Starter Welcome to junior high!学情评估(含答案)2024-2025外研版(2024)七年级英语上册

Starter 学情评估
第一部分 选择题(共50分)
第一节 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Hi! My name is John. I'm eleven years old. I'm in Grade Seven. Our school day starts at 8:00 in the morning and finishes at 3:25 in the afternoon. My favourite subject is science, because I can learn a lot from it. I don't like geography. I think it's boring. I'm very busy every day. Here is my class schedule(课程表). Please have a look.
Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:00~8:30 Morning Reading
8:45~9:30 English History Maths Chinese Science
9:40~10:25 Maths Chinese Science History English
10:35~11:20 Art P. E. History Maths P. E.
11:30~13:30 Lunch Break
13:45~14:30 Geography English Music English Music
14:40~15:25 History Art Chinese Science Maths
( )1. What subject does John like best
( )2. What is John most possibly(最可能) doing at 10:55 on Tuesday
A. Playing football. B. Having a music lesson.
C. Doing morning reading. D. Having a history lesson.
( )3. How many classes does John have in a week
A. Twenty. B. Twenty five.
C. Thirty. D. Thirty five.
( )4. What can we learn from the text
A. John has a music lesson on Friday morning.
B. John has eight subjects to learn at school.
C. John thinks geography is not interesting.
D. John only has one P. E. lesson in a week.
Hello, I'm Michael. I am 13. I have two friends. They're Gary and Jason. Gary is 13, too. But Jason is 12. We are in the same class. I like basketball. And I like watching NBA games. I have a basketball. I play basketball after school. Gary and Jason don't like it. Gary likes soccer. He has two soccer balls. He always plays soccer on Thursday afternoon and Sunday morning. It's easy for Gary. Jason can play soccer, too. He plays it with Gary sometimes (有时). He has a soccer ball and two volleyballs. He likes volleyball. He watches volleyball games on TV.
What about you What ball games do you like
( )5. Jason is Michael's ____.
A. classmate B. brother
C. uncle D. father
( )6. When does Gary play soccer
A. On Wednesday and Thursday.
B. On Thursday and Friday.
C. On Thursday and Sunday.
D. On Saturday and Sunday.
( )7. What can we know about the three boys
A. All of them like sports.
B. They have four soccer balls.
C. They all like playing basketball.
D. They are not in the same school.
( )8. What is the best title(最佳标题) for the text
A. Two Good Friends of Mine
B. We Like Ball Games
C. Welcome to My School
D. I Like Playing Basketball
My name is Li Dong. I'm 14. I'm in Yucai Middle School and I'm in Class Six, Grade Seven. I have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. My teachers and classmates are nice to me. I like them very much. After school, I like to play ping pong with my friends. It's relaxing for me.
Ping pong is my favorite sport. I have four ping pong balls. I like to watch ping pong games on CCTV 5. My favorite ping pong player is Jenny.
Li Hao is my cousin. He is in my class. He and I have the same hobby. He likes ping pong, too. His favorite ping pong player is Peter. He has four ping pong balls and six ping pong bats. He wants to be a ping pong player. Li Hao can play basketball, too. He has three basketballs. He often plays it with his classmates. He says it's a very interesting sport.
( )9. The underlined(画线的) word “them” refers to(指)Li Dong's ____.
A. friends B. classes
C. teachers and classmates D. ping pong balls
( )10. What can we know about Li Dong
A. He has six classes every day.
B. He is Li Hao's cousin and classmate.
C. He doesn't like volleyball.
D. He can play ping pong and basketball.
( )11. Which of the following(下面的) sentences is wrong(错的)
A. Li Dong likes watching ping pong games.
B. Li Dong thinks playing ping pong is relaxing.
C. Li Hao wants to be a ping pong player.
D. Li Hao has three ping pong balls.
( )12. What does Li Hao think of playing basketball
A. Boring. B. Difficult.
C. Interesting. D. Relaxing.
Do you know what an American school is like There are some buildings in it: the classroom building, the science building, the sports building, the dining hall and the library. Every school has a big playground too. There are a lot of trees and flowers in some schools, so they look like parks.
There are 20 or 30 students in a class. In the classroom, students sit in groups (小组). There are 5 or 6 students in a group. In the classroom, every student has a locker (锁柜). They can put their books and clothes in it.
Every day, students have six or seven classes. They study science, maths, English and other subjects. They go to different classrooms for every subject. That's because every teacher has his/her classroom. The school day finishes early in the afternoon.
After school, most students go to different after school activities, such as sports games and different kinds of club activities.
( )13. Why do some schools in America look like parks
A. Because there are many buildings.
B. Because there are lots of trees and flowers.
C. Because there is a big playground.
D. Because students can play sports.
( )14. How do American students sit in a classroom
A. In groups. B. Alone.
C. In a line. D. In a circle.
( )15. What is Para. 4 about
A. Subjects. B. After school activities.
C. Buildings in a school. D. Teachers in schools.
( )16. Which sentences are true
①Students have six or seven classes every day.
②They go to the same classroom on weekdays.
③The school day finishes early in the afternoon.
④Every student has a locker in the classroom.
A. ①②③ B. ②③④
C. ①②④ D. ①③④
第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余选项。
Scott is my best friend. He studies in Sunshine Middle School.
It's Monday. Scott comes to school at 8:15 in the morning. School finishes at 4:30 p. m. every day. He has science at eight thirty. 17. __________ At eleven he has math. The math teacher teaches very well.
18. __________ He thinks it's very difficult.
On Monday afternoon, Scott has P. E. and music. He likes his P. E. teacher very much, because he is great fun. In his music class, his music teacher often(经常) plays his favorite music. 19. __________ So Scott likes Monday. But his favorite days are Saturday and Sunday. 20. __________
A. It's really relaxing. B. That's because he doesn't need to go to school. C. He likes science because it's easy for him. D. So he likes math very much. E. But Scott doesn't like math.
Amy is 12 years old. She is a junior high school __21__ now. Today is her first day at school. She gets to school __22__ 7:30. She sees many boys and girls in the school. Amy __23__ her classroom quickly (很快地). It's on the second __24__.
The first class begins at 8:00. An old __25__ comes into the classroom. She __26__ very nice. “Good morning, I'm Mrs. Green. I'm your __27__ teacher. Our English classes are on Monday and Wednesday. I think you'll __28__ my classes,” says Mrs. Green. After the English class, Amy has science, math and music. Math is her __29__ subject. In the afternoon, Amy has art and P. E.
This is Amy's first day at school. Do you remember (记得) __30__?
( )21. A. student B. teacher
C. classmate D. friend
( )22. A. in B. on
C. at D. of
( )23. A. looks B. finds
C. gets D. brings
( )24. A. building B. place
C. map D. floor
( )25. A. man B. woman
C. brother D. sister
( )26. A. sees B. looks
C. watches D. makes
( )27. A. Chinese B. math
C. history D. English
( )28. A. lose B. finish
C. like D. think
( )29. A. first B. next
C. favorite D. interesting
( )30. A. mine B. yours
C. hers D. his
 第二部分 非选择题(共40分)
I am Susan. I am a student. I'm ten 31. ________(year) old. My favorite subject is English, and I like to speak English very much. Why Because I have 32. ________ good English teacher. 33. ________(she) name is Liang Hui. She loves 34. ________(we) very much, and she teaches English very 35. ________ (good). We all like her. After class, she often 36. ________(help) us with our English. And she often plays with us 37. ________ she is free(空闲的). She likes sports, and we often play them 38. ________ school.
She often says English is useful and asks us 39. ________(learn) it well. 40. ________ (student) in my class all like English very much.
What's your favorite sport My name is Linda. For me, table tennis is my favorite. It is one of the most popular (最受欢迎的) sports in China. It's easy to play. But it's hard to play it well.
I often play table tennis with my classmates after class. We are very happy. Playing table tennis makes us good friends. And I am in the table tennis team (队) at school. I have table tennis training(训练) class for an hour on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. After training, I feel tired but happy. And I want to be a table tennis player in the future.
41. Is it difficult to play table tennis
42. Who does Linda often play table tennis with after class
43. When does Linda have table tennis training class
44. What's your favorite sport Why Write 15 words or more.
45. 假设你是李辉,你在美国的朋友Sam下个月将要作为交换生到你的学校学习,他想了解你和其他学生的学校生活,请根据以下要点提示向他介绍学校生活。
1. 简述一日安排(课程、午餐等);
2. 你最喜欢的学科及原因;
3. 学校的俱乐部。
1. 语意连贯,语法正确,要点齐全;
2. 书写工整,卷面整洁,不少于60词,可适当增添内容;
3. 文章开头和格式已给出,不计入总词数。
参考词汇:食堂the dining hall
Dear Sam,
I'm really happy to know that you will come to our school to study next month and I'm writing to tell you something about our school life.
Li Hui
一、第一节 A)1~4: DABC B)5~8: ACAB
C)9~12: CBDC D)13~16: BABD
第二节 17~20: CEAB
二、21~25: ACBDB 26~30: BDCCB
三、31. years 32. a 33. Her 34. us 35. well
36. helps 37. when 38. after 39. to learn
40. Students
四、41. No, it isn't. /No.  42. Her classmates.
43. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
44. My favorite sport is (playing) football. Because I can make friends with other people when we play football (together). It is relaxing and it is good for my health. (答案不唯一)
五、45. Dear Sam,
I'm really happy to know that you will come to our school to study next month and I'm writing to tell you something about our school life.
We have eight classes a day, four in the morning, and the others in the afternoon. We usually listen to teachers carefully in class. We can't be late for class and we have to be quiet in the school library. My favorite subject is English, because it is a useful subject. At noon, we have lunch in the dining hall. There are many clubs in our school. For me, I like the Science Club best.
I hope you will have a good time here.
Li Hui



