Unit 1 Topic 1 I'm going to play basketball单元练习(含答案含音频及听力原文) 仁爱版八年级上册

Unit 1 Topic 1 I'm going to play basketball.
(时间:100分钟 分值:120分)
(  )1.Who are going to play basketball this Sunday
A.Tom and his sister. B.Rose and her brother. C.Tom and Rose.
(  )2.Which sport does Michael prefer
A.Swimming. B.Cycling. C.Rowing.
(  )3.Which class will Class Two play against
A.Class One. B.Class Three. C.Class Four.
(  )4.What's Li Ming's dream job
A.A musician. B.A pilot. C.A scientist.
(  )5.How long does Nick usually skate
A.Half an hour. B.An hour. C.Two hours.
(  )6.Who prefers the long jump
A.Wang Qiang. B.Li Ping. C.Kangkang.
(  )7.What game will be on TV this evening
A.The long jump game. B.The high jump game. C.A soccer game.
(  )8.What are they going to do this Saturday
A.Go hiking. B.Go mountain climbing. C.Go cycling.
(  )9.When will they meet
A.At 7:00. B.At 7:30. C.At 8:00.
(  )10.When is the football game
A.This Saturday. B.This Sunday. C.Next Saturday.
(  )11.Which team will Jack's school team play against
A.The team from No.4 High School.
B.The team from No.5 High School.
C.The team from No.6 High School.
(  )12.What will Jack's parents do
A.Cheer him up. B.Play football. C.Visit Jack's grandpa.
  听下面一段对话, 回答第13至第15三个小题。
(  )13.What does Wang Wei like doing
A.Playing table tennis. B.Reading books. C.Playing basketball.
(  )14.How often does Wang Wei play tennis with his friends
A.Four times a week. B.Three times a week. C.Twice a week.
(  )15.What is Jane going to do
A.She is going to make a plan.
B.She is going to read books.
C.She is going to watch TV.
     A       B        C       D       E
  16.      17.       18.      19.       20.    
  Alice is a clever girl from America.She is 12 years old and studies in Class One, Grade Eight.She likes playing basketball with her friends when she is free.When they work together to win games, they learn how to be successful (成功的) in practice.It's very good for their study and the future.   Kangkang comes from Henan, China.He is 13 years old and studies in Class Three, Grade Eight.He seldom does sports.He thinks it's very important for him to study.Doing sports will take up his study time.But his parents think he should spend some time on sports.
  John was born in England, and he loves swimming.At the age of five, he started to learn swimming.He thinks swimming makes him feel better and helps make more new friends.They usually talk about the sports and the future together.He swims every Tuesday and Friday.   Maria believes playing sports is a part of her life.She wasn't good at her school work before.Later, she learned baseball.Playing baseball makes her change a lot.She does better and better in her school work now.She thinks playing sports can help her learn and think better.
(  )21.What does Alice learn from sports
A.How to be successful in practice.
B.How to study better.
C.How to find a good job.
D.How to change the life.
(  )22.Why does Kangkang seldom play sports
A.Because he hopes to make more friends.
B.Because he isn't always good at study.
C.Because he spends all his time on study.
D.Because he can't play sports at all.
(  )23.How often does John swim
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week.
C.Three times a week. D.Four times a week.
(  )24.How many students enjoy doing sports according to (根据) the passage
A.One student. B.Two students.
C.Three students. D.Four students.
(  )25.Which is true according to the passage
A.Alice started to learn swimming at the age of five.
B.Kangkang plays basketball with his friends when he is free.
C.John spends all his time in studying his school work.
D.Maria thinks doing sports can help her learn and think better.
  Michael and Li Hua will go to Yuying Junior High School.Michael wants to be a scientist when he grows up.He often reads different kinds of books, like rockets.He is very interested in math and science.He also helps others at school.Li Hua hopes to be a doctor in the future.His parents both work in a hospital. During the COVID-19(新冠肺炎), he saw them save people. He thinks they're great and he'll learn from them.He often says Zhong Nanshan is a hero (英雄) in his heart.
Rose is very good at singing. Her dream is to be a musician in the future.She is going to sing for people.Wei Hua loves science very much and wants to be a woman astronaut like Liu Yang, who was born in Linzhou, Henan.She thinks Ms.Liu is really great when she went into Shenzhou-14 crewed spacecraft (神舟14号载人宇宙飞船) on June 5, 2022.She often says “I am going to fly to explore space some day.” Once Wei Hua asked me, “What do you want to be, Lin Qing ”“Oh, I want to be a teacher like Zhang Guimei when I grow up.I'll also teach the children in the countryside and help them live a better life.”
We're all doing our best to meet our dreams now.I'm sure we will do something good for our country and the world.
(  )26.How many students talk about their dreams according to the passage
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
(  )27.Who likes science
A.Michael and Li Hua. B.Li Hua and Lin Qing.
C.Wei Hua and Rose. D.Michael and Wei Hua.
(  )28.What does the underlined word “explore” mean in Chinese
A.探索 B.潜入 C.融进 D.挑战
(  )29.Which one isn't mentioned (提到) according to the passage
A.Zhong Nanshan. B.Liu Yang.
C.Su Bingtian. D.Zhang Guimei.
(  )30.What's the best title (标题) for the passage
A.The best heroes B.Our dream jobs
C.The useful subjects D.The future life
  Mr.and Mrs.Mark are both teachers.They live with their two daughters:eleven-year-old Amy and 9-year-old Lily.Recently (最近), the Mark family became the focus (焦点) of their country after they finished 100 different outdoor activities in one year.
Mr.and Mrs.Mark didn't want their children to spend all their free time in front of the TV and become “couch potatoes”.So about one year ago, the Marks decided not to let their daughters watch TV or play computer games.Instead, they made 100 tasks (任务) for the two girls to do outside.Although Mr.and Mrs.Mark are not outdoor activity fans, they took part in all the activities to encourage (鼓励) their daughters.It turns out (结果) that the two sisters really had a good time joining in the activities.
Every vacation and weekend, whether it was sunny, rainy or snowy, the Marks would try the activities on their list, including hiking, sailing, climbing, skiing and so on.The two little girls not only had a wonderful time, but also learned a lot from the activities.
(  ) 31.What are Mr.and Mrs.Mark
A.They are doctors. B.They are teachers.
C.They are farmers. D.They are drivers.
(  ) 32.How many outdoor activities did the Mark family finish in one year
A.9. B.11. C.100. D.150.
(  ) 33.Why did Mr.and Mrs.Mark want their children to do the outdoor activities
A.Because they think the activities are healthy.
B.Because they want their children to make more friends.
C.Because they want their children to try different activities.
D.Because they don't want their children to watch TV too much.
(  )34.What do the sisters think of the activities
A.Fun. B.Boring. C.Tiring. D.Dangerous.
(  ) 35.What can we learn from the passage
A.The two girls are of the same age.
B.The two girls didn't like the activities.
C.Mr.and Mrs. Mark are not interested in outdoor activities.
D.Mr.and Mrs. Mark did the outdoor activities with their daughters.
  Because sports can make people healthy and happy, people all over the world enjoy playingsports.  36  
Some sports are very interesting and wonderful all year around, and many people enjoy them.  37   Swimming and rowing are popular in warm days.Skating and skiing are popular in cold days.We can always see lots of people play them in the park or some other places.
  38   But many people do them for health.Doing sports can keep their legs, hearts, necks and lungs fit.Some young people like running, cycling and ball games, while many old people love doing Tai chi because it is slow.  39   It can make old people's body and mind(身心) relax and keep some small health problems away.Some sports have a long history, like Chinese Kungfu and yoga (瑜伽).   40   But soccer and basketball are very young.They are only about hundreds of years old.
Why not swim in summer What about taking part in the long jump in autumn Let's start doing sports together.
A.Football and basketball are very popular in many places.
B.Different people play different kinds of sports in different seasons.
C.It is good for both body and mind.
D.It's said yoga began in India about 5000 years ago.
E.Some people do sports for fun.
36.      37.      38.      39.      40.    
Hai Tao is 10 years old.He has three sisters.They all love him very much.They  41  Hai Tao well because he is the youngest in the family.
Table tennis is very  42  to Hai Tao and he plays it well.He always practices it  43  school or on the weekend.So he is very healthy and  44  goes to see the doctor.But he doesn't like studies at all.His  45  are always not good.His sisters always try their best to help him  46  his studies.His teachers also tell him that Chinese, science, math and English are 47 , but he never spends time on them.
One day he was very glad to see his  48  at the school gate when school was over.Dad said, “Honey, your mom is busy  49  in the post office today.I'll take you to have  50 , and after supper, you can do your homework.” “Oh, no.I just want to play table tennis, dear daddy,” Hai Tao  51  quickly.“Sorry, you must do your homework first,” Dad answered.
When they walked home, Hai Tao saw some kids skating  52 .He also wanted to relax himself.“Can I go and learn skating, daddy ” asked Hai Tao.“No, my boy, you have to return home for your homework.But I can  53  an ice cream(冰淇淋) for you,” answered his father.When Hai Tao wanted to eat the ice cream, a fly (苍蝇)  54  to it.Dad said, “Keep away the fly. It's not clean or healthy.”  55  Hai Tao said with a smile (微笑), “You don't let me go skating, but I want him to skate.”
(  )41.A.look for B.look at C.look after D.look like
(  )42.A.special B.delicious C.famous D.careful
(  )43.A.with B.of C.to D.after
(  )44.A.always B.seldom C.often D.sometimes
(  )45.A.activities B.services C.grades D.accidents
(  )46.A.for B.with C.during D.against
(  )47.A.difficult B.boring C.healthy D.important
(  )48.A.father B.mother C.sister D.brother
(  )49.A.rowing B.working C.dreaming D.jumping
(  )50.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.fun
(  )51.A.asked B.cheered C.wrote D.answered
(  )52.A.suddenly B.strongly C.happily D.brightly
(  )53.A.draw B.buy C.change D.leave
(  )54.A.shouted B.greeted C.flew D.talked
(  )55.A.And B.Or C.Then D.But
 first he after like leave climb fisherman quick good for 
  Once there lived a small monkey in the mountain.The monkey  56  up the tree and looked down at the water in the river everyday.
One day, the monkey saw some  57  throw nets (撒网) over the river.He watched how the fishermen caught fish happily.Some time later, the fishermen  58  the nets and went home to have lunch.Then the monkey climbed down  59  from the tree and went to the riverside.The monkey was planning to throw the net  60  the fishermen did.
The monkey was very happy because he was  61  at imitating (模仿). But the monkey was in danger soon  62  he opened the net.Tied up(困在) in the net, the poor monkey fell into the water.
The monkey was sorry  63  what he did, but it was too late.He thought to  64 , “I should learn how to use the net at  65 . After believing in myself, I am in a bad world now.”
56.     57.     58.     59.     60.    
61.     62.     63.     64.     65.    
  Twin sisters Wang Liuyi and Wang Qianyi were born in 1997.They grew  66  in Guangdong.When they were very young, they loved swimming very much and spent hours practicing every day.In 2017, they went into National Swimming Team.
They won first place at  67  19th FINA World Championships (第19届国际泳联世界锦标赛)in June, 2022.
Wang Liuyi said, “I feel very happy  68  excited to win the gold medal (金牌) for the Chinese swimming team.I did very well today.The last winter training plan  69  good for us. Both of us practiced again and again.”
“The World Championships is an important game for us.We'd like  70  win and we made it,” Wang Qianyi said.
66.     67.    68.    69.    70.    
A:I am glad to see you here, Paul.
B:Me too, Steve!71.             
A:I am going to the gym to practice tennis.Peter arrived there five minutes ago.
B:Yes, I'd love to.I know you are good at tennis.How often do you practice it
A:73.             . I'm just free on Saturday afternoon.Paul,What's your favorite sport
B:74.             . Ma Long is my favorite Chinese player.
B:Yes.He is very famous and comes from Liaoning.He plays for Chinese men's table tennis team.I want to be a player like him when I grow up.
A:Hope your dream come true one day.
  生命在于运动,为了健康,人们无时不在做体育运动。请以“A sport I often do”为题,根据写作要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。
A sport I often do
英语八年级上册第一单元Topic 1
  听下面5段对话。每组对话后面有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。
1.W:Tom, what are you going to do this Sunday
M:I'm going to play basketball.Would you like to go with me,Rose
W:Yes, I'd love to.Let's go together!
2.W:Michael, which sport do you like better, swimming or rowing
M:Oh, I prefer swimming.It helps keep my heart and lungs healthy.
3.W:Mr.Black, four classes are going to take part in rowing.Which will play against Class Two
M:Class Three, of course.
4.W:What are you going to be when you grow up, Li Ming
M:I want to be a musician.
5.W:Nick, what do you usually do on Saturdays
M:I usually skate with my sister for an hour in the park.
  听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。
W:Wang Qiang, which do you like better, the long jump or the high jump
M:The long jump.What about you, Li Ping
W:I prefer the high jump.And my friend Kangkang loves soccer.There's going to be a soccer game on TV this evening.Would you like to watch it together
M:Sure, I'd love to.
M:Hi, Ann, what are you going to do this Saturday
W:I plan to go mountain climbing with Lily.
M:Sounds great.Can I go with you
W:Certainly, Michael.I am glad you can go together.
M:What time shall we meet
W:Let's meet at 8:00 in the park.
M:OK.See you.
W:See you then.
  Young children all over the world love football very much.This Sunday there is going to be a football game in Jack's school.His school team will play against the team from No.4 High School.It's a pity his parents can't cheer him on.They are going to visit Jack's grandpa.
W:What do you often do when you have time,Wang Wei
M:I often play table tennis with my friends.
W:So you're good at it, right
M:Yes.It's my favorite sport.
W:How often do you play it
M:I play it with my friends every Wednesday and Friday.What about you, Jane
W:I don't like doing sports.When I am free, I love reading books.
M:It's good for you, but you should do some sports to keep healthy.
W:Right.I am going to make a plan for it.
  The weekend is coming, so some students are making their plans.Kangkang often plays soccer with his friends after class.He will play against the players from Class Three this weekend.Marie lives in England.She is good at swimming.Her mother often takes her to swim on Sundays.Michael usually rides to school.His uncle bought him a bike as his birthday gift last year.He is going cycling with his brother on Saturday morning in the park.Ann always goes mountain climbing on Saturdays. She thinks it's a good way to keep fit.Li Xiang is from China.He often plays table tennis with his classmates after school.On Sunday afternoon, they'll play together.
1~5 CABAB 6~10 ACBCB 11~15 ACACA 16~20 EBCAD
21~25 ACBCD 26~30 CDACB 31~35 BCDAD 36~40 BAECD
41~45 CADBC 46~50 BDABC 51~55 DCBCD
56.climbed 57.fishermen 58.left 59.quickly 60.like
61.good 62.after 63.for 64.himself 65.first
66.up 67.the 68.and 69.was 70.to
71.What are you going to do/Where are you going
72.Would you like to go with me/Would you like to join me
73.Once a week/Only once a week
74.I like ping-pong best/Ping-pong
75.Do you know anything about him/Can you tell me something about him
One Possible Version:
There are many kinds of sports around us.The sport I often do is riding my bike.
When I was 6 years old, I got a beautiful bike from my grandpa as my birthday present.Then he taught me how to ride it carefully.Now I go to school by bike every day.When I have time, I always go cycling in the park.I can see colorful flowers and trees, listen to singing birds and feel the cool wind and fresh air, too.
After a bike ride, I always feel very relaxed.I am sure it's a good way to keep healthy.



上一篇:Unit 4 My home单元同步练习(含答案)

下一篇:Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 3 单元练习 (含答案含音频及听力原文)仁爱版八年级上册