Module 4 Unit 11 Trees 分层作业(原卷版+解析版 含音频)

2024-2025学年六上英语分层作业 (沪教牛津版-深圳用)
Module4 Unit11 Trees 解析版
have to 3.looking for 4.get get from
5.cutting down 6.missed
【分析】2.句意:—妈妈,我现在可以看电视吗?—不能。你________先完成你的家庭作业。have to意思是必须,后面跟动词原形,符合题意,故答案为have to。
3.句意:—丹尼,你正在做什么?—我_________我的玩具飞机。我到处找,但是我找不到它。根据句意可知正在寻找飞机,句子是现在进行时,由be动词+现在分词构成,look for寻找,look的现在分词是looking,故答案为looking for。
4.句意:—我们从树上________什么?—我们_________它们_________。get是动词,意思是得到, get…from从……中获取,符合句意,故答案为get;get;from。
5.句意:—工人为什么__________树?—因为他们想做一些火柴。cut down是砍倒,符合句意,句子含动词are,说明是进行时,cut的现在分词是cutting,故答案为cutting;down。
【详解】句意:树很重要。我们应该停止_________。本题考查动词短语和动词的形式,A砍树,动词原形;B砍树,动词的ing形式;C植树,动词的ing形式。根据句意可以排除C选项;stop doing sth.意思是停止做某事,所有该空填动名词,故选B。
【详解】句意:这片森林里有很多狼,但现在没有了。本题考查be动词和陈述句否定形式,该句是there be句型,wolves是复数,故前面be动词用复数形式,故排除A选项;后面的any用于否定句与疑问句,根据句意可知是否定句,故应用be动词的否定形式aren’t,故排除B选项,故选C。
【详解】句意:我奶奶经常在春天种花。本题考查动词形式,根据often可知句子是一般现在时,主语My grandmother是第三人称单数,动词plant要用第三人称单数形式plants,故选C。
15.We get wood from trees.
【详解】本题考查句子结构,trees树,we我们,get得到,wood木材,from来自,根据所给的句号和单词,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:我们从树上获取木材。故答案为We get wood from trees.
16.We get wood and fruit from trees./We get fruit and wood from trees.
【详解】from从……,trees树,and和,wood木头,fruit水果,we我们,get得到,根据所给句号可知句子是陈述句,根据所给单词词义可以连成句子:我们从树上得到木头和水果。故答案为We get wood and fruit from trees./We get fruit and wood from trees.
17.1 4 2 5 3 6 18.F F T F
17.1.第一部分The bird and the tree are friends. The bird often sings songs in the tree.鸟和树是朋友。鸟经常在树上唱歌。图片1上展示的是鸟和树是好朋友,它们很开心。
2.第二部分Autumn comes. The bird has to fly to the south. 秋天来了。鸟必须飞去南方。图片3是秋天到来,鸟要飞去南方。
3.第三部分Spring comes. The bird comes back, but she can’t see the tree. Grass tell her some workers cut the tree down and took him to a factory. 春天到来。鸟回来了,但是她看不见树。有人告诉她,一些工人把树砍了,然后把他带到了工厂。图片5是鸟回来看不见树,小草在告诉鸟树被砍的经过。
4.第四部分Then the bird flies to the factory. The workers told her they cut the tree into wood. They used the wood to make matches. Then they took the matches to a village.然后鸟儿飞向工厂。工人们告诉她,他们把树砍成了木头。他们用木头做火柴。然后他们把火柴带到一个村庄。可知图片2是鸟从得知树被做成木头了。
5.第五部分The bird flies to the village and sees a girl used the last match to make the fire. 鸟飞到村子里,看到一个女孩用最后一根火柴生火。可知图片4是鸟看到最后一本火柴被用来生活。
6.第六部分The bird sings a sad song to the fire.鸟儿对着火唱着悲伤的歌。图片6是鸟儿对着火唱歌。故答案为142536。
18.(1)句意:鸟和树不是好朋友。根据文中句子The bird and the tree are friends. 可知鸟和树是好朋友,故答案为F。
(2)句意:春天鸟飞走了。根据文中句子Autumn comes. The bird has to fly to the south. 可知秋天鸟飞走了,不是春天,故答案为F。
(3)句意:工人砍掉了树,带它去了工厂。根据文中句子Grass tell her some workers cut the tree down and took him to a factory.可知树被工人砍掉了树,带它去了工厂。故答案为T。
I like trees. They make our city beautiful. We get wood from trees. We use wood to make pencils, desks and chairs. Trees can keep the air clean. They can cool the air too. We should plant more trees.
参考句型:I like …;They make …;We get ... from …;We use ... to …;Trees can ...;They can ...;We should ...;
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
2024-2025学年六上英语分层作业 (沪教牛津版-深圳用)
Module4 Unit11 Trees
will they stop cutting down so many trees.
miss cut down look for have to get…from get
2.—Mum, can I watch TV now
—No. You finish your homework first.
3.—What are you doing, Danny
—I’m my toy plane. I looked everywhere, but I can’t find it.
4.—What do we from trees
—We fruit them.
5.—Why are the workers the trees
—Because they want to make some matches.
6.—Did you have fun in your summer holiday
—No. I went to Beijing. It was hot. I home.
7.Trees are important. We should stop __________. ( )
A.cut down trees B.cutting down trees C.planting trees
8.The girl used the last match to ______. ( ) a kite B.make a fire C.make the tea
9.—Why are the trees so important ( )
A.It keeps balloon in the sky. B.They keep the air clean. C.It makes the air dirty.
10.Wood is very useful. We can use it to make _______. ( )
A.forest B.trees C.matches
11.There was no food for the birds so they _____. ( )
A.walk away B.swam away C.flew away
12.There ______ many wolves in this forest, but now there ______ any. ( )
A.was; isn’t B.were; are C.were; aren’t
13.My grandmother often _______ the flowers in spring. ( )
A.plant planting C.plants
14.In China, Tree Planting Day is on ______. ( )
A.8th March B.12th March C.1st June
15.trees, we, get, wood, from (.)
16.from, trees, and, wood, fruit, we, get (.)
The bird and the tree are friends. The bird often sings songs in the tree. Autumn comes. The bird has to fly to the south. Spring comes. The bird comes back, but she can’t see the tree. Grass tell her some workers cut the tree down and took him to a factory. Then the bird flies to the factory. The workers told her they cut the tree into wood. They used the wood to make matches. Then they took the matches to a village. The bird flies to the village and sees a girl used the last match to make the fire. The bird sings a sad song to the fire.
( )( )
( ) ( )
( )( )
(1) The bird and the tree aren't friends. ( )
(2) In spring the bird flies away. ( )
(3) Workers cut the tree down and took him to the factory. ( )
(4) The bird is happy,because workers cut the tree into wood,and used it to make matches. ( )
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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