A.musicians' B.friends' C.children's D.students'
(  )52.A.hobbies B.subjects C.habits D.shapes
(  )53.A.grow B.wake C.get D.put
(  )54.A.decide B.follow C.point D.worry
(  )55.A.drinks B.food C.families D.jobs
 normal also interest read use large newspaper because special again 
The computer is very  56  in our lives.We can use it to do lots of things.We can play all kinds of  57  games with computers.We can  58  learn languages with them.Here, I want to tell you something about a  59  kind of computer — the Kurzweil Reading Machine.It can read books for blind (盲的) people.
To use the machine, a blind person can simply open the book and put it down on the scanner (扫描器).The machine “reads” the words on the page.When it finishes  60  one page, the blind person turns the page and puts the book on the scanner  61 .The machine can read in a  62  voice or in a special fast voice.It can read words with small letters and  63  letters.
Blind people like the Kurzweil Reading Machine  64  they can “read” anything with it: 65 , magazines (杂志), books, even letters.Many libraries now have the Kurzweil Reading Machine for blind people to use.
56.       57.       58.       59.       60.      
61.       62.       63.       64.       65.      
As time goes by, everyone in the office has a computer. It isn't  66  fresh thing. Nowadays, more and more people use computers to work.
It appears that computers play an important part in our life. Firstly, people can use computer programs (程序) to work better and faster.  67 , computers can help us to communicate (交流) with our workmates or others, even when they are far away  68  us. Thirdly, we can have a meeting by using the computer.
In our life, we can use computers to relax  69 . When we feel tired, during the break, we can listen to music, watch movies and so on.
But computers  70  do harm to us. For example, many workers may lose themselves in computer games during the work time. It's bad for their health and they can't work hard enough.
66.       67.       68.       69.       70.      
A:This new computer is the best gift I have ever had, Dad.71.           .
B:I'm glad you like it.
A:I've always wanted a computer.
A:I need to do my homework with it.
B:And you need it to chat with your friends, too.
A:I guess you are right.73.           
B:Send an email Er, just do it like this.Have you got it
A:Yes, Dad.74.           .I'm trying to send an email to my best friend now.
B:Just don't spend too much time on it.
A:75.           .I promise (保证).
Advantages Disadvantages
1.可以获取大量有用的信息; 1.经常玩游戏、聊天浪费(waste)时间和金钱;
3.可以广交朋友 2.对眼睛有害
  Today many students are interested in the Internet.It has both advantages and disadvantages.
英语八年级上册第四单元Topic 3
1.W:What do you usually do when you are free, Leo
M:I usually chat with my friends on the Internet.
2.W:Would you like to go shopping with me, Dave
M:Sorry, I'm busy.Why not do some shopping online
3.W:Why was your mother angry with you last night
M:Because she saw me playing computer games when she came into my room.
4.W:Do you have a computer, Larry
M:Yes, I do.But I only use it on Saturdays.
5.W:I spend about three hours on the Internet every week.What about you
M:I spend about five hours on it.
W:Hello, Jerry.What are you doing
M:Hi, Tina.I'm writing an email to my pen pal Mike.
W:Where is Mike from
M:He is from England.
W:How often do you write an email to him
M:Twice a week.
M:Lisa's birthday is coming.What gift shall we buy for her
W:Let's get her a doll in the nearby supermarket.
M:But why not buy one on Amazon, a famous online mall It's much cheaper.
W:Good idea! But can we get it before Friday
M:Of course.They will send it to us in two or three days.
W:Well, let's have a try.
  Frank uses the Internet for half an hour every day.He often visits his favorite news websites.He wants to know what's going on around the world.Sometimes he watches basketball games online.He likes to search for information about his favorite basketball players and clubs.He also learns English on the Internet.He thinks the Internet is really useful.
W:Hi, Jack.What are you doing now
M:Hi, Mary.I'm writing an article.
W:An article What is it about
M:It is about our life in the future.
W:That sounds interesting.How old do you think people will live to be in the future
M:I think people will live to be about 150 years old.
W:I hope so.Do you think people will still use money in 100 years
M:No.I think everything will be free in 100 years.
W:I don't think so.I think people will still use money but they will buy most things on the Internet.
Hello, everyone! I am David.I am now at a special show in Beijing.Look at the first robot.It looks like a dog and it can play football with children.The second one is round.It is a cleaning robot.It can help people clean the floor.Now look at the third robot.It can ride a bike.Many kids are interested in it.The fourth one is in the shape of a woman.It is able to serve food to people.The fifth one is talented in music.It can play the violin very well.What an interesting robot show!
1~5 BABBA 6~10 ABABA 11~15 BCABA 16~20 CBEDA
21~25 ADBAD 26~30 BCBDA 31~35 CBADC 36~40 EBCDA
41~45 ACADB 46~50 BCADB 51~55 CBAAD
56.useful 57.interesting 58.also 59.special 60.reading
61.again 62.normal 63.large 64.because 65.newspapers
66.a 67.Secondly 68.from 69.ourselves 70.also
71.Thank you/...
72.What do you need to do with it/...
73.Could you show me how to send an email now/...
74.I think it's so easy / Got it/...
75.I won't/...
One Possible Version:
Today many students are interested in the Internet.It has both advantages and disadvantages.
We can get a lot of useful information on it.It helps us a lot in our studies.We can also make lots of friends on it.These are all advantages, but many students often use the Internet to play games and chat with online friends.Playing games wastes time and money.And spending too much time on the Internet is bad for our eyes.So we must use it carefully.I plan to go online for an hour every day.I'll make good use of the Internet.



上一篇:Unit 1 Topic 1 I'm going to play basketball单元练习(含答案含音频及听力原文) 仁爱版八年级上册
